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.:,;:� rrY�-� ��;:�' ��r�;r� � � k ..,: �o:...,�+.� ; . ��• tE'�u <br /> i ' �....`� • ;� � � ,. � �< lif y;% ''� �. :y�;,,r-a�a,r,�1,}r +. ' ! t��;� ..s__.a�7e.h1€�i��'��7�` -- <br /> ��,t�t , � - � ,.•. ' <br /> •��t�.-..u„��.�. . � ' w � a. , •w�• - • ' . _ - <br /> .� <br /> _._ � . `°��`� '�i�R'�°-_ <br /> � � .: : .. - - �M�hurw,..�Lrew�r.=a-W��: I � -� �..�.e��.._ ------ <br /> -_, '• .��1� �II- tN�'�.. . "-... � ✓. ,rn.. •�G.aC-.�i:.�..Cfsa►iP7�fl�xv�.�"�"""'�"°'�.r-- . . .:�--.- .-_----.�._ . <br /> � �II�!7G1!'b`If'J'(r'v�.`_ �.I.s. ..,�� <br /> � k • .... .. . , ... ____Y"''a�r_ <br /> • , <br /> . . ., ._. - ____ .___'_- <br /> .._- -_ <br /> . _ - __ ' `�� - _ �_ ..'_ .. .___._- <br /> � ' 4 . , , ' 17.Transhr of th� Prop�rty or �8�n�tIclN Int�nst In Ba�o�ili i�a�n�rPat'a��ll. i�rop.rry a - -�-� <br /> .I� � n �ny IntKat In{I I��old a trambmd(or N�b�nMldd Int�rat In Bnrroww I�sotd or tr•v�si�nd�nd Bor►owK I�not�n�W�al <br /> '�,�:' • �,,y,.:t P�non)witF�out Lmd�r's prlw w�ftm oons�nt. Und�m�y,�t Bs opUon�nquln Imm�t�paymmt In fuM o1 ap sums s�ound by <br /> � . thN S�owfty InttnimmL Howwn.thb opUan shd not b��x�raiNd by L�nde►N �nrds�i� prohibft�d by fed�ral Mw a o1 th� -_ --- <br /> . � , <br /> _ � ^•. . • •' ' d�U of ihb S�oudly M�Wmmt. <br /> - _� _. ._-..� -- . � <br /> � ' , ^ `�` If Lmd�r uc�d��s this opUon, UndK sh�A pN� Barow�r noUc� of socNeraGon. Th�nottc� shW provid� � p�rlod of _ <br /> ; .� „ " not las th�n 30 days hom th�dat�ih�nodee b dNiwred a mNIM wflhln whlch Bortowa muet p�y oll sum��oour�d by �:.�:�� <br /> . . .n �. ��,i�j, thb Ssawity Instrum�nt. Ii Bortowa UNs to pay thh��um� prlor to th� �xpkaUon of Ihis paiod, Lwida m�y Invok� �ny <br /> . � �, r�ee pennitted by thla 3ecurily Inetrument without fuAher notiae a demmd on Baroww. �- - -_-�,��_ <br /> ' 18.Borrow�r`�RIpM to R�I�sht�.If BorrowK mNts urt�k►condiUons, Borrow�r sh�Y hw� th� dyht to Fuiv� - <br /> entorosnNnt ot thb 8�oudty Instrummt dlsaonUnu�d�t my Wne prlor to th� Mrller ah (�)6 d�y�(a wah oth�r p�lod�s ° <br /> ` ' appAwbb Isw tmy sp�oly for nin�Ut�nrnq bMon cal� ol tho ProPMy Pursu�nt to u►y pow�r of uN conWn�d In thls C':;,'��„'--_-- <br /> .. ° � S�airMy InstrumaM; a(b)mtry of�Judpm�nt�nforaMip thls S�curlry Instrummt.Thon oondqbm a�th�t 8orrower. (�) p�y� ._. <br /> L�nd�r d wms whlah th�n would be du�under ihl�8sourily IneUument�nd the Note u If no�ccelsraUon h�d oacurted; (b) ��`--- <br /> oura �ny dM�uk of �ny other oownml or aynan�nts; (a) p�ys �U expensaa Incunad In enforolny this 3�c�Mry In�trum�nt, '""'_ <br /> �',� i ; , .. . . w,:...u..a:r..,-� <br /> - q�aWdlnq, bul not Wnitad to,rMSOn�bb�ttomyn'tees; �nd (�t�kea euch�aUon�s Lender m�y raaon�bly r�quka to�seuro �� V-`'�` `�°°�- - <br /> � . ,y, .� . ��-___� <br /> ' th�t th�Ne� ot thb Seairity InsdumwN, L�nds►9 dpht� b Ihs Prapaty�nd Bortowa's obNpaHon to p�y the wms eeaur�d ,�-�:��._ <br /> ,,_�, by thls S�urity Instrument ehW contlnue unch�npsd.Upon reineutanent by BoRaww, thh 3eaxiry Inatrument md the <br /> obpp�tlons aecurod hereby ahdl retnNn fully efleothre�s q no ��flon hRd oaourt�d, Howw�r,thb ripht to ndnzhte�h�M ��-- '' ` •' '� <br /> .,., ---------= <br /> i„s�. i• ' _ _ �,.. <br /> , not�pply In ihe caa�ol�ocNsntlon under panpr�ph 17. �: <br /> • ��'.. <br /> , , •��r:';. 19. SYI� of Not�; Chan�� of Lo�n 8�1vIC��. The Note or� a putid intenst In the Not� (topether wftb � ;,��;►," <br /> ��,�.::: <br /> • r,. . thls 8�curtly InsUum�nt)m�y b�sold on�or more dmes wNhout prlor notlae to Bortower.A wl�m�y rosufl b�nh�nq� Ni tfie . �3+P!!!a�,, <br /> � ' � ' aniqy(known as ihe 'Loan Savloa•) lh�t colleata momhly payments due und�r the Note �nd thl� 9ewrity Inatrument. The►e ` ' ""' <br /> . dso rn�y bs on� or mon ah�npss ol the Lwn 3ervicer unrelated to �sale of the Note.If there Is •ch�ngs of th� Loan r��"� <br /> � �� .' 8wvioK.Borrower wpl bs yN�n wrilten noiic� of th�ahmqe In�oeord�nce wflh p�npraph 14�bove and�ppllabts I�w. The .�-+" .,,;__�„a,;•, <br /> , �� noQos wp stata the n�ms �nd �ddras of Ihe naw Loan 3ervicer and tho�dd►as to whlah p�yments ahould ba mado. Th� <br /> ;�' notlae wW�bo cantNn�ny other Info►m�don nquk�d by�ppAc�W�Nw. •..,:�'��� <br /> 20. Hazardous SubstanCY�. Borrowa sh�ll not cauee o►permit the preeence,use,dispo9al, atorage, or rdeae�of =��;�: <br /> ' � • �ny H�zadous 3ubstenc�a on or In the Property. 8ortower sh�q not do, nor apow anyone dse to do, onylhinp olleatinp the : <br /> � . ' Prop�rly lhwt is In vlohiqon of�ny EnvironmenUl law. The preaedlnq lwo eentencee shdl not �ppty to the presence, w�, � � �,sit�.` <br /> ' or stor�pe on th� Prapwiy oi am�N qu�nUUsa of H�zardou� Subot�ncas th�t an yanaally ncoynizad to b� approp�t� to _ " <br /> ,,-• .: � _ . ,?,,,� normd roelderNl�l us�s end to m�int�nmae o1 the Property. . <br /> •�'° ' 8ortower�h�ll prompUy phre Under written noilce W wny InvestlpnUon, c1aMn, deinand, lawsurt or other�ation by�ny • � �� <br /> �- ena <br /> qovammmW or rpulatnry aqenay or prlvate porly involving the Property and�ny H�zardous Subst�nce or EnvkonmsnUl L.�w of ��° <br /> _ �r:�,,�''f;'.�z <br />"- — �---- whbh Borrowa h�s�alu�l knowlsdp�. If Bortowa leame,or Is not�led by �ny 9ovemm�nW a reyul�tory authority, thd�ny � <br /> � remov�l or other nmedhUon of�ny H�ardous 3ubat�nce affectiny Prope►ty le necos�ry, Borrow�r shNl prompty tek�NI ��� ' . <br /> noaawry rem�dl�l�otlona in�ocord�nce wqh Environmantal Law. ~+" - <br /> . � As ueed In thb p�mgraph 20, 'Hmrdoua 3ubeUnees'ue thoae wbstences deflned aa toxlo or h�ardow eubsUnc�a by ' ., ''"' ��� <br /> EnvlronmenUl I.�w �nd ths followlnp eubstmees; qaaoline, keroaene, othe► Asmm�bts or toxia pefroleum produat�, toxia ; ^ <br /> � � pe�tleidaa�nd herblGdes, valatlls soNanta,mat�la cantalnlny�sbestos or tomnaldehyds, and radloaotive m�txlda. Aa ueed In �f <br /> panynph 20,•EnvlronmontN L�w' ms�ns f�d�l kw��nd I�we of Ih��uriedlodon whan th�PropeAy la loceted th�t nl�b to ;,,...,�t' <br /> :�+��:t� <br /> hallh, ed�ty or�nvkonmentsl prot�atlon. � ��,-.�-- <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3. Bortower and Lender 1uMhQr covanant and�yreo es foAowa; 3 ; <br /> � 21.Accolert�tion; R�modl�o. Land�r shall give notico to Borroww prior to aacol�ratbn � _ ! � <br /> , tollowinp Bor�owa�'s braach of any covenant or agroomont In this Socurlty Inatrumont (but not ; . � ��}i <br /> '�, � , prior to �ceol�ration und�r para�raph 17 unl�sa AppOe�Wo law provid�a othonerlsa). Tha notico k -�- - <br />, � QhNI spoctiy: (�) tho dofault; (b) tho aation roquirod to curo tho dofAUlh (c) a dato� not lau than � ``-- - <br /> .- .._ 30 daya f►om tho dato tho notice Is plven to Borrower, by which tho daMult must be cur�d; and � "���-_ . <br />� . (d)that fallur� to curo tfw dofault on or batoro tha data opacfflod in tho notico may raault in � � "'� - <br /> � ' accNaration of tho suma socurod by this 8acurityr Inatrumant and �alo of tha Proparly. Th� �otic� I ``�''��-� <br /> � shall furthar Intorm Borrowar af tha ripht to rol�stata aftor aca�lontion and th� ripht to b�inp a � �=+'c:;�� <br /> court actlon to �saort tha non-axlotonco of a dofault or any othar dafan�o of Borrowor to . �� '� : <br /> � acaaloration and aol�. If tho dofautt la not curod on or baforo tha dat� apaciflod In tfw notic�, � �:--,� <br /> . � � L�ndor at Its option may roquiro Immadl�ta paymont In full of all aumo socurod by this Socurity , -- <br /> , Innrumont wtthout furth�r damand and may invoko tho powar of oalo and any othor romodl�s ! "����"• <br />� • pormtttad by�ppUcs�blo law. Lvnde� ahall bo entRled to colloct all oxpansos incu��ad In punuin� ; <br /> ' th� romodlos providod in this parapraph 21� includinp, but not Nmltod to. raasonabl� attorn�ys' � <br /> foas and costs of tttla ovidance. ' <br /> If tho powar of �alo la invoked� Trustee shall racord a notico of dofault in oach county in <br /> . � whlah any part of tha Proporly Is locatod and sholl mail coplas of such notico In tho mannor <br /> proacribod by applicablo law to Borrower And to the other paraon� proocrlbod by appltcablo law. <br /> ` Aitar tha tlmo roquired by applicabla law� T�ustoe ahall givo public notico of sale to tha parsons � <br /> and In tho m�nnor praoaribod by applicablo law. Truetae� without damand an Borrowor, shall sall <br /> tho Proporty at public auctlon to tho highost biddo� at tho timo And place and undor tho terms <br /> • dosignatod in the not(co of sala In one or more parcals and fn any ordor Trustee determines. <br /> Trustoa m�y poatpona sala of all or any parcol oi th� Property by public announcomont at tho <br /> ' tima and placo of any prevloualy echadulod ealo. Londor or Its doalpnao may purchaao tFw <br /> � Property at any sale. <br /> '.,. •� . ... " " •"� � " _ ""__'"• _� •�__ -.�__ l�J �_' _�__ _L_�� J_��""__ •_ �L- _"'--L____ T_"� _1_ <br /> - • 1 �pvn r�cv�p� vr peyme�� o� �ne pr�c� u�u, �rus�vv s��wo u�av�� w au� pu�a:nwa�n .�wa��s <br /> j dood conveying the Property. The recitals {n the Trustee's deed ehall be prima faole ovidenco of <br /> ' tha truth of the statomonts made thoreln. Trustee ahall apply the proceeda of tho aala in the <br /> � following order: (a)to all costa and expenses of oxercising tho power of salo, a�d tiw aalo� <br /> � ineludin� tho paymont of tho Tructoo's foo� actually incurrod� not to oxcead three <br /> � � ' 96 of the princlpal amount of tho nota at <br /> ' tha time of tha declaratlon of default, and roasonable attorney's fees as pormittod by law; (b) <br /> to all aums aocurad by thia 8acurity Inetrument; and (c) any excess to the pereon or <br /> • poraon� I�ally antitlad to R. <br /> F1318.LM0(10/91� Paqr 4 of 5 _'� `, <br /> �T J`_� <br /> / .�. <br /> i <br /> ' � ol�ttl�M . <br /> �� � <br />