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t�'!D!,: ..•+� t� h .{, uF� -••^•.: �;t'f�� �3 1 iri . .v.._ .__. <br /> :•u- j�h:S'" _ °4t�t;7�.a .fy I �;�•,<� r : •- ° <br /> ���ii`ti :'�"',.:3�.i.�ti:�rd�. '1Yi.�..a.;..:�..� _� — <br />- .�. - �`.—'���7i��;�f . '__'__—_. <br /> - •� �. L.�:�-6. .'. . . . ..�,-;_�—cix-� <br />. . �.. � :l'.� " :..�y,�•� .�•a: J..... '..r'Jd".`�_ . ' <br /> .. y� � 2��� 4�Y���.� . <br /> � ar.. . MU� .. �.�-� .1l.:��•, _ <br /> .y <br /> . . .I.. <br /> . . �� i I r. <br /> n , .. <br /> d-?`�:n — <br /> -��� 92— ios18� <br /> ` pedods that I.,ender requires. 7't�e ineurance curier provlding the Insurance ahall be chosen by Barrower subject to Lender� <br />=�,°� approval which rhall not be unreasonubly withheld. If Borrower fuils to maintai�covetnge descdbed above,Lender may,at <br /> �x Lender's option,abtoin covemge to protect Lender:g rig6ts in the Properry in accordance with parngrnph 7. <br /> �� .�_f...,.•. ' All insurunce policies and renewuls shall be acceptable to l.ender and shall include a standard mortgage claur,e. Lender <br /> `' '�*` ahall have�he rlght to liold tha policies and nenewals. If Lender requires,8orrower shAll promptly give to Lender oll receipts <br /> _���y� uf paid premiums and renewel nodcea. In the event af loss,Borrower sh�ll give prompt notice ro the insurance camer and <br /> Leuder. l.ender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Barrawer. <br /> � � Unless Lender end Borrower otherwise agree in writing,insurnnce pracceds shall be uppiied to restoralion or cepai�of � <br /> '— ;� C-� ,�� • thc Property damaged, if the res[arntion or repuir is economically feasible and l.ender s securiry is not lessened. If the <br /> �"'��'c restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's r,ecu�ty wauld be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall be <br /> - -.'#�`,:��__ applied to the sums secured by this Security Matrument, whether or na then due, with any excess paid ta Borro�ver. !f <br /> .�,,y.�_�,�. Borrower abandons the :'roperty.or does not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the inaurance currier has _ <br /> ,i'�, ,��r:a� �, offered to rettle a claim,then Lender may collect the inAUrance praceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore <br /> -�— �-.��,_..,,,_ thc property or to pay sums secured by thia Securiry Inswment,whett�er or not then due. The 30-day period wlll begin when ` _ <br /> �°��'""_° the notice is given. — <br /> � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in w�iting,nny npplicution�f proceeds io principal shall not extend or <br /> ��'�^'.`°�`� , postpone the due date af the mon�hly payments referred ta in parngrnphs 1 ond 2 or change the wnount of the payments. If <br /> ��'�`'}"4•�,� +� under pnregraph 21 the Propeny ia ucquired by Lender.Borrowerk right to nny insuronce palicies and proceeds resulting <br /> , ' �`�-- from dumage to the PropeRy priar tu thc ucquisitian shull pasa to l.end�r la the exlent of the suma secured by this Secu�ity <br /> �,.�,, .:. Inxtrument immediately pnar to the acquisi�ion. __ <br /> '�'_ 6. Uccupwncy. Preaervptlan, Malotenpnce and P�atectlon of the Prope�tyi Burrowe�'s Lam Applicption; <br /> --- �._�:;: "�� � l.easeholda. Bormwer nhuil uccupy,er�ablish,and u�:t6e Praperty as Bunower w priix'iryd re�idence wilhin xixry duys After <br /> y�..�.�:. . .. Ihe execution of this Secu�ity In.ruument und shull contfnue w circupy the Propedy ux Bartawerk principul residence for at _ <br /> 1.,, , . �.:: , lea.rt cme year af�er �he dutc of excuparny, unless Lencler olherwise u�recx in w�iting, which cons:ent +hull not 6e <br /> a ° ° `' unrcur•onahly withhelJ,or unlesr exienuating circumxtuncew exiht which are hryond Bormwer i:cnntrol. Bo�rower shall not <br /> i���i,;,^�;,� destroy,dumuge ar impalr Ihc Propeny,ullow Ihc Prapeny lo deteriuratc,or cummit wu.rtc nn �he Propen.y. 8orrower�hall __, <br /> �_'� � be in default if'uny fo�feiture uclian or procecding,whether rivil or criminul,ir:begun thut in L.aiderh good fuith Judgment <br /> � �������-�• a►uld rerult in forfciture ai thc Propeny or othcnvis�c materinlly impuir the lien created by thiR Security lusirument or �� <br /> ,t-•r.,..�.Q.,�;_ ___ <br /> Lender��securily in�erext. Borrower may cure such a default and reinstate,uti proviJe�fn�rugraph cuusing the action � <br /> �r='�+�+��••�� ' or praceeding to be diamis�ced wi11t a ruling thut,in l.enderk gaod faith determinatiott,precludes forfeiwre of the Borrower's <br /> ; � �� � intereat in the Ptopeny or other muteriAl impairment of the lien created by this Secu�ity Instrument or L.ender's r,ecuriry <br /> ' interest. Borrower shull nl�o be in defuult if Borrower, during the loan upplicution process, gave muterially false or <br /> - -• �n`�. inaccurnte informn�ion ar ctatements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with uny muterial information)in connection with <br /> — .f%�s;_-,..._r�_:,.�:-•:i� the loan evidenced by the Note, including, hut not limited to, repretentations conceming Borrowers occuponcy of the <br /> -- ' Propeny as a principal residence. If this Jecuriry instrumen[is on u lrunci►uid,f3orrawcr shalf comply ti:�lth e!!the provis9�n4 _ <br /> ji____ ___ _____ <br /> -- � of thc lease. If Borcower acquires fee title to the Prapeny.thc lensehold and the fee title shall not merge unleas Lender agrees <br /> .�• ' ' to the mergcr in writing. <br /> °� '���. ' 7. Protectlon of I.ender's Rig6ts in the Property. If Bomower fnils to pedorm the covenants und ugreements <br /> _� • � contained in this Security Instrument. or there is a legul proceeding thut may significuntly affect Lender's rights in the <br />.-_� property(such ac n proceedmg in bankruptcy,probate,Por condemnution or fort'eiture ar to enforcc laws or regulations),then <br /> ��-�"�-`� `�.� ` Lender may do and puy for whatever is necetisury ta protect�he vnlue of the Property and Lender'.s right��in the Property. <br /> °='� • � ••� Lender's ections mny include paying nny sums secured by u lien which hns priority over this Security In+lrument,appenring <br /> „ '�� in court,paying reusonablc uttomeys'fees and entering on the Propeny to muke repairs. Althoush Lender may tuke action <br /> ' •• under this pnragruph 7,Lcnder daes not havc to do so. <br /> � .�j°�' : Any amauntq disbursed by Lender unde�this parngruph 7 shull become additionul debt of Borrower secured by this _ <br />_ "�'� Securlry Instrument. Unless Barrower and Lcnder agrce to other tcrms of payment,these umounts xhall oear interest from the _ <br /> ; . date of disbursement ut the Notc rute and shatl be pnyable,wilh interest,upon noticc from Lcnder to Borrower requcsting <br /> —, ^''� puyment. <br /> �^^' '.' -: � 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender reyuired monguge inxurunce us u condition of ms�king the loan secured by this _-- <br /> ' �'"�` ° '�' � Securily Instrument,Borrower�hull pay thc premiums requir�ed to muintuin the mortgage insuronce in effect. If, for any - <br />- � � •• � • ' reason, the mortgage insurnnce coveruge required by Lender lop�es or ccuses to be in effect. Borrower xhull pay the <br /> �_: <br /> ' � � � � premiums required to obtain covemge substan�iully eyurvulent to the monguge insurunce previausly in effect, ut u cost <br />_y;� ... �„ I substnntiully equivulent to the cost to Borrower of the mortguge insurunce previously in effec�,from un altemate mortgage �:_- <br /> - insur+er approved by Lender. If substnn�iully eNuivulent mortguge insuruncc covemge is nat uvailable,Borrawer shnll pay to - <br />���` . . . ; I Lender each month u sum equul ro one-twelflh of the yeurly monguge insurance premium being puid by Borrower when the <br /> :'� • ' � insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effert. Lender will uccept.use und retuin the�e puyments as u loss reserve in lieu _ <br /> �.�� �f, � of mortgnge insumnce. Losx reserve payments muy no longer be required,ut ihe option of Lender, if mortgage insurance — <br /> _ -�G' covernge(in the amount und for the period tha�Lender reyuires)pruvided by un insurer upproveJ by Lender ogain 6ecomes �. <br /> -�.�.+d+i„`:�`%' `� � availuble und is obtuined.Borrower,holl pay the premium�reyuired to muinu�in mungage in�urnnce m eifect,or to provide,� �`� <br />_-_ -i loss reserve,until the reyuirement fnr mongage inxurance ends in nccordancr with uny written ugreement between Borrower <br /> and Lender or upplicuble law. �✓ <br /> � , 9. Inspectlon. Lcnder or its uEcnl muy makc rcuu�nublc entricti upun und inspectians of the Property. Lender shull � <br /> • . � give Borrower notice ut the time of or prior to un inspection sperit'ying reuxnnuNle cuu.e tix ihe in.�xction. <br /> .� � 10. Condemnedon. The praeed�of any uwurd or claim fur danuigcs.Jircct ur ronseyuenti•rl,in connection wilh uny <br /> . • �:__�__:, � <br /> " .� Single Frmfly--I�aanlc 11ae't�eddk!►tuc�'NIF/1BM IN�TRUNENT--Undnmi Cuvenanl+ 4/9D qwxe?��Jn�rxnl <br /> . . ��rcM lotee sue�nro�F�mu.�nr ■ <br /> ' w„ .... ,� io am�:a0:I�BOY696Y70.1 O PAII 6167e1•1171 �_:. <br />_ , .. �, , <br />.. ;�y, t .. ,iyMI�iHT�va.�..-,. ,..�.,. . . .� " �� . ...:..-u:" .- ., -._.. _..— . .' . a�...... , -�- , <br /> f <br /> .. <br />._._. • ' , <br /> " ?" _'_—_ _._.Y._._.—_—..-__. . <br /> '� �— . <br /> . ' .� <br /> � • ' <br /> ` r <br /> ' •. • .i�'•- ,'+� � � ' <br /> i 1 � S ' } <br /> � <br /> � .. <br /> � . <br />