. =:R.�., -
<br /> . . �_ • . .-�_ _ ..
<br /> � .s�..� .t.j�� ��1t^.... ' J' ._.__ ''
<br /> ^ - + t �Y/.5�: ,�1rc�-_P_ .
<br />.. . ..�..�."e•. U�. ' . .
<br />-- �y +i � y� • ADJUSTA�LE RATE RIDER 9Z� � '��` �
<br /> � • (I Yar T�wwry indnc-fUt�Gp�)
<br /> - THIS ADIUSTABLB RAT6 RIDER It mtde th11 15�FI �r p� JULY ,1992 :
<br /> - ad it incorporual Into�nd rha116e d«med to ancnd and iuDylemont Ihe Mortaye.Ooed ot Trmt,or SecuritY Deed(�he"Securhy 1 aNrument")of
<br /> t6�same d�te�ivrn by the unden4ned(the"HortoNm")to�ecur�Borrower`s AdJwtabk Rne Note(the"Nate")to
<br /> �Q/lht•'IwnAtr•')ot tbt au�dne�ad wve�.iy ths property dMCdbed io the Srcudty leprumrat�ad loa+ud+u:
<br /> ' "� �' 1138-1142-1146 S. YINE, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 �_
<br />..�. _
<br /> (PropMy Addrw)
<br /> i - ..,. TM4 �01� catwl� pro�Wor Wowl� tx cMnM I� wy Ir1�ns1 mt���d .r .oru�y
<br /> _ . ._ ,. -- _ �yaw�U.71b�ote dw Ilirlu IYe uoaet m�I�ts�a!e�N aN eMa���1�ort qw�ud _
<br /> :,`% ` ' � �O IM w1�M/��d IM�lIOYI fN���Otl�.
<br /> - ---`.�"�`�:� , ADDITIONAL COVENANTS.ln uldUion a the covenaau and�amenu mwde in the SecuHry Iruaumenb Banowa wnd l.ender
<br /> .,...,.�
<br /> �•�`•! �'� Mtf�er covenant�nd yree a�tollovw:
<br /> —_�irE�_,
<br /> �`'.,,u;� � 7Ue Nou rov(da for an inid�l intaat nte ot 6.0 4y,$ectlon 4 oP the Note provldes for chan{a in tde interest rate�nd Ihe
<br /> �>�wt uk...,w:e; P
<br /> � �y,�� nantbly p�yrnenu,u foUoaa:
<br /> �„, .. .. .
<br /> -'—" � .` ' ' �;��;" 1� /NT6REST RATB ANV MONTHLY PAYME/VT CHAN�fS �-
<br /> — t.�»:`�;.;r.• :a� (A1 �eD�b
<br /> i�. .' -�'' The intei�t rue I will pay rtwy ehan�e an�he fint day oi AUGUST ,19 93 ,and on�bat d�y evary .
<br /> ;,;;,,.... �:,.��; ' mon[hs therdRer.Each date on whkh my interat rata could chu�e ic collod a•'Chan�e Date." �-
<br /> ��I,�:s:_'. .k�� (Y) 'i'M l�dea
<br /> BeainninQ with the flnt Chan�e Date,my interat rate wlll be bued on an Index.The"lodex"is the wakly averaQe yleld on U��ited Stola
<br /> �� '`" `� '� ., Treacury socuritiea adjusted to w co�Want mawdty of 1 year,as madc avallable by the Federal Rcserve Hoard.The most raent Indac tiQure °--
<br /> ° • �. '�` arail�ble as of tha d�te 4S days beforeeach Chanae D�te is calkd the"Currcnt Index." ��
<br /> ' .b �• � If the lndes is no lonaer avaluMe.the Note Holder wIU choose a new Index which is b�ued upon comp�rable lafonpation. The Note r.
<br /> — y�i�,J�:i,,. �� HoWer wUl�ive ma notia of thh ehobe.
<br /> �
<br /> ,. .
<br /> — ,y�,�"� -' (C1 C�kvhdo�ot
<br /> —- �'`�a"�:- '-.';'� �"� Tt:'O AMD ONE—HALF r�cntaec ___
<br /> __ �,,•�w �.•�•` . :� &fore each Chw�e Date,the Note Holder will calcutate my new Imerest rate by eddinQ �'
<br /> - .:..:a•....... ��.
<br />=�_:! poinu( 2•5 9i)to the Current Index and roundinQ to ihe n¢arest 1/8th oi 14i,�ubject to the Iimitt sWted In Sation 4(D)be ow.
<br /> w:�4 " , � This rounded amount will be my new interat rate untll the next Change Date.
<br /> �.�� The Note Holder will then deurmine the amount of the munlhly payment that would be sufficicnl to repay in full lhc principa! 1 am �`�
<br /> '�.;, ;;��`i apected to owe on that Change Date In substant{�Ily equal paymenu by Ihe moturity date at my new Interesl rate.The nsuh of thN colculadon
<br /> ':; �.,, .:'�^. wUl be the new amount of my monttdY payment.
<br /> �� :�. �
<br /> ;.':w,:; . .. �- .�e-R . (D) 1��14 0�I�teral R�u Cb�Qq �,",��
<br />-�� .'� ,.„?; The interat rate t am requhal to pay at the first Chonae Date will not be grea[er than 8'� '��yj0 � �� —
<br /> Y �,....,.,.;�::? 4-� qi.Thereafter,my Intcrat ratc will never bc Increased or decreased on any sinQlc Chnn4e Date by morethan �-
<br /> �.•�-�-. . ,f 2.0�) from the rate of interat i have been payfng for the prceeding�weive months.The minfmum interest rate on thb loan will uever be
<br /> � ^. ��� 4.00 ni and ehe ma�imum interest rate wlll never be�reater than 11.00 Sy, _
<br /> '_a �+�:�so:. (�. Efkctive D�1e of CYu�a -
<br /> ; ="-�.rt�'' + My new interest rate wlll becomc effative on cach ChanQe Date.1 wfll pay the amount of my new monlhly p4yme�t be�lnnfa{on lhe Orot —
<br /> "� ,•�F...•^•�•� ^�;• monthly payment d�te+�fter the Chwqe D�te until the unount of my momhly payment chanaes aQain. V�'-
<br />_-� .:,�.,..�,.,+�,. � .
<br /> -y:: �•�. . (Fl NodceotCYu�a
<br /> --— � The Note Holder will mnil or del(ver io me a notice before wch CFun4e Date.The notice wiU advise me of:
<br /> � �• d • (i) [he new imerat ratean my loan as of the Chan�e Date; _ .
<br /> a -
<br /> =.yf�''���� „. (fi) the amount of my monthiy payment tollowina thcChange Date; --
<br /> ; `' (iii) any additional matter:which the Note Holdcr Is rcquired to disclox;and
<br /> "�`' pvy the addras of the aswciatlon you could rnntact reyudiny ony questiona ebout the adjustment notioe. �'Y�
<br /> �' r,,,.•..t
<br /> ' � ���"-'. -' ' Y. CNARCF3=LIENS —
<br />"'�'�� � Uniform Covenurt 4 of ihe Securky Instrument Is amendcd to read as follows: �?
<br /> � ` � " •• 1.CA�e�a;IJero.Borcower shall pay all u►xa,assessments,and othcr chnrges,fines,and impositions attributable to�Ae Properiy which may �
<br /> fitain�priority over this Securily Insltument.and leuehold payments uf ground rm�s,if a�ry,in the manner provided under p�r�raph 2 hereof �
<br /> . � �, "• - a,if not paid in such manncr,by Borrower making payment,when due,directly to the payec thcrcof.Borrower shall prornpdy furnish Lender i
<br /> � � � dl notica of amounts due under thi�pa�aQraph,and in the event Borrower sholl make payment dirce�ly,Borruwer siull prompdy furn is h to �
<br /> � 4tnder rceeipts evidencing such payments. Borrower shall promptly discharQe any lien which has priorfty over thh Saurity Ins�rument; i
<br /> �S however, Borrower shall not be requlred to dluharge any such Iien so long as Borrowcr: (al shall agree in writing to �he paymeM of the �
<br /> t obligation secured by such Nen in themnnntr sicceptuble to l.ender;lb)shall fn goai fei�h contest such Ifen by,or defend�gainst entorcemen�of E
<br /> i
<br /> , } wch Ilen in,le�al proceedings which in the opinion of Lender oper a�e to prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiwre o f�he Property or eny
<br /> , ' put iherrnR or(c)shall secure trom the holder of such lien ao a{reement in a form satisfactory to Lender subordl�atin{such lien to this �
<br />;: " . Secuflty Inmtrument. �
<br /> � If Lender determines thal�II ur any pan of the Propeny iti�ubjett to a lien which muy�auain a prioriry o�•er this Secun�y 1 nstrument,
<br />_��i ...1.__ --_ "_-- _ �t. .�C..��h.�An�. .
<br /> ..,-.- -'—"---.,-.-.'..��------ Ll1�4l�SIIYIIg1VltlOffOWl�Yf1011Clq[f1I11Y1OgSUCIIIIQII. tfOffOWRSf1YI11A11�1,V]UCnIICn�l1IM�CVIICViwJicLii�i�::..w�s ;........._..,.._ '
<br /> ° wlthin ien days oi�he Qivina of the nalce.
<br /> � C. NOTICE
<br /> � . Uniform Co�eoant t4 of�he Security Instrumcm is amended lu reuJ a�follews: ��
<br /> , i 11. Nollee.Frcept for any nutrcc required under opplicablr I�w tu be given�n another manner,l�1 any nouce tu Norr.ixer pru�ided (ur in thi,
<br /> 5enuri�y Instrument tihall be given bydeli�ering i�or by mu�ling it by firs�class mad ro Hurrowrr at ihc{'roprny AJJre.+nr �i w�ho�hcr rdJrc+•.
<br /> � .� :, u Borrower may Je+igna�e by nuiice w 1 cnder r,pio�ideJ hrir►n.and Ibl un� nu�iie lu 1 rnJrr �hall tx g��cn b� lu�i�1�+,�nrd t.i I.ri�der'�
<br /> , address stated herein or W wrh uiheraJdre�+;�t Lender mu>d�.iKnate by nutirr tu Bormwer u�pru��deJ hrrcin Am nnurr�x���iJec)tar�n�hi,
<br /> 5trurHy Instrumem shall be deemed to ha�e tmn gi��en to Borrower or Lender when ghen in�he manner dec�gna�ed hcrcm.
<br /> Y �
<br /> � I
<br /> , i
<br />