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<br /> 17.'I�ocPer ot ths Property or a Benefktal Inicreci to Barowcr.If all or any�San af thc Praperry�r any intercst in u
<br /> i9 soid or truisferrcd(o�if a beaeficial interest in Bo�wer is sold or transierred a�xi Bc�rrower is nat a natunl person)without
<br /> Lendcr's priar writtrn consent, I.er►cter ro�y, at its opiion, require imnxdiAte paynxnt in full of all surns secured by thia
<br /> Socurity Instrucnent. Fiow•ever,this opt!oa ch�ll aot be euerr:s�d by Lender if cxerr:isc it prohiDited by fedtrsl law a�of ctu datc -
<br /> of tbla Sdcurity[nstrument.
<br /> Ii'Le,�uter execcises this option, Lxiuter shall give&,re�wer notice of ecce;era�iaa.'�ltie no�ice sa`iali prov ide a��io3 of cwi
<br /> less thaa 30 daya from the dste tht notice is defiverod or m�llod wlthin wdich Borrowa must pmy all cums secured by this
<br /> Secutiry Instruma�t. if Borrower fails to pay these sun�s priar to tAe expirztion of this periaf.lxnder may lavoi�e u�y[emali�s
<br /> pem�lttod by this Security instrumrnt withau funhcr notice or demu�d on Borrower.
<br /> 18. ltorrorrer's Right to Reinctate. If Bc�rtnwer mats certaiu conditioas, Borrow:r shall dave the right to have
<br /> enforcemwt of this Soctuity Iastrumeat discautinuod at aay time prior to the eulier of:(a)S days (or such other period as
<br /> applicable law cn�y apoc�fj+ for rtinstatement) before sale of the Property punuant to any power of sale containcd in this
<br /> Socurlry Instnimeut;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Socurity Icuuument. Thoae couditions are tvat Bornower:(a)pays
<br /> Leader�ll sums which Wen woWd be due under this Security Instniment and We Dlote as if no acceleration had occumed;(b)
<br /> cures at�y default of any other coveaants ar agraments; (c)PaYs all eapenses incurrcd in enfoning this Security Instrumeat,
<br /> iuciuding, but not limited t�, reASOnAb1e attorneys' fees; and(d)tak�c such actian as l�ender may cr�ably rcuuire to atwre
<br /> that the lien of this Security Instrumeat.L,eadcr's dghu ia the Properry uid Borrower's obliBation to pay�hc suniu securad by
<br /> this Socwity Instrument sball coatiaue unchanged. Upon rcinstatemeat by Borrower, this Securlty Insu�umeat and the
<br /> obliguians secuml turebp shall remaiui fully effective as if no aoaleruiou h.d occurred.However. this ri�ht to r�instate shall
<br /> aot apply in the cas�of�^eletattaa wadtr parrgrapb l7.
<br /> 19. Sale ot Note; Chan�e ot Loao Servkes. 7be Note or a partia] interest in tbe Note (togWxt with this Savrity
<br /> Insuumeat)may be sold nne or more nmes without pdor notice to Borrower.A s�le may nsult in a chznge ia the eatity(i�nown
<br /> as the'Loaa Seavicer')that collects moathlY P�3'�ts due wtider the Note aad this Securiry Instcumeat. 7bero also noay be one
<br /> or n�ore chaages of We Looa Servicer uareluod to a sale of the Nota If tbere is a ch�nge of the Low Serviar.Borrower w:!!be
<br /> givea writtea notice of ths chaqge ia accordance witL Far�graph 14 above aad applicable law. The notice wlll uue the aame aud
<br /> addnss of the new l.oaa Servicer aM tbe �W wbich p�ymenu should be made. 7be notia will ais�coataia�ay otber
<br /> information required Dy applicable law.
<br /> 20. Ha:ardous Substances. Bocmwer shall not cause or peronit the presaioe, use,disposal, storagt, or nleace of any
<br /> Hozardous S�bu�acxs on or in tbe Pmperry. Borrower shall not Jo, nor allow auyone else to do, anyt�ing affaxiag the
<br /> Propw�ty that is ia violatian of aay F�a�iromneaW Law. 7Le preceding two sentenas chai! not apply to t�e p—neseace, uu, or
<br /> stor�ge on the Pmpetty of smW quantides of Haxardous S�bataaoes that ar�gsaes�Uy reoogaized to be oppropriate to noimal
<br /> residential uses and m r,�uinteasace of tt�e Property.
<br /> Borrowa shall prompt;y give l�der wntua aoticx of wy�nvesiigation, da9m,demaad.lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> govemmeatal or reguiuory agency or privau puty involving the Property and aay Hazardous Subuxaoe or Eavironmaiesl I,aw
<br /> of which Bo�s�ower has xival�Cnowlaiga If Bomower leama,or is notified by any govemmcntal or ngulatory wthorit�t,t1�
<br /> aay removal or other remodiadon of aay Hamrdous Substance affaxing the Pmperty is neassary.Borrowa sh�ll Pro�t�y takt
<br /> all neassary remedial actioag in a000idance with Eavimnmeatal Iaw.
<br /> As used in this puagtaph Z0� 'Hazudous Subsiauca'�re those cubst�a dtfwod as wxic or hazu+douc substanas by
<br /> finvimnmmtol I.aw aad the follawiag cubuaaces: gasaline� kemuao. other liamm�bla or co�le petc+ulaun produexs, toxic
<br /> ..i.l t �riwt. ...�... l.i .� • 1 A i
<br /> - "'� awi�� w'�i�i�ivZwZlw M72i'«�i i�iLM�.aw� �T iurr � 's�iw.:' .'.'.IIL�i. .i••• �.
<br /> this paiagraph Z0. 'Eavironmeatal Law' means federai laws aad laws of she jurisdictina wnere tlu Prcperty is loc�tod tl�ai
<br /> . re]ate to heJth.safety or envtronmcntal protecxion.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Leader further coveaaat aad�gree as follows:
<br /> � 21.Aoce3nxtloa:Aem�dles.Lmder shall�ire ootke W Honnwer prior La�elaytloo tollowioa Botrowet'9 breacl�
<br /> of any co�eaaat or agt+eemeat in t6tt Security Iastr�eet (but not prior to aocdastion w�n� p�t�raph 17 �mles�
<br /> , applieabie law provtd�s ot�erwise).'ibe notice a1�a11 specity: (a)tbe detault0(b)tLe�ctiom reqWrod to cure t�e de��Wt;
<br /> ' (c)a d�te,dot ku thaa 30 days('rom the dRte tLe netice i�Qivea to BoRnwer,Dy wdk6 tbe delault mmt be cural;�od
<br /> (�that laUiae W ence tbe de[sWt oa or before tLe date cpecitled ia the notice may resolt 1s� aceda�atba ot the�ants
<br /> secuned 6y tWs Securky�eot aod ssk ot the Pmpaty.1Le not{ce s�I1 tivilKr iaform Borrowec ot t5e ri�6t t�
<br /> . reio�tate atta aooderatlon sod tLe r1�bt to brlog a cant acHon to�e�t the aom�steoa d a desadt or soy ofber
<br /> defwe of Borrower to�t1o� aod zak. I�t6e de�auk b not eured m or brtoro tbe d�te�peci�Aed in tLe aatke,
<br /> I,eader, at kr opfb�, may reqoit+e immedlate papmmt in fbll ot a11�oms secured by tb[s Seemlty Lasttammt wifLoat
<br /> ' fmtbes aemaad iwd may tavoice t6e power d sak aad any otber remedia pamitted bp spplkabk I�w.I.mder d�U be
<br /> eaWled to collect all ezpeases iac�arad iu purs�ng tLe re�seaia prov�led in this p�rasrarh 21.iadudio��but not limited
<br /> to,reazoaa6te�ttorueys'las aad ooets ot titie esideace.
<br /> If tbe power ot sak is iavofced,l'�vstee s�ll raw�d 4 notla ot detsuk ta�aoanty ia w6fc6 aay p�t ot the
<br /> �a�'[x��P��Y�PP�k isw �dme requtred Dy ip�piie�l�ieybw�ysbtll shg e�pu�lic ootfoe
<br /> ot sak ta tbe pe�and in tLe maoner prescrtbed by appSitaDle law.Tn�etee,witLout demaod on Bon+ower.�kafl xU
<br /> tLe P�+optaty at puWic aoctZon to tLe 6{g6est bidder at the time aad piaa aad aotkr tbe tams desi�ted ia tLe na�l',oe ot
<br /> � sak in one or moc�p�aaa ta any«�aa�n,seK ada�n.i�s.Tn�seee m.y poapooe sak or all or�nq p�r� of We
<br /> . �9 6Y Po�aaoouooemea! st the t��ncl pt�oe ot aqy prtvioust�s�ieduled ss�{e. I.eader oe ib desi�oeo msy
<br /> , pue+c6ta the Peopaty at aoy s�ie.
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