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<br /> perlodr thul l.cnder nequircK. The inauranco carricr providing Ihe insurancc ahall be�chocen by Barower subject ta Ltndcri�
<br /> approvul which rholl not bo unreaconubly wUhheld. IP aonower fuila to maintain coveruge descrfbed above,L.ender mvy.at
<br /> - - ;�: • , Lender's opion,obtain coverngc ro protcct Lemler'x d�hts in the Property in accordence with psuagroph 7.
<br /> � i a „ ,� All inaurenee policiex a�d renowalx shull lx acceptuble lo Lender and shull inelude u atandard marlgage efau�e. Lender
<br /> __ nhall have the ri ght to hold the p oliciea ynd renewuls. lf l.ender requir+es,Borrower ahwll promptly give to Lender all rec�ipta
<br /> - � . . , af paid prcmiums and renewal notices. ln the event aff loxs,Borrower bha l l g ive promp�not kc to t h e i nsurance c o r r f e r a n d
<br /> -- L.endcr. L.eixler niay make prWf af lo4r�if nnt mudo prumptly by Borrower. --
<br /> Uniess L.ender and 8orrawer otherwise agrer in wrfting,insurance praceeda Rhell be applied to re.ctcxa�i�n or repair of —_..
<br /> �� ihe Property dnmaged, if thc rcstoration or repair is economically fe�sibla und Lenderk security is not lessened. If the
<br /> restor�ti�n or repair is not ecanomicalty feasible or Lender's security would be lessened� the inaurance prac�eds shall be
<br /> applied �o the sums securcd by this Security lnstrument, whether or na then due,with any excesa paid to 8ortower. If
<br /> :-�-�• Borrower ubandons the Property, or dces not unawer within 30 days a ndice from Lender that the insurence carrler hes
<br /> }� . ,t*�;;.,� ' offered to settle a claim,dien L.ender muy collect the insurnnce proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or rcsto�e
<br /> "�'�" -- .-; Ihc Property or to pay sums secured by thi:Security lnatrumenb whether or not then due. The 30-dny period will begin when
<br /> �':���='�. � the notice is given.
<br /> ���.��. .
<br /> '� Unless Lcnder and Borrower utherwise agrec in wdting,any application of praceeds to pdncjpal shell not exten or
<br /> - �"::.�..'.;��.,j.'
<br /> postponc the due date af Ihe manthly payments refemed�a in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chenge thc amount of the payments. If
<br /> •�y` :;� `'~~` under paragraph 21 the Property is acyuired by Lender,Bortowers�r�ght to uny insurance policfes sind proceeds resulting
<br /> � ��`"� from dnmage ta 1he Pruperty prior to the acquisition shall pass co Lender to the extent oP the suma secured by this Sxudty
<br /> .a j��n:.� . Inatrument immediately prior ta the acquisition.
<br />__ _ . �_ ,. _: . _ .,�• b. (kxupancy, Preservption, Malntenonce and Protection oP the Property� Borrower's [.as►n Application; �_
<br />-. ' • „• �,�`�" Lepseholda. Borrower ahall occupy,egtablish.and use the Property as Borrower's princlpal residence within six�y daya after
<br /> „ �� � . . the execution of�his Security Instrument and shpll continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at
<br /> , ;.� least one year aRer the date of cecupancy, unless L.ender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be
<br /> ' H,; .� unneusonably wi�hheld,or unless extenuuting circumstances exist which nre beyond Borrower�s canuol, Botrower shdl not
<br /> � . ` -,�,�i destroy,damage or imps+ir the Properry,allow the Property to deteriorale,ar commit waste on the Property. Bortower shell
<br /> , • • be in default if any forfeiture action o�praceeding,whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good Faith judgment _
<br /> � �' • � �, could result in forfeiture of the PropeRy or otherwise materiully impair the lien creuted b,y this Security Instrument or
<br /> � ' a._�:"�� .'� Lender's s�ecurity interest. Borrower mny cure such u default and reinstnte.as provided jn paragraph l 8,by causing the action
<br /> � t ° " ;, , � or proceeding to be dismissed with u tuling thnt,in Lender's good faith determinetian,ptecludes forfeiture of the Borrower's
<br />, �• • ��; interest in the Property or other materiul impairtnent of the lien creatad by this Security Instrument or L.ender'a secudry
<br /> • • ' �'' �:«A'r•�:=' interest. Borrower shall ulso he in default if Borrower, during the loun application process,gave rnaterially false or —
<br /> inaccurute infonnution or statements to I.ender(or failed to provide Lender with uny material information)in connection with
<br /> —'�"'''�"Y�`��''x'``�:'__- ihc loaa evfdeaad by she Mote. Including. but not limited to, repmsentnlionA concerning Borrower� accupancy oP the
<br />'• h�.�' • i Property as n principal residence. If ihis Secur�ty Instrument is on a leusehold,Borrower rhall comply with all the provisions
<br /> �� of►he lease. If Borrower ucquires fee tille to the Property,the leasehold and�he fee ti�le shall not merge unless Len�lsr agrees
<br /> � • . ro the merger in writing.
<br />• ' 7. ProtecNon of I.ender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to pertbmi the covenants and egreements
<br />. � ~�sy� " ,.. contained in this�ecurity Instrument, or there is a Icgal praceedins that may significantly affect Lenderk rights in the
<br /> „ �; Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then
<br /> . � ."°'�"� Ixnder may do und pay for whatever is necessary to protect ihe value of ihe Property and Lender� rights in the Property.
<br /> ,� �__
<br /> Lender's actions may include pnying nny sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Instrument,appearing �:_
<br /> - ' � ` '""', in caurt,paying reASOnuble uttomeys'fees and entering an the Property to make repuirs.Although Lender muy teke action
<br /> � �-"""""""''' ""' under this puragroph 7,Lender dacs not huve ro do so. ---
<br /> ., � Any amounts disbuned by Lender under this parugruph 7 shull become Additionul debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> ",,��` Security Instrument. Unless Borrower und Lender�grec to other Iertn�of puyment,these amounts shAll 6enr interest from the =
<br /> . � dute of disbursement nt the Note rAte und shall be payable,with interest. upon notice from Lender to Borrower reyuesting ��
<br /> !�i �� �� �, payment. �n
<br /> S. Mortgage InsurAnce. If Lender required mongugc insuruncc a.u a►nditiun of mnking the loan secured by this �;�.
<br /> '° �'� ,,�� Security Instrument, Borrower shAll pay the premiums reyuired to maintain the mortgnge insuronce in effect. lf, for any � _
<br /> �"� ''° reason. the modgage insurunce coveruge required by Lender lupses or muses to be in effecl, Borrower slu►II pay Ihe
<br /> F ••�:�L�� '� . premiums required to obtuin coverage xubxtantially cyuivnlent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost
<br /> �4`. , substantially equivalent ta the cost to Borcower of the mongag�insurance previously in effect, from nn alternute mortgage —
<br /> �� ° insurer approved by Lender. If subxtantiully eyuivulent mongnge insurance coveruge is not uvuiluble.Borrower shull pay to �
<br /> •�. ,,., `�-�•.•�- ; Lender euch month a!�um equnl to one-twelRh of the ycarly mnrlguge insurunce premium being paid by Bortower when the =
<br /> , ''` " ,�;:�� insurunce coverage lapsed or ceused to be in effect. Lender will arcept,u�e su�d retuin these payments us n loss reserve in lieu
<br /> � ' , of morlgage insurunce. Loss rescrvc paymcnts mny no longer be required,nt the option of Lender, if mon�oge in,urnnce �.
<br /> , ;,:�� ' coverngc(in the amount und for thc period that Lender reyuires)provided by un insurer approved by Lender ugain becomes _
<br /> •�-,,,,,,,.«, - I uvnilable and is obtained.Borrower shull puy the premiums rcyuired to muiniuin monguge insurunce in effect,or to provide n �_
<br /> � loss reserve,until the requircment for m�nguge intiurance ends in uccordunce with any written ngreemcnt between Borrower
<br /> i and Lender or upplicublc luw. �
<br /> • • 9. Inspectlon. Lender or its ugent muy muke rca+unuble emries uEx�n und in,pc:ctionti of Ihe Propeny. Lender shull �-•
<br /> �_.
<br /> ' :`'� give Bonowcr natice at thc timc of or prior to un in.pcctiun+perifying reutionable cuu�e fi�r the inspectii�n.
<br /> `;�. !0. Condemnatlon. The pnxeed.uf uny awurd ur rlaim t'or damugcs.Jirect or consequentiul.in conne¢tion wilh t�ny
<br /> Singk Family•-Funnk Nue/tYeddle Nac ONIFURM INSTRUIIF.N7'--Uniform Co�cnum+ 4/9i lpuKr!..J'n�r,qesl
<br /> .�....•� IiRN Wce.BueMts Fam.Inc.�
<br /> . .. To IM�kr fiY�.1�800530qA1 ❑YA7!61&791•If71
<br /> ' � . r.�.
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