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<br /> f�j�� �i periada that L.ender reyuire�. '['Ix�inxu�e carcier pmviding the in�u��nce►hall be chuxen hy Hnrruwer�ubjccl tu I.enderk
<br /> - approvai whieh chall oot be unreuca�ubly wUhheld. If BaRUwer Tuily��mumtuln cover�ge described ubuve,L.end�r may,a�
<br /> Lrnder s optlon,obtain roveroge to protect Lendor x rfghtg in�he Pn►pcny in�ecunlunce with paregraph 7.
<br /> �. � All Insurwue policies and renewalw s{u►II be acceptwble to Leixier ond shal l include u xlundard mortgaye cluusc. Le�xler
<br /> r
<br /> ' � :+�. shall have ihe dght to hold the palicies and rcnewais. If Lender reyuirex.Barruwer,holl promptly give to i.ender all rcceipte
<br /> '""� �e�-�-��� of pald prcmiums and renewal notices. In the event af loxs,Borrower r;hall Qiv¢prompt noUce to the inrurunce c+urier and _
<br /> [.ender. Lender may muke pro�f of loss if not mude promptly by Barrower.
<br /> ;, .,,.�_
<br /> Unle9v Lender and Borrower ofhenvir,e c�gree in wrilinF,insuron�c prciceeda r:hall 6e upplied to t+estorution or repair of
<br /> •_�`��'^•� ' the Property damaged, if the rectaration or repair ix economically fe�.sible and Lender's security ie nut lessened. if 1he r
<br /> ,�.�,�"."•,,� restoration or►epAir is not ec�nomically fea.4ible or Lender's security would be lessened, the inxurance p�oceeds shall be
<br /> ,�;_e,�, a�lied w die sums secured by this Securiry Instrument, whether or not then duc.with any excess pnfd to Borrower. If
<br /> �;n";'`�'�s •� Borrower abandons the Properly,or dces not answer within 30 duys n notice from l.ender that the insurance carrier has
<br /> ':.,......;
<br /> —�t"y�'�.;;�:,w�-�,•� ofFered to settle a claim,then i.ender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender rnuy use the praceeda to repair or rcstore
<br /> • ° � � the Property or to pey sums secuned by this Secu�fty Instrument,whether ur not tixn due. The 30-day period wlll begfn when
<br /> -`•''• -*�".'"': ', the notice is given. _
<br /> i ��' Unless Lender and Borcower othenvise agree in writing,any upplicution at proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> t���;�:�� , postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to io pw'agraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> —�.�. . .� �' under ar� h 21 the Pro n is wc uircd b Lender, Borrower:s ri ht to un insurunce licies and roceeds rcsuldn
<br /> P BfeP Pe Y 9 9 � Y P° P �
<br /> � ��.- ,�. . . ��:,.a=- from damage to the Properiy prior ta the acquisition shail pass to Lender to�he extent of the sums secured by ihis Secudty
<br /> �.,�•�.�y :. ,�•.:. insuvment immediutely prior to the acqwsition.
<br /> __►, �. � ��,. 6. Occupancy. Preservation� MAiMe�ance and Protection oP the Property; Borrower's Loan Applkadon;
<br /> �"��- � �•'���'�:Y Leasehalc�. Barrower shall cecupy.establish.und use the Property as Borrowerk principal residence within sixty days after
<br /> - `� �'-� , , .�.;;-� � - the execution of this Security Instrument c+nd shall cuntinue tu�xcupy tf�e Propeny as Borrower's principal residence for at -
<br /> -- '`"��'�'"' least one year after the dute of occupancy, unless l.ender othenvise ugrees in writing, which cansent shall not be
<br /> - . ` �v unreasonably withbeld,or unless extenuating circumstnnces eaiat whicb nne b�yond Borrower's control. Borrower shell not
<br /> �:-,:'� ° destroy,dwnage or impuir the Praperty,ullow lhe Property to deteriorate,or commit waste an the Property. Borcower shaU _
<br /> =-,�,;,,,,,.;;,, �, bc in defuult if any forfeiture action or praceeding,whether civil or criminal,is 6egun that in Lender's good faith judgment
<br /> _..� � � could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise muterially impuir ihe Ifen creuted by this Securiry Instrument or
<br /> _ ��,•��' ;r•;�, Lende�'s secudty interest. Borrawer may cure such a default und reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action
<br /> :-� , . ,;;; , �;, or proceeding ta be dismissed with a ruling that,in Lenderk good faith determina�ion,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's
<br /> ,-� • intenest in the Property or ather material impuirment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's secudty
<br /> '� . interest. Hortower shail also bc in default if Borrowe�. during the loun npplication process, gave materially false or
<br /> ---- '. ' ,-.�,;�,_� inaccurnte informulion or statements to Lender(or fuiled to provide Lender with any material informa�ion)in connection with —
<br /> — ' the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representutions concerning Borrower's occupancy of Ihe
<br /> ���" 'f��� Property as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on u leasehold,Borrower shnll comply with nll the provisiona
<br /> -y�,,;—` � _ � - ` - of the lea.se. If Borrower ucquires fee title to the Propeny,the leasehold and the fce title 4ha11 not merge unless Lender agroes �-
<br /> p;,;� � to the merger in writing. _
<br /> ;,.�c.. � �. , 7. Protection of I.ender's Righls in the Property. If Borrower fuils to perfortn the covenunts su�d ugrcements -
<br /> - , �� contained in this Security Instrument, or there iti a legal proceeding that muy signi�cantly uffect Lendcr's rights in the _
<br /> �
<br /> ___ `� �• . � Property(such ac a proceeding in bunkruptcy,probute,for condemnation or forfeiwre or tu enforce laws or regulations).then
<br /> ar � • Lender may do nnd puy for whatever is necetisnry to protect the value of the Propeny und Lender's rights in the Property.
<br /> � Lender�uctians mny include paying uny tium.r-srcured by u lien which hu,prioray over[his Securiry Instrument,nppeuring !
<br /> - •� in court,paying rea4onuble nitorneys'feer und entering on the Pmpcny la muke repuirs.Al�hough Lender may wke action
<br /> "' . ;:� . under Ihix p•rrogruph 7.Lender dces not huvc tu Jo.ro. _
<br /> - � • � • Any amounts dixbuned by l.cn�r unJe�Ihi+p:uugruph 7 ,hull lx�omc •riklitional debt of Borrower srwred by this -
<br /> .�� •`�^r' Security Instrumem. Unle,y Bom►wer vnJ Lcndcr ugrce�o uther temi.of puymrM,these umounts tihall hear intere,t from the
<br /> �' °';" dote of dislwnement ul Ihe Note ratc und shall hc puyrhlc, wi�h imems�, up�m notire fro�n Lender to Borrower reyuesting
<br /> 81�
<br />:i«� . . payment. `'
<br /> • - • ° .. S. Mortgage Insuranre. If Lender reyuireJ m��rtgu�e imurumr u.u ra^dition of muking the loan secured by this _
<br /> �' • '�a.`"Qp��• Securiry Instrumen�, Borrower shull pay the premiums reyuimd �o mainwin thc mongagc rosurnnce in effect. If,for any
<br /> ''"` rea�on, the mort a e in�urunce coveru e re uired b Lender la ,c� or ceu.e+ to t►e in effect, Borrower shall a �he —
<br />,�'�'� �� ''� " R B B 4 Y P•' P Y —
<br />__ � premiums reyuirr:d to ob�ain co n�ge subs�antiully cyuivolent tu [he monguge imur•rnce previou�ly in effect, A1 A cost
<br /> = _. substuntiully equivalent to the cust to Barrow�r of the:m�nguge imurance prrviuu,ly in efPect, from un altemate mortgage °
<br />- insun:�approved by Lendec If xubsluntiully eyuivulent mortguge in�urunce coveragc i�not available,Borcower shull pay to —
<br /> � _ Lender each month•r sum eyu�l to one-twelRh of the yrurly m�mguge insurancr prc�mium heing paid by Borrower when Ihe _
<br /> � � . insurance covernge lapsed or ceuxed to lx in et�fert. LenJer will accept,u,e;uid reiuin�hrse paymcntti•ry a luss reservt in lieu
<br /> .. " oi mon u e insurarnce. Losx reserve r mems ma-no lun�er hr rc uireJ,at ihe o tion of l.ender, ii'mort .� e insurunce
<br /> _ - 8 8 P'Y ) b 4 P B'B
<br /> ` ,� ��-�� � coverage(in the umount und for�hc perioci�h:�t LcnJrr Ryuire.l providrd h}�an in.ur�r approved by Lender Ugain becomes �
<br /> " �� ' • s►vuiluble:u�d is obtained.Borrow•er xhull pay the prrmiumx rryuireJ 1u m•rinlain murlgage m.rurance m effec�,ur to provide v
<br /> : ' d0�s:"l� '� � loss reserve,until the reyuirement for mortga�c insuamce enJs in urrordunre with uny written agRement between Borrower
<br /> � � • und Lenderurapplicable law•. �
<br /> 9, lnspection. Lender or it.agent may make rru+onublr rntrie.up�m:uid in.pertions of thr Propeny. Lender shall �
<br /> give Bomiwer nnticr at�hr time uf ur prior�o an im�xrtian.p�.ifying rca�unable cau+e ti�r the in+pertion.
<br /> 10. Condemnntion. Thc pr�xr�J+ol'any:�a:uJ��r rl:um li�r Jum:�gc+,dircrt ur cum�yurnti•rl,in cunneclion wilh any
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