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<br /> D. UN y ��nu�nu�rrs aavnwnva Yr►w:�v�wur�
<br /> -- ---- uarono cove�at!s or tM s�aaity l.wun�+u a.ma�a w n.a s�rouon:
<br /> L7. u�M«..rtww�•�awra�•w r.•�n�•�•wv 7�r«ro or s.curicy i�utrumme ooman«wdroro+oown�nu rw oatlood we �
<br /> " a�d aon-uoifonr oovwynu wWi UmJtad vulmiaos by lacl�dktloo to�oauituq a unlform�cudty iawnxnt carorlW ral proPp'►Y.'1�+
<br /> Socudty la�rtlm�at�116e�owrnad by F�dud law�ad the�w of tbe Jurisdietlaa in Mhkh tb Propaty 4 bated.In tbt evau tlµt eaY '
<br /> , provWm ar c�awe ot thir Sxud�Y latucument or th�Note conAku�vitb�ppllcabb law.wch coofiict�h�ll not affect otlKr providoru of tdl�
<br /> S�nrriry tawumaac a ttKe xaw whkh aa be dvan�tr�ct wlt6out tbe ooaflktla�provwoa.�cd to thb aad the provWoa ot this SaaitltY
<br /> - = iwtrumeot aod tRo Ncto aro dealorad w be avenDte. �
<br /> �, ''1'�A,NgF6it O�TBE!ROlFJt'!Y OR A sENi�IC1AL INIY�lFBT IN�OiROWi6R
<br /> Uuffam Covaowt 17 ut tbe Sa�vdty la�iru�t u sarcndad to rad�folbw�t
<br /> 17. 'lts�ot I�t PeoM1�a�MMfkW I�Mnst Ir�arewK.It�II or�ay p�rt of tM:Pcopaty or an intaat thereia b sdd a tra�ufarn4
<br /> (or it a ben�ficW iatuat in Borror�a i�wld a traoderred and&,cso�ver b aot�auur�l pecwn)witlwut l.ender's prlor wrinen oon�ent.
<br /> _ _ ' I�der pqy�pt��aod�r,i optioa,dxl�re eil tNe aun�iecured by ehi�8ecudtY Imwment to ba immodi�tely duo wd paiyRble.However. thlt
<br /> option�iwU aot 6e exacltad by Lender if exerciw b not auWoriud by Federal l�w.l.nider m�y w�tva the exerdie ot Ihis optloa i[:(�)Barower
<br /> aw�a to be submined to Lendu ioformada►required by Lender w evdwte tbe iatended t�wferee u it a aew lan wero bda�made to t6e
<br /> uan�fere�aad(b)Lender re�wonWY detamiaa chu i.ender't security wW aot ba impdred by tUe loaa wunipdon uid tb�t tho ri�k of t6s
<br /> — ira�ch 9f.ny oove�nt or.�reaowt in tW,securitr uutrument a acapt�ele to tmder.
<br /> To tbe e�ta�t pennitted by�ble 4w�i.enda m�y ch�ry�a a rauoaable fee iu�coadidon w La�dec'�¢onKnt w the twa wumptlaa.
<br /> -'� l+mder au�y dw requln tlw trwfaae to kaep an t6e prood�e�aud ajteanent�m�ck iq the IVote�nd in thb Security lns�ruarcnt.
<br /> °-.�:;.�;e�.,a ��lf La�der exard�a wch optton to aooelente.Latda t1u11 mdl eorrower nodce ot�oodaalloa ia�000tdance witb p�n�raph U bereof.
<br /> _—�_r. �ch aoHce Wull pcovkb a periad ot not ka tb�a 30 Aay�trom the date the notke b m�ilod w�ithia�dich Borrowa maY P�Y tde aau dxlarod
<br /> __ .�"-"�`.�`� due.If Borrowa faW to p�y ach iums prior to the expintion of ruch period.Laider may.witlwut�notke or daaaad on Han�owa.
<br /> ,.� _� iovoi�e any remedia oermittea by cnL savdty lnqrumeat.�•
<br /> °_".�,T',�,,�r'.7i..� "Notwit6�tandioi a�lo or ur�wta.BorroNer wW aoadaue W be obUjated wider Wt Note�ad thi�Security lwtrunKUt unlea l.eoder h�s
<br />,__�._�:��,,� rcleatodHarrowetlawridn�.••
<br />_ =����
<br />.--��'iLSfdNC'PS2ii�k�3f'r AF� �. �� .�Nrt�
<br /> ---:,z�5r�.,ra� If the lo�n�ecurcd by the Security Inurummt�wbject to a I�w which aett miucimum lan chrr4a��nd th�t Isw b fin�Uy iaterprcted w
<br /> ------�i�;.;� th�t!ha interat or atha lota chu�w coUectod or W be eollected in wnnectloa with t6e loan ezaed permitCed Umits�t6en:(1)any such lan
<br /> �"� ch�rge slull be raduoed by tUe�mount neoaawry to teduce tho c]wrYe to the Permittad Wnit;and(2)aay�unu Nrady collected fraa borrower
<br /> ''�`�",�V r�4�';�:"�: which excaded permitted Wnlq wW be refunded to Borrower.Lender may chooee to make this rePund by roducina the prladpal owed uader U►e
<br /> '�.-�`_•--,.,.�+r"�.: Note ar by n�kint R direct paYp�eat to BoROwa.If�reNnd nduca prfadPal.the roducdoa wW be uated a a Wnial PrcDiY�ent uodcr Ibe
<br /> .-�',-{�°'+'�r„'� Nota
<br /> .i� IN WITNBB�W1i�tEOp.BonowK lur�nt�d dY�MUmubM iVt�Wder.
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