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<br /> • - condemnutiun or uther tuk�ng uf uny part of the PrnFx:rly,or for comeynnce in fleu ot'condemnuUon,nre hereby ussigned und
<br /> ahull hc puid to Lender.
<br /> In �hc evcm of a tatal taking of the Property, the procceds shall he applied ta thc aumx secured by thi, Security �
<br /> • r;,,,.�,:�„� ,. - Msseument,whether or not then due. with uny excess puid ta H�+rn+wer. In thr event�f n parti+d Uiking of ihe Prnperty in ��
<br /> '"r, - `•'' which Ihe fuir murkct value of th:FYopcny immcdiuicly befo�e thc luking is cyuul to or Ercutcr than Ihr umourn oT Ihc sumti �.
<br /> �^ :' � �ecured by Ihia Security Instrumenl immediulely 6efore�he �uking,unlesx Borcower nnd l.ender atherwise ugrec in writfng,
<br />__�� .:,;,� • � ; the xums xecured by thix Sec�rity Ins�rumcnt �hull bc rcduced by the umount of the prcxredti multiplied hy the following �
<br /> '�„ frnction: (u)the totnl amount M'the xumx secured immediutely befom the iaking,dividcd by Ib)�hc 1'ui��nurkut vulue uf di� --
<br /> ._ _. Piraperty immedlately before the taking. Any bnlunce�hull bc puid to Borrower. In the evem of u purtiul tuking af 1he
<br /> �. � '^- � Propeny in which �he Fuir market value of the Propeny immcdiu�cly beti�re the�uking is Ms, than thc umount of thc hums
<br /> • secured immediutely before the tuking, unlesx Borrower und l.ender otherwi+e s►grce in writing or unlesx upplicublc Inw
<br /> �(�H �- ��;�k I otherwlse pravidrs,the proceeds shall be upplied to the xnmti secured by this Security Inxtrument whether ur nrn the xumx ore
<br /> ;:�;:' �..:,_::�.: then due.
<br /> ..:�y��°' � -'�:� I If fhe Property is ubundaned by Boirower.or if,afler natice by Lender to Barrower thut the conJemnor�ffen io make
<br /> � - � '" .� " � nn awurd or settle u claim far damuges,Botrower fuils to respand to Lendrr within 3tl duyx uflcr�he date�hc noNcc ix given, _�-
<br /> _ �'����,..�-' Lender is uuthorized to collect und apply�hc proceeds,u�jt+aption,ei�hcr ro restorution or mpuir of�he Prapeny or lo thc
<br /> aums r,ecured by thic Security Instn�ment,whether or not then duc.
<br /> — 'i"''�� Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise a ree in w��itin un a hcution of roceeds to rinci ,�I shull nnt exlend or
<br /> '�.�..� 8 S� Y PP� P p P'
<br /> �••�'^�`�'"°'o . pastpone the duc dnte of the momhly puyments referred w in parugruphs 1 und?or chunge thr umoum of,uch puyments.
<br /> a �`�,.�,; � • ' 11. Borrowe� Not Releasedt Forbenrance By l.ender Not a Waiver. Ex�ensian of thc time for paymcrn or
<br /> ��� • ' ^ `�`��� modificution of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument grunted by Lender�o uny xucce.tinr in interest
<br /> —� ��y'-•=�-=. �-:'-�� of Borrower tihull not operute to release the liability of the�rlginul Horrnwer or Bnnower�successors in interest. Lender
<br /> — ' shull not be required to commence proceedings aguinst uny surcessor in interext or refuse to exlend time for puymenl or =
<br /> � . ' othenvi+c modify amanization of the sumti securcd by this Securiry In�Irumcnt by reason of uny dcmund mude by Ihe origfnul —
<br />:��� Borcower or Borrower's succetisors in imerest. Any fnrbearance by Lender in exerciaing any righl or remedy,hall not be u _
<br /> _ ; waiver of or preclude the exercise of i�ny right or rcmedy.
<br /> ' 12. Successars and As�ign9 Bound;Jaint And Several Liobillty;Caslgners. The covennnts und ugreementx of Ihix °"
<br />--°� • " ��� Securiry Inatrument.r•hull bind nnd benefit the successon und assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject tu�he provisians uf __,
<br /> '°'*#`�,7,��•,. ptuugiApb 17. Borrower's covenunts und agrcementx shull I+e J�int unJ sever•rl. Any Borrower who co-signs thiz Security =-
<br />-��-�g+rx. ,ra• __.
<br /> - a= Instrument but does nat execute Ihe Note: (a)�z co-xigning Ihis Securily Instrument only ta mortguge,grunt und convey Ihut
<br />-:�'_�'' Borrower�intemst in thc Property undcr thc Icrm+of Ihix Security Instn�ment; (b)is not persanully obliguled to pay the xums .�.:
<br /> �'�"• tiecured by this Security Inslrumem;und Ic)agreex thut Lender nnd uny other Bormwer muy ugree iu extend,madify,Forl+eur ��=�
<br /> '� --
<br />__� ____ or make uny accnmmodutians wi�h reFard to the ternix of thix Securiry Ins�rument or the Nd� wi�hou� thu� Borrower's �,�-
<br /> �: � �_-r.� consent. -
<br /> �, v- - , 13. Lo�n L'har�es. if the loan :«ured by this Sccurity tnrtrument is subject to a !aw u•hich xets msximum loan
<br /> .,,�� ��:;t_�.+U: • churges,uncf thu�law i.finally imrrpreted so thut the imere�t or othcr loan churges rullectrd or to tx�coUected in connec�ion =,_
<br /> ,:��-°�'.'�`�'' with Ihe loun exceed the p�rmiued limils,then: lul uny xuch Inun churge xhull he reduced hy�he umcwnt necestiary�o reduce ___
<br /> =�;i" :,:. � , ' � the charge�o the pr.rmiued limit:und(b)uny xumt alreudy collected from Borrower which cxceeded pemiiued limi�s will br °'-
<br /> `�" ��;�,^� refunded to Bonower. Lender muy rh�w.c to mnkr thi�refund by reducing the principal owed under the Nate or by muking u �-
<br /> `_� ".'�� �. � dinect puyment lo Borrowcr. If u refund reducex princip�l,[hc redurtion will be treAted ux u puniul prcpuyment without ony . —I_
<br /> °'"' prepaymem charge under the Note.
<br /> . 14. Notices. Any no�ice to Borr��wcr pr�widcd for in�hi�Security Instrument shull bc given by dclivrring it or by
<br /> _° � muiling it by finl rluss muil unlcxx applicublc luw r�yuirc.use of unut l xr mct h a l.T he naticc s ha l l h c directe d to I hc Propeny
<br /> AdJrcss or uny other udJre,s Bonower Jcsignulc.by nolicr io Lcndcr. Any notice to Lendrr tihull t►c givcn by tint clusti ��•
<br /> .. muil to Lender's uddrrss xtuted hrrein or uny othcr adJntis Lrnder designutes by notice to Borrower. Any notirc provided f�r ��.
<br /> ' • � • in this Sccurity Instn�mcrn shall tx� drrmed to huvn c�en given to B�nruwer nr Lcnder when Fiven us providcd in �hi,
<br /> , - . ' purugruph. _-
<br />= IS. Governing Law; Sevcrabilfty. Thi, Security Instrumem shull lx govenkd by feders►1 luw und thc IAw of ihe � '
<br />--_ i ' jurizdiction in which the Property i+Icxuted. In thc evcnt Ihut uny provi.ion ur rluusc�►f thi.5ecurity In+trumrnt o�the Notr
<br />- •.i�„� . wnflicts with upplicublc luw,such contlict.hull nut uftcrt otlxr provitiium ol'�hi.Sccurity Instrumrnt or dx Note which cun �� '-
<br /> ;"'�� . , be Kivcn effcrt wilhoul thr contlicling provi�ion. 'li�this rixt�hc provitiion� �►f thi+ Sc�uriry In�trument und Ihe Note ure ��-:--
<br /> �. . � dcclured ti�t+e scvrr�►ble.
<br /> �� , 16. Borrower's Copv. B�irr��wrr.hull Ix�iv�n onr a,nfamud r��py of Ilx Notc nnd ot'this Srcuriry Imtrumrnt. �,.�`_
<br /> • 17. 7lransier uP the Property or u Beneficlul Inlerest in Borrnwer. If aU or uny parl of thc P�openy i�r uny intcrc�l in -°
<br /> � . • it is sold or transfcrrcd(or iF u Ixncliriul intcn+l in Runowcr ix.uld ur Iran,ferred and Borruwer is not a nuturul person 1
<br /> ��:.c�,.. • . ,. without Lcndrr:prior wriarn r�►n.ent,l.r�ulcr miiy.iu il+��piinn,rri�uirc immrdiu�c puymcnt in I'ull of all sums secured by .
<br /> • this Securiry Inx►rumcm. Howcvcr,thix option shrll nM he exerrixeJ by Lendcr it'rxercisr i�p;uhibited by I'cdcral luw uc of .,►
<br /> � . .: � � A-' �hc dutc of this Srruriry Instrumeni, -
<br /> -- �'�""�°'• �• 11'Lendcr excrci.rs Ihi.option.Lrndrr shull givr Rarr��w�r n�riirr i�f urcclrrution. The noticr�hall provide a period ot' �
<br /> t . r,i'�. not Ics.lhun 30 duy+t'rom dx diUe Ihr nuticc iti dclivrreJ or muilrJ within whirh Hurrowrr mu.t p�ry s�ll.wn+.rcurcJ by thi�: �',�
<br /> � ��
<br /> , Seruriry In.�rumcm. If Borri�wrr tliil.ti� pay Ihc�� sum. priur tu the c�piruliun ul'Ihis �xrioJ. Lendrr may invoke uny �,:-
<br />.- „ rcmrdic,perniiucd by�hi,Srruri�y h»�rumem wi�h�wt 1'unhrr nu�irr ur drm�md„n Nurru��•cr,
<br /> , 18. Hurrowcr'� RiRht to Refnxtutc. II' B��rroa�cr mrcl. rrr�ain cunJi�io�n. H�,rru�►rr .hall h:rvc thc righl lo havc
<br /> � � cnli►nrmrm ul'thi.Srruri�y bi+trumrm Ji.runiinued :n:u�� tim�r priur�u Ihc c:�rli.•r ot: la1 5 da}•.(ur�uch o�hcr�xriixt u.
<br /> ' ». • � ,, • timElrl�anul� - Funnle�fue'Freddle�lucl'\IFIIR�11\ti'1'RI��fE\'I'- l'ndnrmt'u�.n:mh 4/yp �p,��,•.l,�/n�a�pr.��
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