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<br /> '1�G�1'��r.it WI'I'�1 all the improvaYtients aow on c�reaftu croct►x!on tha Prolx+=Y.� all eastments, ��. aa�
<br /> fixaura�naw ar hrrr�aftrr A part of U►e pro�rty.AU r�ixranenip�uf�xfditioac cAaU rl�o bo ooverad by i�lc Se�,tuiiy Insuurner+l.
<br /> All of thc forcgoin�i�retarexl co in th:.9 So:.�uay Inst�u.�u u:�'w"�.aprrty.
<br /> BCkROWFR COVfiNANTS ilut Bo�rt'uwtr is awfully seisod oF d►e est«zr hrreby conveyod and h�tho ri�ht w Qt�nt aad
<br /> convey tha Pmptrty and ttsat the At�erty is wu�scumba�od,excc�►t fiu cnc�mtuuicc� oi rocad. 8ocrowcr warrnts aad wiU
<br /> defaul gr�erally the title w tAc Prop�rty qgsinst�il clsim9 aod drinaiuts�,snbjtct w nny cacunshrwcas oi recocd.
<br /> THIS SECiJRTIY IIVSTRUMFNT combin� uniform wvcx�aut� f�v n�tio�al usc and aoa•unifaas covc�aats with tiaiitad
<br /> vari�tiwis by jurisdictiot�to cot�stituu a unifortn scr.urity iasuwticnt covcring m,�f propct�y.
<br /> tJIVIF�RM COVFsNAN�.Bartowu snd I.c�-uier covenaat and stgraz�fWlnws:
<br /> 1.Paymeat ot Ptiocipal�od Iitrmt;Rrtpsymwt oad l.ate C6aracs. Borrawc�r cl�I! P�PUY PAY wkea duc the
<br /> principal of aud inta�est oa the debt evidencod by tho Noto�uul�nY Pn�s►Ymrnt and latc charges duc wydet the Note.
<br /> �.I�'uods fos Taxes w�d Iawrroce. Subjoct to applicable law or w a w�ritta�waivu by Lc,nder.Bormwer chall pay to
<br /> I.eadrr m thz daY��Y PaYmeaw are due under tho Nota until tis�e Nat�is paid ia fu11,a sum("Fuads") for:(�Yearly taxw
<br /> aad asse.ssa�r,nts which may auain prioairy ovcr tbIs Secwity Iasuumcnt os a 4m on tlsa Properry�(b)Ye�dY le�setwld paYmeAts
<br /> a amund rents on the Pmperty,if say;(c)Yearly hsuard or PropertY insuraac'e Pn,a�ivais:(d)Y�Y����P��.�
<br /> �nY:(�)Y��Y�8t+8�insurance prnwimc.if aay: aod(�any sums payabl:�by Born�wcr w Les�der.ia aococdance with tba
<br /> pcuvisioc�s of pat�grapd 8. In lieu of the p�ytnast of roortgAga 'u�uranr�c pronuum9. These ittms�te called "Btctow Items."
<br /> i.ender may.at swY time,onlloct�i h.�1d�un�iu«n anwiuu aat to a;.c�,3 tiia�uarcimum�snount s�Ia�3ei for a fakraUy re]aud
<br /> coort�age ioan may requlre for Bortowa's escrow�ccount under tho fc�deral Rsal Estau Seuleme.nt Proc�dures Act of 1974 as
<br /> �fmm dme W dme, l2 U.S,C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA").unkss a�r law thai�pplies efl the Funds sets a les.9er
<br /> so�oczar. If so. I.eader may. at oay cicsro. wlkct and dold F�►nsls in an amasnt noi W e:ccxd tde kssa srnount. I.e,nder usay
<br /> esas�raoe the amaurst o€��on tbe baris of curt�t data�usd rcasonabb esGmates of expendiwns o�'fut�ue Fis�xow Itaas a
<br /> otbaw�ise ia aao�+��:a!►apFlipbi�e lav►.
<br />:� '['�e F�ueds sasS�b�hc3d is oa iau�tioa�►�OSe d�eposits ace insured by a foderal aB�Y.�Y,or enKty(iactuding
<br /> E�srt£es,if I.��s�at�i�tr�ooit)ae ie any Fodct�t Ho�cne I� Baek.l.eadix str�ll stpply tse Fuads to pag the Eseraw
<br /> Io�.�.tr�der mzy not c4�e ffc�o�r fos hoiding aod s�pp�}�iag t1u,Funds.aruwally ao:ityziog dse esa+ow aco�cu�t,qc��aifyin8
<br /> tHo�E�x�v Items.unkss Lender pays Bort+o�►m iaterest oa�e Fuads�od applirsib3e Lzv�r p�mit9 Leader oo m�,C�a c.harga
<br /> F3Q,�e+tr,Lauiier may require Barrowu to pab a ox-time charge for ao in3e�mdent:+al estare ta:�oc�a�,rxr�ica used by
<br /> L,e�;a ia caoaectioo wuh�as in�o,uak,sa t�pticable taR pcovidos othavviso.Uniess�a�ree�t u �de ar s�,ti�Eie law
<br /> ceqvi�es mkr��o be peid;C�d�r ct�U not be n�qaic�ed tm Qyl►Barower anl�iniarst vr eussiags an ttse Fuads.B�saw�er aod
<br /> Lar�rs may agroe io wrriaog.�x�eva,that intaest shall be yuid oa tbo Fuads.Lenda sh.�]1 give to Barowa,wlthoix clvrge,aa
<br /> aaau�l a000un6qg of ttfe Fund9.s�sowiu�cmdits�ad deblts to ctse Fuads aod tho purpose fa w41ch ach d�bit to the F�ads wac
<br /> mide.The Ft�ads�re pkdged as addilionil sec�rity far all ruaat mc�r.d by this Socurity�nmua�aq.
<br /> If tbe Fouds bdd by I.a�der exaad tbe�aouots peimitted to 6e 6rld by applicabk law.Leoda stuU 9000unt w Bazo�+er fa
<br /> the exoexs Ft�nds ia�ocad�noe wit5 tbe roquiremeots of�pplicaWe law.U the amonnt of tbe F�6eid by Lender at my dme i�
<br /> not s�icieot to pay the fita+ow Iteau wl�doe.I.ender may�no6fy Bacm�ia writi�4Q.md,ler such r�e Bamwtr slull pay
<br /> b L,ceder t�e �uouot oe�oets�y to aake up the det'�cieacy.Barower ahaU raatce up tlue deficlaacy ia oo moa�e d�a twetva
<br /> '_'�"�"i i'�7�w s*aw�',M'wi'a a�7ii+a'aaicwa -
<br /> . Upaa qym�t in full of all wnu secured by tlils Seauity Inmua�u.Leatla dull promptly nefuad a Bomawer�ny F�
<br /> be]d by Lakl�r.If.uoda p�r�g►ap�21�l.eader�hau acquire or�eJl�he Pro�pacy.l�ier.Prior a the acquisitioo or:a3e of dse
<br /> Propeity,s4�11 apply aay Funds held by I.�der at the time of acqui�itio� �s�1e as a crodis q�aiusl d�c suu�securad by ttw
<br /> ' AppBrstio�at Pl�yse�b. UNas appiicable!sw providta otherwise.s'�paymcats reeeiv�bg�esdor��p�r�apbs
<br /> 1 ar+d 2 ahall be�pplied:Grs�.w saY P�Y��Sa due undc7 tbe Not�sxood,w�o�ou�s OaYabie }�ra�gr�ph 2;
<br /> ; third,io intrrest due:fowsh,o�Pr�capal d�:aod 1�st,to aay late cJ�rges d�ae aoder tbe Note.
<br /> 4.{.'kwr�es;l3ns. Barro�er shall pay all tua. a�st�ci�r8es.fines aad imposi�ioo,s�iDutabie oo t6e Ptnpaty
<br /> .Y6id,a�y.mro piority over t�is seeiaiey Inswmmt.aoa�raec�oia pay�or gsouad raus,if aop.earo�er shau psy the9e
<br /> ob�ttioos iu t6e wonet p�ovidod ic p��gnpt�2.ot if oot pid m@yt eo�naear,Banuwa s1�U pay tirm on time d'uectly to tbe
<br /> pasoo o�ea payma�t. Bamo� slutl prampty finaisi,b teader�u notioes of aa,ou�a w be pi1�adrr d�p�qi. If
<br /> Bocroaei m�Yes�eae ptymcan diratly.Benower s1�]1 promptly fu��tn I,eadri roa�ipts evideac�d�e P�Y�
<br /> � Baeo�er sLall p+nmpty discl�srge my liai which�priority ovar tLis Security Ins�vment unkse Bomoaa:(a)�aroes ia
<br /> wrilmg Ie the paya�eat oE the oDi�g�ioo�ec�red by the liea ia a maoaer acx,eptuble w t,eada: @)oaaleasts in Qood faaL the 1im
<br /> bS►, a defeads �ed'a�oaae�t of tbe liea io.le�a1 Peceodin8s vrhicb ia the I.eader's op�ioa apes�le w pr�ve�t �e
<br /> eofaroe�en�of tbe 1ieo:or(c)sec�ras from the holdes of tbe lyw mn a�merst s�isfactaY to l,eader�bosd�ia8 t6e liea t�
<br /> . d�s Saauicy Instnuaau.If L�eadcr daelmines ttut aoy por[raf tt�e Pinp�rty is subjxt to a liea whicb mty�taia priocity ovet tbia
<br /> ` SawitY L�uunomt,I.aoder rnay give Bomower a aodce id�aofying the liw.Banovurr sh�1l r.aacfy the Liea or talce one or rnore
<br /> af d�e actioo�ut faet�above wit6in 10 diys of tbe givmg ot'notice.
<br /> t Fon��OZ�f/Y�
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