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_• Il� � �._. ... ..... .. • 'T-=- <br /> - ...Y..-....�� •_" _= <br /> , •� •±..a n;*� .. ,—•-- <br /> c::�- <br /> .i 3i.�� p ��n <br /> _�.. <br /> '�' tW' =— - - --- �----- — . <br /> � -- - - . 92—�sas:u.3 . <br /> - periods that l.ender rcquirts. The ioaurance carrier provfding�he insurunce sha�l6e chasen by Borrower subject to Lende�s <br /> — appnoval whieh ihall not be unreasonRb�y wi�hheld. If Bomuwcr fwils to maintain covemge descrlbed abovo.Lender may.a� <br /> � Lender's option,obtein covernge to protect Lender A�f�his in!he Property in accardanc�with paragraph 7. <br /> All insurance pollcies and rcnewals shall be acaptable to Lencler and shell incluck a slandard mongage dAUSe. Lender <br /> ---- shall have the rlght to hold�ho policies and rcnewals. If l.ender requirex,Barrower shall promptly glva ta Lender all receipts <br /> - of pald premiums wW nencwal nwice.r. !n the event of loss,Bortowcr shdl givc prompt notice to the insu�ance cvrier ond <br /> L.ender. Lender may mal�c proof of loss 1f na made promptly by Borrower, <br /> Unles4 L.cndcr und Bcxrower othenvise agree in wriling,insurance proceeda shull be applicd to restorntian ar rcpair of <br /> theproperty damAged. if the rcstoration or repair ir ecanomicolly feASible and Lender s security is not lessened. [f 1he <br /> �,�� rcstoration or rcpair is irot economicalty feasible or Lender�s secunry would be lestieoed,the insumnce praceeds shall be <br /> iro <br /> �am,�,�� applied w�he aums cecuoed by this Sceurily InauumeM, wixther ar not then due, with any excesg paid to Borrawer. If <br /> -�;�d� Borrower ubandons�he Propeny,or dax not onswer within 30 days a notice from Lender that ihe insurance carrier hns <br /> ofkred to settle u cluim,then Lender may collect the insumnce praceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair ar restone - <br /> _ •���� the i�roperty ar�o pay sums securcd by�his Sxudty InsuumeM,whether or nut then due. The 30-day periad will begin when � <br /> �-:79:�•� <br /> tia noUce is given. <br /> --- - Unless Lender and Borrov►er otbenvise agree in wdting, nny application of proceeda to principul shall not ex�end or <br /> ��� postpone the due date of ihe monihly payments referred to in puregraphs I nnd 2 or chunge the omount of the puyments. If <br /> -_- s under parngtuph 21 �he Propeny is acquired by Lender,Botrower�s right to any insurance palicies and proceeds resulting <br /> --- �i"' from dumage ta the Property prior to�he ucquisition sholl pass to Lender�o the estent of the sums secured by ihis Socu�ity <br /> Inruumerit immediutely prior to the acquisition. <br /> 6. ()ecuppncy, Preservatton, Malntenan��e And Protectbn of the Propeirty; Borrower's L�oan AppBcatlon; <br /> � - L,easeholds. Borrowcr shnll occupy,esmblixh.And uxe 1he Property a.g Bomower's principal residence within Fixty days after � <br /> ,;i„�� the execution of this Security Inshument and sholl condnue to accupy the Property a.4 Borrower's principnl residena for at = <br /> . �`s�..� ,�";.}�:r• least one year after the date of occupa�cy. unless Lender aherwir,e u�rees in wripng, which consent shall not be — <br /> _--- '`'.::.„,;,�,,tii,y "' �' unreasonably withheld.or unless extenunting circumstances eaist which arc beyond Borrower's control. Bomawer shall not <br />_'`=�;;�'.*: �- � destroy,damage or impair�he Property,allow the Prapeny to deteriorute,or commit wacte on the Property. Bornower shall �•� <br /> — ;`,`�;,�,-..:,.,� ..��y; be in defuult if any forfei�ure action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,ia begun thAt in Lendera good feith judgment <br /> =' ,.,.�r:,-.u•_-�_ could result in forfeiture of Ihe Property or atherwise materially impnlr the lien created by Ihis Secudty Instrument or <br /> �"` -""'"";� Lender's secunty interest. Borrower may curc such a detauii und�cf�iatatc,a.+provided In pamgraph causing ihe actian � <br /> --,�:x„s t:;.r•:_...�;r}J� or procceding to be dismissed with u ruling thut,in Lender's good fnith determination.precludes forFeiture of the Borrower's <br /> ^ � '*.'-:�" . ,,�:.• intenest in the Praperty or other material impairment of the lien crented by this Security Instrumcnt or Lender's secudty � <br /> — =�='�?•,-' ` ""` internst. Borrower shull ulso he in defauh if Borrower. during thc loan applkation process, guve meterielly false or � <br /> �-��c�: �� " �� ,�: inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender wi�h any materiel information)in connection with <br /> ;,���,,,� .� the loan evidenced by �he Nate. including, but not limited to,nepresentations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the <br /> � - . �--- 1'roperty as a principAi rcsidence. if this Security Instniment is un u ioa,clWiai,S�uawei ahaii compty w;tt�aii thc pravisioss <br /> — � �'=='--:'''+ of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Propeny,the leaschold nnd the fee tiUe shall not merge unless l.ender agrees <br />__�� to the merger in writing. <br /> F �^.:' - 7. Protection of I.ender's Rights in ttie Property. If Borrower fails to pert'orm the covenants und ugreements _ <br /> '� , contained in this Security Inswment,or there is u legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the --- <br /> • � ,. Property(such ac a proceeding in bankruptcy,probnte,for candemnution or forfeitu�or to enforce IAws or regulutions),then o_ <br /> -� � �-, Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessury to protect the value of the Property und Lender's rights in the Property. <br /> ��'��. •.� '...,. .; ..,a.r,, L.ender's cictions muy include paying uny sums secured by u lien which hns priority over thic Security lnsuument,appearing -- <br />_ : �; in court,paying reasonable uttomeys'fees ond entering on the Pmperty to rnake repairc. Although Lender may take aclion <br /> _ ,� ;,,,,,,, under U�is paragraph 7.Lender dces not huve to do so. <br /> � :w � " ,G:-;" Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this p;uagruph 7 shall becorne udditional debt af Borrower secured by this = <br />---. ,;;:_,.•'; �"'��: Securiry Ingtrument. Unless Bortower and Lender agree lo other terms of payment,these umounts shall bear interes►fram the <br /> "�. " ;" • �;,• dute of disbursement at the Note rnte und shall be puyAble. with intere�t,upon notice from Lender ro Borrower requesting <br /> _� ,:�� payment. _ <br />_,;� � :��,•ry„ � 8. MortgAge I�surs►nce. If Lender required mott�uge insurunce a� n condi[ion of mnking the loun secured by this =__ <br /> �:; «� r•, $ecuri�y Inswmenl,Borrower aholl pay the premiums reyuired ta muimain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for ony �_ <br /> ' neason, the mortgage insurwke coverage required by I.ender lapses or cease. ta be in effect, Borrower shall puy the <br /> '''��: ��• 5- �' ' remiums re uired to obtAin cavera e substuntiall e uivAlent lo thc mort a e insurancc mviousl in effect,nt u cost — <br /> - ,��!.�, P 9 5 Y 4 6 B p Y =_ <br /> '�� substantially equivalent to the cost to Bormwer of thc mortFnge insurnnce previously in effect,from un altemate mortgage --- <br /> � inxurer npproved by Lendec lf subsmntiully equivAlent mortguge insurunce coveruge is not avnilable.Borrower shnll puy to =. <br /> . ., ,:?:� ' � <br /> Lender euch month a sum equul to one-�welfih of Ihe yearly mortguFc imurunce premium bein@ paid by Borrower when the _ <br /> w. �''-�i " ', insurnnce covcmge lapsed or cea�ed W he in effect. Lender will uccept,u,e und retnin these payments us u loss reserve in lieu <br /> � �•`�"•�=•` of mortgage insurunce. Loss reserve payments may no longer he rcyuimd, at the option of Lrnder,if mo�tguge insurance — <br /> �� �` • , �� coveruge(in the omount und for the period that Lender myuires)provided by an insurer upproved by Lender aguin becomes <br /> iF12'�` � Avniluble and is obwined.Borrower zhull pay the premium+reyuired to maintuin martgage insurance in effect,or to provide u <br /> .�,a}�,i;�,� .. _-- <br /> „ , loss reserve,unlil the rcyuirement for mongagc insurunce ends in accorduncc with uny written agrcemrnt belween Borrower _ <br /> und Lender or applicnble Inw. �i"�. <br /> 9. Inspection. l.ender or i�s agcnt muy make rea�onable entrieti up��n:u�d inspectiun+of the Propeny. Lender shall __ <br /> ., give Borrower notice ut the time of or prior to m�inxpection sperifying n:i�sonuble c�usr ti�r the inxper�ion. — <br /> � " 10. CondemnAtion. The proceeds of nny awurJ�tt rluim fi�r Jt�mages,dircct or consequential,in conneclion with uny <br /> • Single Fomily-•Fannk M�dFl�eddle Mnc UNIFt1RM INSTRCMENT--Unikmn Cuvena�xs 9190 r/wR�'3 r,Jo�,uge.0 <br />.. . IiffM I�I[tM{1UNIH'o{�M��.IM � <br /> - ' . " To I1Mn f,�!1�rl PAx fll&7A1•1191 <br /> , c— <br /> , `�. <br /> t F: <br /> . . .. <br /> . �---- - ------ - - - - . -. - --- - ,�- <br /> . . <br /> . . . . <br /> . <br /> , <br /> , . �.-��.._�.�_r�.. .� <br /> �.' - ~•� . <br /> t . <br /> .. ". _.:,.. � : <br /> . _ •� . �•°;_ �� ' ' , <br /> . , <br /> � � , r <br /> � �1 <br />