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� ,:.{Ci.SP n���' .�1T •':'a:4�i'�:.'•n P�1I'�'� In�.�� I .i�:�•'«.. ,. _,.� �i'4� ���.1}x+7�ai•- <br /> a�:� -lfi. .'1:1�!'b:14) ,:.u,i __ -"--l.�.e LF;. u.,a. i.•j, l+'l�. . _ _ <br /> .i �.h'+V'WC �( :'� QD�VM••i;•�l;�:�• :1��,�_ •�� _— <br /> . .. , <br /> _ =- Tf.,-�..-.F,�,-..�� .----__-_. ___-_-._ _- ._ - _ __- <br /> __ p���.:. _......._ _—__ _ .- . <br /> -- .. - . • �- •- � r.t3/,IdFIF�b"1A I �!D!!+ww�.�.�.....�..�. _.. <br /> _,. � . . :��.. •. " .,, :- <br /> /�t . ��'��"''�° ✓�� i+ ��� . <br /> ' . . ' �4• � ' <br /> .,., . _ -- <br /> _ - -- - <br /> ' - - <br /> i <br /> � .,: ,'��,;�"' 92r <br /> ���1 <br /> ; :���. <br /> , �• _ � perfoda�hat Lender require9. The insurunce carrfcr providing Ihe lnsurancc shall bc cho.5en by Borrower subJect to l.ender'a — <br /> � approval which ahall not be unrcasonubly withheld. If Borrowcr fAiIR to muinlain caverage de.scrlbed Abuvo,Lendar may,at <br /> � l.ender's optlan,abtain covetage ta pratect Lende�k righta in thc Property in uccordancc wlth parugmph 7. <br />_ _ ____ _ _- __ All lnsuriutce policies nnd renewnl::shull bc ucccptablc to Lcndcr and shall includc A nt:u�dard mortgagc cluusc. L.cndcr �- <br /> :w ;� .�'• '•' shall have the�lght ta Fiold thc policiex c�nd renewal�. If I.ender requires,Borrower gholl promptly give to Lender al!roceipts <br /> -��� ' '•x;;:� of paid pr+emiums und renewul notices. 1n the event of loss, Barrower ahull give prampt notice to the insurance carrier and <br /> � � Lender. Lender may moke pwof of'loss if not mude promptly by Borrower. <br /> -,k 1 ���� Unlesa Lender und Borrower Wherwis�ugree in wri�ing.�n+urunce pnx:eeds shull be applicd to revwrution or rcpufr of`� <br /> , ti,�,�x,,,.�� the Praperty damuged. if the restorction ar repair ls economically feasible und Lender's xecurity is not leRSened. If the <br /> .�.�.. � restaration or repair is not ecanamicully fesi.4ibic or Lender�c security would b�: lessened,thc insurance praceeds shall be <br /> �' '�' " '' "�"'' npplied to the sums secured by thie Secu�lty Instn�ment, whether or nat �lien due, with eny excess paid to Borrower. !f <br /> �' Barrawer abAndons�he Property, ar daes not unswer within 30 duys a notice from l.ender that the Insurunre carrfer has <br /> --; '��'•;»=�%�=,;� �«���•. offered ta senle a claim,�hen Lender may collect the iasumnce praceeds. Lender may uxe tha proceeds to mpair or restore <br /> �5a;;:7:+�. the Property or to pay sums secured by thie Securfty lnstrument,whcther or not lhen due. The 30-duy period will begin when <br /> - --�"�a,�,,,,,,. _ A �he notice is given. -`"- <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othcrwise ugree in w�iting,nny application of praceeds to princlpul shall not ex�end or <br /> � , postpone the dus date of�he monthly puyments referred ta in parugrnphs 1 nnd 2 or chonge the amount of the payments. If <br /> -`� � ,'�� �.'�•e . under purngraph 21 the Praperty is acquired by l.ender, Borrower�right to uny insurance poNcies and proceeds resulting <br />� ' '' ''`"`' from damage to t he P rope r ty p r lor to t he ucqu is it bn s ha l l pass to l.en der to t he extent o f t he auma secure d by t h is S e curiry <br /> �, •. ' <br />���;;;;',-;,:.� Instrument immediately p�or to the acquisitlan. <br /> - �;,,_ • � ��` 6. Occupancy� PreservAtiao, I�ialntenance and Protection oP the Property; Borrower's Loan AppUcation; <br /> . ~`' � • -�'�. I.eASebolde. Borrower shall cecupy,estu6lish,und use the Property as Borrower's principul residence within sixty dAyR afler ___ <br /> —`?'�"' �'"• '�` `"- thr execution af this Security Instrument and shull caminue to accupy the Property as Borrowers principal nesidence for ut <br /> �-=�;;;�,;�- ��_ o � -• least one year after the date of occupency, unless Lcnder othenvise agrees in writing, which cansent shall not be <br /> unrear,anably withheld,or unless extenuatin�;circumstances exist which ate beyond Borrawer's control. Borrower shall not <br /> _�,�•�• p � destroy,dumage ar impuir the Propcny,allow the Property to deteriora�e,or commit wu.ste on the Property. Borrower shall — <br /> --� ~••. be in default if nny forfciture uction or proceeding,whether civil ar crimi�al,ix hegun thnt in Lender x gnod fai�h judgment <br /> ,. .��� ' cauld result in forfei�ure of the Piropeny or atherwise muterinlly impuir thr lien creuted by thix Security Instrument or — <br /> �� '� Lender's secudty interest, Borrower mny cure such a defuult nnd reinstate,ns provided in parugraph I8,by causing the action <br /> �y. •e;:• - � or praceeding to be dismissed with A ruling thut, in Lenderk gaod faith determinotion,precludes forfeiture of the Bortowerk -�=- <br /> �:�� �• ' interest in the Praperty ar other materiul impnirment of the lien creuted by �hix Securiry Instrument or LenderR security - <br /> ' interest. Borrower shull also be in default if Borrower, during the loun applicution process, gave matedally false or s--�",'_'�,`.� <br />___��� • :: ., inuccurate informution or stAtements�o Lender(or fuiled to provide I.ender wi�h any meteriel informnri�n)b rnnnec�inn wi�h �_ =_ <br /> �__� ••�..,1,n ,. �..,,;•� the loan evidenced by the Nate, including. but not limited to, representations conceming Borrowcri� uccupuncy of the <br /> -- — � `y"`'" �� - Property a.q s princips!msidence. !f this Security lnxtrumeni is an a Iea:;ehofd,Borrowcr shall comply with alt the pror;isionfi <br /> J''�t�'�. `" � ��° of the leaxe. If Borrower acquirex fee title ro thc Property,the Icusehold und Ihe fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees - __ <br />- r . • . • to thc merger in writing. -- <br />,;;:���.. � •,.�,,, 9. Protectbn of Lender's Rlghts In the Property. If Borcower fuils to perform.thc covenunts und ugrecments —__ <br /> ,�s.,,, , , contnined ln this Security Instrument, or�hcn: is u Iegul proceeding thut may significnndy affect Lender's rights in the <br /> :_[�^ ;q� Propeny(such us u proceeding in bvnkruptcy.probate,for cundemnalion or forfeiwre or�o enforce laws or regulatans),then �' --. <br /> _-= ' '�..� . •� l.ender muy do and pny for whntever is necesxary�o protect the vulue of the Property and Lender:s rights in the Property. _ <br /> -;"' , Lender'.s uctions muy include puying any sums tiecured by a lien which hnti prioriry over this Securiry Instrument,appeuring �� <br />°� ^ ' � in court,paying reusonuble u�torneys'fees and entering on the Propeny ro mnke repuirs. Although Lender may take action �`` f <br /> �-A., . 'I�� -- <br /> � under this parngraph 7,Lender dnes not hnvc to do+o. �,,_s-_ <br /> _ ' ^ Any amounts disbuncd by �endcr undcr thix para�ruph 7 shull becomc udditinnul debt of Borrower secured by this =--- <br />___ Security Instrument. Unlcxs Borr�iwer und Lendcr ngree to other tcrm.oF p�yment,�hese umoumx shull benr interest from Ihe µY, <br />_ • dute of disbunement•rt the Note rate und shull bc puyublr,with intercst, upon notice from I.ender ro Borrower reyuegling ��_ <br />._ _ .. � pnyment. —_- <br />�•�� � . � ••� 8. Mortgage ingurance. If Lender requireJ mortgugr in�urunce us u cundition of muking the loun secured by this �'�,� <br /> - Security Instrument,BoROwer xhnll puy �Ix� premiums reyuireJ to muintuin the monguge insurunce in effect. If, for any ���`�- <br />��`�'� °�`� � rention, the mort n e insurunrc covcrn c rc uired b Lendcr lu ses or ccuses to be in effect, Bormwer shull =- <br /> , , S 8 B 4 Y P pny the <br /> premiums required lo ohtuin rovrrage sub�twuially eyuivulrnt to the m��rtgagc inxurunce previuuxly in effect,ut u cost —_ <br /> 5�, ' � suastnntiully equivalent to the coxl lo Borrower nf the mongugr inwrunce prcviously in rfferl,from un ulternute mongc�ge "� <br /> .. insurer npproved by Lender. If subtiwntiully cyuivalcnt mongu�c insunmcc cuverage is n��t irvailoble,Borrower.r•hull puy�o ���� <br /> Lender ruch month u xwn cyuul to orw-�welfth of the ycurly monguge in.urunce premium bcing paid by Borrower whcn the � <br /> ±.. •� . . insurance coveroge lupsed or censed to t►e in�ffcct. Lendcr will uccept,u,c und retuin thetie puymentx us u loss reserve in lieu <br /> _ . - ' of mortguge insurAnce. Los.r• re�crve puymernx muy no longcr ik rcyuimd,ut�hr option of Lend�r,if mortguge insurance �"�.'::_ <br /> .. . coveruge(in the umount ond for�he period thu�Lender Ryuire�►prnvided by an insurcr upproved by Lc�xier ugain becomes �'—"� <br /> . ' " uvailable and is oblainerd.Borrowcr,hall puy thc prcmium,r�yuimd�o maintuin m��rt�euge inxur:mre in effect,or to provide u � <br /> ,,�;�; loxs reserve,un�il the reyuiremem for mongugc insuruncc end�in urcorduncc wi�h nny wrincn ugreement lxtween Bcirrower <br /> '� und Lender or upplicablr luw. �� ,' <br /> 9. InspecNon. Lender or il�ugcnt may makc rc�i.on.iblc enlrir.upon und im�xctions of!hr Pro�:rly. Lendcr rhull <br /> ' give B�►rrowrr notire at thc limr of or pri�x�o an in,�ctian,�xcifying r�u,unoBlr cuu+c li►r the in.�xr�ion. <br /> 10. Condemnatlnn. Thc prcxccd�uf an�•uw;irJ or rlaim t'i►r Jama�:r..dirrrt or cunnrclion with unY - <br /> ' • ..�.,. <br /> �� Smglc I�anuly•-Fnnnlc\fuc/tlrJdk Stw l'\IFt1N11 1\tiTRI'1fE1T•-Undimn c'�wcaanh Y/90 ��p��r tu/'d�a�qrri <br /> . . , r.rra�W1r,d�unre fmne.In� ■ <br />_ � .. .'1�UrKCOd I�IIOP5311&9!19 f 7 PAx MIi1N1•I t71 • <br /> . r� � . . <br /> i <br /> ?. ' ..--...'--- .. . ...... .. ..w.. � .. . . -'- <br />-- - � � � - - . .. . .. . . . <br /> a ., <br /> .� <br /> � . <br /> LL�,� <br /> � .�,. � <br /> f � <br /> � � � <br />