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<br /> • S. iiaz�r� �r ��a.rty iara;r�:a B�srau:r: c�:ll � tDc i:�pra��cm:nts aaw extstiag or �:.sesl�er er�tai oa t�.;,
<br /> Pcoperty u�ura�!�s�ast tocs by fira,d�zsrds ioci�uded within the tuw 'exten�ai caverage' and aay otLer du�rds. iucludia�
<br /> Elood�or tluodia�. fcv whlcb I.e�der roqulrts iusurzxe. This;usw�ace sh�11 De ulaintsiaed in che n•,+N�„*��ad for the periods �
<br /> thu L,eoder roquira.'['d,iawrwce curier provldin�the�� sball be chosea by Borrawer wbjxt to Leader's approv�l
<br /> whic6�11 ►td be uarqwoaDly witnhe3d. If Borrowa fiils to miinnia covent�e dacrib�ed sbove. l.wdcr m�y. at I.eader'i "
<br /> optioo.obtata cova�e w protax Leader'i ri�hts in tbe Pmperty in a000rdwce wiW parqgroph 7. _
<br /> AU iasur�ace policks oad raxwal��l be aooept�bk to I.eader�ad zh�ll include a sisadud mortR�e dause. L,wder
<br /> sb�ll have tae ci�t w doW tLe poli�cia aad t+enewals.If L�eatier roquirc�t.Borcower shaU Pro�Y Cive W L�eader all rooeipts of
<br /> P�P�umi�ad reaew�l n�ices.Ia the eveat of las.Bacmwer ah�ll pive pmmpt notioe w th�in:ur�ax curier md L�eader. -
<br /> l,a�der may m�ke pc+�nf of tos�it not made promptly by Botrowa.
<br /> Unkss l.eader aod Botrower otDerwt�e arree in wriiia�.iasuraaoe proceals aball be appliod to rGUOruion or re�ir of tbe
<br /> PrapeetY dam�od.i�the reator�tioa or rep�ir is eooaomicalIy feasible and Lencler's security is not lesseaod.If tlse restoration or
<br /> repair is aot econ�mically fea4ible or l�ier':security wouW be lesse�od, the insur�proaals shall be appliod to the svm�
<br /> socured by t�is Security Instrument.w�a�er or not thea dua, with aay exass paid w Borrowsr. if Bomowu abaodouc �
<br /> Pmperty,or does not answer wicnia 30 days a aotice from I.ea3k�thu tbe iusivauca curier has offera9 to seale x cUim.thea
<br /> Leader ayy cdlax tne iasuraao� ptvcoeds. Leader may use tne pmcoeds W repair or restore tbe Pcoperty or to Ray sumg
<br /> ucured by this Securtty Iastrumwi,wheiber or not tUea due.The 30-day perind will begin whw tbo notice is giveu.
<br /> . Uakss ieader�d Borrower ot�etwise s�gree in w'ritin8. �aY apQlication of prooeedt to pti�ipal ah�ll not extead or
<br /> patp000 the due dat�of tLe moo:lilY P+Y�+refecred to la pu�rapbs 1�ad 2 oc cbaaYe the ama�ot of the paymeat�.If uoder
<br /> paragr� 21 tDe F�ropesty is �cquind by l.eader, Borrower's right to aay iasuraaoe policies wd p�di rewltin,Q fmai
<br /> cLma�e w tLe Pmperry prbr w tl�e�equi�itl�oa cbsll pa:s w Leader to tho eRtaat of the su�sxured by this Security Instnimeot
<br /> ••�,,•,w+;yty prbr to tbe�quiaidoa.
<br /> f.OeerpucY.Pt�ia.Matotee�ce rad Yrotec�ia�ot tl�e Pto�ty;Hwsowa's Loa�A�pBcatba;I.ereboido.
<br /> � BorroWa aball occupy, atabiisa, aad use tbe Property as Bormrva's principal rasideace witliln aixty days aRa�the w�a:utioa of
<br /> tnis Sa�tity t+��+,,,,++",•aod s�ll ooatinue te oocu�y the Propecty as Barrowu's priacipal resideaoe for at Ieast aoe year aRer
<br /> tne d�1e of oavpaoc,y. unlas I.mtkt oNetwis�agl�oes ia wtiLin�.wbicb oon�eat shall not be uareaou�bly witl�hdd,ot ut�e�t
<br /> ' !i ,,,�;�� elrasmst�ooes exist w�cA �u+e beycxml Borrovra's coouol.Bocrower slul] Dot destray, daos�e or impair tlu
<br /> �y Pra�ty.dtow tbe R�oQaty to detaiorate. or ac�mit wasr,e on tbe Property. Borrowet sh�ll be in defauIt if aay forkitute
<br /> ° yction as proaediag.vnDed�er civil oa crimin�.i�be�un thac uz I.eader'�good faitb jud�t could ra�ilt in for6e�tr.or�of tbe
<br /> Propaty or otbawi:e m�terially im�air tbe tiea cc�eared 6y this Securiry Iawivaeat or Leader':�onuity interest.Bor�awa mry
<br /> r wre aucD a 8efa�ilt�nd n3auate.as provided ia pu�agr�ph 18,by cwsia�tbe xtion or procxadiag w be diamiaed witA s mling
<br /> e tL�t, ia Leadet's �ood faitl�, dett�:**•:•,•,, pceclnda forfeiture of tLe Bcsn�v�rer's iateetst ia tbe ProQ�tty or otber m�teri�l
<br /> �> impsicmeot of t�e Isea cerated by thia Saxulty In�uument or LRrder's coccrity interat. Borrowec sha1L also be in dcfault if
<br /> i -�s�,Q�iIDY IDe hD��on P�vRSS.�ave�aaiauy iaise vr�u�iaivrm�a vr siaiemeaia io:._.°.•(vr iaitai�... . . _
<br /> w providc L+mder with any m�terial iafocmation)ia 000aectioe with ttse loan evideaced by tbe Note. inciudin�.but v�t limited
<br /> w.reprae�tioos oonoania,�Bomower's o�x.vp�ocy of the Prepe:ty as aprincipil raidGOa. If thu Soauisy r�`•••,�,•���is oa a
<br /> • 1a�oW, Borrowa sbalt oomply witL aU the provisiona of tbe lease. If Borrowar acquires fx tiva to tbe Pcnperty, tbe
<br /> . 3e�ebo�id md t�e£ee title�hall not mer�e unless I�ader agt�ee.s to the merger ia v�mtiqg.
<br />�'� 7.�t�otectios ot I.ea�ler's Ri�1i4 io the Pt+operty.If Bomowa fai1�to pa�form tbe covmaat��n�d agreanmt�cuotained ia,
<br /> this Security Ia:ttumeat,or tbae is a IeY�I procoediuY thu esaY significmtlY affect Lmder's rights in the Propeny(wry s�a
<br /> pr000edia�ia bmiwptcy,pc+oDue,for�or forfeiw:+e or to eafoe+oe liws or regulatiaoc).tLm Lm�3er miy do ao1
<br /> '� pay boc wbatever is neoes�acy w pt�otxt the vatue of th:Prepeny aod Leader'a rigbu in tbe Property. I,wder's a�x3oas m�y,
<br /> iaclude WYie� mY �t sxured by a Iiea wBich has priority over this SocvritY �, �PP��Y � �. W�Y�
<br />- tra�ooab�e attomeys'f�ea aod ea0eriaY on tbe Propezty to m�lce npaiss.AIt@�h I.eader may take aci�uader this pac�l�{th,
<br /> '. ?.Lmcier doa not Oave to do io.
<br /> � � Aay smouots di.sbuned by Isa�ler uader ihis paraar�pk 7 saaLl bocome additioaal dabt of Bomower aecese�d Dy thia
<br /> '. Socatity lasuumeat.Uaias Bo�+crwa and Lea�ler�w ot2eer tes�s of p�ymwt, tbae atoauab s�all bear iatasst froot tLe
<br /> '`' d�te of di�boraea�eat at tLe Note nte aod sl�ll be�ayable. wish t�. upon notice 5rom Lmdes w Bormwer nquwtia��.
<br /> ;' PaYmmG
<br /> • R Mornt�_�e Iro�rLa����ce.Jf T�ender requirod m•-o:r�tgage iasuav�as�oonditioa of�the loaa aecural by tltia Socuriry
<br /> ia�trumeat� �7l1VWCt .liiW��iIIY'=CIUIISC I�Y4GY W�9i1��91R���y�� ;.,�,,.�.,....ia effax. If. for anq rea:on, the
<br /> moct�a8e;�d���cover�ge t+equired by Lea�ier izpces or ceasa w be ia effect,Borrowa�Lall pay the pnemiums requiral w
<br /> .. : obtain cover�e auDstantially equivaleat to the mortgage ia:urioc�e previausiy ia effea,at a cost�tially equivalmt w tLe
<br /> cost to Borrowa of the mortg�e ;*+�,��pc+�r,iou�ly in efkct,from on �ltesnate mortg�ge ins�u�er appcoval by Icader. If
<br /> , • �baaati�ilY equivakat matt�e iasurance coverage u not avsilabie.Bociower sba11 p�y to Ir.ader ach month a suai aluat to
<br /> ooe-t�rdRb of tbe Y�Y��P����i�bY Botmwer wbm tbe�*�oova�e l�qed or cenod w
<br /> bo ia ef6ers.Leodar will�coept.use aod ntaia thae paymeats at �loss resetve ia lieu of inert�e iauuaox. Loat raeivc
<br /> faaw 9I00
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