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<br /> — _ _ (�) �onowM Nd���d,Exbntlon of th�dm�tor payment or modlflcWon of amo�tion af th�wms acund by Ihls
<br /> — O«d of Truu prant�d by LMdK to�ny suec�swr In Inarat of eonow�r�h�ll not op�►�t�to nN�,In any m�nn�r,th�Il�bility
<br /> -- - ot tlw oMpinal8ortow�r and BorcowK's wcc�sson In inbrost.l.�nd�r shill not bs requlrod b comm�nc�procNdinp�a�lnst
<br /> wch wocMwr or rNuN b�xMnd tlm�fa paynant or oth�rwlN mod�y amon�aeo�ol th�wm�Naw�d by th��OMd of Trwt
<br /> -'� by rwson of any d�manrU mads by the oripin�l 8orrow�r and Bonow�r'�wccaeors in Mters�L
<br /> _. .�
<br /> -------
<br /> �� -- (b) I.�n�Nr's Pow�n.Without alfocpnp lho Ilabluty ot any othe perwn IIsbN for the payment al�ny obllpaUon har n -
<br /> m�ntlon�d,�nd wlthout aH�ctinp th�Ilsn or charp�of this DMd of Tru�t upon�ny poruon o1 ths Propqrty not th�n w tha�tola�
<br /> � -- rNM�ed as Noutily for ths lull unount ot�II unp�id ohllpaUont,L�nd�r m�y,nom dme to Um��nd without nodcs(I)rotaw�ny
<br /> parwn so II�W�,(II)�xtend the m�turiyr or alter any ot tha termr ot�ny such obllpauons,(Ili)prant oth�r Indubencn,(Iv)►NNS�
<br /> or r�conv�y,or c�u�s to be rel�esed or reconveyed�t�ny dm��t I.�nd�rs optlon�ny pacel,pordon or�II of 1M PropMy,
<br /> (�)hke or rel�ess any oth�r or addlNonei�sau�ity for any oblipsUOn Mr�in m�ndon�d.ar(vi)mak�aompaldons or atlwr
<br /> - unnp�msnq wlih debton in nlatlon thereto.
<br /> ° - -_=-- (a) Forb�by L�ndN iilot�Watwr.Any lorboarence by Lender In exercisin�1ny ripht or remedy hereunder,or
<br /> _ oth�rvul�allorded by applie�bls I�w,�hell not be�w�iver ol or prealude ths exerolse ot any suah ripht or rsmsdy.The
<br /> - proourement ot imurence or the payment af taxei or other Ilene or ohar�ea by Lender�hall not ba a walvar of Lond�r'�rlQht W
<br /> _ = accNerate the maturity of the Indebtedness eecured by thle Deed of Troat
<br /> (d) 8ucoawo�s and Aqip�Bound;Jolat�nd 8w�1 UaWllty;C�ptlon�.The covenonti and�preemoob hsnin con-
<br /> tainad ahall bind,and the riQhtt henunder shatl Inurs to,the raspeoUve succeseors and uslpns of Lender and TrusWr.All
<br /> ��---� --- coven�nb and apruement�oi TrusWr shall be Jolnt s�nd several.The eapdona ond heeidinp�of the psnpnphs ol thfs Dwd of �
<br /> '-""--�' T�at are for convenlencs only�nd are not to be uesd to Interpret or de0ne the providorn hereoi.
<br />- -.�_ -�_,�o (e) RpwM la NotleM.Tiw pardea hereby request that a eopy of any noGce ol defeult hereunder snd a copy oi any�oUce __
<br /> -_=_=•'��j=� of iale hsraunder be mailed to each party to thle Deed o1 Tru�t at the oddresa eet forlh ebova In the manner prescribed�y
<br /> w°'`�°°""'�"'�'"""� appllcebN Ir�w.Except for any other noUce requlred under appNcabls lew to be�iven In another menner,eny nodce provlded
<br /> _ �����:�i�j_i�:.
<br /> ,_. �'�,��. br in this D�ed of Tru�t�hell be piven by mallinp auch nodce by ceAitled mail�ddresaed tothe other parties,et the addreY�t
<br /> �.k.:�.i-�.�� fonh above.Any noGce provided for In thie Deed of Trust ehell be eHeclive upon malllnp In the menner deaipneted herein.If
<br /> --- ��� T►wtor I�more th�n one psraon,�oUce sent to the addreas set foAh above ahell bo notice to atl such perton�.
<br /> ��;�" (Q Infp�cNon.Lender may make or cause to be made reaeonable entriea upon and intpectlona ol the PropeAy,prorided
<br /> �:n�?!��-`� that Lsnder�hall piva Trustor notica prlor ro ony auch Impection�pocllylny reasonable cnuee thersfor nlstrd to Lenda's
<br />-••-���� int�rest in the PropeAy.
<br /> w.� ,-,� (p) q�sonv�p�eca.Upon paymeM ot all sume seaured by thla Deed of T►ust.4ender ahall reque�t Trustea to reconvoy the
<br /> Propert�r and iheA surrender thls Oeed ol Trust and all notea evidenclnp indebredneas aecured by thls Oeed of Trust to Tru�tee.
<br /> —����;; . , T�wtee thell reconvey tho Praperty without wananty and wlthout charpe ro tha person a persont lapally enda�d tiwnto.
<br /> --��d{��,?:w�� Truttor rhall pay all coeU of recordetion,il any.
<br /> (h3 parsosa=€'ra�tosly;gqxssl�t!l�resntasN.!!s additlonn!�ecurlty for thw payment of tha Note.Truuor heroby pnnb
<br /> -� � � Lender under the Nebratka Unitorm Commercial Code a security fnterest in aN fixtures,equlpment,and other pereonal prop�►ty
<br /> —,�. �
<br /> �• �.�;� used In conneotion with the reN eateto a improvemente loceted thereon,and not otherwiaedeclered or da�,rned to be e p.�t ol
<br /> � ..". the real estete secured hereby.Thle inshument ahall be construed es a Securiy l►preement under eaid Code,and the Lender
<br /> — . � ehall have eil the riphts and remedles of a secured party under eaid Code i�addltlon to the righb and remedlee created under
<br /> • , and accorded the Londer pureuent to thls Deed ol Truet;provided that Lender's rlghts and remedlea under this paragreph thall
<br /> , ' be aumulaHve with,and In no way e limlletlon on,Lender's rlyhta and remedlea under any other 4ecurlty a�reemont�Ipned by
<br />-_ � ` �' ' ' Borrower or Truator.
<br /> � (i) L k n s a n d E n c u m b r�n e M.Trustor he�eb y warrants and re presents thet there ia no default under the provisions of any
<br />- ` .,e�:`;�� °�,,,,�- mortpope,deed of truef,leaae or purchese contrect descrlbfnp all or any part ot the Properly,or other contracf,instrument or
<br />' °"� ..,,,�,�.:�.;.•:..,:' ' a yreement conatitutln p a Ilen or encumbrence apainat all or eny part of the Property(collectively."Liens'7,exiatin�aa ol the =
<br /> ".i. r��. date oi ihls Oeed of Trust and lhat any and all ezisUng Uens remain unmodNied except as dlec lo e e d to L e n d er in True t or's
<br />-- > "�' " wdtten disoloiure ol Ilens end encumbrencea provided for herein.Truslor shall timely pa►iam all o}Trustor's obiipatlons, -
<br />`� `�• - � �� .' covenanq,repreaentedons a�d wanandea under any end all exisiting end tutu�e Uens,shall prompUy(orward to Londer copiea
<br />:� � 3"'"�'�� of all noticea of default aent in connection with any end all exitUng or future Llena,and ahal not wfthout lender's prlor wrftDan
<br /> ,___, � ��� ., .�..� consent In any manner modity the provlefana ol or allow any luture advances under eny exisdn�or future Llens.
<br /> �� ��;,=;:=r"=•M1 Q) AppQc�tlon ol Payn»nb.Unlesa otherwise required by law,sums paid to Lender hereu�der,including without IlmibUon -
<br /> - . _ ,� paymenis of prfncipal and intereat,Insurenae proceeds,condemnetion proceeda and renta and proflfa,ahell be applied by
<br />._;�•; -v-�- � � Lender to the emounts due and owinp irom Trustor end Borrower in auch order ae Lender In Ita sole dlscreUon deems dealreble.
<br /> _ ��:�f h'��' (k)SwKabWly.It any provlaion of this Deed ot Trust contlicta with appliceble law or is doclered InvaNd or otherwise
<br /> " ,�.,., • - unenforceable,auch conllict a fnvelldity ahall not e(lect the other provlaons ot lhis Deed of Trust or the Note which can be
<br /> _ .��;;_;,�;, piven etiect wNhout the conflicUnp provblon,and to thls end the provl�lona ot this Deed of Trust and the Note are decl�rsd b be -
<br /> .: .. � sevarable. _
<br /> >ia�:z.:S�.�; -
<br />_ � - � : .�„ p) T�rm�.The terms"Trwtor"end"Borrower"�hall Inplude both singuler and plural,end when the Truator and Bo►rower
<br /> . �, ore the tame person(s),those terme as uaed fn this Oeed of Trust ahall b�a Uterchenyeable.
<br /> � ° '" (m)OorKninp Law.Thfs Deed of Truat shall be yovemed by the laws M the Stete ol Nebnalw.
<br /> . .' �'rr�
<br /> '"r`' T►uaa hes ezeouted thl�Deed ot Truet aa of the dote wrltten ebove.
<br /> • �•'•`y'i, „ � Riv�rsid� nvQa ea.
<br /> t11e�15r
<br /> , � �`'7 ���
<br /> n�_ . - � . BY:�Stephe R. Beltzer�Tr or Secretary-Treasurer) l
<br /> - a.-= ---- --- �
<br /> ' 4'. ' .
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