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<br /> � eppliceblo law may rpeciiy fcx re.inatatement)beforc,asde of tho Property pureuant Io any powcr of rwic contuined in�his
<br /> � Socurity Inswment;or(b)entry oP w judgment enforcing this Security Insuument. Tho�e conditlone are that Borrower. (A)
<br /> .,, � paya L.ender ufl xum� which �hen would be due under �hie Securily Imtrument and the Note as if no accelcrntion had
<br /> ' occurred;(b)curca Any default oi any aher covenants or agreemen�s:(c)pays oll eapenses incumed in enforcing thie Secudty
<br /> �°r • I losuumenl. including,but not Ilmited to, rcasonable ottomeys'fees;and(d)takes such action ae l.ender may rcasorwbly
<br /> � �tt requi�e to asaurc thut the Ilen ohhis Security Instrument,Lender's�ightx in�hc Prapcny and Bo�ower'x obligation ta pay tho
<br /> ' ,Y � sums aecured by this Securiry Instn�ment ahall continuo unchonged. Upon rein�tatement by Borrower, this Securiiy
<br /> - •+���+ �+-''" Inwtn�ment and �he obligutions wcured hereby shall rcmuln fully effective es if no Acceleradon had accumed. However.�hi� r
<br /> -"<���:���� dgl�t to rei�stete shall not apply in the cese of acceleration under puagraph 17. �_. _
<br /> - �__ _ ., 19. Sale ot Notei Change of Loan Servker. The Note or a partial interest in the Natc(togcther with thia Securicy
<br /> '���,�, � Instn�menq may be �sold one or tsare timcs without prior nodce to Borrower. A ss�lec may result in u change in the endty
<br /> �%�.�?�r�� (known av the"l.oan Servicer")that collects monthty payments due under the Note und this Secudty lnstrument. There al�o
<br /> ���' , may be one or more changes ohhe Loan Servicer unrelated to u sale of Ihe Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.
<br /> �}�;;�a� : . � Borrower will be given written notice of the change in accordance wilh paragraph 14 above and applicablc law. 77tie notice
<br /> �°�'�� will atate the name nnd address of the�ew Loan Servicer and the eddress to which payments should be made. The notioe will
<br /> .�.....t:.r.�i�.w:'b
<br /> �� , a also contain any other infortnation reyuired by applicable law. �
<br /> ,,,.���;r.,_ � 20. Hwardous Su6ttances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use.diaposal.storuge,or release of ony
<br /> �•��'"�','r� i Hazardous Substances un or in thc Propeny. Borrower shall na do, nor allow anyone else to do,anything af't'ecdng the
<br />° rr.•a,•� . Property that is in violotion of any Environmental Law. 7'he prec�ling two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use,or
<br /> �'s.s::�.. �... .�•,��',�, storege on the Propeny of small quentlties of Hazardoua Substa�ces that are generally rccogniud to be appropriate to normal —
<br /> s�-'���_.•,•�� residential uses and to maintcnmice of thc Property.
<br /> �' °'� � � �'�' Borrower shell promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim.demand.lawsuit or other aetion by any
<br /> _ - `�� •• • • -_-= govcrnmentul ur regulatory agency or privatc party involving thc Pro}xsrty and any Hazandous Substance or Envlronmental -•
<br /> '-:;�. °•• ., ' Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower karns, or is notified by any govemmental or negulatory �....-
<br /> ,,� ._ .. , autho�ity,that any removel or other remediallon of any Hauudous Substance affecring the Property is necessary.Borrower
<br /> � • shell promptly take all necessary remediel actions in accordnnce with Environmentul l.aw. _�
<br /> . ' As used in this paragraph 20."Nazardous Substances"are those subslances defined as taxic ar hazurdous substances by ��"
<br /> 1:�°' �'• Environmental l.aw and Ihe folbwing substances: gasoline.kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum produc�4,toxic
<br /> . , ,,Y; -
<br /> __ �. pesticides and herbicides,volalile solvents, muterials conwining usbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials. As ---
<br /> - ' ��� � �,� used in this paragraph 20,"EnvironmentAl Law"meuns federal laws and laws of the judsdiction where the Property is located _
<br /> - '�� ' '��?�•�.�'���•��•• ' -��^�' thatrclate tohealth.safetyor environmental protection.
<br /> �,:�.
<br /> ` . NON-UNiFORM COVENANTS. Bortower and l.ender further covcnunt und ngree us Follows: —
<br /> ,. 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender ahell give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's —
<br /> ' " • breach of any rnvenwnt or agreement in this Securlty Instrument lbul not prior to acceleration under 2+aragraph 17
<br /> �- unless applicable law provide�otherwi.se). The nolke shall specify: (al the detauN;(b1 the acUon required to cure Ihe
<br /> dePault;(c)a date,not less than 3U days�rom the date the nodce is given to Sorrower.by which the deiauit mua�i br
<br /> °�'� cured;And(d)lhat faflure to cure the default on or betore!he date specifled in the notice may result in acceleration of
<br /> � ���; the sums secured by lhis Security Inslrument and sale oP the P�operty. The nutice shall l'urther inPorm Burrower o�
<br /> ' �,,:",' the right to reinstate aftier acceleratian and the riQht to brEng a court action to Ac�ert the non-exi4tence of a deiault or
<br /> ��':'. uny other defense of Borrower to Accele�atWn and sale. If Ihe deP�ull iR not cured on ur before the d�te Rpecilicd In
<br /> �' " the notice.I.ender s�t its optloa m�y require immedipte puymen!in iull nf nll rams recured by this Security Instrumenl °
<br /> �'.�, �'` : wlthoW Purther demood and mAy invokc Ihe puwcr of wde�nd uny ulher remedicw permitted by appllcAble loK. �
<br /> „ �•� ' l.ender shpll 6c entNied to collec! yll expense� incurred fn pur�uing tbe remedles� pruvided in Ihis paragrAph 21. '�`'^'"
<br /> " � including.but eot limitcd lo.res�sonable�Uorneys'feex und cosls��f tiUe evidence. _:.,�
<br /> ,,-.� 1P lhe power of�le is invuked.7lruslee�hwll record a nalkc ui defauU M e�ch cuuoly in which uny ps�rl of Ihe �:,-
<br /> �; •_:'e � Property is localed pnd shall mail copic�uf such noNce In the ms�nner prercribed by upplicable law to Borruwer aod tu
<br />-7� � -•- �� �� the other persons prescribed by applicuble law. Aiter Ihe lime required by App�icuble law.'IYuxtee vhall give public
<br /> • notice ot sale to the persons aad in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee.without demand on Borrower. ��
<br />„ ��'yO-`� ,t: •�.�<< ' shAll seU the Property at public aucUon to the highest bidder at the time�nd place and under the terms designated in �'°=''
<br /> •~'^+• � � the notke of sak in one or mure parccis and in ony order 7lrustee determines. 'l�ustee may po4tpone stde of all or any �
<br />_ .. ��i � pnrcel of the PropeMy by puMic announcement at the lime and place of nny previously scheduled gale. I.ender or its _
<br /> designee may purchnse the Property at any sale.
<br />= U�. - Upon receipt ot pAyment of the price bid.71�ustee shall deliver lo Ihe purchuser 'lirustee's deed conveying the `"``
<br /> Property. The recitals in the 7lrustee's deed shull be primu fACie eridence of the truth of the slalements made therein.
<br /> _ � - � 1lrustee shall epply Ihe proceeds of the sale in the following order: (al to all cacts And expenses oP ezercising the power �_.-
<br /> _. . ��.,.
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