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<br /> TOCiE7'HER WITH all the improvcments now o�hercafter crected on�he property.end all casements,appurtennnces,
<br /> ' and fixturcs now or hereafter p pan of the property. All r�eplacements ond additions Rhall also be covered by this Security
<br /> �' � inctrument. All of 1he foregoing is referred tv in thia Secudty Inswmcnt us the"Property."
<br /> - � BORROWER COVENANTS thnt Borrower ia lawfully seiucd af the ehtu�e hereby conveyed nnd has thc�ight to grunt
<br /> and convEy the Property and Ihut the Propeny is unencumbered,except for encumb�ances of record. Horrower wamntr and
<br /> '+�: wlll defend generally tho title to the Property Aguinst all cloims und demandK,Kubject to uny encumbrancea af re�:ord.
<br /> THIS SBCURII'Y 1NSTRUM8N1' combinea unifixm crnenanta far na�ianal use ond non-uniform covenant� with
<br /> ' _t�; Nmitecl variations by judsdiclion to constitute a uniform securfty instrument covering real property.
<br /> .. UNIFORM COVENANTS. Horrower uncl Lcnder covenunt and agree na follows:
<br /> � 1. Payment of Principal and Interest;Prepayment And Late Chargea. Borrower ahull prom�tiy pay when due the
<br /> ��F�" rinci al of nnd interest on the debt evidenced b the Nate and sin re a ent and lete char ea due under tha Note.
<br /> —�y.�a P P Y Y P P Ym B
<br /> ��,�� 2. �nds Yor'lbxes and MsurAnce. Subjecl to applicable law or to a w�itten walver by Lender,Borrower�hali pay to
<br /> "�` - • Lender on the day monthly payments are due under ihe Note,until thc Notc is paid in full,a sum( Funds")for:(u)ycarly
<br /> ��'•�'�=�'�` taxes and assessments which may attain priority over lhis Securiry Instrument as A Nen an the Propeny;(b)yearly leasehold
<br /> —��':��`�'•"'.� a ments or mund rente on the Pra rt , if an (c) yearl hazard or ro msurance remiums; (d) yearl tload
<br /> Y P PeS'�Y � P Y
<br /> ����=-_�'�:�;r.�� ' insurance premiums. if e�y; fe) yearly mortgage insurnnce premiums. it any; and (�any sums payable by Borrower to
<br /> �;�^�; ;;=�Y.�i�. ,.. Lender�in accordance wlth the provisiona of paragraph S,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These
<br /> "'� � "�•a'`'���••� �-��•.•° items are called"Escrow Items.' l.ender may,at any Ume,c�llect and hold FLnds in an amount not to eaceed the maxlmum
<br /> >' , x:� `�• ,�° amount a lender for a federally related mortgage loan may require for Horrower's escrow account under the federal Real
<br /> � -"2t��.�.'�'. . Estete Senlement Procedures Act�f 1974 as amended from dme to time. 12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RFSPA"),unless another
<br /> � �� Y�-�'��` ���• ' ;;�� law that applies to the Pundr sets a lesser amount. If so,Lender may,at any time,collect and hold Funds in an wnount not to
<br /> ' �a:;. ;}•-r;' exceed the lesser arr�ount. l.ender may estimate the amount of FLnds due on the basi�of curnnt datx and reaxonable
<br /> {�:. � •-; estimetes of expenditures of future Escrow kems or athervvise in accordance with applicable law.
<br /> �;. ; b.: The Flinds shell be held in an ins�itution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, lnstrumenWity, or entity
<br /> '.:��n•_ ��.� t,�;t (including i.ender.ff Lender is such an instilution)or in any Fedaral Home Loan Benk. L.ender shall apply the Funds W pay
<br /> •� . ' .. •.:�;•� the Escrow Items. l.ender may�ot charge BoROwer for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing the escrow
<br /> : :�„:iLx�. account, or vedfying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest an the FLnds and applicable IAw pemtits
<br /> .�.v . Lender to make such a charge. However, Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real
<br /> . �"�'•`�-"�! estate tax reporting servfce used by Lender in connecNon wilh this loun,unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an
<br /> ' �� . '- ugreement is made or applicable luw requires interest to be paid,Lendcr shall not be requimd to pay Borrower any lnterest or
<br /> ,. � �� earnings on the Funds. Borrower end Lender may agrce in w�iting.however,that interest shall be paid on the i�Unds. I.end�r
<br /> ' ��" ' ;�:� shall give to Borrower.without charge,en annual accounling of the Punds,showing credils and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> _- '��'i' ^�-•" l »== ptsrpnst for x�hich ea+_h deblt to the Fvt�u waa macle. The Funds are pledged as additional securlry for all sums secured by
<br />• ' -, ���,,;.::�.�,,,;,;�.0 this 3ecudry Inslrument. _
<br /> • p . �. ; �� • If the Funds held by Lender exceed ihe amounts permitted to be hcld by applicable law, Lender shall account to
<br /> Borrower for the eacess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the nmount of the Ftinds held by
<br /> °': Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.I.ender may so notify Borrower in writing.and,in
<br /> .�;;`�; � . such cuse Borrower shall pay to Lender the umount necessary to make up the deficiency. Bomower shall meke up the
<br /> . •�*-• deficiency in no more than twelve monthly peymenls,ut Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> � z`" Upon payment in full of All sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender ghall promptly rEfund to Borrower any
<br /> • Funds held by Lender. If,under parngreph 21,L.ender shall ucquire or sell the Propeny,Lender,prior to the acquisition or
<br /> • . salc of the Property, shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of ucquisition or sale as a credit against the sums
<br /> i "'" secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> - , . . 3. Applkatbn of Payments. Unless npplicable Inw provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under
<br /> ��� ', � paragraphs 1 and 2 ahall be applied:firsi,to smy prepuyment churges due under the Note;second,to iunounts pnyable under
<br /> �� �� •�'.4� pazagraph 2;third.to interest due;fourt h,to principul due;and las�,to ony late charges due under the Note.
<br /> �� �� � " ., 4. ChArges; Liens. Horrower shnll puy ull ta:ces, assessments. charges, fines and imposidons attribuWble to the
<br /> � : �' Property which may attain priority over ihis Security Instrument,and leasehold puyments a ground rents,if uny. Borrower
<br /> "��'��� ��:�± ` shall pny these obligations in the manner provided ln paragraph 2,or if not paid in thAt munner.Borrower shall pay them on
<br /> ' �' �� ` �" . � timc directly to the person owed payme�u. Borrower shull promptiy fumish to Lender all naiccs of nmounts to be paid undcr
<br /> this paragraph. If Borrower makes these puymems directly,Borrower shall promptly furnlsh to I.ender receipts evidencing
<br /> � ' �:-. � the payments.
<br /> '� Borrower shall promptly discharge uny lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees
<br /> '��., ' " in writing to Ihe payment of Ihe obligution sewred by the lien in a m�nner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the _
<br /> <~`�'=�'° 1 -^---°�°�_ lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legs�l proceedings which in the Lender s opinion operate to prevent the __
<br /> ;, enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures trom the holder uf ihc lien un agreement�uti+factory to Ixnder subordinating the lien -
<br /> , "���"""�t��� ,� to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that Any pan of the Property is subject to u lien which may attain priority
<br /> �',,,t�v!l4;;:�., �`_ . � � over this Security Instrument,Lender muy givc Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrowcr shall satisfy the lien or teke
<br /> • •"-�►V°'"' �_' `"'� ' . one or more of the actions set forth nbove within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> • S. Hazard or Property Insurance. Barrower shall keep the improvements now eaixting or hereafter erected on the
<br /> . 'I Property insured ugainst loss by fire,hazurds included within the term"extcnded rovernge"and any other h:�zards,including •
<br /> � floads or flooding,for which Lender requires insurance. Thix insurance shall be mafntelned in Ihe amounts and for the '
<br /> �� '. I
<br /> ' ,� . , { Form�ze 9�90 f/�aRe 2�ife�„�rs� �
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