� �PARCEI� 2 • . �. ' - ' .2 Q 110 40 � �
<br />� �� � - - -
<br />� A tract of land comprising ali of the Southwest Quarter (SWl/� and a part of the Southeast Quarter
<br />(SEl/4) of Section 5tur (�, TownshYp Eleven (11) North, Range Tea (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, and more particularly descrtbed as follows:
<br />Beginning at the sonthwest comet of said Southwest Qnarter (SWl/�; thence running northerly along .
<br />- ----.---a��ug��_.th�_vees� lYne_ot-said.-SouLhwestQua�-�1� � c�� o�'�`e-Theusea� S�Hundre� __
<br />Fif�y and Twenty Eight Hundredths (2,650.28) feet to the northwest corner of said �5outhwest Quarter
<br />(SWl/4); thence deflecting right 89° 59' 47° and running easterly, along and upon the aorth lYne of said
<br />Sonthwest Quarter (SWi/4) end the north line of said Santheast Quarter (SEi/4), a distance of Three
<br />Thousand Five Hundred 'Y�venty Fonr and Six Hundredths (3,524.OIS) feet; thence deflecting rl�ght 82°
<br />01' 14" and runntng sontheasterly, a distance of Four Hundred Fourteen and Five Hundredths (414.05�
<br />feet, t6ence deflectlng tight O7° 15' S0" and rnnning southerly, a distance at Two Thonsand T�vo Hundred
<br />ThYrty Nine and Eighty Five Hundredths (2,Z39.85) feet to a point on the south Une of said Southeast
<br />Quarter (SEl/�; thence deflectiag rlght 9U° 12' OS" and rqnning westerly, along and upon the south llne
<br />oP sald Southeast Quarter (SEl j4), a distance of Nine Hundred Eighty Seven and Seven Tenths (987.70)
<br />feet to the southeast corner of sa�id Southwest Qnarter (SWl/4); thence detlecting tight 00° 00' 02" and
<br />running westerly, along and apon the sonW line of said SuuWwest Quartec (SWl/�, a distance of �vo
<br />Thousand SIx Huadred lrvo and Thirty Three Hundredths (2,60233) feet to the point of beginnYng.,
<br />together with all crops grown thereon.
<br />PARCEL •3:
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of t6e Northeast Quarter (NEI/4) and a part of the Southeast Qnarter
<br />(SEl/4), all being in 5ection NPneteeu (19), Township Eleven (11) North, Itange Ten (10) West of the
<br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and a part of the Northeast Quarter (NEi/� of 5ection Thirty (30),
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., HaU Countq, Nebraska, said tract
<br />being more particularly described as follows:
<br />BeglnnIng at a pofnt on the east Iine of the Northeast Quarter (NEi/4) of safid Sectitoa Nineteen (19),
<br />said point befng Ztvo Hundred 1`welve and Twelve Hundredths (212.12) feet south of the northeast corner
<br />of the Northeast Quarter (NEl/� of said Sectiun Nineteen (19); thence running southerly, along and
<br />upon the east line of We Northeast Qnax�ter (NEl/4) of said 5ection Nineteen (19), a distance of Two
<br />Thousand Fuwr Hundred ltvenly Nine and lfiirty One Hnndredths (2,42931) feet to the Northeast
<br />corner of the Southeast Quarter (5E1/� of sald Sectlon Nineteen (19); theace deflect3ng right 00° 00'
<br />46" and runuing southerly, along and upon the east line of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of safd
<br />Section Nineteen (19), a dtstance of Two Thonsand Sht Hundred Sixty end Forty Eight Hnndredths
<br />(2,660.48) feet to the northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter (NEl f a) oF said Secdon Thirty (30);
<br />t6ence detlectfng right 89° 51' S6° and running westerly, along and npon the north line of the Northeast
<br />Quarter (NEl/4) of said Sect[oa Thlrty (30), a dlstance of One Thousand Five Hundred Fonrteen and
<br />Fffty Ffve Hundredths (1,5145� feet to a point of curvature; thence running southwesterly, along and
<br />upon the are of a curve to the left wbose ra�ins �ts 102.61 feet, a distance of Ftfty Eight and Thirty Seven
<br />Hnndredths (583'1) feet (fong chord dfstance = 5759' - long chord deflectiag left 16° 17' S0" from the
<br />prevlously described course) tn a polnt of tangency; thence detlecting leit 16° 1T 50° from the chord of
<br />the previously descrlbed curve and rnnning sonthwesterly, a dlstance of Two Hundred Eighty Three and
<br />Seventeen Hundredths (283.1� feet to a potnt of curvatnre; thence ranning southwesterly, along and
<br />upon the arc of a cnrve to the rlght whose radius Ls 494.74 feet, a distance of �vo Hundred Eighty T6ree
<br />and Ninety Fonr HundredtLs (2839� feet (long chord dtstance - 280.06 - loag chord detlecting rtg6t 16°
<br />26' 30° from the previously described course} to a point; thence defiecting right 106° 25' 15" and running
<br />northerly, a distance of Three Thonsand SIx Hundred �venty One and Seven Hundredths (3,621.d'n fee�
<br />thence deflecting left 89° 58' 43" and ranning westerly, a dtstsnce of One Hundred Forty One and Three
<br />Teaths (14130) �eet; thence deflectlng rlght 89° 5T 3b" and mnning nort6erly, a distance of One
<br />Thonsand Nine Hnndred Forty �vo and Niueteen Hundredths (1,94219) feet to a point on the north
<br />��r e� xo,rrh�c ���/� or s�a s�n��► ��uen �; ��� ae�e�t� ��t �a° oss oop
<br />and running easterly, along and apon the north liue of the Northeast Qaarter (NE1J4) of said Secflon
<br />Nineteen (19), a distance of One Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Five and SIxty Eight Hundredths
<br />(1,795.68) Peet to a potnt being Fonr Hundred Nine and 1�vo Tenths (409.20) feet west of the nartLeast
<br />corner of the Nort6east Quarter (NEi/� of eaid Section Nineteen (19); thence detlecting right 89° 44'
<br />20° and running sout6erly, parallel with the east line af t6e Northeast Quarter (NEi/4) of said Section
<br />Nineteen (19), a dlstance of T�vo Hnndred 1`welve and ltivelve Hundredtbs (212.12) feet; thence deIIecting
<br />lelt 89° 44' 20" and running easterly, parallel with the north line of the Northeast Qnarter (NEi/4) of
<br />said Sectioa Nineteen (19), a distance of Fonr Hnndred Nine and 1�vo Tenths (409.20) feet to the poiat
<br />of beglnning., together with all crops grown thereon.
<br />