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<br /> oteale �nd the eale,lacludfng the payment of the'It�wtee's tee9 Actuwl�y�ncurred,not lo exceed 3.0 `1��
<br /> .= by la�i(bwto all wnw Mcured by btr Securitylmtr�umenti�d Ica p Y1ex�ae�s w 1he pe,reoa pcyi�ou�IeQnlly eatitkd
<br /> to u.
<br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upan payment of all sums securcd by this Security lnstrumcrn, Lender xhull reyuest'IYuxtee to
<br /> -- -- reconvey the Property w►d shall surrender this Security Instrument and ull notes evidencing debt 6ecured by this Security
<br /> y� Instrument to 7}uatee. 7lustee sha��reconvoy the Property without warranty wnd without chiuge io the person or petsons
<br /> i� le�ally entlUcJ to it. Such person or penonq 9ha11 pey Any recordution custs. �
<br /> 1,3. Substltute 7lruetee. L.ender,at its option,may from time to time remove 71vstee end appolnt A successor trustee�o
<br /> any 7tustee appointed hereunder by an instrument r�corded in the county in whicb �his Secu�ity Inrtniment is recordcd.
<br /> - - Wi�hout conveyence of�he Prope�ty.thc successor p-usteee shall succeed to all tha title. power and du�ies confeRed upon
<br /> 'Ituetee herein and by applicable,�aw.
<br /> ----- ?A, Requesl tor Nodcea Borrower requests tAat copies of thc notices of defuult and sale be sent to Bortowcr F Address
<br /> which is the Property Address.
<br /> ---- 2S. ItGlere to this Security Ioatwmea� If one or mo�e riden sue executed by BoROwer and recordcd togelher with �
<br /> "°� tbis Secu�ity Instrument,the covenants and ugreements of euch such rider shall be incorpomted into and shull nmend nnd
<br /> •--- supplement the covenan�s end agreements of this Secueiry[nslrument as if the rider(s)were a part of this Security Instrument.
<br /> _�:�;_.� [Check applicable box(ea)1
<br /> �""`�1��'`�� �Ac�ustable Rate Rider �Condominium Rider �1-4 Family Rider
<br /> ��,�.
<br /> �n5yav�•� ::
<br /> --_ — ,����-� r, �Ciraduated Payment Rider �Plonned Unit Devclopment Rider Biweekly Payrt�nt Rider `
<br /> T�����_"`--- �Balloon Rider �R�te Improvement Rider �Second Homc Rider
<br /> ...���..) ,..GN.i4 r1 �•.
<br /> _ �..A�t.
<br /> - �`" _ . F.:.,s _ r .
<br /> �i� � . , a Other(s)(specify) -ACI(NOWLEDGMENT _
<br /> -�tia� '..-�..,�.�:'w =
<br /> - ° " '`"��'"�P"•:" BY SIdNINCi BELOW,Borrower accepts nndegrees ta the terms and cavenents con1aened In this Security Insuument
<br /> -: .,,,�•�•-
<br /> --''� �-;�,e.s��•'� •�.'-° � and in any�ide►Is)executed by Bottower wnd recotded with it.
<br /> -= t:"�'`�' -�� • � _
<br /> " �` V1�tI1C8SCS:
<br /> - 1}.'YFY.�:,.�. '•.`'�N �/�'
<br /> ' �pi"'r• � -�" ($OA��
<br /> --"� �:,.�:f��:`-._: ..�.-r ' -Hartower `
<br /> _� ,. ,,, Scott L Dennis
<br /> ;.-�� ,.� :�-• � Social Securlty Num 505-82-5581
<br /> -_,�'` ..
<br /> �' ��.: •'' �Y�A . (5eal)
<br /> _ .�' ��•'� • Diana R Oennis -eormwer
<br /> � �:y:�,.; ^'��� ��'" Sacial Security Number 506-99-3560 _-
<br /> , � .
<br />- _ � � � �� �'°�' STATE OF NEBRASKA, Ha11 County ss:
<br /> F� � ���"�'� Jul 1992 ,before me,the undersigned,e Notary Public
<br /> �_ .;,...,r.:. On[his 13t day of Y r
<br />;:�:. , �w�-..w.fi . duly commissioned and qualified for said coumy,personally came Scott L Dennis and
<br /> =� ��c�� Diena � Dennis, husband and wif e ,to mc known to be thc
<br /> - .'�.� ,. „
<br /> °' " r�� ' identical persons(s)whose name(s)nre sub,cribed to the foregoing in4trumen� und acknowledged the execution thereof to _
<br />�r, „���'='�`{� be their volum�ry act and dced.
<br /> -�`-'� •����.''�.'��� g '�• Witness my hand and notarial seul nt Grand Island, NebT a 'n sAid county.lhe
<br /> : �?° . '<, date aforesaid. ����M� �
<br /> -�.•-k� '• My Commissi ex It11MC00pDNpHT Not Public �
<br /> ,, , ��.�" , ,,r-, , Yldw�aOq�Od.141996 �
<br /> :�?.� ":�4.: -. . ' STFORRECONVEYANCE _
<br /> . � .•:r' _�• ��. TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> .. "' The undcrsigned is the holder of the note or notcs secured by this Deed of'liust. Seid note or notes.together with all
<br /> ����'�.,_: :" other indebtedness secured by this Deed of'Irust.havc been paid in full. You ure hereby directed lo cuncel snid note or notes
<br /> and this Deed of 7ivst,which are delivered hercby,and to reconvey.without wurranty,�+II the etitate now held by you under
<br /> ° ��� � ' this Deed of Ttust to the person or persons kgally enti tled thereto.
<br /> �:�• � ..
<br /> • " ' � Date:
<br /> � � �. . ForpJ028 9/90 IpoRe6�j6�wRts1
<br /> .���.. - .
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