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<br /> ��:��. . • . ;: ..�,� ��. 92 los�xs
<br /> �r. . —
<br /> .�� � saRrn��NT OF n��TB RIQES
<br /> THi8 ABBT(iNM�NT �F RENT8 RIDLR is made and exeautod this
<br /> � "' ' 15Tti day of ,It�LY , 1992 , and ie inaorporatad� into and ahall
<br /> `r ``�:,:,•:�' b e aaeme d to eme n a n e u p p�e m e nt the Mortgage cr Dead oE Truet,
<br /> - °'�� hereina�ter ra gerre d to ae the "Seaurity Inetrument�, of the eame
<br /> ' '""'�--w`� '' date given by the undersigned, hereinafter re�arred to es tha �
<br /> . �. � .�. .
<br /> t � �,..� „Borrower", to secure Borrower e indebtedness, hereinafter
<br /> ��'� f�1,�.�" , ° �� referred to as the "Note", to HOME FEDERAL SAVINaB AND LOAN
<br /> "�F`:,''�==�:��5° :'"' ASSOCIATION OF (3RAI�iD ISLAND, hereinafter zefer�ed to as the
<br /> — �-�-� ��=-�:°:� ��I,ender", of the same date and covering the property deaoribad in
<br /> ����. the Seaurity Iastrwaent and located at:
<br /> .._ '��.�..�`'�.=�: : ---
<br /> �"��°"`'�""=`'�" 1138-1142-1 lkb S. VINE, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801
<br /> �°
<br /> �:;� ����^ (Propertiy A eee)
<br /> ��:C�iV:ar.-'.s.:.:�.y,.�a1{A,
<br /> �.��d � •. � :;;;;4' WITNLBBSTHt
<br /> c:t�;� • .
<br /> �� ;. ,,..
<br /> �-.� .'_ �!'��.. '�; "�,� W1{dREAl3, Borrowsr euid Lender have agread that any reate and
<br /> � ,� profite attribu�eble to the property should conetitute addi�ional _.
<br /> y ��• ` security to the Lender for the payment of the Notef
<br /> � `s . � NOW TNEREFORE, it is agreed that the Security Iastrwnent —
<br /> �:
<br /> � �� �� A shall be�amended'hereby and deemed to inalude the followinq pro-
<br /> '`���. . ° ���.�� visione: _
<br /> _ ' :::,:�. °.�.,:�..__.,..,�
<br /> � �,;. ,, . :. 1� ; �f Rente and I� der Rental Col�Bat{oa Rf.ahte. -
<br /> � � - .. � Horrower hereby ebeolutely and unaonditionally aesigLender shall�
<br /> " ^ � � � iseuae and profits of the property tdurineftheaCOntinuance af the
<br /> �ti._f 1.:�:�_ have the right, power and authority 9 rof i,te of —
<br />-� � ' 3ecurity instrument to collect thc� �ents, i�EUea �� p- �.
<br /> : .r .. _, ��
<br /> t � . � the property and pf_�y personal property located thereon with ox
<br /> .. � without taking poseeBSion of the prqpertY affected hereby.
<br /> �-�� °•� wir": Lender, h�.�ever, he�`eby�consents to Borrower e collaction end
<br /> � � .�-.� . retention of auch 'r��1t�, issues and profite as they accrue and �_
<br /> •-�� �• ��' � b e c o m e p ay a b l e, so lon g ae Borrower is not, at such time, in
<br /> � '""°�''���" default with respect to payment of any indebte dnese seaure d
<br /> ~ �'j'°" hereby, or in the performance of any agreement hereunder.
<br /> �� , ,,�.,
<br /> � .�"�'"� � -� Z. �*+���ntment af Rec ver. I# any event of default in _
<br /> ��; . .,
<br /> respeat to the Secsurity Instrument shall have occurred and ba ��
<br /> ���� , "�'�`" �' continui.n , Lender, as a matter of right and without notiice to
<br /> -.� tsa�. g �
<br /> Borrower or anyone clafming under Borrower, and without regard tio
<br /> �.. • � ., � � � the value of the trust estate or thelin�orant couxtehavingwjuris- _
<br /> � u���'�,. - therein, shall have the right to app Y Y
<br /> . � •� � � dic�ion to eppoint a receiver of the property.
<br /> '�'�� ���k R�f1�i� yO Foa on. In case of default in the payment =
<br /> 3. ,�.� �
<br /> � .w �,� of the safd prinaipal Note or interest, or any part thereof, ae
<br /> it shall mature, or in the case vf fai.lure to keep or perform any �
<br /> - �801�.��� of the covenants or agreements contained in the Security instru-
<br /> ' - �-� ment, then the Lender, its eucceseors ox assigne, shall be and is �
<br /> , _
<br /> � hereby authorized and empowered to ta:ce immediate possess on o �
<br /> � the said pr.emiaes therein daecribed and to collect the rents
<br /> � , � the roceeds thereof to the payment of �
<br /> therefrom, and to apply p �'`
<br /> the Note. "�
<br /> �
<br /> " � 4. Aoolicat�oa o� Rents. Tseues end Profite. All rente �
<br /> . � collacted by Lender or the receiver ehe11 be applied first to
<br /> t payment of the costs of management of the property and collection ,
<br /> ; + of rents, including, but not limited to, rece=ver's fees, premi-
<br /> ums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorney's fees, and then
<br /> tv the sums secured by the Security Instrument. Lender and the
<br /> _ - . . _._, _ �_ _ .....,a .,„t v fnr those rent6 aCtually
<br /> - � receiver sna,ii pe ��a��a �� Q�Vr����' ----• --- ��
<br /> received.
<br /> � 5. Gonst �ct{on of Prov�s!on�. Each of �ha provisions con-
<br /> � tained in thie Assignment of Rents Rider and the Security Instru-
<br /> � � � ment shall, unlese otherwise apecitically required, ba construed
<br /> ' in accordance with NRbraska law, and in the event any provieion
<br /> � herein or therein containod ehall be determined by a court of
<br /> " � competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, the same shall be
<br /> construed as though auch' unenforceable provieion were not a part
<br /> � - hereof or th�reof.
<br /> � 1
<br /> - �--- � � - - - -
<br />