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<br />,''! condemnution ar othcr tak6�uf any purt of thc Property.or far canvcyuncc in Ileu of candcmnatiun,nrc he�veby u�wigned and
<br /> :�r aha11 bc pald to Lender.
<br /> In tlx event of u total taking of the Rnperty. Ihc pracced.r• shull bc applicd �� thc xuma+:ecurcd by thfs Sccurity
<br /> Instn�menl,whelher or nd then due,with uny excess p:�id tu Borrower. In tlx event of u pnniul tuking uY thc Pn�perty in
<br /> which the fair murAet value of the Ptaperty immediutely before�he taking is cyual t�c�r g�euter thun the a�iount of the sumK
<br />,- Recund by thix Secudty In+�trumenl immediutely before Ihe taking.unle+x Borrower nnd Lender athenvitie agrce In writing.
<br /> T_ __ - ' __-, the r+ums r�ecured by this Security lastrumem xhall bc reduceJ by the amount of the prexeedw multiplkd by the following
<br /> � fractioti: (a)the totul wnount of the aums secured immediately beforc tim�uking,divlJcJ by(b)thc fuir msirket valuc af thr �- _
<br /> _����� Praperty immedintely befote the taking. Any buluncc shall be p�id to Borrower. In Ihe event of a purtial taking of�he
<br /> —_--__-- Propeny in which the fair market vulue of the Praperty immediutely before the�uking iti lesw�hun �he wnount af the xums
<br /> - -- - - secured immediotely before the tuking, unless Borrowcr und Lendcr aherwi�e ogrec in wriiing or unlesw upplicAble luw
<br /> � � othervvlse provides.thc praceeds Khall be apptied to the sums recured by�hir Securiry In�tniment whether or not the gums ore
<br /> �```'—�'-- then due. °"-
<br /> —.�'��..�•� If ttie Pmperty is ubandoned by BoROwer.or if,uRer notice by Lender to Barrower that the c��ndemnor offen to make c
<br /> �'�;;��,� wt uwnrd or seltle a claim for damuges,Borrawer fuils to retipond to Lender wi�hin 3Q duys uiter the da�e the notice Is given,
<br /> :��::y�,•!.;� l.ender is authorized to callect and apply the proceeds,pt its option,either to rexloralion ar repAir of the Ropeny or to�he
<br /> -- sums securcd by this Security Instrument,wheth�ereor nat theng ue. �+CAtian of roceeds tn rinci al shnll not extend or
<br /> �`i�:�:_�:� Unless Lender und Borrower othenvise u e in wri�in , any upp p P P'
<br /> _,--��s�,.�_:;,,,,-�r� postpone�he due dnte of the monthly paymen�s ref�rred ta in paragrnphti I ond 2 or chunge�he amount of Ruch puymen�s.
<br /> — -- t l. Borrower Not Iteleased; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Ex�en+ion of�he time for psyment or
<br />— �'� � modiflcation of amortization of the sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument grnnted by Lender�a uny successor in interest
<br /> "ti' �� uP 8orr�wer shall not opcmtc to releuse the liability of the originnl Borrower or Barrawer4 succe+son in interetit. Lender �
<br /> �!r--.,._:r�.:..w
<br /> � ��.°. shall not be required lo commence proceedings aguinst uny successor in interest or refuse to exlend time for payment or
<br /> ,':".j . ;y. _-
<br /> -=°;:�""''i'•,•'' otherwisemodify umortization of the sums secured by this Security Imtrument by reason of nny demand mUde by the originul =_•
<br /> �—�'r_? �... ,. , ; Borrower or Borrower:s successors in interest. Any forbeur�nce by Lender in exercisinF any�ight or remedy shall not be u ---
<br /> �,:-
<br /> ��, . . � .-' . , wuiver of or preclude�he exerci�e of uny dsht or remedy.
<br /> '; .. . �;, 12. Successors and Assigns Bound:JoiM and Several Liability;Co-slgners. The covenants and agreements of thi� i
<br />� " Securiry In.Strument shull bind nnd benefit the successon und ussigns oi Lender und Borrower, subjec�to �he provisions of
<br /> . •`�` =� pnragraph 17. Borrawer 4 covenants und agreements shull tx:joint und severnl. Any Borrower who co•signti this Security �_ �
<br /> '' ' �'`'"""'� Instrumem but dceg not execute the Note: (n)is co-signing this Security lostn�ment only to mortguge,gmnt and convey thu�
<br /> �a:.;�•.-•rtir
<br />-_ ;;r��`. Borrowcry ioterest in�he Property u�der�he terms of this Sccurity Instrument; (b)is not p�:r�anally obliguted to pay the tium+ __
<br /> '�twf�:x:.,::�0.:':,�,e1� r,ecured by this Security lnxtrument;and(c)agrees thut Lender and nny wher Borrower may ugree to extend,modify,forbesu
<br /> �,�,��,��;�; or malce ony uccommadulions with r+egnrd to Ihe terms of Ihis Secuaty lostrument or the Note without thot Bortower'.s _
<br /> �L,{;,,�" consent.
<br /> :. :�� 13. l.oan l;hargets. If the ioan .e�:urc3 by ihi+ Security {n.r•irumen: fs subject to n !aw w4tich�eta meximum loan
<br /> — '„�°-' "'`° '"-„ charges,and that law ix finully interpreted so that the interest ar other loun churges collec�ed or to be cdlected in connection
<br /> .j61L fiY.i.�. �;�;',•
<br /> - -.��. ,; with Ihe loun exceed Ihe permiued limits,then: (a)any such loan char�e shull be reduced hy the amount necessury to�duce
<br /> ':'k: , the churge to Ihe permitted limit:and(b)uny sum+ulreudy callected from Bcxrower which exceeded pemiitted limit�will be
<br /> �"��t refunded lo Borrower. Lender muy�hoose ta make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by muking A
<br /> , direct payment ro Borrower. If u refund rcduces princip•rl,the reduction will be treuted as a paniul prcpayment wi[hout any _
<br /> _ . . , prepnyment charge under the Note. --
<br />-�—� � �' 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in thix Security Instniment sholl be given by delivering it or by �.�;
<br /> �., ';.:�.� muiling it by fin�clns.r•muil unletix upplicublc law reyuire+use of another method.The notwe shull be directed to the Ruperty _
<br /> .,.K. .�, Addresti or :uiy other uddrcs�Borrowcr cksignutes by nMice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shull be�iven by fint class _.,__
<br /> �' � �� mail to Lenderk addmx,xtuted herein or any other uddms+Lender dcsignateti by notice to Bortower. Any ndice provided for �p::-
<br /> �;- }
<br />` �. . ;.. �y�g _�
<br /> :.. .., .
<br /> in thix Security Instrument nhall lx dcemeJ to huvc been given to Borrower or Lender when givcn us provlded in this
<br />__,^�.r,v.... . puragrnph. --
<br /> '� '�•w �•"�S� SeverAbilit Thi.Security Instnimem +hull 6c governed by federul law und thc luw of the �_:
<br /> • �, � � 15. Governing Gaw; y ---
<br /> �° � juriuliction in which the Prnperty is I�uted. In thc event Ihat any provision or cluuu of Ihi+Securiry Instrumenl or Ihe Note
<br />._ �'. � l
<br /> _'.:M� eonflicts with upplicublc luw,tiuch run0ict shull nut u(fcct olhcr provitiiunx of Ihis Security ln�trument ar the N��te which can
<br /> __ ��_. ° ` be given effect without thc c�mflicting provision. To this end the provixiims of�hix Security In�trumcnt und �he Note ore
<br /> "'� declared to lx uxveruble.
<br /> ��. :•'�`"•" �°r 1 6. B o r ro w e r's C a p y. B o rr a w e r s h u l l i x g i v c n o nr runfonneJ ro p y of thc Notc und of thi,Security Ins�rumenl. ---
<br /> • 1 7.T rwns fer o f t he Prape�t y o r a B e n e f i c i u l l n t e r e s t i n B u r ro w e r. I f u l l o r u n y p a n o f�hc Pr o p ert y or an y imcrest in _--
<br />_��, ��,t,� it i�wld or trunsferrcd (or if u tkneficial imrrcst in Borrowcr i.�ald or trun�f'errrd und Rormwcr is not a nulurul pernon) _
<br /> ,:�;,�„��,.;� ,�'�. withaut Lender:prior written con,ent,Lrnder mc�y.ut ih optinn,rcyuirc irnmediate payment in iull of all sum.secured hy �_
<br /> __ ti., �y this Security Instrument. Howrver,thi.r opti��n+hall not lx cxerci�cJ by Lendcr if exercise is prohibiled by fedeml Inw us of
<br />_�, ,�...r';;,� the date of this Security Mstrumrnt.
<br /> :� �ti lf 4cnder exercises Ihis option,Lcndrr shall givc Borrowcr notirc of ucccicration. Thr nntice shall provide u perial of
<br /> �R� � not Icsti thun 30 duys from thc Jutc thc noticc i.drlivcreJ ur mailcd within which Born��vcr muxt pay :dl sums.rcurcd by this _
<br /> — �, d Securiry Instrument. N'Burrowrr fuils to p�y �hc,c �umti prior lo thc expiration nf Ihis period. Leixlrr muy invokc any --
<br /> • ° � rcmedics�xrmiucd by thi�Security In+trumcnt without funher nrnice or demun�on B„rrou•cr. •
<br /> ° � ° l8. Borrower's RIRht to Reinstute. If Bum��ver mret. rrrtuin conditioii,. Born���rr �hall huvr thc right to have
<br /> • enfarement uP this Security In.trumrn�di.coniinurd ul any timr priur to the rarlier uf: lal S duy� Inr.uch uthcr�riod ux ..
<br />__ �, Single Frmily--Frnnle;11ae/Freddk Nnc U\IFIIR�f Ititi"I'Rl'�1k`7'..l�ndumi('�nenani, 9/9D �puge J�/4��up��.�l =_
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