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<br /> _ ' periada that l.ender requires. Thc inxurance cwrfer providing the insurunce shall be chosen by Borrowcr subject�o l.enderk
<br /> ' approval which�hnll not be unreasonably withheld. If Barrower fails to mainlNn coveragc descrfbed above,Lender may.at
<br /> Lender's optioa,obtaln coverage to protect I.ender's rights in�he Propeny in acco�danc�with purugmph 7.
<br /> " AI�insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to I,.ender nnd shall include u stondard mortgage clause. Lender
<br /> _�-�' ehall have the rlght to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender reyufres,Borrower shull promptly give to Lender all rcccipts _
<br /> of peid prcmiums and renewal nodces. In the event of I�ss,BoROwer xhall Qive prompt notice to the insurance carrier and
<br /> Lender. l.cnder may mnke proof of lasa if nat made promptly by Borcower.
<br /> - - Unless Lender and Borrowe�athernise agree in writing,insurance praceede shall be applied to restoratiun ur repair of -
<br /> .c, j.��'�';. the Property damaged, if the reatoration ar repair ia economically feasible and L.ender« security is not lesrened. If the
<br /> �!`•�'����• restoration or repttir is not economicolly fenaible or Lender's secudty would be lessened, the i�surnnce proceeds shall be
<br /> '"�1°°`-"�'`•' '' appl{ed ro the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with nny excess paid to Borrower. If
<br /> n-�-�- .' � t ' Horrower abandons ihe Property,or does not answer within 30 days a notice from L.ender that the insurance carrier has
<br /> _ -�_�•T:v'�'" ".,��
<br /> __ _ ���;,��, offered ta senle a cloim,then Lender muy collect Ihe insurnnce p�nceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repuir or restore
<br /> ��,�;�..="� ~ ,•T� the Propeny or w pay sums aecured by this Security Inatrument,whetheror not then due. The 30-duy period will begin when
<br /> ���.c:�i;�;,;ik'� ihe notice is given.
<br /> "` Unless L.ender and BoROwer otherwise ugree in writing,any applica�ion of proceeds to principel shall not extend or
<br /> ��1=�' ' postponc the due date af the monthly paymema refcrred to in pnrugraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the puyments. lf —
<br /> �'°''`ti �'- under ara ra h 21�he Pro rt is ac uired b Lender, Borrower's ri ht to an insurance Lcies und raceeds reault�n
<br /> �.��+s�:,i,�s,i�,.,�.,�-�.: P S P Pe Y q Y B Y P°� P g
<br /> --- u;;��1,:!•..1`.: ..w••�.•.; trorn damage to Ihe Piraperty prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to Ihe extent of the sums secured by this Sxur�ry
<br /> �Y��,.�,��,,;j;,, Instniment tmmediately prior to the acquihition.
<br /> � x,-,.,::� "'�'`� 6. Occupancy, Preservation, Mai�tenwnce and Protection oP the Propet�ty; Borrower's Lo�n Applicwtlon;
<br /> - . -�1'�'�'=`.;L:'-�=.` Leaseholda. Borrawer shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrowerk principal residence within sixry days after __..
<br /> -.:_:� � � ��"` �he execution of this Securit Instmment nnd shall continue to accu the Pr rt as BorrowerR rinci al residence for at
<br /> i:_....::�.'. . y PY � Y P P
<br /> "�— " � .. •����� leasst one year after the dute of occupnncy, unless Lender atherwise agrees in writing. which consent shall nat be
<br /> } � „ . unr+easonubiy wilhheld.or unless extenuoting circumstnnces exist which are beyond Borrower c cantrol. Borrower shull not
<br /> , •;�. " destroy.damage or fmpair�he Property,ullow the Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> " • ,':�.:;� be in default if any forfeitune uction or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun thnt in Lender?�good fuith judgment
<br /> �>;,�: ,_ .,4�1 �.:.._� ;�,. could rcault ln forf'eiture of the Property or otherwise muterially impnir the lien creuted by this Security Instrument or �
<br /> •a.: Lender:�security interest. Borrower may cure nuch n default and reinstate,as provided in pnragraph 18,by causing the action
<br /> - �'�� . :..�i+�.;ea"�^�; or praceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that,in Lendcr's good faith detennmation.precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's
<br /> ° °-�� � '°�'"'' interest in the Property or other materiul impainnent of the lien created by this Security Instrument ot Lender's security
<br /> .� } �+_
<br /> .::;: � interest. Borrower shall �Iso be in defnult if Borrower, during �he loan application procers, gave muterially false or
<br /> -- •�'��� �.�." inuccurate infortnation or statementx to I,ender(or fuiled to provide I.ender with uny mnterlal information)in connection with =
<br /> •-_��;•` ��:: _ ' the laan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited m, representa�ions conceming Borrower's occupuncy oi' the
<br /> . =�r+••,��va;+� Fropeny us a principai rcwiJcucr. ii'ti�iw Sc.;wity i�intrt+nient is on a leasehold,Barrou•cr sha!!comply u�ith af!she provisions _
<br />_ •• , , of the leasc. If Bocrower acquires fee tiUe to�he Pmpeny,the leusehold and the fee title shall not mcrge unless Lender agrees
<br />_�s • ' ro t1�e merger in wriling. --
<br />=�� •� 7. Protection oP Ixnder's Righta in the Property. If BoROwer fuils to perfurm the covenants and ngreements :s,
<br />:�. ,• °� .. � o�' contuined in this Security Instrument, or there is u Iegal proceeding that may significuntly uffect Lender's rights in the
<br /> �t�. � Propeny Isuch as a proceeding in bunkruptcy,probate,for cundemnntion or forfeiture or to enforce lows or regulations),then ��
<br /> °`-'�" �"�"�.. � ' Lender may do and pay for whntever is necescury to prorect the value of' the Piroperty and Lender's rights in the Property.
<br /> = • '. , ,._., � Lender�actions may include paying uny sums secured by u licn which huti priority over this Security Instrument,Appenring
<br /> � in caurt,paying reawnuble nttorneys'Pees nnd entering on the Property to muke repairs.Although Lender may take action
<br /> si.. , under this parugraph 7.Lender dces nat have to do tio. _...
<br /> �� � ','�,;': ' Any amounts di+buned by Lemier under thix purugruph 7 shull become nddilionul debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> �h :,, Qzr•'^�• •~-�'"�'� Security Instrument. Unless Borrower�nd Lcnder ugree tu other termti�f puyment,these Amounts xhall bear interest from the
<br /> .� •• `. " � date of disbursement at the Note rutc und xhall be puyable,wi�h interes4 upon notice from Lcnder to Borrower requesting —
<br /> +j� a ment. c-
<br /> ' � �'n;. •� P Y S. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender rcyuired mongage insumnce us•r candition of muking the loun secured by this �.
<br />, .w:. '�� .•� Security Instrument,Borrower xhull puy thc prcmiumz reyuireJ to maintUin the mortguge insurance in cffect. If, for any �''
<br /> •�• reason, the mongage in,ur.hnce cover�ge reyuired by Lender lupses or ceuties to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the
<br /> � ' premiurns requi�rd to obtain covemge substuntiully equivulent to the mortguge in�urance previously in effect, ut u cost
<br /> ,X:�°.• ° substantially equivnlent to the cost to Borrower af the mongage insurnnce previously in effect, fram un ultemate mortgage �,_
<br /> ;.:,;:.. insurer npproved by Lender. If substunliully cyuivulent mnrtguge insuronce coveragr is not avuilable,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> ° h �• Lender exh month u sum eyuul to one-�welfth c�f the yeurly mi�rtgugr inxurunce premium being paid by Borrower when the - -
<br /> ,f<r,�,, , insuronce covemge lopsed or ceused to be in effect. Lendrr will uccept,u,e und re�uin theu payments a,n loss reserve in lieu �'`
<br /> • of mortgoge insurunce. Loss reservr puyments muy no lon�cr b�:reyuir�.i,at �he option of Lrnder, if mortgnge insurunce !.._
<br /> :�, coveroge(in the arnount und for the periai that Lendcr rryuirr.l provided by an insurer vpproveJ by Lender ugain hecomes
<br /> �,�: uvailable nnd is obtained.Borrower xhull pay thc premium,rryuired tn mui nt:�in murtguge intiurance in effect,or to provide a
<br /> �,� • loss rexerve,umil the rc�yuircmrnt fnr mongugr intiurunce ends in accorduncc wiih s�ny wrilten ugRement between Borrower �1
<br /> and Lender or nppl icable luw.
<br /> • 9. Inspectioa. Lender ur ilti ugrnt muy makc nu,onuble eniric�upun and intiEx:ction+c�f Ihe Pn�perly. Lender zhull _
<br /> � give BoROwer notice a��hc timr ol'nr pnor to un inx�xction.pecifying rwsonable rauxe fur�he inspertion. �
<br /> 10. Condemnation. The prorecd,ol'uny aw;ird ur rlaim t'�►r dumagr.,dirert ur runxeyucmial,in connection with uny
<br /> � Singl�Family•-Funnle�tuc/FrcddM�1w 1�11FORSf I\tiTRCMF.NT--Undonn Co�cnan�. 9/90 rpupr?nj n�„i�e�u �
<br /> ��at Iate+Huelnnro Fumw hM ■
<br /> � To I1nMr Cdl IA06lS.'16N:N3 C]MA7f 6t&791�1171 � ..
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