�� ,• • .��� .. _ ; : . ' .. � ._�. _..__T.�.,ti _..,...._ -
<br /> • �..c . ..� -
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<br />---- . _ .. . _..,._ -._..— ......,_. _..- - '. .-'... . . _.._-- -------
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<br /> ' _'. _'__". .. ....... -
<br /> .'� :ii4iwaa... .. ..... .... .. '-. . _ - �YY_. '_ '-,_
<br /> . .. , � � ' 8ortoww m�y aue wch •d�hufl �nd rNnsUt�,u provW�d In peraOnPh 19L�y cawln Z��ptoos�dinp to bo --_-
<br /> -' � � . danas��d wilh �niNnp th�t.tn Lmdw's yood hkb NtKmk►�Gon�pnduda�tori�itun ot the Bonaww's IM�n�t In th�Prop�ly a _-
<br /> othN mttwW M�akm�nt of th�Nm orMbd by tAb 8�ourltY Inshumrnt a Lmd�r'� ��ourfty NdMa� Borrow�r�h�N abo b� —_.__
<br /> ~4'� In dMauR H BoROw�,durk�p tU�ban�ppAatlon proaa�, y�ve nwt�Yy 1ds�or Inraawate Iniom�Uon ar at�t«nmU to Lmd�r
<br /> � �'•.,.,�,.,.-_•"' - �- - - _
<br /> d �, ' (ot hM�d to provlde L�nd�r wlih ury m�twid in(om�ntbn)in conn�oUw�witi� IDu lo�i wld`niwd by tha Not�, kkWdir►Q, but
<br /> U�' � "^��' not qrr�ibd to� repra�nUtlon� conwminp Borrow�►'� ocwpanay of lh� Prop�tiy ws a pdndpH raidencs. If thb 3ecwUy
<br /> � ' � n���' Insaum�tt b on� Mu�hold, Bortow�r�hd oompy wllh �I th�provl�lon� af the Iws�. 11 Borrowu�cquka iN iql� to ih�
<br /> ''��.. Prapaty,th�Is�eehoW and th�fN tida eh�N not merp�unlws L�nda�arNS to Ihe m�ya In wridnp.
<br /> ' 7.p�otoctloo of L.ond4r'a Rlphts In tho Proporty. B eorrowar ialM to periorm the cov�nante end egreen�«ite ___ ,.--_„-
<br /> , • � conWn�d In thl� Saarhy M�trumMit, or th�n b o IpN prooe�dlnp th�t m�y�IpnHla�nUy dfect L�nd�r'� dpht�In th�ProP�Y
<br /> (suoh ���prooMe9np In bu�buptay,prob�t�,ta cand�Gon ar forfelqin or to �nloru law�a repuldions), ihm L�nd�r m�y
<br /> _ ' � �. • do�nd p�y for what�ver Is n�cawy to prot�ot th�vdus of th�Propwiy�nd Undu's riphle I�th�Propsrty. L�nd�r's �atlons
<br /> . • nwy indud�payln0 any wms �saund by� N�n whlch h�� piiority ova thls Saarity InetrumanL appa�dnp In oourl, p�ylnp
<br /> .. ' „ � rM�on�bl��ttomys'f�a�nd antMina on ih�Prop�tty to mak���ts. Allhouph LmdK m�y Uk��odon unda thla pu�praph
<br />.,:�>'',_.;; �, ' � 7,Under das not h�vs to do so.
<br />--•���a�•. . • My �mounts dl�bun�d by I.end�► under panpraph 7 ahall bocomo addiUontl debt al Bo►rower eeoured by thls �
<br />``��_,� ., :. � S�aniry InsAument Unlass Barower �nd Lender �9ree to other Urms of p�ymmt,iheae amounle sh�N bwr int�nat hom
<br /> � ,: ° ' � „t. the d�te of disburswn�nt d th� Not�mt� md shWl b�pay+�Ws,wHh Int�nst,upon notlw from L�ndu to BoROw�r nquestinp
<br /> �_�� : M1mlerq.
<br />__`r�, B. Mo�t���Msur�nc�. II Lender required moAg�ge Insuranw �s �condition of m�ldnp ths lom tecw�d by thls
<br />.._! ". �� Seourily Insbumenf, Borrower sh�1 p�y the pranluma �equlrod to m�tr�Wn ihe mort�pe Insurance b eReat. If,for any re�aon,ths _
<br /> " martp�p�Inwrana� coverags requked by Lender Irpasa or ee4eea tn b�In efleo►, BoRawK ah�Y p�y the pranpxns nquk�d to
<br /> , obfdn oovenps wbatanf�Ny aqWvatent to ths mortp�pe Ineunnc�prevbu�ly In�Haot� �t a wat subetmWNy equN�t�nt to 1he _
<br /> • con to BoROw�r of the morlpape Insurance prevlouay In eileol, hom an altem�te morty�ye Ineuror epproved by L�nder. N ---
<br /> ' eubN�nlWy�quNaleM morty�pe ineu�naa covsmye is not�v�it�ble, BortowK�holl pay to LerMK aab month� �um squu to --
<br /> '' " onFriwlRh o1 the yeufy mortq�pa Inwrance pranlum bNnp paid by BoROwer when th�insurancs oovemps I�ps�d a ce�e�d to �
<br /> be In effsat. Lender wiU�ccept, ues and M�ki th�ae p�ymenta�a�bas reaene in Ilau o1 mortga�7e Inaursnce. Loas roaerve [� ;,,�
<br /> K p�yments m�y no lonper be roqulred,at ih�opdon o1 Lend�r, H malpope Inwru�c�coveraye (in the unount and for the pe►bd L� `�=�=
<br /> � ' � thd Lender nqukea)pravld�d by�n Innurer �pp►oved by Lendw �y�in becomes �v�iNbls�nd h obWned. Bortower shell p�y �'"'
<br /> : �'>` th�p►wNums raqulrod to m�InWn mortpap�in�urnnce In eHect, o�to provid� �lou raMVe,unW th�raquk�m�nt tor morlpaye .
<br /> ..n ;:�. Insw�ncs ands In�coordrnw wflh�ny wiitten apr�nent belween BoROwer�nd Lsnds►ar q�pNc�ble�w. -f�.� -
<br /> 9. In�p�atlon.Lender or fls�yent m�y m�ke rwsonebte�nMea upon md imp�adona of Ihs Propaty. Lend�r�hall ylv� •,•„,S,i;.,.,
<br />- Bortowa�otic��t th�41me ot or prbr to an Insp�ctlon�p�elyinp n+ison�bb aus�br the Insp�etlon. , ,.
<br /> " ° • 10. Cofttloi�to�tloil.1'Iw�uuueds of any sw«rd or clslm far d�Raqas, diract ar cnnacqucnUal, in connecdon wNh nny -
<br /> ." condemn�don or olher Wck�p of my put of th�Property, or fa conv�yana�in U�u of cond«nmUon, �n h�roby naipn�d�nd - `
<br /> __-_- —=— �_-,�= shaA be peld to Lettder. � � �"
<br /> � � In the avent of • totd t�kinp ol ihe Propaty, the prac�eds ehell be �ppY�d to th� �ums sscured by thls SeaNity -� - _
<br /> Inatrum�nt, wh�ther a not th�n due, wHh �ny exeeaa pdd to Bor►ower. M ihe�vent ol a p�rtlal UWnp of iha Prope�ty in a.,-,��-s.,; �-
<br /> whleh the hir m�rfc�t vdue ol the P►oparty Immedlatey belore th�t�kinp la equal to or yrestar th�n the amount of the suma � •��
<br /> :. aecur�d by thia Searfy Inatrument Immedlately bdore the taWnp, unless Borrower�nd Lendar otherwtse �prae In wdtiny, the ���y'�._
<br /> y�'' sums sacund by thk 3ecurUy InsWment ahdl be reduced by 1he amount of the proc�sde mWtlpliad by the toqowlnp iractlon: , _
<br /> :;� (�)tha toUl amouot ol tha suma s�:ured Immediataly he(on tha taklnp, divided by (b)the lak madcal valua o1 the Property � v.
<br /> knmedl�tely beforo th�Lkinp.My bdmce ahaA b�pald to Borrowar. In th� event o}�pertiM qklnp of ih� Property In whloh �'' '
<br /> the f�l�muket vdu�of the P►opaty Nnm�dlately beiae the t�kk�y is leae th�n the amount o11h� auma eeeurod knmed{�tey
<br /> , beforo tho bklnp, unlaas BoROwer �nd Lender otheiwlae apree In writk�q a unlesa �ppNcabls I�w othxwle� provlda, ih� -,_
<br /> 1 • prooaeds shW b��ppYed to the�ums seeured by ihl9 3ecurity Instrument whelhsr a not iha eums u�then due, � • 'ti-•
<br /> ^� It the Rope�ty la�bmdoned by Botrower, or H, aRar noUce by Lender to Bortowar th�t the condemnor oMere to m�ke en ,
<br /> �� qward or aeltla a cirlm for dsmagea, Qonowar hYs to i�epond to Lender wNhin 30 d�ye �1fer ths date the nodce is yiven, � ,
<br /> ' Lenda Is authotirtd to collact and�pply the praeede, �t fts opUon, dthar to natonUon or npdr of th� Propeity a to �
<br /> ? tha suma a�aured by lhle 3ecurity InsUument,whelher or not then due,
<br /> � � Unlm�s Lender and Bortower othenvlae syree In wrNlnp, eny eppllapon of proceeds to principsl eh�ll not extend a 1 =-
<br />; poetpone the dus data of the monthly paymente ralerred to N paregraphs t end 2 ar chanye lhe�mount of tuoh paymentt. _
<br /> � � 11. Borrowo� Not Rolo�aod; Forboaranco By Londar Not � W�ivar.Extenelon of the tims fa p�yment or y, . _
<br /> modiflcaUon ot�mortl:aUon of the numa aacured by.hls Security InaWment yrented by L�nder to any auccesaor In Intereat
<br /> 1 of BoROwer nh�l not opernte to releaae iho Ilabilfry of the odglnal Bortower or Bortower's aucceason in intereat Lendor sh�p i ,;;�,,
<br /> � not be requked lo commenee proce�rdlnya �yslnet any aucceasor In Intereat or raluee to exlend qme br p�yment a otherwlae � �;��
<br /> modly unartizadon o1 the euma eecurad by this Seeurity Inatrument by re�son ol any dem�nd made by the aipinal � ,�_�i
<br /> � BoROww or 8ortower's euceeaaoro In Intereat. My torbeannce by Lender in �xe►dalnq�ny Hqht or rwn�dy ehaA not ba • � . •�--,_
<br /> w�lver of or preciud�tho exercise o(any dght or remedy. ; "�' '�f'
<br /> � ..�. � 12. Suaeos�ora and Asslgns Bound; Jolnt and Sovaral Uabllity; Co-slpnor�.7r�e coven.nte .nd j _ •
<br /> � � ayrQements of thls Securhy InaWment ehall bind and beneAt the succesaons end aselgna ot Lender and Bortower, eubJecl to lhe i
<br /> I provlalona o1 pe�agreph 17. Bonower's covenanis end agreemenis aheN be Jolnt end aeveral. My Bonower who co•elqns ihla ,
<br /> � ' I 3ecurity InsWmmt bul does not execute the Note: (a)Is co•slgning this Secudty Inatrument onty to mortgaye, grent and convey
<br /> , � thet Bor►ower's interest In the Prope►ty under ihe terms ol this Security Instnimenl; (b) Ia not peraonally obNqated to p�y tha '
<br /> aums sacured by ihls 3ecurity Inatrument; end (c) agrees that Lender end eny other Bortoww may aQree to extend, modity, ,
<br /> � fabeer or make�ny�ccommodatlons with roqerd lo the tertna ol ihls Secudly Inatrument or Ihe Note wlthout ihat Borrow�r's
<br /> . conaent,
<br /> 13. LOpll ChO�gOY. If the loen sQCUred by thla Security Inalrument Is sub�ect to � law wh�h sets maximum ban
<br /> chwyes,and thal taw Is flnally Interpreted ao that the Interest or other losn chmges collected ar to be coNected In connectlon
<br /> wfth lhe loan oxceed ihe pertnftted Nmits,ihan: (a)any such loan cherge ahall be reduced by ihe �mount neceaeary to reduce
<br /> the oharge to the pertnUtad Ilmit; and (b) any aums elready collected kom 8orrower which exceeded permlllad IMnlls will
<br /> be refunded to Bortower. lender may chooae to make this refund by redudng ihe principel owed under ihe Note or by
<br /> � making� dkect peyment to Borrower. It e relund red:ices pdncipel, the reductlon wIN be tre�ted�a a psHial prepeyment
<br /> without any prepsyment charge under ihe Note.
<br /> v. •e u,.ae,.�� e.......,.i..�..,n...«............ia..� �...�..�tii. c....�aw ina�n�mant ahaY ha dven bv ddlvaNno H or bv maWno H
<br /> - � � .-.. ..v....��..,..� ........ ... ............ �.•.......... .�. .......__"_...� ..._.._ _ . .. . �
<br /> by(kat claas mell unlesa appllcabte law requires use ol another method. The notice shall be directad to ihe Propeity Addresa
<br /> or any other add►ess Bortower deslg�ates by not�e to Lender. My notice to Lender shell b� gNen by Nnt claes mall to
<br /> � Lender'e add►eaa sUled hereln or eny other eddress Lender designates by notice to Bortower. My not�e provided for In
<br /> i this Secu�ity InsWment shall be decmed to have been glven to Bortower or Lender when gMen aa provided In thls pangreph.
<br /> , 16. Dovarninp Law; Soverability.Thls 3ecu�ity Inslrument shell be govemed by ledenl law �nd the law ol lhe
<br /> t � Ju�ledlcGon in which the P�operty Is located. In Ihe event thal any provisfon �r clause af tMs Socu�ity Inatrument or the
<br /> Nota conflicta wflh �pplkable lew, auch con0lcl shall not affect other provislons ol this Securiry Inslrument or the Note which
<br /> ' can be qiveo eflect wfti�out the confllclinq provlsion. To this end the provislons ol thla 3ecurity Insirument pnd the Note�re
<br /> dacl�red ta be eevenble.
<br /> 18. eorrowor'� Copy. Bonower shell be yiven one conformed copy d the Note and ol thls Securiry Inatrument.
<br /> � ,—T
<br /> F1318.LM0�10/91� vag�•3 cf S
<br /> i � .
<br /> ,,y. � � ��tt�diA7 '
<br /> .
<br /> �
<br /> � .
<br />