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_ .._ � I i <br /> � �.�'� VI ��� ��'.,*ti,,�..,�,�-�:i." , Q _ , _ <br /> � � .�; .,:,', aa+�"i'--"_ <br /> 1 '`{� `, �a,� -- - �Y._ .. . - <br /> :��r_1_ <br /> .{1n��,,,fr�}t� e.w . .:,.Y.•.�s ��..��w.+.+-..�- -""'--�,.___�_ • -. - <br /> ': '�'�. ' .:ti;'�,�9, '� ��'`�`" .. � �, <br /> ��� , � �_'' '-- -- = <br /> . <br /> . . . . .., . <br /> . <br /> .� <br /> � .�. <br /> .. �� ,.�� , � 92— �ods4ol <br /> per�od.g thnt L.ender rcqui•res. Thc insuranco csrrfer providfng�hc insurance shull bc chosen by Barmwer rubJect to Lcnderlc <br /> " approval which�hall not be unrc,asonpbly wllhheld. If Barower ioils to molmain coveragc dercr�bed obove.l.eaider <br /> � ,.1 ,.. • l.ender's option,obtain coverage ta protect Lender�righta in the Property in acrnrdancc with pprc�grwph?. <br /> � ��' All insurar�ce policies end ronewaltt shall be ucceptubie to Lender and shall include n standard mortgoge clau►�e. Lender _ <br /> '` - ''r� i. �• ahel!hnve the�iQht to hold the policies n+n�!rrnewAls. If Lender requires,Bormwer xhall promp�ly give to Lender all receiptei <br /> . af paid premiuma end renewal notices. In the event of loss.Borrower ehall�ive prampt no�ice tn the insurmco caRier wnd R <br /> : L.ender. Lcnder may makc proof of loss if not madc promptly by Borrowcr. <br /> - `"".�.��--.<. " Unicbb l.�:ncicr And Borrower atherwfse ugree in writing,lnsumnce pmceeds shAll be ep}+lied lo rcat�mtion or npair of �_ <br /> thc Roperty damaged, if the restoraiion or repair is econamicully feyai6lc and LendcrR secu�ity is not lesscnrd. !i the � <br /> a•.; �4��,�n��, _ restoration or repair is not eco�omically feasible or Lenderx uecuriry would be lessened, tho insurwice prcxceda shall be <br /> .���`'• ;.r �* <br /> applied to the suma secured by this Securlty Instrument,whether or not then due, wlth uny excess ps�id to Borrower. If <br /> ,F,;.,w: .•. Borrower ubcndons the Property,or does not answer within 30 days a notice from l.ender�hut Ihe insurance carrler has <br /> — �-=� offered ta settle a claim,then l.ender mAy collect the insurance proceeds. Lender muy use the proceeds to repair or restaro <br />��; . ' �' s``� '�� ` the Property or to pay sums secured by this Secudty Instrument,whether or not Ihen due. The 30-duy periad will begin when • <br /> ... <br /> '�� .. -.--.. -. * , the notice is glven. — <br /> � '` Unlexs Lender and BoROwer otherwisse agree in writiog,any opplicution of procceds to principal shall nat extend ar <br /> r,.. . <br /> �j'1'""�= �' � t ne the due date of the monthl a menta referred to in ara ra 6s 1 nnd 2 ar chan e the amount of'the a mente. If <br />�� • p�po Y P Y p B P � p Y <br /> — -_� �°`-=�^�� under psirrangraph 21 the Property is ncquired by Lendcr,Borrower's right to uny insumnce policies and proceeda resulting <br /> i.:l.-. `� .�;'� � . <br /> �.—:,,. � . from domuge to the Property pryor to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums xecured by�his Security <br /> -.--'�'r•�.r:���•°•~;;,;,,� Instrument immediutely prlor to the ucquisition. <br /> :...�..;�, . <br /> .5.;:=== .•��-,:;�;.;, ' 6. Occupancy, PreservAqon, Malntenonce and Pratection ot the PropeMy; Borrower'� L.oan AppllcAdon; <br /> __ '_"�'`._'�_"=:�'�•' I,eASedolds. Hormwer shAll accupy,ests►blish,and use the Properry a�Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after <br />' . �� , � �����'' the eaecutian of this Secudty Inswment und shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for ut ` <br /> � � leact one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwi�e agrcea in writing. which consent shall not be <br /> • � - :"•��:tiK unreasonably withheld,or unless extenunting circumstances eaist which are beyond Borrower'.s contrd. Borrawer shall not <br /> � -• destroy,damage or impair the Propeny.ullow the Propeny to deteriorute, or commit waste an�he Praperty. Borrower shull <br /> � ... - be in default if any forFeiwre actian or proceeding,whether civil or begun that in Lender§goad faith judgment <br /> � , " • ' cauld result in forfeitu�e of the Propeny or ot�ierwise materially impair the lien created by thia Security Instrument or <br /> . Lender's security interest. Borrower may cuce such u defnult and� provided in paragraph l 8,by causing the ac�ion — ' <br />. � � ° ' ' or praceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that,in Lender's-gaod faith determination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's �,,__ <br />- , ' interest in the Property or other material impairment of the lien crented by this Security Instrumen�or Lender's security <br /> . • interest. Hurrower shull also be in defAUlt if Borrower, during the loan application process, guve msteriully false or =-- <br />"`� �� •.��b.: inaccumte informution or statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any material inforniation)in connectton with — <br /> � . .. . , �. <br /> , ' , �, . :, the loan evidenced by Ihe Note, including, but not limited to, representations conceming Borrower h occupancy of the � <br /> � -:-__ '�—�-`�" - a ��_''�= Property as fl princi�!rcai�'nce. if thi�Sevurity Mstrument is nn a leaxehold,Borrower shall comply with¢ll the Qrovisions =____ <br />,. ' � ' ' '._ _-- of thc Icuse. If Borrawer acquires fee title to the 1'roperty,the knsehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees <br /> •��`' . • to the merger in writing. __ <br /> 3��,. . 7, Protectlon of Lender's Righfs in the Property. If BoROwer fuils to perform the covennnts and ngreements 6 � <br />; , contained in this Securily Inxtrument, or there i� a Iegul praceeding �hs�t may significuntly affect Lender'.s rights in �he —� <br /> Pro n such us n aceedin m bnnkru c robute,for condemnAtion or forfeiwre or to enforce luws or re ulations),then � � <br /> , `�r � Pe Y( Pr g� (x Y�P � — <br /> �_ Lender may do nnd pay for whntever is necessnry to proteci �he vulue of the Property and Lendcr's righu in the Property. ___ <br /> ,i:T,,.„„... . — <br /> . - Lender4 actions may include paying any sums secured by u lien which has priority over this Security Instrument,nppearing _ <br /> x• „ � •� in court,puying reusonable attomey.s'fees und enterin�on the Property to muke repairs. Although Lender muy take action <br /> + ".. under this puragraph 7.Lender docs not huve to do so. � <br /> - " ' "�'• Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this parugrnph 7 shull become additional debt of Bortower secured by this <br /> �� '• ' �� "� Security Inxtrument. Unless Borrowcr und Lender ngrec to o�her termx of puyment,thexe nmuunta shull besu interest from the !'. <br /> ' "`"'"' • �• date of disbursement at the Note r•rte und xhnll be payuble, with interest, upcm notice from Lcnder to Borcower requesting --- <br /> ,�'`~ puyment. <br /> / �'� � 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mortgugc insurunce ati a condition of ma{;ing the loun secured by Ihis <br /> �_ <br /> /' :�,,,,, Security Instrument, Borrower shull pay the premium+ reyuired to mnintuin the mon�uge insurnnce in effect. If,for any �__ <br /> � .- rcason, the martguge insurunce coveruge reyuired by Lendcr 1•rpties or ceu�es 10 be: in effecl. Barrower shall puy 1he <br /> premiums required to obt�in cnveruge subxtunliully cyuivalent to �he mongage intiurunce previously in effecl, ut u cost �r�' <br /> '' ,��,",�e, . ' � substnntiully equivulent to the coxt to Borrower af the mongnge insureuice previouwly in eftecl, from un altemute mortgage <br /> , ,, insurer npproved by Lender. If substuntiully eyuivulent mongage insuranre roverage is not availaMe,Borrower shall pay to �-- <br /> w,� , �`•"""'�' Lender euch month a sum cyual to one-twelRh of Ihc yearly mortuugr insurancc premium being paid by Borrower when the ~ <br /> • . .�,,,>�,,.- insurunce coverage lupsed or ceaxcd�o be in rffect. Lrnder will u�cept,uxe und retnin the,e puymemx as a loss reserve in lieu �'��� <br /> - � of mortguge insurunce. Loss re�erve puymentx muy no longer be reyuircd, ai the op[ion of Lcndcr.if mortgage insurunce <br /> � . -,,� ° coveroge(in the amount and far Ihe pericxl thut Lrnder requires)pn�vided by an insurer upproved by Lender again becomes ��� <br /> ` �' �,,,.. Availnble und is obtained.Borrower shall puy the premiumr rrquired to muintuin mongugr insurance in effect,o�to provide a ,'� <br /> •�'�`-�� `� loss reserve,umil the requirement for mortguge insurance end,in accordunce with�►ny writ�en agreenxnt between Borrower _! <br /> . und Lender or•rpplicable law. <br /> . ,` ' 9. Inspection. Lendcr or itx agrnt may makc rra�unohtc entrirx upon :md intipectiom ol'the Pmperty. Lender shnll <br /> ' j• , .. give Bonowcr notirc:it thc timc of or prior lo un in�prction ti�xcii'ying rcasonahlc rau�r tiir�hc intipertion. —;:; <br /> � 10. Condemnotlon. The prcxeed�at':my,�wsirJ��r rl:iim G�r diimng�.,dirrrt or con.eyuentiul, in rnnncction with any <br /> Single Frmily••Fynnle\tue/Freddle lfar l'NIF'OR11 INtiTRI'11kNT Umtimu Cuvcmnt� 9/90 rpuge?�/n�w�rsl <br /> '�;;'.. " Grea�InYn Nux�rsei Yaw.Inc ■ <br /> .. _ • . . To�kNr I:Y 1-NODfi:i6Y]93 C)YAX 81&7UI413) , <br /> a <br /> f .. . <br /> � . .. ,. . .' -,-,,-, . . . r . . . . . . , .-. .. ._ ... . <br /> , � , <br /> ' <br /> ' � <br />, V ' . ( <br /> S <br /> � ' <br /> 1 <br /> � ' _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ <br />