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<br /> - = = 92— soss�i
<br /> � tM prop�ryr Is w hk�n or d�maped.Lendar eh�ll hevs th�opUon,In Ib wle snd absolut�dl�cr�don,W�pply�II tueh P�ooNd�,
<br /> :-�^�? �la►d�duminp th�ndrom all cosn�nd�xpma�Inourrod by It In cor�nootlon with�uoh Procs�d�,upon any Ind�bt�dn�s�ound
<br /> min� or to• 1 all auch Procssd�,afhr tuch d�duoqom,b th�rKtontlon oi th�
<br /> Mr and in woh ord�r a�I.�nd�r m�y d�ta , PP Y
<br /> - ` Pr�Ay upon wch condlUom a�L�nder m�y datermina.My applicadon of Proc�sds to Indsbadnq��hdl not�xqnd a pwtpoM
<br /> -�„ ' ths du�dob of�ny psymona undor th�Not�,or oun�ny dat�ult th�r�und�r or h�nund�r.Any un�ppll�d funda�11 b�pdd!o
<br /> Trwta.
<br /> g,p�dprnwr�e�by L�dK.Upon the occur►enoe of an Event o1 Dshult hsnundsr,or it sny sat Is nken a Ipal procMdlnp
<br /> �� .l; commmced whtch matorlally�Hcct�Lender's Intoroat in the Property,Lender mey In Ite own dieorellon,but wHhout obll�tion to do _
<br /> �o,and without noda�to o�demrnd upo�Tru�tor and without ral�s�lnp Trustor Irom any oblip�tlon,do any eat wh�h Tructor hu
<br /> . �prMd but feit�to do p�d mey alw do any othar aot it deems nece�tary to proteat tha oecurity hereol.TrusWr�hall,lmm�dl�hly
<br /> .-��"�``� ` upon demand 1horNor by Lender,pay w lender all coab end expensea incur�ed and wms expended by L�ndor In conn�aUon wlth
<br /> ,�; =�i"+� ths ex�rci�a by Lender o(th�forspolnp rIQbU,topether with Interost thereon at the dafault rete provlded in the Not�,wh�h shalt b�
<br /> � added to tha ind�btadn�ss teaurod horoby. Lend�r�hall not inaur any Il�blliry becawe ol anythinp It may do or omit w do
<br /> ����� M►aunder.
<br /> �,�,� �- 9.Has�nloui Mahrisu.Truetor ehall keep ths Properly In complience with all applicable laws,ordinances and repul�dons
<br /> �,..:;;�, reladnp to I�du�trlal hypiene or environmental proteodon(colleoUvely rete�red to hereln as"Environmental Laws").Truswr shul _
<br /> ��:�;r�.�:��� keep the Properiy free irom wll substences deemed to be haiardous or Wxla under any EnvironmenWl Laws(coilecdvely nferred to
<br /> hsreln as"Hez�rdow Material�'�.Truetor hereby wanants and tepresents to Lender that there are�o Hazardou�Maarfal�on or
<br /> n=='�°=`�y�•-��r-�� undar tho Property.Truito�hsreby apraes to indemnlly and hold harmieu Lender,Ita directora,oHicers,employees and aponb,and
<br /> ��w�_:,,ri„��• •'� any succe�aon W Lendor's Intereat,lrom and apeinst any and all clakns,demapet,loaeea and Ilebllides arlain�In connection wlth
<br /> �.:d:t:=,,::.a:;,,-..N .; r. the preaence,use,diapoael or transpo►t ol eny Me:erdoue Materials on,under,lrom or ebout lhe Properly.7HE FOREOOINd
<br /> �`���•� �. �'` 10. Aalpnm�nt of Rvnb.Truetar hereby awipne to Lander the rente,iaeues and profits of the Proporiy;provided that Trusto�
<br /> 4ta1`='-='"�? 7 ehell,unttl the ocaurrence o1 en Event of Defeult hereunder,have Ihe ripht to collect and►etafn euch rents,isaues and protlte a4 they
<br /> -��F�'��'• become dus and payebta.Upon the occurrence of en Event of Defeult,Lender may,afther in person or by apent with or wlthout
<br /> P4�:�'-' -
<br /> r� � � brin�inp any action or proceedinp,or by a recelver appointed by a court a�d without reperd to the adequacy ol Its security,enter �
<br /> k:�� a, L upon and teke po�session ot the Property,or any pa►t thereol,in it�own neme or in the neme ol the Truetee,end dc any ecta whlch it
<br /> , . ;;„;'� deema necessary w daskeble to preserve the value,merketebility or rentabllily of the Properly,or any pah thereof or interost thereln,
<br /> � _�•r.;�-t• . �k;;°,; Inoreaee the Income therefrom or proteat the aeaurily horeof anc1,with or without taking poaseaslon ol the Properly,sue tor or =
<br /> • •,?��`�": otherwlae collect the rents,iesues and pro0te thereot,Includln�those past due and unpald,and apply the eame,leaf coete and
<br /> .,.�y,_ ... ,
<br /> expenees of operatlon end collection Includinp attorneys'fees,upo�any Indebtedness aecured hereby,all fn auch order as Lender
<br /> ��`'"mr..,. '' may determine.The enterinp upon and tekinQ posseaeion of the P�operry,the coUeatlon of auch rentc,issues end profita and the
<br /> -���-�- -` ' eppllcation thereot ae aforeseid,shall not cu►e or walve eny default or notice of default hereunde►o►Invelldata eny act done In
<br /> '�µN4' reaponse to such defeult or purauant to such not�e ot defaull and,nolwithetendfny the conUnuence in posaassion of the Property or
<br /> -- ��ti;,.,.�;;.;,� .,= the collectlon,recelpt and epplicatlon of rent�,lasuee or proilta,and Truatee and Lende►shell be entided to exerciee every riqht
<br /> _ --` - --.`�•�;����-—`` provltletl ror In any ot the Loan inehument�or by iew upu�i occurrencs at any Event o!Default,Including w!tl�out Nmitetion thn right
<br /> — '• " to exerclee the power ot sele.FuAher,Lender's riphts and remedles under thls parapraph shell be aumulative with,and In no way e
<br /> ��. -j., ' IlmlteQon on,lender'a�Iphte ond►emedlea under any assipnment of leases and renW recorded apelnst tha Properly.Lender,Trustee
<br /> _�� � � ��' and Ihe receiver ahall be Ifeble to uccount only lor those renta acWelly recelved.
<br /> � 11. Ev�nb of ON�ult.The iollowing ehell conetitute an Event ol Default under thls Oeed of TruaC
<br /> ;�, (a) Fallure to pay any inatsllment of princfpal or Interest of any other eum secured hereby when due;
<br /> �"� •� � ,`' (b) A breach olor default unde►any provlsion conained In the Note,this Deed of Trus4 eny of the Loan Instrumenta,or any
<br /> ow'�...,s othor Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> + (c) A writ of executlon or attachment or any elmiler process ehell be entered a9ainst Trustor wh�h sholl become a Iien an
<br /> "�0'� the Pioperly or any porlion thereol or intereat therein;
<br /> _Y� ;� ^� �� (d) There shall be Illed by or agafnat Trustor or Borrower en action under any present or luture federal,sfete or other
<br /> atetule,l8w or regulati0n relatfn�to bankruptcy,Insolvency or other reliel lor debtors;or there shall be appointed any trustee,
<br /> +..i. �^'�'+�• � � � recelver or Iiquldator of Trustor or Borrower or ol ell or any pert of the Property,or the renta,iasuea or proilh thereof,or Tru�tor
<br /> 'r�� -' „ •, a Borrower shell make eny general asaiynment lor the benefit of creditors;
<br /> ,s'�i .
<br /> �� • (e) The sale,treneler,lease,asa�gnment,conveyanco or further encumbra�ce of all or any paN of or any intereat In the
<br /> �.� • ' ` e• ��.°;'.� Property,elther vdunte�lly o� involunterlly,wfthout the expreas wrltten consent of Lender; proWded thet Trustor ahell be
<br /> ` °�;r� ' " '.� .... permltted to oxecut�e lea�e of the Property that does not contaln an optlon to purcheee and the term of which does not exceed
<br /> :v;�. � • S,. une year, _
<br /> � � , (Q Abendonment ot the Properly;or
<br /> — (y) If Trustor is nol en Individual,the Iasuence,sele,trentfer,asslpnment,conveyance or encumbrance of morethen a total
<br />����� _
<br /> �- pt si'�rcent of(if a corporatlon)Ita fssued and outstanding stock or(f(a pertnershfp)e total 01 percent of
<br /> '""� parinership interests during the period thls Oeed of Trust remelns e 8en on the Property.
<br /> �:: .
<br /> - 12. RNn�din;Acal�►sGon Upon DaUuN.I n t h e e v e n t of any Event of Default Lender may,without notice except as requlred by
<br /> "� �"4� law,declare all Indebtedness seeured hereby to be due end peyeb�e enc!the seme shall thereupon become due and payeble
<br /> "'=�`� ' •••�- wifhout any presentment, demand,protest or notice of eny kind.Thereafler Lender may: -
<br /> __ �j F'�*=���'� ' •'. • �a) Demand that Trustee exerciee the POWER OF SALE granted hereln, and Trustee ahall thereafler cause Trustor's
<br /> prJ= '• Intereat In the Prope►ty to be nold end the proceeds to be dletributed,all In ihe manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Deeds
<br /> � .r Ack
<br />,.�` � ,.'' ' (b) Exerclse any and ell rfyhts provided for In any oi the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of eny Event ol
<br /> - ' Oefeul�and
<br /> _ . �. _ • ,r (c) Commence an ectlon to foreclose thls Deed ol Trust as a mort�aye,appofnt e recelver,or apeclfically enlorce any of the
<br /> " ;T��� -�— covenant�hereof.
<br /> . ^ No remedy hereln conlerred upon or reaerved to Trustee or Lender is fntended to be excluslve of any other remedy herefn,In the
<br /> � Loen Instruments or by law provided or pe►mitted,but each ahall be cumulative,ahall 6e In eddlQon to every other remedy given
<br /> • hereunder,in the Loen Instrument8 or now or hereaNer ex�apng at law or in equfty or by statute,and may be exerc�sed concurrenlly,
<br /> :, u . Independently or successlvely.
<br /> 13. TrustN.The Trustee mey resign at any tfine wfthout cause,and Lender may at any tfine and wilhout ceuse appofnt e
<br /> � � aucceasor or subslitute Truatee.Trustee ahall nol be Ilable to any party,Including without Ilm�latfon Lender,Bwrower,Trustor or any
<br /> � ,'� purchaser of the Property,lor any loss or damege unless due to reckless or wllltul m�sconduct,and shall not be requfred to lake any
<br /> + aotion in connectlon wlth the enforcement of this Deed of Trust unless indemniffed,I� writl�q, tor all costs,compensetlon or '.
<br /> - ' � - - - ----- - ...�.i..w...e�.,.o..,,��ve��np.pw��►, �n addwon.Trustee mav become a purchaser at any sale ot the Properry Qud�ial or '
<br /> _ -' _-_____-- ___.- _-_ v�r�.::w.r............�� �'���"""' ' '
<br /> under the power of sale yranted herefn►;postpone the sele of atl or any portlon of the Property.as prov�ded by law:or seu tne
<br /> . .- Property es a whoie,or fn separate percels or lots at Trustee's dfscretion.
<br /> 14. F�e�and E�p�nsN.ln the event Trustee sells the Property by exercise o1 power o}sele.Trustee shall be entltled to apply
<br /> eny sele proceeds flrst to payment of ell Coats end expenaes ot exerCising power of sele,fnCluding all Trustee'81ees,and Lender's
<br /> . ' �l_ and Truatee's attorney's(ees,actually Incurred to extent pormUted by applicable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exerclaes any
<br /> ripht provided by lew to cure an Event ol Delault,Lender shall be entitled to recover irom Trustor all coats and expenses actually
<br /> incurred as a resulf ol Tru9tor'e deteult,includinp wlthout Ilmitation all Trustee's and altorney's leea.to the extent permitted by ;
<br /> � appliCable law. ,
<br /> • 15. Fulur�Advancee.Upon request of Borrower, Lender may. at its optfon.make addltional and luture advances end re-
<br /> • �� - advancea to Borrower.5�ch advances and readvances,with interest thereon,shall be secured by this Deed of Trust.At no time shall
<br /> � + • -• the,.rincipal amount of the Indebtednes8 secured by thfs Deed of Trust,no�r�c�g��ms advenced to p�qtect the securfty ol thfs
<br /> , Deed of Trus�exceed the orfqlnal principal amount etated here�n,or S ' whlchever fs��ater'� .. d
<br /> .:^, �.
<br /> � . .. . �
<br /> �� �i _ .,- .. _...�_----
<br />