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<br /> - � f� � t ' '1(Y�'�� ��l��S .. �t � ' �.— .
<br /> . .7F.. �� , , .::t li'�' �'g a .
<br /> � �:�^� �' � 92_
<br /> . �'.f 1 Yy�'. �si`F �O�O� -_
<br /> � au�demnatic►n ur uihcr wkin�ui'uny pun M'the Prc�p�rty,or fi►r cunvcyunru in licu of�undemnu�iun,urn c�nby u�Kf�ncd and
<br /> ahalt be puid ta L.cnder. —
<br /> . In thc event uf u�otol taking of thc I'ro�xny, thc pn�ceedx �hull be npplicd tu �hc hums �crurcd by thia Serurfty
<br /> � ��•rr' s Instnimenb whcther or not then dur,with uny excevw paid w Barruwer. In the event of u partial iaking of Ihc Pmperty in
<br /> i��:tr:<., ''�,
<br /> . , �� whirh the fuir mnrket vnlue of the Praperty i mn�ediately heforc the taking i�eyuol to ur greuter thun the umount of the xums --
<br /> • �'�""• , securcd hy thix Secur�ty Instrument immedir�tely before�he tuking,unlexs Borrower und l.cnder otherwi+c agrec in wri�ing,
<br /> tho sums recured by this Secu�ity Inslnamcnt ahnll be r�duced by thc umount uf thc prceeeds multiplied by the following
<br /> .i„r,�;. ,,...:r;�:.;�;^'� fruction: (u)the total amaunt of the r�ums+ecured immediutely before the�uking,divided by(b)ihe fuir murket vuluc of the
<br /> Praperty immediately bcfore the taking. Any bulunce shull he puid to 8orruwcr. In thc event of u partiul tuking of�he �-
<br /> .�1 �.., Prop�rty in which th�: fair market vulue of the Property immediately before the wking is lass tiwn the nmount af the.r•umx �_
<br /> —�--:-:—.. u secured immcdiately before the talcing, unless Borrower und Lendcr othcrwitie agr�e in writing or unlrsx upplicable luw
<br /> a"•• �-�' �� otherwise rovides,the roceeds shull be lied to the sumg secured b this Securit InstNment wFie�her or not the sumx ore iFt.
<br /> 4�'a�°���`. "�;q P P aPP Y Y
<br /> . ..., . p^ .�_ thcn due.
<br /> ... If the Nropeny i�ubandoned by Borrower,or if,Lfter notice by I,ender to Borrower that the condemnor offen to make __
<br /> ,�P '�'"'"'" an nward or settle o cluim for damages,Barrower failx ro rexpond to Lender within 3Q days ufter ihe date the nolice is�iven,
<br /> ; �,i1. L.ender ia nutharized to collect und apply�hc prac:ecds,nt its optian,either to res�or+�tion or repAfr of the Propeny or to thc 6 �
<br /> �';,_,..�,�� ;;,, = sums secured by this Securiry Inslrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> __ :t>N'• •• "._ �: Unless Lender and BoROwer otherwi�e agree in writing, uny application af proceedr� to principAl shull nw extend or
<br /> ' � � postponc thc duc date of�he monthly puyments referred�o in pnrugrnphs 1 nnd 2 or change thc amount of such payments. --
<br /> ;�,�:;;;.��Y.^:`�,`�'�s 11. Borrnwer Not Reles�sedt Forbearonce By Lender Not a Waiver. Eatensian of the dme for payment or
<br /> 5 u. .. mbdification of nmorlizatian of the sumti�ecured by this Secu�fry lnstrument�ranted by Lender lo any successor in interest
<br /> '. •�+,!?",, n .
<br /> j^. .. _ ,�,�, of Borrower shnll nat operatc to rcleasc ihe liability of thc original Borrower or Borrower'�successorx in interest. Lender
<br />- -- . . � , vhall not be required to commence proceedings ageinst any successor in inlerest or refure to eztend iimc for payment or =__
<br /> -- —° •' otherwise modify umartizution of the sumx xecured by this Securiry Instrument by renson of uny demand mude by the originul �.,�..
<br /> �'��` " �.. j, Borrower or Borrower is successors in interext. Any forbeurance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shull not be a
<br /> '�;.: F • ; wuiver of or preclude the exercise of uny right or remedy. _
<br /> - � , , �� 12. Successors and Assigns Bound;Joint aad Several UabiUty;Casigners. The covenents und agreements of this =_-
<br /> __ . , • w Security Instrument xhull k+ind und benetit the succetixors und assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject io the provisians af
<br /> =�` � porugrnph 17.Borrower's covenants nnd ugreements +hall 6e jaint and severuL Any Borrower wha co•signs this Security
<br /> _��` ° . � Instrument but does not execute�he Note: (u)is co-xigning this Security Instrument only to mortgAge. grant and convey that
<br /> = ....� . Borrowerk interest in the Prapeny under the tem�s aF this Security Instniment; (b)is not persanully abligated to pay the sums
<br /> ��' secured by this Security Instrument;und (c)agrees ihut Lende�nnd any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,forhenr
<br />