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. �a� .;ii�F si�` � •-'�--r �-- <br /> . <br /> - .� .. <br /> , ;,,. <br /> ,t . • � <br /> ,. w,,.;���� � — -- 1 '�x''9 � <br /> ° n .�. <br /> ev Jyt �,�yn• .,� . i ,.' . <br /> � . �. ,., - <br /> , �ior-�.' ' ' -- <br /> — --- ---- -- _ -- _ _,t -- <br /> - <br /> - <br /> a° r'�r�?- - ---- - <br /> • � �.. . --. <br /> , ' _ ....��L. r :T' n � �';!: <br /> ,.,� [ �� ��a�"���� � -, ,.� <br /> � � ,� .� �! ��.. <br /> �;�rr. ,a_ :.,,.re�:�t''.b.�._ <br /> re� <br /> • _ ..� _,_..___ <br /> P <br /> � � �� 106�1Q <br /> - � condemnation or other taking of any pwt of tho Pmperty.or for conveyance in lieu o nation,� ure y uasi�ned and <br /> ,• � shell be pnid to Lender. `' <br /> • In the event of u total tulcing of the Praperty, thc proceeds shall be upplied to�he xumx xecured by thix Security <br /> � �y.;��':`�Z Inatrument.whether or not then duc,with any cxcess puid to Bnrrower. In thc event af u purtial taking of thc Property in <br /> `�;i. ,` '�' ''' � whlch the fair market value of the Pmperty immediately before the tuking ie eyual to or greuter thun the amount of the sums <br /> �. . . i r,ecured by this Secur�ty Instrument immediAtely befare the taking,unlesa Borrowcr und I.ender a�henvisc ogrec in writing. � <br /> " :1��_ i the sum�Kecured by this Securily lnstrument shull lx; rcduced by the umaunt of the proceeds multiplied by the followin� � <br /> �;r - - fructfun; (u)�he tWal amount of tBe sums r,ecurcd immediately before�he taking,divlded by(b)the fpir market value of the <br /> �� Propeny immediatcly before the taking. Any balnnce ahall be paid to Borrower. In ihe ovem of u pnrliul taking of thc <br /> ' ' ' Property in which the fair market valuc of the Propeny immediately beforc the tuking fs less thun thc umount of Ihe xuma <br /> ��"T ' i;..,,.�{'''4 . secured Immediately before the toking. unlesx Borrawer nnd Lender otherwise ugree in writing or unless applicable luw <br /> ,'�',�,.�,•'��'- , ,���. : otherwise provides,the praceedR xhall be applied to the sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument whether or nat the sumK ure <br /> — .�'<<�.::.�.;•..._ �: thendue, <br /> ti.—- . "�-�^ r •. . i --- <br /> —�wj� • If the Property is abundoned by HoROwer,ur if,uft�r notice by Lender t�Barrower that the condemnor offen to make <br /> �� an awnrd or xettle a claim far damnges,Bonower fuils to respond to Lender within 30 dayK after the date�he notice is given, <br /> �:',�:ay}�:`� Lender is�uthodzed to collect and npply the procecds,at its option,ei�har to rextorution or repAir of the Property or to the <br />������` � e� sums secured by this Securi�y Instrument,whelhcr or not then due. <br /> �����t''��� n Unless Lender and Barrower otherwise ogree in writing.Any applicntion of prac:eeds to principul xhull not extend or <br /> '�''�" "'y '� st ne the due dute of the manthl a ments n:ferred to in ara m hr 1 and 2 or chan e the nmounl of such a mentx. <br /> , a` :. i (w po Y P Y P � P - 8 P Y <br /> = •�°� ,�.�: � 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbea�ance By I.ender Not a WAive� Extemion of ihe time for payment or <br /> -��Y°, : _�';-k��'�: y _` �- modlficetion of.arnortizatian of the sums secured by this Security Insm�ment granted by l.ender to any successor in interest <br /> � `�-��°� �`� . ��: � ; of Borrower shall not operate to release the liabiliry of thc original Borrower or Borrower is successon in interest. L en der = <br /> k ,.• �; Ahall not be required ta commence proceedingr egainst uny successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or <br /> �, � ��;i � othenvire madify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instnrment by reuson of any demand made by the originnl <br /> ;; - • �,• ' Borrower or�orrower's successors in imerest. Any forheArunce by Lender in exerci.ring any right or remedy shull nat be u —__ <br /> �� , f• +� ' waiver of or preclude the exercisc of any right or remedy. <br /> r... .�,,:. <br /> .. • �� i 12, Successors and Assig�s Bound;Jotnt and Several Liability:Co•signers. The covenantti und ugreements of this <br />, , ., ;. y� i Security Instnament shnll bind and benefi� the successors and�.ssigns of Lender and Borrower. subject to the provi�ions of <br /> .. purugruph 17. Borrowerw covenunts and a�reements shall be joint und several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br /> " ;•• ;t;' •"�^ .��`.:I loslrument but does not execute the Note: (a)i�co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortguge,grant and convey that <br /> Borrower's interesl in�he Property under the tem�s of this Security Instniment; (b)ix not personally oblignted to puy the sums <br /> "' r t�''���� secure d by t his Securiry Instrumen t;an d(c)ugrees t ha t Len der an d u n y o t h c r B o r r o w e r m n y n g r c e t o c x t e n d,m a d i f y,f b r b e u r �— <br /> � . yy or make nny accommodutianx with regutd to the tenns of this Security Instrument or the Note without �hat Borrower:s f"=- <br /> _ -- '�~= h �'=� consent. — <br /> n 13. Loan Cqarges. If the loun secured by �his Security Instrument iti subject �o n law which xets maximum loan � <br /> - • ' - � chnrges,und thut luw ix finully interpreted so thut the intcrest or other loun charges coUected or to be collecled in connection -- - <br /> � ' with the loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)uny such loun charge shull be reduced by�he umount necessury ro reduce R�;:� <br /> `, •• 1 the chsuge Io the pertnilted limit;and(b)uny sums ulreudy collected from Borrower which exceeded pertnitted limits will be �. <br /> ""'*'-` refundcd to Borrower. Lcnder muy ch�se to muke thiti refund by rcducing the prirx:ipal owed under the Note or by mnking a _ <br /> " Y.�'* " • ! I direct payment to Borrower. If u refund reduces principal,the reduction will be Irented ax u panial prepayment without nny � <br /> " �"' prepayment churge under the Note. �-..- <br /> $'� ,. 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in �his Security Instrument tihnll 6e given by delivering it or by — <br /> ' , • i'� mniling it by�rst clnss mail unless npplicable law rcquires uxe of unother method.The nuiire shull be directed to the Propeny �,_-, <br /> •� , °�' Addrcss or nny other uddresc Bortower designute�hy notice�o l.ender. Any notice to Lender shnll be given by fint cluxs �,._. <br /> �. . ' " `: '' mnil to Lender's uddress stuted herein or uny nlhcr uddrexs Lender dctiignUtes by notice to Borrowcr. Any ncNicc proviJed for �— <br /> '' in thiti Sewrity Intitrumem xhull lx decmeJ to huvc been given to Borrower or Lender when given ns provided in this ��' <br /> �� • •„ ' purugrnph. _.� <br /> ��• ,_ • � , is� Coverning; SeverabiNty. Thiz Security Instrument shull lx� govcrned by federnl Inw and thc Inw of the �-- <br /> _�.' ' , juriuliction in which the ProFerty i,lacuted. In the event thut uny pmvision or cluuze of thix Security Instrument or the Note E_-.-; <br /> 3 � ���,:.:. .;,�,i � conflicts with upplicuble luw,such contlict tihall not uffec�other pravisionz uf thi�Security Imtrunkn�or the Note which cun __ <br /> �, ' � " ;= be given c:ffect wilhout the conllicting provision. To thix end the provi�irni. of this Securiry Inxtrument and the Nae ure _ <br /> • � declurcd to tx:scvcrublc. <br /> ��`•""�' � � 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr shall he givrn onc ronfornud cupy of the Nolc uod of thi�Security In,lrument. °__ <br /> l7. 71�ansfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If ull or any part of thc Property or uny interest in <br /> xw. , �''d'"`�'°`' it is sold or trunsferred(or if a henrticiul intcrrst in Borrowcr is u�ld or transfcrred and Borrowcr is not u nuwrul person) <br /> '���" . ' hti, without Lender's prior wriuen consent, Lendcr may,at its option,rryuirc immcJiute p:+ymenl in full of ull xum�.ecured by �� <br /> • � thi,Sc�curiry Instrumcnt. Howcver,this optiun�hall not tx cxerri+eJ My Lender if excrcisz is prohibitcd by federnl luw as of <br /> ,;-��'+�' " thedateot'this Sewrity In.trwnent. � <br /> ; �,�;�;•, ,. ' !f Lender excrcixex thi+op�ion,Lrnder shall Eive Borcower notice of uccclerutiim. The notice shull provide u period of , <br /> ' :"'� '" . " , not Icsxthan�0 dny+from thr Jute�hr n��iicr i�delivered or muiled within w•hich Borrower must puy ull swm securcd My thiti �.. <br /> , ,. ., Security Inxtrument. If Burc��wcr 1'nil. to pi�y thc.r +um+ prii�r to thc rxpiralion of thiti �riud, Lcader muy invoke uny -- <br /> •. rcmedics�xrtnillcd by thiti Scrurily In.trumenl vviihou�t'unhrr ni�ticc ur Jcnwnd un Burruwcr. <br /> �•• . •� lA. dorrower's Ri�qht to Reh�!�tate. If Burr��wrr mret. certuin ronditionx, Burrowcr tihall huvc thc right to huvc <br /> �� r , ' cnforccmcnt of thi�Sccurity Ins�rumcnt di.r�mtinurd at am• timr pri��r t��thc rarlirr ut: (a)S day+(or,urh uthcr perial u+ �. <br />' �' tiin�.li I�rmdr•-Fwnnle 1fuMFreddfe�tuc l'hIF11N\11ti�'fRl'1IE\T•-l'n�li�rni('u�rnanl� 9�411 �p� a n)n�r���r.�i <br /> ` <br /> u � ., <br /> } <br /> �: .. . 4= . . ...__. -- ._.._._ . � . _ .,w7F:"4+��T�"�A.. � a. . �r0.�....qL::2:1�:: ,1.. . .. � :.^.�t' <br /> . . ... <br /> -__.-,-__-_, _�JI __ _ .._.__ _ --'__... __. ....__ ...... � . � <br /> 0 0 . . <br /> R�� <br /> ' • � � . <br /> I <br /> � � <br /> � � <br /> !� . <br />