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<br /> p�ymcnt�m�y no Wn�u bc roqulr�l,�i Ihe opdon us'l.e�uicr.if mortra�a insivancc covcrsgc(in thc anwwit and fur tAc perial
<br /> ttut I.c�ulcr roqulres)provickd by an insurer np�rovoti 6y l.cndcr�gain Nocan�es availablo and is obtained.Bormwer shall pay thc
<br /> prcm:um9 royulrod e mainlain mortg�o ins�uanca in etExt, or tu provido w W�w roservc. until tAc requiccmcnt for mortg�,gc
<br /> Luur'�ncc a�ulc in accordancc with any wtiurs��rccmant bttwecu Harmwcr and L.ot�der or applic�bb 4w.
<br /> 9.taspsctbs. L.er�drr ar ita stgrsu m�y matic rrasoaabie cnttics upan and lnspactioa3 of t6e Ptopelty.Lsndr�shall givc
<br /> Borrowa nosicc et the tltae oi'or prior to�n insp�ctian s�ecif'Ying rcasonabb cAUrc for tbe inspoction.
<br /> 10.Coedt�eatbn. The ptocooda of lu�y awatd or cL�im for damage9, ditecl or consoquctttlal. itti wtu�oclion with s�ny
<br /> concfemn�tbn or other laicin�ot wny put of thc Propnrty�or for conveyance in ticu nf coade�aatioa.are tieereby assignod aad
<br /> shall be p9ui to l�nder.
<br />. In the evcat of a tdal uiking af the Property�tho Procouts shall be Appliod to the sums secured by this Sa.urity Instrumcls�.
<br /> whe�her oi nM thrn due�with any excess paid to Bcxmwer.Tn►ho event c�f a p�rtial taking af the Pmperty in which the fair ma�icct
<br /> value af the Property imnxdi�tely 6eforc tl�o takiag u equal to or�rc.�tes than the anwunt of ihe sums securod by this Security
<br /> Instrunxnt irivaediuely before the taking. unlcss B�tzowu and I�encl�r othciwisc agroe in writing� tha sums secucod by ttu4
<br />� Socurity Insu�uacnt st�ll be red�u�opod by•`t,ho•,�a�ma�nt of the proceeds multipliod by the folbwine fraction:(a)We tor�l ynouat of
<br />' tbe wau socural tMTMI1�i91PIV UGIO�C Y/G fiRWg. dividcxl bY (b) the fair matket value of thc ProPc�rty immali�tely 6eFore the
<br />' �"L:^b,Mp ,, e shall be Fsid ic�Acxrowar.Tn thu nvau e�f a�artial taking of the Prooerty in whieh the fair matkei v�luo of the
<br /> Property imaxdiatcly before the taking �s less tts�n the anwunt of tAe sums securetl imatictli�t:.1y bcfot+e t�:, talting. unt�s
<br /> B�rowel aod l,eader dheiwise agra in writing or unlcss applicabk faw othorwise provides.the procoe�ls sltall be:a�:iad W t�
<br /> s�ms securo�i by ct�is Socurity Insuument whetlu:r or aot tt�siuYU ar�them c�rx.
<br /> lf W:Pcap�y is abaodonod by Bortowrr.a if,afur aotice by L�c3:t t+z Baiower that the�aadaanor off�s to m���s
<br /> aAar�or sr,�a z3im fcx dsm�es.Borrower f�to�re��u lrsider w:thin:�0 days aRer tl�ee d.3te the uotice is gi��ea.I.en�er
<br /> u autbari�a�w cm7ject ao3�p,p3y the pmceods.at ita Qp�n.aithei to resoo�atioo ar s�o�the P�aQerty or to¢be sum�secared
<br /> bl�us Sa�rity Lasmua�4 wacitxr or iwE cJ�a due.
<br /> �nkss I.r.a��3er md Bonower othezwi�e cg�ce in wriaa3.�Y aPPlicsiion of pmceals W p�incipa7 shall not exwW or postpone
<br /> the duz date of ttse moruhlY PaY�ts rcfen+ed to in pardgraphs 1 aad 2 or change tbe sunouat of soch paymeats.
<br /> 11.BoROwrr Not Reknsedi Farbeuaace Bq l�rader Not a R►aiver. F.�tensioa of the timme for paymsui or modifxatiou
<br /> of amorp�oroo of tlyee sums secured by tl�iia Security Izuwroent�nted by L,ender w any rucces�ar ia iata�,ct of Barower slWl
<br /> aot opaate W taie�se tbe ll�bility of tbe original Boa'owa or Bormwer's succe,soors in inte7est.I,ender�ttall not be required to
<br /> oomaaena p�oaedings�galn:t any sucxessor in intaraR ar refuse w outaid tic�e for paymeat or othe�wiae a�odify amordzatlon of
<br /> the wms aocurad by thit Securiry Iastrua�ent by ceasoa of aay dan�nd made Ey the oriQitt�l8arrower or Barrowet'i wooes�ors
<br /> ia interest.My fwbesanoe by l,ender ia euercLsia��ny tt�ht or re�aedy shall not bo a wa�vu of or proclude tho taca�cise of aey
<br /> ri�ht or trmedy.
<br /> 12.S�ooe�o��wf A��u BoYfd�Jaist aad Severa!LisbWt�:Co�ser�. 7'be covea�ats aod �reea�enu of thia
<br />- secu:Ity rastruioeat�u ouw �na ueoet'n the s�cces�on aaa a� of Leuaar wa sormwu. ,ubjea to the p�ovt:ioas of
<br /> p�r�gr�p6 17. Botrawa'a covemnb aad �C+oaaents sbaU be joiat �ad aevet�l. Any Barrowa rv6o co-�ns Wii Security
<br /> In�trncor�t but 8oa oot exxute d�e Note: (� i� w-si�iR6 thit Socu�itY Tns[sumeat oolY to moct�e,�ant aad caavey tlnt
<br /> Barrmwcs's ir�cst ia tls�prapaty tutda tho tzt�cf tlys Sxiuity Ias�usnsat;(D?��P��S'��PaY Ibo auns
<br />= securod by this Security butrurneafi and(c)ogn�es that L�e�kr and any ottu7 Barower may agroe w ea�ta�d.modifY.forbear or
<br /> m�ice aoy aa;oauriadatioas with ngand to tbn trsrns of this Security Ir�ttrutneat a the Note witl�out tlmt Barrowa's canseat
<br />_ 13.LO�e Ch7lqes. If 1hC lOaA SCCUretl by Wis SCCU�iIy incrr»rnrrt iS 6ubjOCt W a 18W whiCb iCLS mAximum i0�Chit$CS.
<br />= aad th�t law is fusaUy inte�yresed so that th�e iatctrst or otl�ioaa charges col3xted or to be col3ected ia canaaxia�o arith the lof�
<br /> �oaed dtie permittod limits.t�a:(�)any sucb D�ch�e s:sa11 be reductd by the a�ce:nt necessacy to redux�ch�rge w the
<br />: paratitted limit:aod @)acty s�already oolkxted fraa�croa�er wtiic6 euc�eeded pe�iued Waits will be hfuae�r,�b Barrowu.
<br /> L,eada ma� cbmse to m9ict � refi�a�by r�Ciog tbe priaci�s�aval nader the Note or by malciag a d'aect payment to
<br />_ Ba�mau.If a crfimd reduoes p�inci��l.t�e s�dioa v�ili be uesoed as a D�P'�Y�a+�t�Y D�'�Y��8�
<br /> noder tbe Note.
<br /> lI.Noeioei. My�ntixe co Boerower pmvidea for im c�is Socuriey instrumeae s�a11 be giva,by de�ivaing ia aae by mailiing it
<br /> by first class a�il unless �pplicabie law nquires use of saot6er raetlwd.7be�sooice sh�11 be diroctod to tbe Pnopaty Add�rss or
<br /> any wba�Bamwa desJgnates by ratice to I.ender.Any n�cx tA I.enda shall be giva�by fira c,lass msW w La�ea's
<br /> addresc st�ted hereia a auy ot6er address I.ender desig�tates by aodc�W Bomower. Ariy aotic,e provided far it� tbic SacRity
<br />: Instnuaat shsll be doemed to have boeu giveA w Bartower or I.eader wbea given as provided in this paragrap�h.
<br /> 1�.Goverda=Lsw;Severabitity. '14iis Security Instnunelet shall be govemed by federal law and the 1aw of titie
<br /> jurisdictioa in wbic4 We Property is kicated.In the evait thst any provlsion a cla�se of this Security Insnumeat or the Note
<br /> ' cuuflicts wit�appl9cabk law,s��ch confl�:t st�ll oot affxt otlkr pcnvisinas of this Socurity Insa�unau or the Note whicl�can be
<br /> given effect wi�hout tbe canflicting provigian.To this ead the provisioas of thi�Sec�rity t�s..••,��^t and the Note are doclued to
<br /> be savaabie.
<br /> Fora�30Z1 l/10
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