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<br /> ,: .. ; appllcable law may apecify for reinstatement)bafore sale of the Rnperty pursuont to c+ny power of sele contained f��his
<br /> _�:. , Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing this Secudty Inatrument. Those conditions are that Boaower: (a)
<br /> • - � ' pflYA Lender all sums which then would be due under this 5ecudty Inetrument and the Note as if no acceleration had
<br /> � •�`�+'��`ti�r occurred•(b)cures any default of any other cavenants or agreements;(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this 3ecudty
<br /> _ ',�sb" � Instrument, including,but not IlmiteA to,reasonable attomeys'feea; and(d)takes such actfon es C.ender may reasonably
<br /> t
<br /> ` require to as9ure thut the lien of this Secudty Inettument,l.ender�rights in the Property and Borrnwer's oblfgalion to pay the
<br /> '` ,''�` � sums secured by thls Securlty Insuument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security _
<br /> - � Inxtrument and the obllgatlons cecured hereby shall remain fully effectivc ac if no acceleration had occurred. Howevcr,lhis
<br /> �«�
<br /> -�• f: � right to reinstate shall not apply in the casa of acceleration under parugraph 17.
<br /> ,��" 19. SAIe of Note; Chonge of l.oan Servicer. 'Ihe Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with ihis Security
<br /> �+ '�`��;��.� � Instrument)may bs sold one or more times without prior notice to Barrower. A sale may result in a cbenge in the entity
<br /> --�-�'�'�.p.,�;�+� (known as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments duc under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also
<br /> ' I may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated ta a sale of the Note. If there is a change af the Loan Servicer.
<br /> -__--- ,:�'r Borrower will be givcn wrinen notice of the change in accordance with paragruph 14 above und applicable law. The notfce
<br /> .,.:'��"�� -��.s,-,,' � � i will state the name and address of the�ew Loan Servicer and ihe address to which payments should be made. The notice will
<br /> � �y�k-•?�r , also contain any ather information �equired by appflcable law.
<br /> '–°' "�='�Y � 20. Hazwrdous Subatances. Borrawer shall n�t cause or permit the presence.use.disposal,storage,or release of any
<br /> --w'�""'`� -T Hezardous Substances on or in the Praperty. Bonower shall not da, nor nllow anyone else to do. anything affecting the
<br /> �il�;r.�.,-�,i.-.'L'J I
<br /> � ..f... ��V; .
<br /> — Propeny that is in violetion af any Bnvlronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> °``'�K��'•• � ���' i atorage on the Propeny of small quanlities of Iiazardous Substances ihat are generally recognized to be approp�fate to normal
<br /> �_; �- • 'i'�:• .' � , � :�• � � residential uses and to maintenance af thc Property.
<br /> i ` �� ` i Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,cluim.demand,tawsuit ar other action by any -
<br /> .. �� ,
<br /> n � ; govcrnmental or regulatory agency or private purty involving the Propeny and any Hazardous Substance or Environmentul
<br /> „ Law of which Borrower has uctual knowled�e. If Horrower leums. or is notified by any governmentel or regulatory
<br /> " .. • uuthority,thnt any removal or dher remediation of any Hazardaus Subswnce uffecting the Property is necessury, Borrower
<br /> " -• � °" shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Luw.
<br /> ,. ,r .
<br /> �r ��,{ -�« As used in this pnragruph 20."Haxardous Substances"are those subslances de�ned As toxic ur hazardous substunces by
<br /> , �,• Envfronmental Law and the following substnnces: gasoline,kerosene.ather ilAmmable or toxic pe[roleum producls, taxic
<br /> pesticides und herbicides. volatile solvents. mnterials contuining asbextos or fonnaldehyde,nnd mdioactive mu�erials. As _
<br /> � � � used in this par�graph 20,"Environmental Law°means federal lsws and laws of thc judsdiction where thc Property is lacated
<br /> � ., ` . . , � thet relatc to heaUh.safety or enviranmental protection.
<br /> _ -� ••, �� I NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrow�r and Lender further covenunt and agrec us fdlows:
<br /> 5 21. AccelerAtian; Remediea. I.ender shall glve notice to Borrower prior !o acceleration following Borrower's
<br /> � �•�-_- ;'���.�,�: �"_�I breach of am covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument(but not prior to accelerAlion under paragraph 17
<br /> a' * • .. . nnlesg Applicable law provides otherwise). The notice shall specify: (A)the dePauU;(b)the action reqnlred to cure the
<br /> defaulh(c)a date.not les�than 30 days from the date the nodce is given to Borrower, by which the dei'ault must be
<br /> � cured;and(d)that tailure to cure the default un or before the date speciiied in the nntice may result in acceleration of
<br /> _ � +t'�, � � ' the sum.4 secured by this Security Instrument�nd sale of Ihe Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of
<br />, • f"'�W h the right to reinstate af�er accelerAtton and Ihe riRbt to bring a court oction to assert the non•existence of a detault or
<br /> ,��r::�• � �?►, any other defense of Borrower to acceleralbn and sale. If thr defs�ult is not cured on or bePore Ihe dafe speci�ied in –
<br /> � "�' ' � the notice,Lender al its option may require immediele p�yment in full of all gums secured by this Securlty Inslrument =
<br /> � �, � wtthout further demand and may fnvoke Ihe power of sale and �ny other remedies permitted by appticable Ipw. _
<br /> • ��3.= I.ender shall be entitled to cdlecl all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedirs provlded in this peragraph 21�
<br /> �+ • - including,but not limited to,reaw►nuble attarneys'iees and custv of title evidence. �
<br /> , If the power of sale Is invoked.7lrustee shall recurd u notice ui'defoult in each county in which any parl of the
<br /> Property is located and shall mail copiec oP such nolice in the manner prescribed by applkable law to Borrower and to
<br /> �.� � � the other persons prescrfbed by applicAble law. After the lime requlred by upplkable law.'I�ustee shall give public
<br /> ' :' notice of gale to the personti und in the manner prescribed by applicable law. 'IYustee, without demand o�Borrower.
<br /> "'' shail sell lhe Property at publk auction tu the hi�hesl bidder vt the time und pince and under the terms designated in _
<br /> � '" ".." . • the notke vf sale in one or more parcels nnd in any order'IYustee detcrmines. Trustee rnay postpone sale of all or any
<br />�-I ' - parcel oP the Property by public annuuncemrnt yt the time und pluce of Any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its _
<br /> " n `. „ designee may purchase the Property ul uny sale.
<br /> � " " Upon receipt oP payment of the price bid.7�rustee shall deli�•er to the purchs�ser 'I�ustee's deed conveyin�the –
<br /> •• �"° '" Property. The recitals in Ihe 7Yustee's deed shall be prima facic evidence oP the truth of Ihe statemenl.4 made therein. 4
<br /> r:,, �. . 7Fustee sholl apply the proceeds of the sale in the foHowing order: Ia1 ro all costs and expenses of exercising the puwer -
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