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<br /> - ---- condemnatlan or other�Wcing af any part of the Property,or for conveyamca in Neu of condemnation.are hereby awsigned and
<br /> �Fwll be paid to l.ende�.
<br /> -_ — In �he evcr.t of a total taking of the PropeRy, thc proceeds shull be applied to thc sums xecured by this Secu�ity
<br /> 14 Instrumenb whether or not then duc, with wny excess paid to Borrower. In Ihe evcnt of a partiul toking oP the Property in
<br /> ;�,; which the fair market value af the Property immediately befare�he�alcing is equnl ta or greurer than the umount of the sums
<br /> - -- secured by tMs Secu�iry Instrumern immediotely beio�e the taking.unless Bormwer und Lender otherwf�e agree in wdting,
<br /> !�. � the sums secured by this Securiry Inctrument shnll be reduced by �he umoant af thc pmceeds multiplied by Ihe follawing
<br /> ° �°� -- -- ------ fractirnr. (u)d�e tawl amount of the auma n�curcd imm�xliutcly Ix;fure thc taking,divided by�b)the fair mnrket value nP thr
<br /> ^k � -
<br /> Prnperty immediatoly before the tnking. Any bul�nce shAll be paid to Borrower. In the event of u purtfal taking of the
<br /> . Property in which tho fuir market value of the Pruperty immedintr,ly beforc the wking is less thun the umount of Ihe wums
<br /> xecured immedlutely before the taking, unless Bornawer und Lcndcr othcrwisc ogrec in wri�ing or unlc�s upplicahlc luw
<br /> otherwise providea,the proceeds shall be applied�o the aumx secured by ihix Secu�iry In�trument whellu:r or n��t li�r KumK ure
<br /> then due.
<br /> � i-�;�,--;,e� If the Pmpeny is abandoned by eorrower,or if,uf�cr nutice hy I.riuler�a tiurruwer�hu�ihc cunJcmnor uffen�tc►mukc
<br /> - -=--- an Award or r,enle o cluim far dumagcs,Borrower fuiln I��rr.Fxa�J�u l.4nder within 311 dayti ulicr the dulc�he nuNcr ix givcn. ---
<br /> �,�_,�.,�;,�;,� l.ender is aWhurized to calkct and opply the pn�cecdz.ut itw oplk�n,cidkr 1��re��oru�ion ur n�pnir��i'�he 1'n�{xny or io ihc
<br /> __-= aumx hecumd by�hix Securlly InKtrumen�,whcther��r nut�hen�luc.
<br /> ���.�,��� Unlesr Lender und Bnrrower othcrwi�e agrce in �vriting,uny u piicutl�x� ol'�mk��J� �o prinripul �hnll nu�rx�cnd ur
<br /> -- -� — pc�atponc Ihc duc do�e of thc monthly puymcmx nfcm d lo in p+irn�ru�i� I und 2 or chungc�hc um�wm ot�nucb puymcnl*.
<br /> �� — U. Ibr�awer Not Relea�edi FurbeprAncr By Lender Nd � Wwiver. (:x�cnwion �ri' Ihc �ime fur poymcnt or
<br /> ��,:..k.� modi�rutiun of amorliaution of'�he Kumx utiurcd by Ihlx Securiry Inrlrument g�untcd by Len�kr to uny+u�ccs�or in intcre.l
<br />__. , �..:� of Borrowcr shall not operate la releusc thc liubility uf Ihc originul Rorrowcr i�r Horrc�wcrR ruccc.,orx in iMCrc�t. I.endcr F
<br /> i;:���-�r , xhnll not be requireJ t�+commence prcxerdingx ugoinst uny hurce+x�r in imerc�t or rcfuu lu exlend �ime far pnyment or
<br /> �'-',�r.;,��;���,� othenvine modify amadizatfon of the�umx:cecurcd hy thi�Sccurity Inxtrumem by reuson nf uny Jemund muJc by�he originul
<br /> T,��� �--Y `�L��' Bormwer or Barrowerk�ucce�wr�In intercwt. Any I'orbeu�unce by Lender in exercising uny rlght ur remedy xhull nal Ix a
<br /> . ,�,�ti weiver aPur preclude the exercise af any right or rc:mcd�. �_
<br /> l2. Successora and Assigns Bound:JoMt and Several I.IablNtyt Lo-g(gnerx. The covenuntti and�greements af�his
<br /> � .� ���
<br /> _:�_.,. ;�, Security Instrument xhall bind and benefit the xuccetixon und axsign� of L.ender and Borrowcr, suhject to the provisiuns of
<br /> _`"•����'�• � puragraph 17. Bormwer g covenants und ugreements shnll be jaint und xeverul. Any Borrower who co-zigns Ibi� Securiry
<br /> :�E ur�'��.:�;w�. °
<br /> �.•�� ..• � � Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (u)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortguge,grarn and convey thnt
<br /> ���� "�' �� ��� . Bnrrower's interext in the Property under the termc ot'thfs Security lnstrumenr, (b)ix not perconally obliguted to pay the sums
<br /> --- =' ��"�'`"� ��� xecured by this Security Inxtrument:And(c)ugrees that Lendcr and any other Borrower may Agrce to extend,madify.forbcur --
<br /> -�i Y_.�;*�r� ,,. .�:�:�;� —
<br /> �-� .�.�:-��. �..�• .�•�•;:,, or make any uccommodations with regurd to the lernt+of this Security Instrument or the Note without�hut Borrowerz
<br /> � .._, .
<br /> � ' consent.
<br /> - -��°"`'�''`'�'�'" !3. Lasa Cdarges. !f the loan secured by �his Src��rity ln�l��ment ix sub�ect to � luw which sets maximum laan
<br /> •�'� `:;i,"'.. :. ...
<br /> :;:°�;� charges,and thut luw is finully interpreted so that the in�erest or other loan rhurges collected or to be colkcled in connection _
<br /> � . � with the loun exceed the permitled limits,then: (u)nny such luun charge shall be reduced by lhe nmount necessnry to reduce
<br /> ��'. ` , the charge to the permitted limi�;and(b)uny sums alreudy collecte:d from Borrower which exceeded pertnitted limits will be
<br /> � � refunded to Bon•ower. Lender may chooxe to muke this refund by reducing the principul owed under�he IYate or by muking u _
<br /> v'"' �'� direct puyment to Borrower. If u refund reduces principal,the reduc�ion will be treated nx A pahiul prepuyment withaut any �
<br /> =__ � � prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> - • � � 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided far in this Security Inxtrument shull be �iven by delivering it or by
<br /> ;,��"�'�'::.".� .�",��:' mailing it by first cluss muil unless upplicable luw reyuireti utie of unother method.The no�ice shull be directed to the Praperty
<br /> � �'� � ' ' Addretis or nny other uddre:{s Bortower designutes by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender xhUll be given by first class
<br /> _ ��� ' mnil to L.ender's address statcd herein or any othcr Addre�s Lender designutes by notice to Borrower. Any ndice provided for �
<br />- , . in this Security Instrument shull Ix dcemeJ to huve been given to Borrowcr or Lender when given os provided in lhis
<br /> ;�; ��.w.• , pRrng1'Aph. ---
<br /> ' �" • ' t5. Governin Law;Severabitlt . This Securit Instrument ,hull t►e ovemcd b federul luw und thc law of the '
<br />--�•�, ,a�,�,' � Y Y 8 Y �^
<br />-:, .. � , jurisdiction in which Ihe Prapeny ix I�xuted. In Ihe event�hut any provixion or clnuce of this Security Inxtrument or the Note "
<br /> "' ' � „���, , conflicts with npplicuble law,such cooflict shtdl not uffect other provitiions af thi+Securiry Instrument ur the Note which cun ��•
<br /> �� '� ' �� he�iven effecl withcwl the conflicting provision. To thi�end the provisionx of�hix Securiry Instrument und the Note nre
<br /> . ���' declored to be scvcruble.
<br /> �;"�' �:,�•� :�f 16. Borrower's Copy. Barrowcr shull bc givcn one confomud reipy of�hc Note and of thix Security lnstrument.
<br /> � ' � '� . ° 17. 7Yansfer oP fhe Property or a Beneficial lnterest in Borrower. If all or uny part of thc Pmperty or uny interext in
<br /> it is sold or transfcrred(or if a beneficiul interc�t in Borrowcr is sold or truntifemd anJ Borrower iti not u nutura) person) -.r
<br /> ?�,�, •�V., .�, '� without Lender's prior written cansen�.Lendrr muy,ut it,option, rcyuire immcdiu�c p:►ymen�in full of all xums sccured by
<br /> . '� this Security Ingtmmcnt. Howevcr,this option�hall not hc excrci�ed hy Lender if exeni�e is prc�hibited by federnl law a�of
<br /> '' �' ` ' the date of this Securi�y Inslrumenl.
<br /> ' . . � -�'{`��� � If Lender exercixes this option, Lenckr shull givc Borrowcr nmicr of uccelerution. Thr n��tice shull pmvide u period of �
<br /> �•''•".'' na less�hun 30 dnys fram the dute Ihe no�ice is delivercd or muilcd within which Borruwrr mux�pay ull xum�secured by thi�
<br /> �,' , . Scwrity Instrument. If Borrawcr fuils to pay�h�tir sums prior to the rxpirutiix+ ��f thic perind, Lender ms�y invoke uny �
<br /> remedies prrmitted by this Security Intitruroent without 1'urthcr noticc c,r dcmanJ on Borr��wrr. ..
<br /> • , IS. Borrower's Risht In Reinxtate. If Borrower mech ccrtuin ronditiunti, Borrowcr shall huvc Ihe right to have �.
<br /> enforeement of this Securiry Instrument disrun�inucJ at any tinu pri�x tu thr rurlicr��f: lal S day.Ior wch��thcr Exricxf ux
<br /> � 'a + i �
<br /> t ,, Singlr F�mily--Fanalc N�c�F'reddk�1uc t NIFORN I�STRUMF.N7'--l nflimn Crnenunh 9/9� !/Nitir a r�Jn pd�i�sl
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