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<br /> -- ��+�� . appUcAble law may specify for rein�tatement)before s�le of the PmpettY Wusuant ta any power of w+lo contoined in thic
<br /> Socurity lasqument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforeing thls Secud�Y�S�men� Thoce conditions are thac Borrower. (a)
<br /> • pays Lender all suma which then would be due under thia Security Ir�sw�mi nX ��e�s in�urt�ed�in i nforc ng tha Secu ry
<br /> occu�red:(b)cures any default of any other covenants or agreement�;<c)paY P�
<br /> Y%— ��� lnswment, including.but not limi�ec+l to, rcasonable ettameys'fees; And (d)takes such action as Lendcr may reasonably
<br /> roquire w essure that the lien oF this Security Inswment.Lenderk dghts in�he Property and 6orrowcr�obligaUon to pay the
<br /> sums securcd by thia Security Instrument ahall cont�nue unchanged. Upon reinrtatement by Borrower. thia Securily
<br />��"`- -�- ' ---� Instrumem rnd the obligations�cecurcd{u;rcby shutl remnin fully effective ax if no occeleeation Iwd occurred. However.thfr �_.
<br />��-' d�ht to reinstale shall aot epp1Y in the case of accelerwion under parugrwph 17.
<br /> � 19. Sale ot Notei Ch�nQe at Loan 3ervicer. 'fl►e Nae or a partial interest in the Note(togcther with Ihis Security
<br /> inetrument) moy be sald one or more limes without prior neticc tc►Borcower. A 9ule mpy�exult in u change in�he entity
<br /> - -- (known as Qto"Loan Servlcer")Ihat callects monihly paymenls due uader Uie Nate and�hia Secu�ily Instrument. Thcre also
<br /> - h may be one or morc changea of the LoAn Servicer unroluted ta u xalo oi tho Natc. If�hcra is u changc of the l.ow�5crvicer.
<br /> Borrower will be given w�ltten notice af tha change in accurdance with pArogmph 14 ubove and Applicable law. The notice
<br /> --�-s`� will atats tho n�me and addreas uf tfx;new Laan Servicer nnd�he addreas to which puyment�should ba mude. The rwtice wfU �-_
<br /> �=�� alu►contain any other infarmudon rcqui�ed by applicuble law.
<br /> _ ��y�.��� 20. N�urdour SabatAnces. Bortawer rhell not cuuse or permit 1he pr�esence,use,disposal.stornge.or relense af any
<br /> �-= - Nazardous Sub4tancea on or in the Properiy Borrower ahall not do,nor allaw anyone clse to do,unythfng affecting�hc
<br /> ��^��� Property that is in violadan of any Environmentel Law. 71�e pneceding two sentencea shall not upply to the presence�use,or
<br /> -_- _____ -___ Rtorege on the Property of small quenti�les of Hezardous Subrtances that are generally recognized to be eppropdate ta qarmal `_
<br /> -- - ---- residentiel uses and to mnintenance of ihe Property -
<br /> � — — Borrower sMall pmmptly give Lender written notice of any invesdgalion,claim,demand.lawsuit ar ather uction by any
<br /> _�,�_:�.-�--�,�.�. govemmental or regulatory ngency or private party involving the Property wid any Hazardous Substancc or Environmental -_-
<br /> �:.� ,����.,t,,t� Lew of which Borrower has actud knowledge. If Barrower leams, or is notified by uny governmentul or regulatory
<br /> —,,r- .� --,-.-- authority,thAt any removal or ather remediation af any Hazardous Substance affecting the Propeny is necessary,Bortower
<br /> y+• -i�.••-.•:- eha11 mm d take all neces remedial actions in accordance with Environmeotul Lew.
<br /> - ,�..,.;...� P P y s°r�'
<br /> ���; .� As used in this paragmph 20."Hazardous Substnnces"are those subatances defined as waic or hazordous substances by
<br /> _��.;7:^:i;;;�;��� Environmental Law and the followfng subslances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic G +
<br /> � .. �sticides ut�d herbicides,volntile salvents,materiels containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and rudiouctive materials. As
<br /> �. . _ . u
<br /> — �""^'� ' used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurlsdiction where the Property ia lacated
<br /> '��. +�+ ; that rclate to health,sufety or environmental protection.
<br /> �,�BM'�!�!�. ,� NON-UNIFORM COVENATVTS. Borrower und Lender furlher cavenant und agree us follows:
<br /> " " " `� � 21. Acceleration; Remedies� l.ender shsdl give notke to Borrower prior to acceleration followi�g Borrower's
<br /> h
<br /> h'�i�•"�;:_".��- bres�ch ot eny covenant or agreement in lhis Securily Instrument Ibut aot prior to acceleration under paragraph 17
<br /> '�"'�"'°""""�' iipSCSS�p�i1IqME!8W=!!'4Y�49 OtIM!rwise). The notice shall specify: (a116e deiault;(b)the ucdon required to cure the
<br /> �`��:��'°� � "�'���"�'.° default:(c)a date,not less than 30 days irom the date t6e notice Is given to ibrrower.by wbici�the deiauii must br
<br /> _, �.o•�' �� '`'�''' cured;and (d)that failure to cure the deiault on or before Ihe date specified in the notice may result in aecelers�tion oP
<br /> - � '• �* —
<br /> the sums secured by this Security Instrument and snle of the Property. The notice shall iurther inform Barrower o
<br />?- J �'-��'�`,; the rlght to reinstale pt�er accelerption and the right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a dePault or
<br /> —:•.�° '.`'', ,-I•.
<br /> ;� . any other deten.se oP Borrower to acceleratinn and sale. IP Ihe dePault is not cured on or bePore the date speciiied in
<br /> �: - , �:� the notke,Lender at i4g option moy require immedi�te payment in full of all sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument
<br /> f= �""#�- � without furtber demand and may invoke the power of Rale And any other remedies permitted by applkable low.
<br /> �u'�"�3'�""�'�"`�`�`°'"� Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paroarAph 21.
<br />-�� "`-"''' �� including,but not Iimlted to.res�sonable attorneyg'feec and cos�v of title evidence.
<br /> ""`°"'`�°`'`�•.��"�• If the power of sale is invoked.7Yustee shall record a notfce of dei'ault in each county in which any part of the --
<br />�--..�.r`... Y.. :�.y�y+1:.
<br /> _'�� •,; ,' �r Property is located and shall mail copies of�uch notice in the maoner prercribed by applicable Is�w to Borrower and to
<br />-�.��� ��� the other persons prescribed by opplirable law At'ter the time required by applicable la�v.'il�ustee shall give public
<br /> ''`°�:""�'"�� aotice ot sale to the persons ond M the manner prescribed by applicuble luw. 7lrustee.without demand on Borrower, �
<br /> "�'• shall sell the Property al public auction to the hi�hest bidder ut the time und place and under the terms designated in _
<br /> J� the aottce of sale in one or more parcels and in uny order 7Yustee determines. 7lrustee mAy postpone w�le oP all or any _
<br /> = :,;. µ. _,!,����a .`�' porcel of the Property by public onnouncement at the time and plece of Any previuusly scheduled sale. Lender or its
<br />_�_, ,{, . . ,�, ' designee mAy purch�.sc the Property ut any sale.
<br /> '� '•� Upon receipt of payment af the prfce bid,71'uwtee�hall deUver lo the purchaser 7Yustee's deed conveying the
<br />-_'� .•.�.T.'•. .�, ', ��� Property. '!'he recitals M the't�ustee's deed shall be prima facfe evidence oF the truth uf the statements made therein.
<br /> �;:` . � 7Yustee sh�ll apply the proceeds oP the�uule in Ihe following order: la 1 to all cosls and expenses oP exerctging the power
<br />` ����hs
<br /> �'j�';t•nJ .��1} _.
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