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<br /> ----_� = lOS3�0
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<br /> ot e�le,and the sa1c,InciudinS the pxymeat at the'Ifusfee's feea Actually inc�rred,nat to e:ceed 3.0 ��
<br /> the priaclpd ainouet o�Ihe nate at the Nme ot the decl�rAtion of detAUll,�nd rereonable Attorneya'fce�s�permitled
<br /> by I�wi(b)W all wau ucured by tbir Security liutrumenl:oad(e)aay e�a to th�person or per�on�kRally eatltled
<br /> a�.
<br /> 2�. RecodveyAnce. Upon puymcnt of aU suma secured by this�ccudty Instrumcnt, L.ender xhall request 7ivstec u►
<br /> reconvey the Property ond shall Rutrender this Securfty Instcument and all notes evidencing debt sccured by thiR Secudty
<br /> - - ____ —__--_�
<br /> lnstrurnent to 7Fustce. 'itustec shall rcconvey the Property without warranty And without chsuge to thc pc�son or persons
<br />--- - --- - IeYally entitled to it. Such p�:non or persons shall pay utiy recocdnt on costs.
<br /> 23. SubsdWte'I�ustce. Lender,at lta option,may from dme to tima removc'IFustce and uppolnt n succeK+wr uustee to
<br />� any'Itustee appointed hereunder by an insqument rccarded in the county fn which Ihis Securlty InxtNrnent is recorded.
<br /> _- — W1�hout conveyance of the Propeny.the successor trustee Phall succeeA to�II the tiAe.power and dutfes conferred upon
<br /> � 7tuwtee henin und by appiicable lew.
<br />_ __ �.,.,,,� ?A. Requeat tar NoNcew Bormwer requests Uwt copias of the notices af default and aele be sent to l3omuwer's address
<br /> — — which ls the Property Adcltess.
<br />�a ' ' -�__T' 2.i, Wdera to this Securily IaslrumeaG If one or more riderr ure executed by Borrower and recorded together wUh
<br /> _,_.,, ____ this Securiry Instrument,tha covenants and agreements of each Ruch rider shall be incarporated into and �hafl�mend and
<br /> _ suppiement the covenents and agreemente of this Security Instrument as if the dder(s)were a part of this Security lnstrument.
<br />- -- - .� [Cdeck applicable boa(esN
<br />��art�'6�ss'_;r���sa�
<br />--• �°'��� a Adjaawble Rate Ridor �Condominium Rider �1-4 Family Rider
<br />—�i�';��. ;�� �Cir+�ciuutc�l Payn�ent Itider �Planncd Unit Uevclopment Rider �Biweekly Payment Rider
<br />����:.'`,�`.�
<br />���i�c��w��� . �Ballaon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> ���, ,�.�;.
<br /> .W?:�:',fl.-n �.
<br />. ft'.�,-... .
<br /> 9+�":;ay'►a�`�+�`fi �' �Other(s)[specify] ACKNOWLEDGMENT� ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RIDER
<br /> '%=�;'v'�u�:.,e�`.i'
<br /> � ' � BY SICiNING BELOW,Borrower uccepts and agrees to the tern+s and covenants contalned in Ihis Security In�trument
<br />`�-�'���-�-!^=- and in any dder(s)executed by Borrower wid recorded with it.
<br /> ,�:;,}„�.!M?�rra;r.��L:A��'�c
<br /> .a ".i��:�`.:�'� WItI1BSSCS:
<br />.—� '.}.,.:u.� . .�v/�f..�.�f�/(SNB�)
<br /> -�:.�,ra�:i:.�F:-::r._.:-.:.;r�
<br /> �e�° �� MAURICE D. T UBENHEIN 'eoriOM'"
<br /> �,:: ' Sociul Securiry Number 505-44-3459
<br /> � ' _,.+.�_ ;�j.r '�11rs.�o,.�`��� �,,,i•• -y —(Seal)
<br />:. ''. �� ' � ,. ,,a' E1'ELYN I,. TAUBENHEIN •eurmwe�
<br /> •:,••�• .. . . . . Social Securi�y Number 545-5�?A?8..
<br /> .'i�,, ..ta, .,y�:.,.
<br /> ,:.��::•:_- ,.,.; f" STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL Counry ss:
<br /> ---^_--�=c-
<br />..'�,:�:,,.. . . -"=c:{rCv+.`_
<br />� ;"""�:�' � • On this 2Q4'H duy of ,M,y� lggZ .before me,the undersigned,a Notury Public
<br /> ''�'= � � duly commissioned und qualified for suid county,personally came MpURICE D. TAUBENHEIN AND EVELYN L.
<br />`"_��`' �_.__ '_ TAUBENNEIN, HUSBAND AND WIFE ,to mc known to be the
<br /> � �,�` � ident' rsons(s)whose nume(s)are subscribed to the foregoing instrument ond acknowledged the execution thereoi to
<br /> � EIR voluntury act nnd deed.
<br />-�,�:��� ,�� •
<br /> nd and nutarial seul at R ISLAND, NEB A in said county,the
<br />- -+l�:r.� .., . .. da dlyj('�7t,� `
<br /> �e.;sii�..•.�\.. ,;� My C ��1'�°�/ / x-- NWUy Poblic
<br /> � ' �' � F,Q M�4'
<br /> ����.- •.r � 'wQ��Gq'��b REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br />. y� � �� TOTRUSTEE: ��9,p�
<br /> The undersigned is the cr of the notc or notcs securcd by this Dced of 7Fust. Said note or notes,togethcr with all
<br /> �"'�=_:='.���� other indebtedness secured by this Deed of 7tust,have been paid in full. You ure hereby directed to cancel said note or notes
<br /> �' " and this Deed of 7tust,which ure delivercd hereby,und w reconvcy,withou�wartanty,nll the estAle now held by you under
<br /> ,;�.,�,,,F`�,�._:- this I�d of 7tust to the person or persons legally entided theretu.
<br /> • � Date:
<br /> �' Form 3621i 9190 Ipuge A n�6 pa�tsl
<br /> _�
<br /> . . r'_ .
<br /> ,� 8 •
<br /> '� —, _�.. ... ... .. �,s. . '.
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