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<br /> " I applicable luw may c�x+cify for reinstatement)before sale of thc Propeny pursuant to any power of sale cantaineA In this
<br /> - ' Sccurity Insuument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Secu�fty Inatrument. Thoce conditiona Aro that Borrower. (a)
<br /> paya Lender all sums which tl�en would be due under this Security Instrumcnt and the Note as if no acceleratlon had
<br /> '''" .�,. I occurred;(b)cures ony defAUlt of eny other covenents or ugreemente;(c)pays all expenses incwred in enforcing this Secu�iry
<br /> � �� ; � Instrument,including.but not limited to, reasonable attomeys'fees: nnd (d) u►kes such action us Lender mny rcasonably
<br /> . � ":` requim to assurc Ihat the lien of this Security 1naUumcnt.l.cnder's dghts in the 1'raperty and Burtower�obligetion ro pay the
<br /> ., s.����.. : sums secured by Utis Security Inatrument shall continue unchunged. Upon reinstatement by Borcower, thix Secu�ity
<br /> .'�: I fnstrument and the obligations securcd hercby shall remnin fully effective aA if no acceleration had accurred. However,this c
<br /> - i ri�ht lo reinstete shall not apply in the case of ucceleration under pw�agraph I?.
<br /> 19. Sak ot Notei Change of Loan Servker. The Notc or a partial interest in U�c Note(togc�her wlth this Sccur�ty
<br /> __� lnsuvment)may be sold one ar morc times without priar notice to Borrower. A sale may result in u chpnge M the entiry
<br /> ---- i (known as the'Lopn Servfcer")that collects manthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There air,o
<br /> ___ �T�� may be one or more ch�nges af the L,oan Servlcer unrelated to u snle of�he Note. If there is a chenge of the Loan Servicer, _
<br /> *`_ Borrower wlll be given wrinen notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above und applica6le law. The notice �
<br /> ��"-���`�-.`��'! will stete the name und address of the new Laan Servicer nnd the addresa to which payments should be made. The notice wi4 -
<br /> -�� .���:. . also contain eny other lnformation required by appNcabls law.
<br /> �xa` 20. H�rdous Substances. Borrower shull not cause or pemiit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or release of any
<br /> �^z�t:r�;,.';;, .�' Hau+rdoua Substnnces on or in the Pmperty. Borrower shall nol do, nar ullow anyone clsc to do,anything affecting the
<br /> �� Propeny that is in vlola�lon of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not upply io the pre.eence, use.or
<br /> � - - storage on the Proporty of small qus�mities of Huzardous Substances�hat are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> -- �a,�Y, • � residentiel uses und to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> �� . Borrower shall prompdy give Lender written notice of any investigati�n,cluim,demand,lawsuit or other ac►ion By any
<br /> '��"� governmentul or regulatory agency or private purty involving�he Property und any Hazurdous Subs�ance or Environmental ,+..
<br /> F�' :cp;. �•,��Yt ' Law of which Borrower has uctual knowledgc. If Barrawer Icarns, or is notifed by any govemmental or regulatory �='�
<br />'�`�, � � uuthority,thnt uny rernoval or other remediatian of any Hazardous Substunce uffecting the Property is necessary,Borrower
<br /> ' �••� � shell rom U Iuke all neces rernedial actions in uccordance with Environmentul Law. °=�
<br /> ___�?�'� �.�4 "��° As used in this paragrnp'�20,"Hazardous Substunces"ure those substances deiined as toxic or hezanious subslances by
<br /> - � Enviranmental I.Aw un d t he fo l law ing su bstunces: guso line, keroserte.o t her i lummu b le or tox i c p e v o l e u m p r o d u c ts,t o x i c �-`�_
<br /> --� �'- "'i��� pesticides nnd herbicides, vulutile solvents, mnterinls contAining usbesros or f'ortnuldehyde,and radioactive materials, As �--•
<br /> � • - used ln this parAgraph 20,"Environmentul I.aw"means feder�l lowa and luws of thc jurisdictian wherc the Propeny is Iceated �=
<br /> _ ' "'"� ^" `•"`' that relate to heahh,safery or environmcntul protcction.
<br /> _ '�.'�.'u r�'"`�''`';'•" � NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Barrower und Lendcr further covenant s+nd agrce us follows:
<br /> --= , . � Zl. Acceleratlon;Remedles. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prlor to acceleratio�following 8orrower's --
<br /> _ .,,�;,,�;,_,LL,:,;; ,;;�- breach of uny covenapt or pgreernent in this Security Instrument Ibut not prior to acceleratlon under parag�s�ph 17 —
<br />,_,_� -�--: ----:. - uniess appiicabie iaw prnvides oihenvi,r). i'he nuiicr aimii s�ciiy: iw1 ihe dPf�ait:ib1 ihe arttan requtred io cure ihe —
<br /> -::� . ,. ,::_r�, • • r defAUlt;(cl A dAte,nd less than 30 days from Ihe ds�te the notice is given to Borrower,by which the defaulf must 6e _
<br /> -- � „ cured;and Id)Ihat fallure to cure the defuult on or beiare the date apeciiied in the notice may result in accelerution of
<br /> -'� ry. - the sums secured by lhis Securlty Inslrument and Rule uf the Property. The nolice shall further inform Borrower of
<br /> � the right to reinstale wfter acceler�tion and the riRht to bring a courl action to assert the non-exlstence of a dePault or
<br />- . �',��.'��`;. any other defense of Borrower to acceleralion and sale. If the default is nut cured on ur before the date specified in
<br /> _- :.`�,���• " the notice,Lender pt Its option may require immediute payment in full of ull sums secured by this Securlty lnstrument
<br /> _ ",,�.� ,- , . wfthout i'urther demand �nd may invuke Ihe power ni' sAle and any other remedies permitted by applicable law �-��
<br /> � .� ,. .. . ;.,,�, I.ender shall be entitled to collect ull expenses incurred in pursuing the remediec provided in fhis parAgruph 2l. ---
<br /> _ s.:.,..._,.., . ,y;�,,,, including,but not limlted to,reasonable aparneya'iees and costs uf tille evidence. ---
<br /> {�.:'" IP the power of'sale is invoked. 'I�ustee shs�ll record a nutice u�defaull in each county in which any part oP tlie �*
<br />-�_ ,'�l s�� • Properly Is located wnd shpll mail copies oPwch notice in the manner prescribed by applicable IAw to Borrower and to --�
<br /> _ �,, � ..„ the olher personc prescribed by applicable law AfYer the lime reyuired by Applicable law.'I�ustee shall give publlc R.
<br /> - • •• � notice of sale to the persons and in the manner presrribed by applicuble law. 7Yu4tee.wilhout demand an Borrower.
<br />-ti. �� � • shall sell the Property at public auctiun to the hiRhest bidder a!the lime and place and under the terms design�ted in �"=
<br /> :'=, +�� ;;�, the notice of sale in one ur more parcels and In any order'Itustee dclermines. 7lrustee may postpone sale of all or any _
<br /> _ � .� parcel of the Property by public announcement At the time and pluce of�ny previously schrduled s�le. Lender ar its -
<br /> �--- ���.::i; desfgnee mey purchasc the Property at any sale. ��
<br /> - •� ';�i� . . '' Upon receipt of payment of the prire bid.'IYustce shall deli�•er tu the purcheser 7lrustee's deed conveying the �=
<br />-_ . Property. The recltab in the 7lrusfee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein.
<br /> �.. 7Yustee ehAll slpply tiie proceeds of the s�le in tl�e i'ollowing urde�: la►to pll cosls and expenses otexercisln$Itie power �
<br /> - •',,,.;.. .. ' •,�
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