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's ' <br />, . . �0110�09�; <br />PARCEL 5: <br />A tract ot land com�+riaiaq e pnrt of the Northwent qurtrter (N!R!/4) nnd all of !hc Soulhnoet quar6er (SBi/4) of Sect{on Thirty <br />(30), To�rnehip Eleven (11) Nnrth, Range Ten (10) lfeal of tl�e dtL P.M., Ilall County, Nebraskn, and more particularly dencribed ee <br />folloira; <br />Begianing at a point on the eaet line of eaid Northeest Qunrter (PiT�i/4), said poin! belag Tao Hundred Forty Three and Seveaty <br />Four Hundredthe (.'.�.43,74) feet eouth of the northeaeL corner of eaid Northeee! Quarter (Nlfl/4); thenca runnin aovtherlp. aloag <br />and upon the east llne of eaid Northweat Quarler (Mfl/4} and the uast line oI eaid Southaesf, Quarter (S'�P4,f�), a dieEanoa ot <br />Flve Thousond 7�nunty Scvcu and Flve Ilundrndtlia (5,027.05) fecl ta 11�a aouthenat corn�sr of eaid Soulhnont Quartcr 3ff 1/�L ; <br />thence deflecting right 90'31'lU" and running nee4erly, nlonR nnd upon U�e so�xU� ltne o� eald Southecel. Quarter �Sl►1 j4;, <br />e diatance ot 11�ro Thousand Siz Ilundred Stzty Teo nnd Forty Teo Tlundredlhe (2.OQ2.42) leet to the southeeet eorner of seld <br />SouUir►eet quarter (Slfi 4); thenae deDecting right 89'34'15" and ranning nortlierlf, olong and upon the ncet linn of enid <br />Sonthireet Quarter (S1f1�), a dietonce of 1ko Thousand Siz Ilundrecl Forty Five eand Sighly EighL fiundredthe (2,�45.08) lest to <br />the Aouthxeet corner ot eeid NorWnreet Quarter (N1Y1/4); thence deriecking right 00•08'48" and running norLherly, elanR and <br />upon the irest 1lne of enid Narthrreet (NRl/4), Q tIlfll�flllCC ot 1'ao 7'l�ouen»d Thrco Iiundred Slxlp Savan and EIghL Teo <br />I3undredLhs (2,3a7.D2) feat ta n polnt, A�s� roint b�jnA r�o 1Iunclrr.d fievenly Snvr.n �nd FlRhiy SI: I[undredlhn (277.00}� t�rt <br />eouth of thc nortUeent corner of eafd NorUircn! QunrLcr (NEt/4�; Ll�cncc dcflac4l�ig rtgttl fiU'U1�47" an�t ruuu�na eaelcrly, <br />a di9tnnce ot T�ro Thouennd Siz llundred ForLy Nine and Soventy iRhl Jlundredthe (2,048.78} feet to the polnt of beRinaing <br />together with a11 crops grown thereon. <br />