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<br /> S.ti�3 0:P:a�:ty Iasaran�. 13arrow�cr shal!rce�the improvema►ts now exi5ting or hut,af�a eroctcd on tho Pm4�er►Y �_
<br /> ins�ued a��ast bss by firc.bazards included withic�thc tcrm "oxYarded cov�;r�gc" ac�d any �tlscr hu�rdv�includln�flood,s or -
<br /> fbod.'u�g.for w�ch l.er�d�iaqulres inrusanc:..This ins�uance shall be cnaintaintd in thc airuwntv a[u1 for tha periods thzt L.c�scicr �_
<br /> r�quir�a.The ittsnrance carrirr�rovidltig the iruw'anco sh�ll be chosca 6y Horrowcr subjoct W I.endCt's approvatl wh�ch st�all not �.-
<br /> be unrcaso�tably wishtukt. IF Borrower Pails to cnaintain covcra,go describod ubove. I,eadcr a�y� at Lu�dee's o��tion. obiain �
<br /> coverage W pntoct L�endet's ri�hts in tho Pmpetty in accord�txo with pats�gr�h 7. ��
<br /> AI!insurance policier and renewals shall be aece�table to Leisder and shall include a standetd ma-tgage clawse.L.efldee shall �;
<br /> dava tho right to Iwld ttsa poliGies and renewals.If L�nder rcquires,Barowa�hall P�P�Y 8ivo w l.ender all rec�ipts of paid E_
<br /> premiuma aad trt�ewal aotioes.In the eveat of 1oss.Bo+�rower sAaU Qive ptompt notice to tl�e insurancc c,arrier�t►d l,ender.l�endei �
<br /> m�y t�e�:cof of loss if not mt�de�a'c+ml�9�Y Bamwcr. �-
<br /> Unless L�fer ead&ortower Wherwiae sr,�roe ia wziring.iasu�ai�ce proceeds stwll be ypplicd W n�stor�tioa ot repair of ihe
<br /> pro{xrtY dam�Eod.if the restaat's�a or repsdr is xoeomic�lly feasib3e aad i,erukr's security i�not iesset�ed.If the rcsw�ation or `-_
<br /> re;wir is not oconoaiically f�asible or l,eackr's socurity wouW be lessened.the i�uur�►ee procceds shall be applied W the sumc !
<br /> socurod by this Securitq Iaswment.wbuher or aot then due. with aay cxcess ptid to Borrowcr. If Barower abandons tho
<br /> PmQaty.or does not answer withia 30 days a aodx from L,usda that the;^ "*97^�csuric�has offerod to sett3e a claim,tls�n
<br /> r.macr may couoct the ins�rance procooaa Lend«may use the proce«la�n K.pair or r�store titie Property or w Fay s�s socuroa
<br /> by thiy Security Inswmen�whettsrr or not theo dae.'Ibe 34day period will begia wAen the notice is given. -
<br /> Uaboss I.ender aad Bormwa otherwise sigree in wsitinB.anY applicatbn c►f W'aee�s W pcinc'P�1 sl�all not eutead ut postpa�e =
<br /> the dua dao�of the a�acdilY PsY��Farecl to ia p�s,�r.iphs 1�2 or et�nge the acrouot oB tAe paymeaw.If uader p�a,g�a�L _
<br /> 21 the Peapacy is acquirod by l.snder.Borrawe�'s 'ay,slu a aa� ic�szu�ce policies�od pr�s resulticg frnm d�s�6�c6e
<br /> �Y R�����P�tu I.ea�aw e'�e e:uat qf the su�ss sac�aad b�ohis Sowri�-f�rtruamazot immo�u.`Y
<br /> pdar ya ct�a�q�, '
<br /> f.Uo�ey.PreKnstioi.M�otaaaoe aad Y�roteceion oti't�e ProQerty: Bo�o*�es's I.oan Appllcationi L.ea�ol�.
<br /> Borrovr�shall occupy,estaNish.aod use tbe Pt�operty as Bamv►e�'s pinciPal msideace wi�suty days after the e�cecut�n�of
<br /> a�is seausty tusauwent ana s6a11 ooaoaua w oocupy the ProQerty ac Boaov�r's priaci�al�i�eace for at leasc oae ya�c af�ri t3�e =
<br /> d�te af oocup�ncy. udrsa I.enda otLawise aRrees in writiag. wdiclr coaseat sLall nat bt un:raSOnab1Y witdhefd.or uaiess
<br /> extcauetia�circumstaoces e.�isi wdich ane beyood Bomowa's controL Borrowu s6�U not des�my.d�cna8e or imp�ir the Proputy,
<br /> altow tba PropatY ea de�aiorate.a o�naut waste oa thc Pro�ty. Bonuwa shsil be ia default if aay forfawre actioa or
<br /> pr000edin�.w6ah�civil a cximinel.i�begun that in l.aWer's good faith judgiaeat oould result m forfeiaue of tLe pmperty or
<br /> whawiae m�i�11y iaapdr tt�e liea c�ramd by thit Sec�aitY�awum�or Le�dar'i aecurity iataeat Borrow�miy curo wcL a
<br />- defiuk aad reta+t�to.ar Provided ia P�r�aPb 18,by causie8 the actbn oe prooeediog w 6e disa�aed witb a nilia�that. ia
<br /> 1.,eoderr•t�ood faitb daamia�tioa.P�'ecluda fotfdture af tbe Bue�o�+u'�irita+tu ia dse ProQaty ar other muerLl imp�i�m�a�t oi
<br /> d�e tiea�ea�ed by diL Soc�xity Iaunu�ast ar La�der'a ioauity iataest,ftaro�wer slull al�be ia defiuk if Bo�rower,d�uin�tbo
<br /> bp�pp�P'�i+��Y fabe Or in�ocnn�e inWrnwd�DO Or�aiemenV b Leslder(Ot failOd b pnOVidC Letlder with
<br />= �oy aWerid iatarrnttioo) io ooaoociioa wi� tse io�a evida�ced by the Note. iacludin�. but aot ltasited to.rqx�dons
<br /> COpp01p(!1��OflOMlllf�/OOCYQ��1Cy G��E PtC�1l�ly1 a1 a�1l�E.II m1{.'fOCAnir 1T�I�mWL n uw�i��iui%wsiuwa7
<br /> �U oomply wk6�111he pcovisions af the iene.V Bon+ow�a aoquices fx tLie b the Propaty.tlfe ks�eboW�nd tbe�titb shW
<br /> oot n�a�+e uniw I�eod�+r�eea to i6a mer�et ia writiag.
<br /> - 7.llratectl�of I.ender's iti�hb In t6e Pr�upMy. If Borrower fails w perfam the coveaants aad agroea�caat�iaod ia
<br /> - tLis Security Ta�onut+au.or t1Yre is a kg�l pcnceeding that maY�if"r.antlY�ffect I.endrr's r�ghb ia the Pe+opaty(sucb as a
<br /> proceedio�ia b�upcy.p'oi�e,fa oondemn�tioa or forfeiait+e a 10 enfooce lawa or sr�vlations),thea L�maY do aad p�y
<br /> fot M4Y�ver�nex.t�y w pr�niui die vaWe of dse Pr+nQeity�ad Lasder'a rights in tLe Pna�Qaty.Leada's actiooi may include
<br /> P�YmB mY � �ecured by s lia� which t�ts p�ria�ity ova tbi� Sa�rity lnstnunent.ap�ea�in� ia�oourt. P�Y�S�k
<br /> �tlocaeys'fees and ea�iq�oa da Propaty io make rep��AW�o�gb L.ea3e�maY mice actkx�under t�p�'+pb 7.I.awia
<br /> doa aot f�ve b do sa
<br /> Aay�mo�o�di�CSOa by i�eaaer imdei this p�ra�apb 7 s�u become addiooaal debe of sarower socurod Dy tbis Seauiy -
<br /> it�mi Uale�B�xmwer and I�eader��oe to oH�er tame of p�yment. tl�se� shall bear ia�seat Erom tbe d�e oE
<br /> dnbu�eat at tLe Ivoie iaie aod ah�11 be payabie.�ritl�inivrst,upon aotice�+am l.e:sder to Baeroarer n4�es�g piYaa�.
<br /> i.1Ne�t=a=e�r��cx. If Iceder roquirod mat��e inuuaace a4 a oondition of m�icio�tbe loan sxured by this Sacwity
<br /> - I�t, Barowa�il WY �P� ro9� to�aaiotain the a�ortgage inwrs�ce ia effacL If,for�c►y rea�on, t�o
<br /> mo�tgage ins�umoe covaaQe re9ai�ed bY Ee,ad�'i t�paes a ceaus io be in�fera.Barro�rer�6a11 P�Y�P��4uicad tu
<br /> obnia ooveryge subst�atialty e4uiv�ient tu t1�e mort�age ias�ce previouslY iu ef�'ect.at a caat subst�ntiwllY Wuiv93eat tu tho
<br /> oou w Barrowtf of tbe mort�aQe ics�uance p�yiousiY ia ef�'ceC fran an aLeinate asoatgage L�uta app�ovod by L,eada. If
<br /> sabst�oti�liy oquivakat aiortga�e iaaa�oce cover�ge is Twt avaiL�bie.Borrowa shall psy to I.es�der escl�moot6 a sum oqual to
<br /> me-taKlflla of tbe Y�Y���P«�D�bY Bamwa whei�the insuraace covaaQe l�secl or cea�od to
<br /> be in�Ir,adri will�oce,�t.u9e�od reta�a tt�ese�aymmts as a loss resave ia liw of moR�ge i�auaace. Lass resave
<br /> � For�iOZi�IpO'
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