r ,�
<br />PARCEL 4:
<br />?aS'.
<br />20110 .4�D9�
<br />---
<br />iract oi land aomp rfefn a par! o[ lha Narlheaat , uarter (NBl/4) ead all� the- Sos�ll�eeet QusrE�r tS�l j4j of Saotfvn Ttiraaty
<br /> Ive (Z6)� Township Elavea �11) North, Ranga Elev�a s11�-Ree� of th� Qtt F.i� IIeU Gouaty, Nobrseks. snd mora partinularly deacrlbed
<br /> a fnlloe: ---- ----- -- -
<br />Dc�fnning at a polb! on tLe eael line ol eaid Northeaet quarter (NEl j4), aa[d potat befna Two Hundred Seventy Sevan and EIghty
<br />Sis IiundredLbe (2T7.80j teol eouth ol U�a norllieaet cornar oL eaid NnMLoaaL Quarler (NEif4}; thenee ruonlns eoull�erly. alavg
<br />nud ��pon Ll�e onet llae ot safd Nort2iauel qt�arter tNEi/4�. a dlelsnce af Two Thouesad Tliras Ilundred SlYtp Seven ead ES{�htp
<br />Two Itudradthe (2,387.H2� [@et lo tlie northeasl aornor of eefd Soult►eeet Quariar (SEl/4); lhenoe dcrieating le[t 00'OB'48" and
<br />ri�nnlna eoutherly. slonR and upon the esat line ot eatd SonU�eas! Quarlar (SEl/4), s diatance of Tep Tt►oueand Slz Hundred
<br />Forty Five and Eial�ty Efa}�t IlundredlLs (�.a45.BE) teel lo Uie eoutheeat cocner ot euld SouWeaet Quarter �S�l S); thence deAeetin�
<br />rlghi 90'17'36" and runaln� aeetcrly, sloag and upon tha eouth 11ne ot aaEd Saulheael Quarter (SE1/4f , a dlalanoe of �ro
<br />Thoueand Slx Itundred Forty Four and Slz Tenthe (2,Bd4.86� feet to the eout6eeet oorner ot estd Southeae! quarter (SEi/4); Lheaca
<br />deQeating right 88'b2'62" nnd runaing noclLerly, along und upon lhe voat lina of enid Soulhoast quaclar (SEl f4) aad !he
<br />�rest llne o[ enid NorLheael Quarker (NEl/4). a dletaaca ot Five Thouennd 31: and Sevenly Three AundredLhe (5 008.73) [eel. to
<br />e poiat. eald pa[nt bein Two Sundred Niaety One aad Ninaly Four itundredlLe (x91.94) feet eouth of the aortb�reat eoraer ot
<br />eatd Nort,�east Quartar ��E1/4j; t�ance detlaeRing afghl E9'68'08 and runnla� aaetnrly, a diatanee of 1'wo 'l�ousead 31�c Hundred
<br /> _ T?slrty Four and One I9undradkh (2,634.01? taet to the polnt ot LeQlnalna� together with �11 crops gx'oWn thereon
<br />PARCEL 5:
<br />A l�nct of lnnd oomprielag n pnrl vf tt�a NorLl�ouet qunrlcr (Ni31j4) nnd olf ot LI�e BouU�enel quartor (3E1/4) of SooLton Thlsty
<br />(30), To�rnslilp Elovoa (11) Nortls, Ttango Ten (!O) lTeet ot I.uo 4LU f'.bi., nall Cow►ly, Nel,rseka, and xnoro parllaularly doeorlLad es
<br />follona:
<br />1laRlantug nt Iho uorlhr.nal carnr.r pf enld Norllieoal qunrlar (Nhl/4); tl�ence ruunlug xeslcrly� elong aiul u ioi� Uie norll� lino
<br />ol nald I�vrLhennl qnarlcr (N(.!/9), n�lielauce of One TLoueand Fivo iluuJrad �'aurtcen and FUty F'!vo JCun�re�t4e {�,614.US) fecl
<br />lo a palnt c�t cucnnture; llionaa run»tng aau4t►erceLarly, alm�g nud upon li�o nra �t n autvo I.o U�e Ieft ehoae radiue le �02.41
<br />fanl, nf nhirli, tha hitllnl Lnug�nt u[ anld ourva CQIllC�1ICA rtth U�o j,ravlunely dnnr,rlLerl aourae, A diaLnnca of Flfly Elgl�t aud
<br />7'birly Savon Jt�n►dred4lin (�If.:t7) lacl (lunq nl�nrd dfel.npan � 67,�ii)', ]nng al�oril dafloating lc[l lQ•!7'Gq" Irom ll�e provlounly
<br />drnr,rlbad aournc) to n palnt af lnngnncr; lliettco r�uininR eoul.t�nna{.erly, OInnR ni�d upo» Lhe eouU�xant�rly prolonsallor► af t.liR
<br />ftnnl L�nger�l o[ Ll�a �roviuuely �Iencrtbarl curvo, ant�l prnion�nLiuu doflaalfnR l�fl t0•l7'�i4 fram lt�a chnrd o! tF�q �,rcvloiiely
<br />Qaar.rll�nd nuroo, n dla �ptlAO ot T'nu llunctcnd FiglaLy Tl�rea ond Snvenlr.ni� IAnsdradtha (2t13.(7) faul to n polnl of ettrvnturo; Lhenaa
<br />runnlr�R so�tll�acalcrlp, al�u� ond uliot� llie rtrc of a curva lo Wc rl�h4 nhoea rodfu� la 484.74 lcet, of �rlilclb !hc li►Itlai fnngci►l
<br />uf nnld r.ttrvc aninaldr.n nlLli l.l►n pravioualy t�RHOQII/R11 aaurxo, R dli�l.nf1CD of fiao Ilundred Eiguly Tlicee nnd Nlnalp Faue [tu»dredlhe
<br />(21ltS.S14) fr.�sl (lans eh►rrd dintnusen = 2l1q.D0'. l�n� uhnrd dr.tlQalluR rl hL Id".:(i';ip" feom tha pravtas►aly dr,earlLael eaurnn) to
<br />n putu4 tf( �d11�,CJ1C,� Lhn��uo rnnnii�q ehnlcrly. nlong nud upun 4hrt nan�nrly prafongntlua af lHo tinni tnitgnnt of Lhc prcvinunly
<br />daaaribeJ ourvR, pnld pralot►gnl3un dcflcr.ltn rl�f►t 10"Eq'8U from Iha r.liot•d n[ Lha pravlouel� doecrlbnd mtirvn, �► dletnncr.
<br />of Fivo llundra�i Sovanly nnd FIRI�Iy Foiu IluttAraJllie (t7D.�9� fpcl lo n polnl un Lho nnel Ilno o� entd Norlhenrt Qurtcicc {NEI/4),
<br />nrtl�l pvlt�l I�r.l�tg Txa llunclrari Hurty Thran nnd 5ave»Ly pnnr IlnttclraclLl�e (E49.74) faat eaulh of lha uorU1•nont oornar of nolc!
<br />N��rlLanat Qunrlcr (Ni:l/4); Uienco dcflcaliti�{ latl hU'l:t'la" ancf ru�uiin eoulhcrly, nlong and upoti lhc wr.At 1[ue af eoid
<br />NnrLl�rtnnl. q«nrtar (NJil 4) oud Lha roeL lli�o �! entd Soa4l�enal q�iarLer �SF.1/1j, n dfainnae nt Plve Tlyouant�d Taenty $evci�
<br />rtnd Fiv „ itu�t<Irr,�ltt►n li,t)7.7.t1�) 1npL Lo 41�e nwn4hennl. aor��ar of nnitl 9nuLht�n►�t Wttnf ie[' (3E1/�); U►ai�ce tIR�IRCI. laft
<br />t111'd?'t'i.i nnd runnit�� csnalorly, nlvi�� ns�d �i��nn tl�a nouU� Ii��o aC enid Suu6Uenat Qunrtcr (SEl/4). a dtala:�co of Tno
<br />7'huuenud S(z f1a��Jred ForlS 4'onr aud Nliialy EiRhL 11undrecll)�o (2,qq4,{1II) far.t Lo llie RotlLl�enql aornr,r o[ aeld 5aal.he�9t
<br />Qunrtcr (SFI/4); litcnco de[lecllrsg IcfL OU•U7'U4" nnd rutu�lttg uut�U�ar1y. nlc�ug aud uPoi� U�a cost Nne ut ealcl 5oull�onsl
<br />Quorlar (SE1/d), n dlaloncc o( Tao Thouennd 9iz Ilundred 1'hlrty Nl�ia and Ntuo tIunclredU�s {8�0:l9.�B) Ir,RL ta U�o eoutl�sant
<br />cc�rt�cr of »nid Nur4hcnet t2nnrtar (NFI/4); lhcnaa ilcClooling lalt q0•1Q'Qfi" aud rtuuilng nnrlticrly, alnns a»d upon tltn
<br />enal. llria of sald Nartlteael t�uorLor (NLI �1), d Jlataaeo ot 'Cno 7'houennd 81x JIundtcd Forty ELSI�t (2,040.00) leot Lo !he
<br />pnint of baglnning� �ogether with a11 crops grown thereon.
<br />