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<br /> paymenis na�yr ao lonrer be requirod,u ttu o;�tion ot I.eiuicr,if mon�aye inwr�ace coverayc(in td�a�cno�E�periud —
<br /> tlwt Lead�� rt�uir•.r)provid:.�by au insura eg�rovul by Lender a��in becon�avallablc�ul ic obtainal. Borrower cball p�y �
<br /> the pretniun�s roquiced to mau�t�ia mort�a�e iasuraace ia effect,or to provide�lou raerve,until thc:equircmeat for mort�a�c ",
<br /> �,_:
<br /> iniuraoce enda in accordsiuc with aay wcittea a�cament b�wau Borruw�er aad Le:uler or�y�lie.�ble iAw. _
<br /> 4.In�pectloa. l.eauler ar its aQeat rtyy m�kc re�sonablt eatria upoa usd iaspocti�of tht Praptrty. Lender ctull�ivc __
<br /> Borrower notice st We Nme of or prior to an inspectioa�peclEyic�rea�ooable cause far thc iaspxtion. —
<br /> 10. Coademnatfou. 71se pt+oewd.+ of any �wacd or daim for da�a. direct or coa:equential. in eannxtioa with +my c
<br /> condeuiaatioa or other taking of any put af the Propecry,or for wn�eya�e w lieu of ooademoatlon.are henby assi��od and _
<br /> �hw1 {M�n,si�l tn 1 w�1[�.
<br /> in the evwt af a total taking of the Pcape�ty,the proaals�11 be appfial.w the sums securod by thia Securiry Iattntment.
<br /> whettur or not tLen due, with any eacass paid to Borrower. Ia the event of a putial takie;� of ttu Pcoperty ia whi:h tho fair
<br /> muku value of the PcopatY immediacely befon the taking is eq�l to or greacer ttsau the aawuat of the�socured by this
<br /> Securiry Iastrumcat immedlately before the takin�.unless Borrower aad l�eadar otherwise agne in writiq�,the wms socured by
<br /> thia Security Instrument shall Ee redtscod by the amount of the procodds muldplied by the followiu� iraction: (a) tho total
<br /> amouat of the sums secural immodiately before the tajciag.divided by(b)the fair muicet vaIue of the Property im�oouiit�i�lY �
<br /> befon the talciag. Any balaace st�all be paid to Borrowu. In the eveat of a putial alcing of ttu Property in which the fxir
<br />' marica value of the Propeny iuunediately before the takiag is lexs than the amount of tII�sum�secvred+m^+�+i■r��y before tl�e
<br /> ialcing, untes�Soraower and Leader oiheruvise a�rx in writing or ualess applic�ble law otheiwise pmvides. the pc0000ds shill
<br /> be applied to the tums iecured by this Security Instrument wbetber or not the cumt at�thea due.
<br /> If tlu Property is ab�odoaod by Bormwer.or if,aRer notice by L.eader to Bomoaer tbat the coademoor offers to m�ke�n
<br /> awud or cettle a claim for damqg�s. Bermwu faila to �espond to Leader withia 30 dsya after the dau the notice is givea.
<br /> I.wder is authorized tei colloct acd apply the�+rreaxls.at its option.either to restaruion or repair of tbc Prope�cy or to tho uuas
<br /> securod by tbis Securlry Instrument.whaher or z�tlxn due.
<br /> UWess i.eader wd Borrowu othawisz �;ate in wri�n8� �aY aPPlicatioa of pt+oceeds to priacipal s1s�ll not extead or
<br /> postpaae the due dau of the mocthlY paYm�ts a�°rrco�Il aa im pu�gnpfis 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payaseats.
<br /> !l.Bwsowa�Not Rdeased;Forbeata�ce By I.ead�er Not�Woiva.Exteasioa of the time for paymeat or modification
<br /> of amozti�atioa of tbe w�m�secur�by this Secvriry r�••,,,,,,t�*grantod by l.eader W aey suxasor in iniereat of Boscower shail
<br /> not oQerau to rckase the liabiliry of the oreg�7 Borrowa or Borrower's successois in inta�est.L,ea�ler sh�ll aot be requirod to
<br /> oem�x pmcaa3'ssaga�g�iast�y wcc�soa S�iaterat or refuse w ea�taad time for paymeat or othe:wise modlfy�mortlzadoci
<br /> oE t� sums s�v�ed by tbis Seouriry Instrument by ress.xa of aay demaad made by the origiaal Borrower oc Borrowa's
<br /> su�o�ssors in interest.Any forbear�ace by Lrnder ia eacersisin�wy dght or rea►ed}sh�ll not be a waiver of or prtclude the
<br /> exacise of aay tight or nmedy.
<br /> ls. S�ecerots aod A�ips Bo�i: Jo3s�and Sevaa!Liobility: Caclgnas. The ooveman aod �greer�mts of this
<br /> $�uriiy in•�•••••,••,• shall bind�ad beaefit�e suCCessOis wd attigbt of Lreadei aild Bomower. ��xs w tLe Pt'ovi�ioas Of
<br /> p1t!$17Qn 17. �Ei'S CCtiT�1[i iaa a{�tt��iiis Siiui �`+'v ji,u'-ia �.s iC:�'i2. �.Z'f �SSII�'�i ai���i�rea, thia G�t»titv - --
<br /> Imtiumeat but does not exoc�te the Noce: (a) ie co-signing th9a Sa;urlty Insuumeat only w mort�e, Braat�od convry tluc
<br /> � Bormwer's lacerest in�he Propercy u�er tbe terms af this Ser,uriry Insuumeat:(b)is not Persoo�llY�li8�w II�1Y the sums
<br /> saured by tbis Sa:urity�trument;and(c)�grees thu Leader aad aay otba Bomower may agree to extead. modi4jr.fotbear or
<br /> m�ice aay accommocluions with regard to the terms of this Sowrity Insu�mme or the Note without tl�at Borrower's cooseat.
<br /> 13.I.wa Cb�rQea.If the laan sxured by this Socurity In:tiumeat u subjea to a law whi�secs muimuai lo�n�ar�a,
<br /> aad that law is Hnally inte:prGed so thst the interest or other loaa chuYa coAxxed or to be collxted ia conne�sioou with tLe
<br /> bm esceed tlse peimitted limits.thea: (a)anY wch loan c]�rae sball be nduad by t�amouat neoessaiY to red-•a�e the cbargs
<br /> � to tHe petmitud limit:aad(b)anY suma alrady collocted from Bortoaer wLi�h eaceedod permitted limits will be refi�led to
<br /> Borrower. Leader miy choose to m�lce tbis nfi�ad by reducia8�P�P� owed uarkr the Hote or by makiag a direct
<br /> paymeat to Borrnwa. If a rcfund reduoes priacipal, the reduaioa will be treatod as a pztdal prepsymeat �eishout anY
<br /> prcptymeat c3oarge nnder tha Note.
<br /> 1�.Notlon.Any nodce to Borrowa provided for in this Sa:urlty Instnimmt s�ll be givea by delivering it ot by mtilio�
<br /> ii by first cl�mail ualas applicable law requires use of aootixx�.The noticx atv11 be dirxtal w the Pto�pecty Addtes�
<br /> or aay other addras Borrowa designates by notia to Leoder. Aay mtice to Leader s�aU be givea by fizst cl�ss miil w
<br /> I,mdor's add:rss st�ted herein or aay wber ad�lress I.eader desi�nues by notke to Bormwa. Any notic�pmvided for ia 8fis
<br /> Socurity Iastmmeat sball be d�aed to have baa givea to Bormwa or Leader whea gisea ac providod in this pars�h.
<br /> 15.Go�e�nto� I.aw; Scsn�ability. This Sea�rity Insuument cha11 be �overaed by foderal law and t�e Iaw of the
<br /> jurisdictiaa ia which the Peopaty is locatod. In tHe eveat that any pmvision or cl�use of this Savrity Instiuma�t or the Note
<br /> cootiias with applicable law,sucb contlics shall not affax other provisioas of this S�ecuriry Inttrumeat or the Note whicb can be
<br /> gIVC�Cffed withoul the COafl�plov'ssi�oII.To this efld 1he pcovisioos of�hit SoRUity i�+nm�nw�t�d[he No[e�e deCl�e+ed
<br /> � tp bo sevenbk.
<br /> . 16.Bo�+nw�a�':Copy.6eccnwer sh�ll be givea one conformed copy of tLe Nace ssrd of this Security Iatnvaaeas.
<br /> �
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