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.:. �,,; . _��- � . , q���� ,i � �: � ���t ... .. .:<s�� �. . ,� __ <br /> �' �"•'' ° �1 �l 1,.>,r�. ���' .. Y� � � � _ �, . <br /> ,-7 . w r�,... ,�:wyr'"3Y �.. ,.,x. __ "` -- -- - — <br /> � - -- - - - <br /> ,. .. ., _ - .. ____---- :;.�,�� - <br /> ,�.�r,�� �+ ?�. , .;..�.-�:.;-, <br /> . . <<.;..: . . :�::: <br /> ,�,.' ; ..��:.:.M+�:� , �'.._ riw.y�c,�.... ;. <br /> ��,�w•rr-,.,..•.r. <br /> �1�>-'"r �::x�t:- q .._ -- ---� <br /> a - _ <br /> ...M1. �JY'lI'ti�w.Y,�^1....b" <br /> •�'i. � Z�,,� ��Q <br /> � � condemnutiun or othcr tukinY��t'uny pun ui lhe Property,ar for canvcyuncc in licu uf aindemnalion.ujr+aUhcre6y�a.�xi�nc�und <br /> � a;.,�: ' shull bc paid ta Lcndcr. <br /> : =`?9'��•' �"• In ihe evenl uf u toml �uking af the PmEx.rty, tix� ptnceeJs shull be applicd �o the xuma secured by thi�+ Security <br /> '�,�<.:�.•w�4�., . Intitrumcnt,whethcr or n�K thc��duc,with uny puid to Barrawer. In thc evcnt of a purtiul tuking oP die Praperty in <br /> �o'` ���<. � • '•°, which ihe i'Air murkc�volue of Ihe Pruperty immediulcly ikf��ro�hc Ioking Is cyuul ta ar greu�er�hnn�he omounl of the sums <br /> "_� r�ecured by this Security Inxlrumen� immcJiutcly beiore�he tuking,unleyx Bnrn►wer and Lendcr otbcrwirse ogree in writing, <br /> '�. - the sums sccured by Ihis Sccurfty Imtrumcnl shull bc rcduced by �he omnunt nf thc pr.xeeds multiplicd by the following <br /> 'r�i•�� ,�� frmtion: (u)the tolul amount of Ihc KumK xcrurrd immediulely bci'orc ihe luking,dividcd by lk+)the fa�r morket vuluc��i'tlie `` ,�" <br /> " � �',��/'��"''b'�'�*��� Propeny immediutcly befarc the�ukin�. Any buluncc ,hull be paid�o QoRawer. lo the event of a pariiul tuking of the <br /> :/����{�i� 'r 1:..�•�,.° .� <br /> e.. :...r Praperty in which �he fuir murke�value ut'the Property immcdiutcly hefiirc the tnking ix Ic�ti thun thc umount of the sums <br /> '�' � � � xecured immediutely before Ihe laking, unlesg Born►wer und Lender otherwise ugree in wri�ing ur unlexg applicuble law <br /> ,�,.,;,,.,���,, ,;�:, � , '� atherwlse providea,the praceeds�hull lx�upplied to the sumz secured by this Securi�y Inatrument whether or not the sumx ure <br /> � � ' ��� then duc. <br /> ' ..._.�. _ .n. If the Propeny is ubundonrd by Borrawer,or if.after notice by Lender to BaROwer that the condemnor affers to mnke _ <br /> '`'�"°"' aa uwsud or seltle u cluim for dc�muges,Borrower fuik to respond lo I.endcr wilhin 30 days After Ihe dute the noticc is givcn, <br /> �'��''��''�°` Lender is uuthorized to collect und upply the proceedx,ut its option,cither to restomdon or repair af the Propeny or to the <br /> �+ � sums secured by th is Security Insirument,whe�her or nat then due. <br /> �Y�f.?...�: ..-..1� <br /> � .s,, . ,.. , Unless Lender und Borrower othenvi+e agme in writing,uny upplica�iun of prcx:ecds ta principul sholl not extend or <br />���� , pos�pone the due da�e of thc manthly puymcnts rcferred ro in purugruph.r• I und 2 or chunge thc umount af such puymerns. <br /> � 1 i. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By l.ender Not w Wniver. Ex�cnsion of the timc for payment or <br /> . "� d. ,. � , moditication of amoni-r.ation of the sumx secured by this Security In!�trument grunted by Lender lo uny succexsor in inlerest <br /> �'�s ' z �; of Bormwer xhull not oper.��e ta releusc the liability of the ori�inal Borruwer nr Aormwcre succe�snrx in interest. Lender _ .. <br /> - _ �. :�- .;--.., . <br /> �;; . _ shnll not be rcquired to commenc� prcxeedings ugninst any ruccessor in interest ur refuse to extend time for payment o� _ <br /> ; ••�y. . , �,, otherwise modify umurtizution of the zums secured by thiti Securiry Instrument by reatiun of uny demund made by�he originul �,..,�„ <br /> . Borrower or Borrower's xucces� imer�st. Any furbeurnnce by Lender in exercisin�uny right or remedy shall not be a �_ <br /> _ � .. wuiver of or preclude Ihe excrcisc of uny right or remedy. _. <br /> � ' � � 12. Successors and AsslRns Bound;Jolnt and Several l.iability;Ca-si�nerR. 7'hc cnvcnunts und ugreements of this — <br />_'''• _,_ __.�-^�:?LaT Security Inslrument vhull hind and henefi�the succes«n and ussiEns of I.ender unci Borrower,subject to the provitiions of �-_ <br /> = .. . , � ps►ragrnph 17. Borrowerti covenunts und ugreementx shalt be joint und .r•eve�ul. Any Borrawer who co•signs this Securi�y _ _ <br /> -_ ;�, Instniment but does not executc�he Nota: (u1 is ca-signing this Securiry In+trument only to monguge,grunt und convey�hul __ <br /> - Borcower's interest in the Pn�perty under thc tcrms of this Srcuriry In��rument; (b)ix nnt pe�onully obliguted tu puy the sums �z <br /> - _� � secured by this Security Instniment:und(c)s�grecs thut Lcnder und uny uther Borrower muy ugr�c to extend,moeiify,for6eur �_=_ <br />