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<br /> T,`,a��: T � epplicable law rnay apr.cify for rcinsm�ement)before sele of the Property pursuant to arty p"�`*�c'�'u1�7�(i�rtrt�A'T�fhia
<br /> • 3ecudty lnsaumcm; or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Secudty Insuument. Tho�c conditlons orc Ihal fiortower: (a)
<br /> �.� ��r,,�;:�:L pays Lcnder all sums which then would be due under this Secudty Instrument and thc Notc as if no acccleration hud
<br /> ,�,�,y:w ,;�,� ,, r uccurrcd;(b)cures any default of any other covenants or agreemente;(c)pays all expensca incurred in enforcing thie Sccurity
<br /> �. Instrument, including.but not limited ta, reasonnble attomcys'fees; wul (d) wkcs such actiun as L.ender mny reuconably
<br /> t,^+' require to essure that the lien of this Security Insln�ment,LenderL• dghta in the Property nrid BoRawerk obligation to puy the
<br /> M�, ; eoma secured by this Secudty Instrument shnli continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, �his Security
<br /> -- Insuument and the obligutions seeurcd herrby ghall romain fully effective ec if no accelerntion had occurrcd. Hawever,this F-`_'=-"
<br /> y,�h,�,."'�•�„� ri�ht to ninstAte siiell not apply in the case of acceleretion under puregruph 17.
<br /> �-� 19. Sale oP Notei Cbange o/Loan Servicer. Thc Note or a partial interest in the Note(together wi�h Ihis Security
<br /> �•'�:; ,...•±`•,l• .. "0- --
<br /> � • Inetrumeny may be sold one or more times wi�hout prior notice ta Borruwer. A sale muy result in u change in the entity �__..
<br /> _-_ � � �• '�� (known as the"L.uen Servicer")lhat callects monthly puyments due under the Note and thiu Security Intilrument. There nlso
<br /> � -=r�.�,�:=���� may be one or more changes of ihe Loan 5ervicer unrelaled to a sale of the Note. If there is u change of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> � � .. .,�; Borrower will be given written natice of the change in accordance with parugruph 14 above and appHcuble Inw. The natice
<br /> -- °� '� ' ;.� will statc the name und uddress of the naw Laan Servicer and the sddress ro which payment�should be mude. 7'he notice wil l ___
<br /> � ...
<br /> _�+�_�:,,�,y�� , also contein any ather information required by applicaWe law.
<br /> � �,°,� .. ,: 20. Hazardous Substances. BoITOwer ahnll not cuuse or permit�he presence,usc.disposal,xtorAge,or relcase of eny
<br /> �� �-�•_'� � "~ Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor ullow or�yone else to do,uny�hing nffecting the �,,:,,,
<br /> �� � " •+���H` PropeRy that is in violation of any Environmenwl Law. The preceding twa sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or ��,:
<br /> '� � �" y�' �� storage on the Property of small quantities af Hazurdous Subxtunces�hnt are generally recognized to be opproprlale to normal
<br /> —,;�:tr��° � ' � ` residential uses and to maintenance of thc Piroperry.
<br /> , � '7' Borrower shdl promptly give I.ender wripen ndice of eny investigation.clAim,demund.lawsuit or other action by�ny �
<br /> - `-�.�� . . . �' -' govemmental or regulatory ugency or priv�te party invalving the Property anJ�ny Hu�ardous Substunce or Bnvironmcntal —""
<br /> � � �; Law of which Barower has actual knowledgc. If Borcower leams, or is nwified by any gavemmcntol or �egulatory
<br /> s�:.j•��,w�c.;;r� - `•;;;�;'� authority,that uny removal or other rcmediation of any Hciznrdou s Substunce uffecting Ihe Praperty is necessary.Borrower � .
<br /> � shall prompdy take ail necessary remedial actions in accord�nce with Environmental Luw. �,�
<br /> __ � � ;;.,` As used in this putagrnph 20,"Nazardoux Substances"ure�hose substances defined as mxic or hnzardous subs�ances by
<br /> Enviranmentul Law and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene,other t7ammnble or toxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> _-=-~ ti • . � pesticides und herbicides, volulile ,ulvent+, materiuls contuining asbestos or formaldehyde, und radiouctive muterials. As --__
<br /> `' used in this paragreph 2Q."�nviranmentul l.aw"meuns federal Inws and laws of the jurisdiclion where the Property is lacated
<br /> -�' � ' � Ihat relute to hec�hh,safety or environmentul protectian.
<br /> �='�' 3 'p" d , .;, NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lemicr fLnher covenant und ugree s�s follows: "�
<br /> '`" . ' 21. Acceleralion; Remedles. I.ender shall glve notkc lo Borrower prlor to acceleralion Pollowiag Borrower's �—
<br /> - " .: '�� breach oP any corenpnt or agreement in this Security Inslrument Ibut not prlor to acceleration under paragraph 17
<br /> �°�� •� �.;. _ _' -i;� unless appHcablel�w provides othcrwlsc). The notice sholl specify: (a)the default;(b1 the action required to cure the
<br /> - = o-.- •� - :,
<br /> . • defs�ult;(c)A date. not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrowe�.by which the defeult must i�e -
<br />- . cured;and Id)thwt fAllure to cure the default on or before tqe dute specified in the noUce may result io acceleraffon of
<br /> - �• ' the sums secured by this Security Instrument und sale uP the Property. The notice shall furlher inPorm Borrower oP
<br /> ;: � �• ' • ihe rlght to reinstate after acceleration and the right to brinq a court action to assert the nan•existence of a default or _
<br /> �.#�, any other dePense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. IF the dePault is not cured on or before the date specified in �
<br />_ " the notice.Lender at ils option may require immediute payment in 1'ull of all sums secured by this Security Instrument �°'�1�
<br /> �,:' without further demwnd and may invoke Ihe power uP saM aad any other remedies permitted by applicable law. _
<br /> '�=A` � l.ender shall be endtled to cdlect all expenseg incurred in punuing the remedies provided in thiK paregrapi� 21. � -
<br /> •�^ � �� including.but not limited to.reaisonabk attorneys'feex aad cos4v oPtitle evidence. °¢�-
<br /> ��-•:� ' '�""-,� IP the power of sale is invoked,7Yustee shall rernrd a nuticr uf default in epch county in which any ps►rt oP the ��=�
<br /> }�iT - ' °'"'�° � Property is located and shall mail cupies oP such nMice in the manner pre.scribed by applicable law to Sorrower and to -
<br /> � � ' • the other persons p�escribed by applicuble law. After tbe tlme reyuired by applicable law.7lrustee sh�ll give public ��
<br /> � . a - ~ notice of sale to Ihe persons and in the manner prescribed by applkuble luw. Trustee.without demand on Borrower, "'
<br /> �� "'=� " . ' shall sell the Property at public auction to the hi�hcst bidder at Ihe lime and place t+nd under the terms designaled in �.�'�
<br /> ,N�.--....
<br />=- �. ° � the aof ice o f sa le fn one or more parce l�un d in any or der 7 l rus tee determines. 7Yustee may postpone sale of all or an y �
<br />� `}�" '"'�'"' �'- porcel of the Praperly by publir announcemenl at the time und place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender�r ils
<br /> , designee may purchase t6e Properly at any sule. �
<br /> Upon recelpt of payment uf the price bid. 'I�ustee shall deliver to the purchaser '11�ustee's deed conveyin�;the
<br /> j� � . ', Property. The recitals in the 7Yuslee's deed 4hu11 be prima iacie evidence oP the Iruth of the stalementg made thereln. ��.
<br /> � d� '• 7lrustee shall apply the praceeds uf the rule in Ihe followinq order: Ie)to all cusls and expenxes oP exereisin�the power �
<br /> . �
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