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<br /> condemoution or ather lekin�af any purt of�he I'rop�rty.or fo�cunveyunce in lieu af condemnation.are hereby assi�ned u�d
<br /> �hall be paid to Lender.
<br /> _- In the event of u total tuking of 1he Property. Ihe proceeda shall be upplicd ta �he Kums xecured by Ihis Security
<br /> lns�niment,whether or na thcn due,wi�h any excexg puid t�Borrawer. la the evcnt af A punial taking of thc Prope:ry in
<br />� ���;;a:• which the fuir market vulue af the PropcAy imnx�l�vt��Y bcfarc thc tuking is cyual to ar gmater�hun the umaunt of the �umx
<br /> aecured by this Secu�iry Instrumem Immedfotely bcfore�hc taking,unlesa Bartawer und Lender o�herwir,o agree in wridng,
<br /> , Ihe�umx xecured by thix Security Instrument hholl be reduced by the umuunt of the prcxeedx mu�tiplied by�he fatlotving �,
<br /> Praction: (u11he rotal amount af the sum� s�ecured immediutely befare�he�aking,divided by lb)�he fuir murket value of ttK;
<br /> `�� i + PropeAy immediotcly beforc the toking, Any bplunce shall be puid to Borrower. 1�� thc cvcnt�f a p:utiul tal:ing af cfic �-
<br /> �-.�s-• Prope►ty in which thc fuir murket valuc of Ihe Pmpeny immedintely before thc tuking is Icsx than thc amoum nf the sums
<br /> dr�tawir�
<br /> secured immediutely before the tuking,unkxg Borrower und Lender otherwixe agrce in writing or unless applicuble luw
<br /> � '��" �itherwise pmvides,the praceeds shall be upplied to the�ums�cecured by thi�Security Instn�ment whether or na the sums an
<br /> ``-�'='� then due.
<br /> _ � � ���:..;•.:�
<br /> -•� If the Propeny is ubandaned by Borrower,or if,ufter notice by Lender to BaROwer that the cundemnor offerx to make 4
<br /> �'. F'A � ur�nwurd or settic a clnim fur dumc�ges,Borrower fuila to respnnd to Lcndcr within 30 duys atter the date the natice is given,
<br /> "`'�`�"��~�'�"" Lender is authorized to collect und apply the proceeds,At its option,either to mstorution or repair of the Property ur to the
<br /> �,_.z ,;.� _ sums recured by this Securfty Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> �•-.-�k?�'-� Unless Lender und BuROwer othenvise agme in writing,uny upplicution of proceeds to principnl shall not extend or
<br /> F,,, postpone thc due date of Ihc montbly pnymcnts refeRed to in pamgruphs I and 2 or change the amount of such puyments.
<br /> �'"", �``u 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbewrs�nce By Lende� Nat A WAiver. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> �.�F,� �•
<br /> ��F,.,,..,,� :.,��6�.i, modification af nmonization of the tiurn.r• secured by thig Security Instn�ment grunted by Lender ta sury successor in n�erest
<br /> ��� -';�`f� , uf Bunuwer ahall not operate to rcicahe the liubiliry af the original Hurrower or Bormwer�tiucce4�rx in int�rest.Lender ____,_
<br /> "� `b�"-�� shull not be reyuired to commence proceeding4 ugnm�t any xuccestior in interext or refuse to extend time for pnyment or .
<br /> �'�— , , otherv�ise madify nmonization of th�sumti secured by�his Security Instromen�by reution of nny demond made by the original
<br /> -� Borrower or Barmwer's xuccessorn in imere�t. Any forbeurAnce by Lender in exercising any�ight or remedy shull not be. a �__
<br /> . �' ' ' ;� ' ' wuiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. _-_
<br /> 12. Successors and Asaigns Bound;Joint and Several Liability;Casigners. The covenant+und ugreemenl.c oi this _
<br />_'�{ d ��. Securfty Instrument shall bind und benefit the: succcstion und assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject tn the provisions of
<br /> ,nr.-+��•c~'••�^ psuagraph 17. Borrower:s covennnts and ugreementx �hull be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> 'w� _ � � Instrument but dces not execute the Note: la) is co-signin�this Security Intilrument only to monguge,grunt and convey thut
<br /> ��_� Bomower 4 interext in the Property undcr the term+of this Security Instrument; Ib1 is not penonally obliguted to ps�y the sums �_�
<br /> _ ., �.,. ;;� . secured by this Security Instn�mem;and(c)agrecs that Lender and nny other Borrower muy ugree to extend,m«iify,forbear _
<br /> � ;. �• or make nny accammodutions with regurd to �he termn of thiz Secunry Instrument ar the Note without thot Borrower� —
<br /> r;.:...�._�y';..z:•r3, consent. �
<br /> __.
<br /> -:— v-�---- .... __°_-�
<br /> :t.::.: . 13. l.own ChAry�es. If the bnn secured by ihi. Se:curiiy io�lrwueui i. ,ubjeci io a taw �chich ,ci�; maximum aan _,._
<br /> ' " charges,und ihnt IAw is finally interpreted xo that the intere�t or other loun churges collected or to 6e collected in connection
<br /> -.� �,.y`�� ^ " ''-� with the loim exceed the permitted limitx, then: lu)uny such loun char�¢e shall be reduced by�he nmount neceswiry to reduce d,
<br /> ��' ;�x� � the churge to the permitted limit:and (b1 uny tiumti nlrcudy collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will he �:_:
<br /> �� ••••• ' '�:; refunded to Borrower. Lender muy chaose lo muke�his rePund by reducing Ihe principal owed under the Note or by muking u --
<br /> �:,� � direct pu yment to Bortower. If u rcfund reduces principul,the reduction will be treated ns a paninl prcpayment wnhout uny —_
<br /> _f� . ' � prepuyment churge under the Notc. �__
<br /> 14. NoNces. Any notice to Borrower pmvided for in ihis Serurity Inslrument shall be given by delivering ie or by �,:.:
<br /> . ; ,yyf '�,.� muiling it by fint cluss muil unles�upplicable luw reyuire+uxe of•rnother method.The notice+hull be directed to the Property
<br /> - ��+ _ . Addrcs.r or uny other udJrexs Burrower designules by naicr�o Lender. Any notice to Lender+hull be given by first cluss c:
<br /> muil to Lender's adJress xlutrd hercin or uny otlxr address Lcndcr dc�ignutcs by notice to Borrowcr. Any natice provided for �
<br /> �� ""^' '� in this Security Intitrument �hu l l I x� dcerne d w huve t►cen givcn to Borro w e r o r Le n d e r w h e n g i v e n u s p r u v i d e d i n t h i s _
<br /> - .. puragruph. �'-
<br /> .. 1S. Governing Law; Severabillly. Thi+S�curity Imtrument ,hall Ix� �ovcrned by federul law and Ihe luw of thc
<br /> At�:�,..• �•"� jurisdiction in which�hr Property is IcxuteJ. ln�hu evcnt thut uny provision��r cluutie af this Security Instrument or thc:Note
<br />_.",�� :'�^��� .;��- conflicts with upplicuble law,such con0irt+hull not aftcct uthcr pruvi.iuns��t'�his Securiry Imtrumrnl or the Note which can =
<br />- be given effect withuut 1he conflicting provi�ion. To thi� end the pmvisiom uf Ihis Securiry Inxtrumenl und the Nate urc
<br /> ' ,;�:; ' declurtd to he severuble.
<br /> •• � 16. Burrower's Copy. Borrowcr�hull lx given onc r��nf��nnrd copy of thc Notc anJ of'thi.Scrurity Inslrumem. _
<br /> �; --- . 17. 'I�ansfer of the Property or a Beneticiul Interest in Borrower. If aU��r uny part of the Pmpeny or uny intere�t in --
<br />- ` il is sold or lrancferrcd (or it'u lknci'icial intercst in R�ttrower iti xoW or trun+frrceJ and Borrower is not u nuturol penonl �_
<br /> . '� a ' ` without Lendrr;prior wriucn cununt.Lender muy,ut i�s optiun,reyuirc immediatr paymrnt in full of ull sum� +ecured by
<br /> R, .
<br /> ' � thi+Security In.rtrument. However,d�is o�ion xhall not Ix rxerci�rd i+y Lender if exerrixc is prohibited by federnl luw us af ��
<br /> ` - � :�. _.
<br /> the dute of Ihis Securiry Imtrum�nt. �:-
<br /> '��` ,.,�;y s:.:s....•,.. If Lender exercises thi+option. Lencler xhull givr Borrowcr nuticr uf ucrdrration. 7'hr notirc�hall proviJe u p�:riod of �
<br />�k�� ` not less thun i0 duys fn,m Ihe dute Ih�n�uicc i.Jclivercd ur maileJ�vithin wl�ich Beirrowcr mu,t pny all ,ums,ecureJ bJ�this _
<br /> '�'� : � I Sccurity In+trumrnt. If Borrowrr I'uil+ to puy�hryc sum� prior to thr rxpirution ul'thiti �xriod. LenJcr muy invoke any - -
<br /> t ' � nmedirs permiltrd by thi+Srcuri�y In+irumcn�N•ithuut furthcr no�icc or drnwnJ un Burruwcr.
<br /> t • I 18. Burrower's RiFht tu RefnMute. If B��rn�w�r mcci� ccnain r�xidili�m,. Borrow�r +hull h�vr the right tu havc
<br /> � .
<br /> � � �nl'orcement of Ihis Security Inrtrumcn�eli,c�miinucd a�any iinx priur Iu thr earlirr of: la{S duy.lar,urh�,Ihrr�rial a+ �
<br /> .. . tiingk f�aml� •Fannle\fur/Freddlc�lnc l'\IF(IN�1 ItitiTRI'�IE�1T••l4�ilonn('uvcoann 4/90 ip��,��,�(npi�e�i
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