__ r - , .
<br /> , .
<br /> � _ : .r. . ��...y.'�' �tiri+ � - . . ' - -
<br /> •i .,c A` ,Z�..�.� .:L� �ai1'L3.ti 91, -rt" . ' l�1Tf�iyi7�Wll� _ ..��
<br /> � __ �ya � ' .. _ �� ' � �-t1�._-�.__� _✓1.�.,_. ,� ._ - - �_
<br /> .. ",.t 'v`f-- - ., s.. -b�7 . .• •: � - �- ``
<br /> . . . 11"Cf!�1:t�'•tii.'•.w e`Y+N�� •„�prw,�r..- --+�-..�.�--.-�.�.�.�.._---------^- ___ ----�
<br /> '. ���.: ' f. , . .. _. . �, :_ -_—_
<br /> .. � '.. . �.• •r.:..� �t.�4�_ -�.
<br /> nr:wi�- '�y•�fi!',
<br /> `�S� •r ,�hy�tiati..Y-
<br /> � i06449
<br /> '`:i.�='LLs����•��. '• . ' � TOOE111ER WIT��1 �th�Mriprov�n�nb aow a h�AK �not�d on th� �ty��nd d ou�rn�nt���PPuRwwnaw.�nd
<br /> �.� � ' ' . .�_:e n,-�,..� fbdurM naw a h�nQtr a p�rt o1 th�prop�rly.A1 npt�anNnb�nd addkion��IW�bo b�cov�r�d by IhU B�ourhy InawnMnL
<br /> ,, r �4 a ot th.t«�.o�a a r.t«rea m In uAs saowity In•wmmt..tn.•P►ova+�►.' """
<br /> ' �r.v
<br /> +',•�+� �7 BORROVYER COVENANT8 that Borrowu I�I�wfuNy��d o1 th� aht�h�nby aonwy�d �nd hu th�dpht b pw�t�nd
<br /> . ' _ ,-.an�... ..c _- ccr�vcy thc i'rapaty ottid that tho�opM�`.•!� untnatmbaed, sxcept lor en�mb►.nnw, p1 r�ao►d. Bartoww wa�rant� �nd
<br /> ' � ��� wr dM�nd pm�raMy the tlde to th�Propwty��inn�I d�na�nd d�nds�wbJ�at to�ny�naunbnncK of neord. �----_--
<br /> �, THIS RECURI7Y IN9TRUMENT aombina unqorm cov�mnh fa mtlorud we �nd non-unMeNm oovawtb wqh
<br /> �t ,�,_�_.'-, . NmN�d varwtlons by Judsdladon to con�tltut�a unRam s�rity Imkunwri aovNinp�wl propwty.
<br /> . UIJIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawv and L�nd�r cov�unt�nd�pns�e followr.
<br /> .� _ o _._ 1.Paym�nt of P►incipal and IM�r�a� Pr�p�ym�M�nd Lat�Char���. eorrower•har promptly p.y wh.n � ,_-..-""- `'-
<br /> , L.,�. ., du� th�prkiolpN of�nd IM�nst on th� d�bt widmcad by ih�NoN �nd �nY p��WY�t �nd I�t�oh�y�s du�und�r Ih�
<br /> � b•'�:;��. Not�.
<br /> ' • Z. Funds for Tatt�s�nd Inwrana�.SubJ�ct to appNoRbb Uw nr to�w�ttlen w�hrer by Lender, Bo�roww.h�u p.Y
<br /> -'s` • , , to Lender on th�dq monthly p�ym�nta an due und�r th�Nots, untA 1hs Note b pNd In tuN,�wm('Funds•)for. (�)yMrly
<br />•�u-,_;�. . . . .. tuus�nd aaessmmts whloh may athln prlority ovw thls S�curNy Inshument as �qan an ih�P►oPMtY(b1 YwN lau�hold
<br /> ' • ^"�` �` • p�wds or qround notf on ths Proprly,8�ny; (o)ywly hwrd or propeAy in�uranc�pntniuna; (� ye�rty Aood inwnna _
<br />. -�°_� � � pnmlums� N�nY (�)Y�► mortp�ps Innuranos pr�Nunu�B�ny;�nd(fl u►y aumt p�y�bis by Borrower to Lmdw In�coordana ..,>==�:r=-=
<br /> �—•_+ �' .. '� • wNh th�provl�lons ot paraqraph A�In Weu of ih�p�ymant ot matyap�ineuranes prerriWms. Tha� R�ns �n aaY�d 'Esorow _--
<br /> , , �iMn�• L�nd�r may, �t�ny tlm�, oofNal�nd hold Fund�in �n�mount not to uca�ed ihs m�xb�um �mount�I�nd�r fa o
<br /> �':,�� '".. ' tedKaAy rel�ted mortp�pe Iwn m�y nqulra for Borrowa'a escrow �ccount under the bdeal Fiad E�t�te �etllemant Proadura
<br /> � . .. " Acl of 1674�s am�nd�d irom tYns b t(m�,12 U.8.C.�2601 et �p. ('RE3PA'). unles� �nother Nw th�t �pp8as to ih�Funds _
<br /> - ,� sKs •lasw�unounL H ao, Under mey,d eny 1Nns,coll�ct �nd hotd Funds in�n Mnount not b axceed th�ktur�moun�
<br /> � ° � ' Und�mvy aiim�t�the �mount of Funde du�an ihe b�sb of cumnt daU�nd n�son�bi�a1N�t�s of��p�nditura o1 Wdin
<br />:'-_""�ti'; .. . . . E�aow It«ns or oth�wl�In a000rd�nc�wqh�ppllcabl�law.
<br /> �� .r. rit��i,
<br /> -- ,.. Q�`. • TM Funds shW be held In�n InetRutlon whou depoake an insured by�ledatl�p�nay� Instrumentoliry�or entlry(Inatudtnp - - - --------
<br /> - . ,,. ..�,� Unda.H L�ndK Is�uah�n Institutlon)or In�ny F�dend Home Loan B�nk. LentNr ah�ll apply the Funda to p�y ih� Esrxow
<br /> � .• H«ns.L�nd�r nNy not ohvy�BorrowK for hotdinp�nd�ppyk�p lh�Funds,�nnwNy�nNy:lny th�wuow acaount, ar v�i�fip
<br /> - • the Eacrow Rema, unlaae Lender pay� Borrow�r Inter�at on the Funda md �ppAcabie I�w permlts Lendx to muce such � ,�
<br /> . �}• ahvy�.Howeva►, I.md�r m�y nquks Bortow�►to p�y a onatims alw�e iw an IndepencMnt real�aWe tua repordnp s�rvbs rc,�':,
<br /> � --
<br /> . ' '�'�.�' w�d by Lender In oonn�atlon with thls lan. unleee appWoabls law providn olhawise. Unlea� an�pro�ment Is m�ds or =
<br /> � ,��,,�v�� appupbb I�w requins int�rat to b�pald, Lmder ahall not be requlnd to pay 8ortower�ny InUraet or esminps on the Funda.
<br /> ���"�.d.-�-.
<br /> - ' . •::��',' 6or►oww �nd Lendx m�y �prs� in vrridn9� howmK, th�t Nteroet sh�U be pNd an th� Funds. La�dar sfuA pive to Bonowa, �,._.
<br /> • �.';�} wqhoul ahups,�m m�wl acoounUnp ot tho Fund�, nhowinp a�dlts�nd d�bqs to tha Funds�nd the purpou fa whloh McA �_•.-
<br /> � dibit to ihe Funds was mads. Th�Funds an pladped�e�ddition�l acu�iry br ap suma securad by the 3ecurity Insbum�nt. ,
<br /> It th�Funds held by L�nder�xw�d th��mounts panNtted to be h�ld by�ppNcabl�I�w, L�nd�r�h�N�000unt to BoROw�r �'="-�--- i
<br /> ` ' ' - tor the exaas Funds In�caordmc�wllh tha re�ulrMnena ot�ppUcable I�w.fl th��mouni oi tiro Fund�hetd by CM�de�wt any
<br /> � � • � tlm� Is not suRid�nt to p�y th�Esarow ftema when du�, Lender may se notly Barow�r In writinp, �nd, In wah cu�Barow�r s "'
<br /> =>�!,�; - , � ..;R{ . Shi� — _ --
<br /> . pAy io Landar tha amaunt s�sx�:asy to maka np the deHdeney. Bortower�heN meke up the deA!�lenay in no ma�th�n �'I---''�•.�', �_ -
<br /> �• twdve monthly paymente,at L�nde►'s eole dlecretlon. � -�
<br /> Upon p�yment In full oi �II sums secured by lhie 3ecurfly Inswment, Under ah�U prompUy rKund to 8orrow�r �ny � '
<br /> � Funds hNd hy Lander, fl, undw puayaph 21, Lend�r shdl acquke or eeti the Properry, Lender, pdar to th��cqulsltlon a eNe
<br /> � , ol ih�Prop�rty, sh�ll apply�ny Funds hdd by LondK�t ih� Wn� 01 aaquleNlon or�N u�u�61 apdnst th� wms neund =�==-
<br /> �;�.�W
<br /> ��=s�• by thls Sacu,ny Inatrummt. ----
<br /> ""'``:ti , 3.Applieatlon of PaymoMo. Unkse�ppUc�ble Nw providea otherwlee, �A p�ymenta nc�ived by Lender under — �-
<br /> � pxa9raphs 1 �nd 2�haN be appN�d; fkst,to�nY P►ep�yment chuye�du�unda 1hs Nota; s�cond. to�mount�p�y�bt�undw �:si rr�.:;,_.
<br /> "'� pvaqnph 2;thkd,to interost due;fourth, to p�lnalp�l dus;�nd laat,to any I�ts chuyea du�undw the Not�. �
<br /> 4. Ch�r��s; Ll�es. Borrower thall p�y�II wcee, �aeaemente, ch�rqe�, flnes�nd Imposkbns �tblbuhWe to ihe
<br /> :� Prop�Ay whlah m�y atWn pdority ovK thle 3�currftyy Instrumant, �nd Iwsehoid p�yments or qround nnta, B any. Borrower � ''�"'`
<br /> � � ' : ehNl p�y tha�obWp�Uona In ths m�nnx provid�d In pusyraph 2, a H not pdd h th�t rtwnnar, Barowa shtll p�y tham on ���v...,�,r;.,�"
<br /> tlm�dk�atly to the paroon owed paymsnt. BoROw�r shdl promptly Nmiah to Lender ap noUcas af amouMS lo be paid under �� ,;t�,_
<br /> ' • • thls pu�yraPh. If Borrow�r m�kn ih�s� peym�nts diractly, Bortowe► �haA promptry (umlah to Lander ncNpis wld�nclny - _
<br /> :.�_ th� p�y111ent�. _`"��.
<br /> 1. Borroww ahNl prompty dieohups�ny Yen which h�n prio�ity over thle 3ecurity Insdument uMeae Borrower: (a)�preea ,�,ytik.- °
<br />- . � In wdtlnp to the paym�nt o1 th�ubllp�tlan aeured by Ihe Men In a monnw accaplable to Lender; (b) cont�ula in qnod Wllh the ���" _ -
<br />: �"`'. Ilen by,or dstends oyalnet enloraement of the Uen in, lepal procaedinya whlch M the Lmder's opidon apeate to prevent ► L�-_
<br /> . , Ihe enlorcement oi Ihe Yen; or(o)eacurea hom the holder ot th� Aen an�yreement eadaf�etory to Lender aubordin�Uny tha •.c,,�•�.°=���
<br /> �� Nwi lo Ihla 3ecurily Inatrument. H Lender determinee thst any pert of the Propaty la subJect to a Nen whkh may�tt�k�pdority .,,..t?..
<br /> �° , aver ihla 3ecurtty Ustrument, LenrMr msy qNe Borrower e noQce IdenUfylnp th� Uen. Barowar�hall aatlaly tho Nw�or Wca � •
<br /> ons or more of th�acdona aet lorth above wRhin 10 daya of the plvinp ot noUce. . �it=._=
<br /> _ � 8. Hwrd or Prop�rly Inaurmeo. BoROwer eh�ll keep the knprovamente now wdsUnp a herwRer�act.d on tha �.,�,,,�:._��
<br /> ��� Propary k�iund�ydnst b�r by flre,hwrde Included withln ihe term 'axlended aovenye' �nd my othr hwrds, Inatudiny •� �� ,_.._,..
<br /> �' . flooda a tlooding,ta whlah lander requka Ueunnce. This Inaurance ahaU be malntslned In the�mounU md fa th�psrioda " �-�'
<br /> • th�t Unde►requlre�. The Inaurance cartier providlnp tha inauruice ah�N be choeen by Borrowe►eubJeot to Landu's�pprovd �
<br /> whlah�hdl not be unre�eonoby wilhheld, If Bonower filla to rmintaln covenye deacrlbed�bova. Londer m�y, �t L�ndu's ----_
<br /> e
<br /> �''• � option,obUln cov�nye to protect Lender'a�Ighta In the Praperty In eccordenca wHh pangroph 7.
<br /> � Aq In�uranca policba �nd tenewaia ahell be accepteble to lender and ahaA include a atondord mortyaye olause. Lender �
<br /> ehall h�ve the rlpht to hold the poNcles and renewals. II Lender requires, BoROwer ahell promptly yive to Lender all reeeipte of �
<br /> � pNd promlums and renewal noticea. In the event ol losa, Bortower ahall pive promp! noUco to th� Inauranc�caniw u►d �
<br /> � Under.Lander m�y make praol of bsa N nol made prompty by Bonower.
<br /> Unlesa Lender and Boaower othenvise�gree In writing, Inaurence proceeds shaN be epplled to restoratlon or repalr ol I
<br /> ' . ihe Property damaged, H the restoratlon or repak Is economlcaMy teaslble end Lender'a aearily in not leaaennd. 1f the ,
<br /> - roatonUon or repak la not economlcaly feasible or Lender'a aecurily would be tesaenod, tne haunnee proceale ehall be
<br /> ' applled to the aums secured by this 3ecurity InsWment, whelher or not then due, wllh �ny exceaa pdd to Bortowar. N •
<br /> Borrowar rbu�dona the Property, or doea not anawx wqhin 30 doys e noticd ham Lender thd the Ineurance cartier has
<br /> � olferad to eattle a ckim, then Lender may eoqect the Insurance proceeds. Lender mey uae the proceeda to repalr or �
<br /> � restoro the Properly or to pay eums secured by thls Securiy Inslrumenl, whalher or not then due. The 30•day period wAI •
<br /> bepin when Ihe noUco la given.
<br /> � UMeaa Lander and BaROwer otherwise eqree In wming, any applicatlon ol proceeds to princlpal ahoA not exlend or
<br /> . _. .--- -� poaipone tlle due daia OI iUa nnifiiiar NfijnneTiio ivim7ou �v ni j.ni:ywN�� � ��.�. .�. 0 y.~«y� :�'C �....�^: �� ��:0
<br /> p�ymmts. If under pengraph 21 the Property Is acqulred by Lender, Borrower'a�fght to eny insurence poNcles and proceeda
<br /> rasulUng hom damape to the Property prfor to the acquisitlon shaN pess to Lender to the exlent of ihe aums by ihis Securiry
<br /> Inetrumant Nnmedlalely prlor to ihe ecqulsitlon.
<br /> 8. Ocaupancy� Presorvotion, Maintenanca and Protoction of the Proporly: Borrowar's Loan
<br /> i Applieation; Loasoholda. Borrower shell occupy, esteblish, and use the PfOFlQtly AB Borrower'a p�Incipel roaldence
<br /> � �I wNhln alxly daya efler the exewtlon of this 3ecurity Instrume�u and ahell contlnue to occupy the Properly as Borrower's prindpal
<br /> nsldence la�t least one year afler the d�te ol occupancy, unlesa Lender otherwlae ayrees In wming, whlch consent ehall not
<br /> be unre�son�bly wflhheld, or untesa extenueting circumstencea exist whtch xe beyond BoROwer'a cankol. Bortower shell not
<br /> d�stroy, d�maye or Imp�k the Property, allow the Property to deterlorote. or commfl waste on the Property. Bortower ehall be
<br /> ' In de1�uH H sny iorlelture acAon or proceeding, whether efvll or caimind. Is beguR ihat In Lender's good tallh Judgment could
<br /> rssull In forbNuro ol tha Propetty ar otherwise meteriaYy knpair Ihe Aen c►eated by thls 3ecuHty Instrument a Lendor's secwity
<br /> . Intereat. r� .� ,
<br /> F1J18.1M0(t0191) Pegr Y ot 5 1
<br /> I •r
<br /> 1
<br /> r.� �, � 91tItl�M
<br /> . �
<br />