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<br /> j Trustor undwsbndith�t fM daoumsnt thot Tru�tor I��boui to ex�aute I��OMd o1 Tru�t�nd nol a moAp�p��nd th�t th�powsr
<br /> of al�provid�d for in th�O�ed of Trud providu subnanUalty dlifennt�iphb�nd oWlp�Uom to Trwtor th�n�mo�p�In th�ewnl
<br /> '• of�d�lault or bnsch of oblipaqon unMr the Oerd of Tru�A Includinp,but not Ilmlud to,th�L�nd�r'�rlyht to hsv�ths Prop�rty rold
<br /> •�" by th�T�u�without�nY lud�c�u Prac�Jin�.Trwtor r�prKSnq�nd war�nt�ihat tAls�aknowt�dp�m�nt wu�x�out�d by
<br /> �� Tnata►b��th��xeaWon ot ths D�ed of Trw�
<br />- _ ,.f,�pK•.. ' �
<br /> � •�+�`'�.
<br /> �� ~'�° Riv�r�id� IavMtMntwde�o•
<br /> 't�'1�'.+xF gys
<br /> `,"�`���'�: (3tQptien R. HeltzQr nwlorSecrotAt'y�-TreesuCer)
<br /> :� �..r� -n:
<br /> :.NL�
<br /> . � ,� .�
<br /> .t�;•�:. ..
<br /> �"' `"�"�#.• THIS DEED OF TRUST, it mede A�ql the 1�Sh_day of Jul. ,19 92 by and emonp
<br /> .+L�"j::£''�.,
<br /> �'� Y� Y d�Truswr, Riv�r�id� InvNtw�nt Ina. ,
<br /> ..�a�.�:. •. ..�.�.:.. `
<br /> � ��'"""` 1611 St�p�ao�aA Rd 6r�nd I�l�nd 11L' 68801 �—
<br /> ;�"•,'•,�'�� r� (h�raln"Truaor;'whather one or mora),
<br /> — � ` • -- � _� whos�mNHnp addnas h
<br /> .�' ""` �• � "'� �� Fiv� Points B�nk. • N�prwk� Corporation °`
<br /> , � ; - the Truetoa, '
<br /> ' '• �'~" P.O. Box 1�7 arand Ial�nd, MB 69802 ---
<br /> ,- ' whose mallin�address Is (hereln"Tru�"),e�d __.
<br /> �' . the eenetklary, Riv� Point� B�nk � °-
<br /> -�'.^ . .. . •�� P.0. Box 1507 (ir�nd Iol�ad NE. 68802-1507 (herein"�ndor'7. p�;,;,
<br /> .• ,.;�:. �+,��' whow malOr�p eddrass is c — _
<br /> _ — ,�� r-.=,
<br /> • FOR VALUA9LE CONSIDERATION,Includinp Lender'o extonWon of credit IdenGlled herein to _
<br /> i ' ' � � Riv�r�id� InvNt�nt, Ino. (herein"Borrower",whether one or more)and the vust heroin created, —_
<br /> � � the recefpt of which is hereby acknowledac�,Trustor hereby irrevocebly�rants,tranalers, conveys end assiyna to Trustee.IN —
<br /> — ?i�s4...:z._._�.._t�'_ _ TRUST.WITH POWER OF SALE.(or the beneilt and aeaurlry oi Lender,under and wb�ect to the terms and condltlona herelnoitar set :_
<br /> -�,,� ;�:�;,•:T .. �,".. forth,the real properly,deacribed as fotlows: .
<br /> , ' Lot TAirty-Thre� 133) Morninq�id� Aare� Subdivi�ion, in tAt City oi firaad
<br /> o �+ I�l�nd� Hill County. �I�bra�k�.
<br /> '��' ��^` —
<br />_ �� � � �.
<br />— "�!�": Topether wlth ell buitdlnQs, Improvements,llxtures,streets,alleys,passeyeways,easementa,rfyhta,prfvlleges and appurte- —_
<br /> nencoa loceted thereon or in anywise pertelninp thereto,and the rents,lesues and profits,reverslons and remalnders thereof,and
<br /> such personal properly that la attached to the Improvementa so as to constitute a flxture,Includinp,but not Ifmited to,heatinp and y
<br /> �� . �� cooflnp equlpmen�and topether with the homastead or marital Interests,II any,whlch Interests are hereby released and walved;all
<br /> �' �i ' � � of whlch,Includinq replecements end eddltiona thereto,le hereby declered to be a part of the real esteW senurod by the Ilen olthi� �Y`
<br /> •� ` Deed oi Trust and all ol the forepoinq belnp re(erred to herein as the"Praperty". _
<br /> ....,-a. �--
<br /> _ �' � This Deed ot Trust shall�ecure(a)the payment of the principal aum and Intereat evidenced by e proml�sory note or crodlt �'�'
<br />-s ,hevinq a maturity date ot JanuarY 9th 1993 , �
<br /> ayreement daled —
<br />-`e� ���.'•J+... •-,.,,, —"'-
<br />—�-.� • �''^ In the oripinal principal amount ol S 6s��•� ,end any and all modificatfone,extensiona and renewals =_
<br /> � thereof or theretQ and any and all future advencea and raadvances to Borrower(or any o1 them ff more than one)hereunder _-_-
<br /> ��;. • pureuent to one or more promlasory notes or credit ayreements(herein called"Note");(b)the payment o1 other euma advanced by �r..:
<br /> � �� • Lender to protect the securfty of the Note;(c)the performence of all covenanls and agreements of Trustor set lorth hereln;and(d)ell __
<br />�% " ° present and/uture Indebtedneas and obliqatlons of Borrower(or any ollhem il more then one)to Lender whether direct,Indirecf, �
<br />— '" ��`' " � abadute or contingent and whether arising by note,puaranty,overdraN or otherwlse.The Note,this Oeed ol Trust end any and all
<br /> • other docuents that secure the Note or otherwlse executed In connection therewlth,Including wlthout Ilmitotlon�ueranteee,security _.
<br /> ...Y ppreementa and ae9ignments of leases and rents,shall be Ieferred to hereln as the"LOen Inatrumenk". __
<br /> -_: �u�h�. . Trustor covenente end aprees with Lender as tallowa: —
<br /> 1. Paym�nt o1lnd�bUdMSS.All Indebtedness secured hereby shall be pald when due. ,
<br /> .�{• 2. TNI�.Trustor is lhe owner uf the Property,has the rfght and authorfly to convey the Property,and werrents that the Iien
<br />-- ' created hereby is e flrot and prior Ilen on ihe Property,except lor liens and encumbrances set to r t h by Trua tor in wr i t ing a n d
<br /> � de:ivered to Lender belore execution of thls Qeed of 7rust and the executlon and delivery ot this Deed of Trust does�ot vlolateany
<br /> contrect or other obligetfon to whlch Truator is sub�ect. � "���
<br /> ��_� 3. Tax�s.Asassm�nts.To pay before dellnquency all taxes.speclal assessments and all other cherqes apalnat the Property ��,.
<br /> : � now or heroaRer levied. �
<br /> � 4. In�uranCe.To keep the Properry insu�ed agalnst damage by Ive.hazards�ncluded with�n ihe term"extended coverage",and �
<br /> such other hazerde as Lender may require.In amounts antl wilh companles acceptable to Lender,naminy Lender as an additional ; •
<br /> • •� named ineu►ed,wllh losa payable to the Lender.ln case o1 loas under such policfes,the Lender ia authorized to edJust,collect and �
<br /> ' compromlae,all clalmathereunder and shal�have the optlan of epplying ell or part ol the Inaurance proceeda(f�to any indebtedness F
<br /> " 8ecured hereby and in auch order as Lender may determine.(If)to the Trustor to be used lor the repair or reatoration ol the Property �
<br />' t • or(fiq lor any other purpoae or ob�ect aatislactory to lender wfthout aHecting the I�en of this Deed of Trust for the full amount secured
<br /> . '� .. " hereby belore auch peyment ever took place.Any appllcation of proceeds to indebtedneas shall not extend or postpone the due t.
<br /> •. " __ _ , date of eny payments under Ihe Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder. �
<br /> - - _ ��....d.. .denin e�� .N�nlun�
<br /> __ . .�. '_
<br />._ ' '_" ' _ ' '� '"_' " '"'" '_�"' �'....�... _
<br /> 5. etcrow.upon wnnen demend'oy i.andnr.iruaiu�annu Noy w wrn+o�����au���...a�..�v�o.,.........::�Sj.......�........�_....._... ,.
<br /> - � aums to eneble Lender to pay es they become due one or more of the foliowing:p►all taxes,assessments and other charges egelnst '
<br /> � the Property.(11)the prernluma on the property Insurance required hereunder,and(iff)the premfums on any mortyape insurance .
<br /> requlred by Lender.
<br /> " 8. Mdnt�n�ne�, R�p�ln�nd Ccmpllanc�wllh Laws. Trustor shall keep the Property In good conditlon and repalr;shall
<br /> '� � promptly repalr, or replaca any Improvement whfch may be damaged or desiroyed:shall not commlt or permfl any waste or
<br /> • deterloradon of the Property:nhall not remove,demol�sh or substentially alter any ol the improvements on the Property:ahall not
<br /> cammlt,sulter or permit nny act to be done In or upon the Property�n v�oiatfon ol any law,ordmance.or regulet�on;and shall pay and
<br /> • �• promptly dfscharye af T�uator's cost and expense ell Ifens, encumbrances and charqes levfed.Imposed or asseased aya�nat the
<br /> " Property or eny part thereot.
<br /> ' � 7. Emin�nl Danaln.Lender la hereby aasigned all compensetlon,awards,damagea and other paymants or relfef(herelnatter
<br /> "Prxeede")in connectlon wlth eondemnalfon or other taking of the Praperty or part thereol,or lor convayance In Ifeu ot condemna-
<br /> f� '� � "" don.Lender ahall be entitled at fts optlon to comme�ce,appea�!n and prosecute in�ts own name any actfon ar proceedinga,and
<br /> • ��� shall also be entiUed to meke eny aompromise or setllement in connecUOn with such taNing or damag�ln th9 ev�rA�ny portion of
<br /> M�C H671Nmp��NurtlDw0111w f0� I
<br /> � O IfMNNronN�Mdtamnve�TruM�.WBMnp�IUwto�wn l�ncWn N�p1�M� '
<br /> .� �r: — _ --— —�-- �- — _ _
<br />