<br /> � - - ----. - -- --.`--">--_=__ _- _ -
<br /> , - - ;;T _
<br /> - �� • . . --- --_
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<br /> -� _�_,_ -.=._:3._� t.-.�..�F-. _...�., 1.---_._�.--_�t tl:*,.�efl2.,.4f1,�---
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<br /> • payaxats�a�,y ao IcwQer po rcqulrod, at ebe option of l.eadcr.iP tuort��e ia�uuaacc cavcr�tyc(ia tbe u�oount�ad for tbr period
<br /> �hat l,ender requirrs)Provided by�n iacurv�proval by l�:adcr�ala bococ�ovailahk �ud Ix oi�WWned. Borcower sh�l1 ps,y
<br /> the premiwut rcquiral to m�1nWn mortyaye iac�uanoe in cfiat,or w�uvidt a l�sa sesesvr�uutl!t!u roqultrmait for aoottQ�e -
<br /> iasuraace eadt in�cootci�acr with ruv w�dttm�'aemeat Detwt+eu&ur+owa tad I.�der or applicabk bw.
<br /> 9.I�pectlos. Lea�er or iu�eat m�y m�e resyonabte e�iea u��ou r�i ins�:�a:tia�of tis� Pc�tt}.laa3tr ehall�iso
<br /> Horrower naice u the time of or Qrior to aa ia�poctloa spxiEj�in,�rcssa�Dte c�usk for the ir�upoctioa.
<br /> 10. Coede�wtio�. '1'Ae pn�emda of aay awzrd or ciaiu► for c7ama�d�. dinx�e or eu�sequeati,�l. i�c�:iia�w.�.h r�q� -
<br /> oondema�tiou or ocLer takiag of afly put of the Property�os for coaveyaace ia lkx�of oaode�oatiou. ace ls�y aul�aod aad
<br /> a�ll be psicl tu l.es�der.
<br /> in tbe evGat of a tota!ylcio�uf tLe Praperty,t�e prooeedi sbaU be�tied to tba wmc ucured by chL Securiry Iasuua�a�t.
<br /> wbetber or c�ot thai due.witb aov exoess p�id to Borrowu. 4� tAe cveut of a pnttial taldnQ Qf ttu Propa�ty ia whics t�e fiir
<br /> u�rket valne of�he PooQecty immediately beforc tbe takiug u cqual w ar�re�ter ahan tbe �tnouat of tttie tuuu aecured by this
<br /> Securuy In:wmmt iamodi�Wy befort tne tafcia�.udess Bortower ud l�cad�er othcrwise asrx ia writia��tLe tums secnted by
<br /> this Seauiry tn:tntimeat sh�11 De ratuood by tbe aa�aunt of the proceedc awultlpliod Dy tLee foUowit�fraccioo: (a) tbe toW
<br /> amouat of tLe sums secured i�„�^,�;�•��y Defore tLe talcia�. div�ded by(b)tbe fsir muket value of tbe Pe�opaty immediatdy
<br /> before the t�lia�. Aay b�liooe sh�l! !�e�.++iid te A�wcow�er. ia tho eveat of a pa�t;al t�icia�of tLe Pe+opaty ia wticb the i�ir
<br /> n�stket vaIue of tbe Propaty+�*+��,•��y before the takia�is la�thaa tLo ama:�t of tbe sums socurod ima�odiately De!'ore tbe
<br /> tatiin��uakst Bat+owu aad I.cader otLe:wise�ra ia wrkic,�or uakas appiica�le isw otbetwlae provides..tbe pcoceods shall
<br /> be�pplied w tDe wms socurad by this Sectuiry Iostrumeot wbetber or not tbe wmf tire then due.
<br /> If tbe Ft�oQeity is ab�ad�ned bY Boctnwer.or if.aRer notioe by L�cier w Bazrower t�t tbe cood�eao��or offe:s to m�Tce m
<br /> award o� satie a cl�im for dau�es. Borrowa fiils to respood to LRadar witbiA 30 days a�Res tbe date tbe ootia is given.
<br /> I.wder is autboriud w oollect aod aggly tbe prooeedt,ac its.�ptio�o.�ither w restat�ti�m oe ce�air of tbe PeoQaty or w tbe aums
<br /> aoc�ued bY tbis Secutity lnfttumeat.wbether oc not tbea du�.
<br /> Udas L�oder ood Borruwer otbnwise a�ree ia writiaQ, �nY �PPU��Qf P�� �P�P+� a�ll not e:ttnd oe
<br /> postpooa tbe due date of tLG moatblY P�Y��nfexred w ia p�rapr�phs 1 aad 2 or clsaa�e tbe amouct of sucL psymests.
<br /> 11.Iiwrswx Nat jidea�ed:Forbevia�oe B�Leadet NaC a W�l�ee.Extnaciaa of tbe cime for piymeat oc modific�tion
<br /> of�mortirat�o�n of tL�sums secwed by shi:5.:,.u�;•r�...�..••,,sa�eot BI�n�ed bY L�d�r W an,y s�oxswr in iateresi of Bocrowa s�U
<br /> oot operate w i+e3ease tbe li�biliry of tbe ori�giaal Bocmwv or Botr�wer's suxasot�in iaternt.Itsder�haL aot be roquitnd to
<br /> oommmce pcooeedia�s s,�ainst any suocessor in interest or refute W�taid time fac paymmt or othtwi�e mality amozdr�Bon
<br /> of tLe wmr savred by thi: Sau�itY Iatt�uaeat bY re�son of my deanod m�de by tt�e ori�ia�l Barowa or Boerowes's
<br /> wooeswn in interest. Aay fo�at�nco bY ixadea ia exa�cisia8 mY r�t os remedY s�U ea be a waiver of oc pceclude t�
<br /> exa+cite of aay ri�ht or romody.
<br /> ' lS. 9scce�o�s ud As�ip�Qu�d:Joi�t a�d Se��[ I.f�6iW9: Co�i[�s.'Ibe covaawts aod �reameats of d�is
<br /> Socuriry Iasttumeat shall b�ind �od beaefit tbe a�cas:on aod aui�of I.e�kx aad Borcower. suisjat to tl�e provisioez of
<br /> par��ph 17. Borrowea'a ooveamts �od �+eemmtc ah�U be joiat md sever�l. Any Haceower wLo co-�t thia Sxucity
<br />. ,__.____�L...J_� �._..��;J��. �.� :.�.�:�aM�w�c�,•.�.'�la�, i.�.e..�,,1Yw neh,k,nw,et�,�a;,�a.e awd oo�v�v tLae .
<br /> ._.... .-'1�f1WYii�t t7Ya Ywa'twis Mwwr tY'�' T� — �---
<br /> Bae�m►rtr's inta�at ia tbe ProQetty uades tbe tams of tbis Saurity�t(b)is noc pe:soo�ltY obiiZ�ted w poy tl�e a�
<br /> . aecured by tLis Soauity ia�tnimeat;aad(a)�c�ees t�:i I�+�er arri any ot�Z Borrower may agiee to esuaci.modifY.fotlxrr or
<br /> . m�i�e my aaoommo�tioas witb reYard to tbe terms of this Secw�ity Ia�ummt or tbe Nate without tlut Bomox�'s cooxat.
<br /> '13.I�a C�r�ec.If the W�t savred by tbit Seauiry Iasuumeat is subjeq to a 1aw wb3ch uts mu�imum lan c�es,
<br /> aad tbat la+r ia fiaally intapceted so tL�t the interest or otba Iom c�ea oollect�d or to be oollated fa 0000eaion�riW t�e
<br /> iwn esooed tbe pamittod limits,tbm (�any such lwm cf�atae sh�ll be:+educod by tl�e amo�tnt nooessary to racL�ce t1�e cl�[�e
<br /> w tbe pesm�ted limic; aod(b)aoY sc�a1�e�dY cdlected from Basrower wAidi euaede�l pamitted limits aill be e+efuaded to
<br /> Ho�er. Le�oder may c�oo�e W m�ice thi: refuad by reduc3n�tbe priaa�l owee�d under d�e Note ar by m�ido� a dicect
<br /> prymeat w Horco�►�er. If a :sfund reduas pciacFpai. tbe rodtixtion wil! ba treated as a pactial prepaymeot witLont �q►
<br /> P�'�Y��te unda tbe Ncte.
<br /> 14.t�atke�.Aay mtice to Bacmwa peovided for ia this Senuity Instttimeat�haU be�ivea!ry delivesin�it or by�ilin�
<br /> it fy fust cla�s msil uains appiicabie ia�v rcquirrs uu of aoother method.TLe notice�11 be directed to tbe Propaty A3dresc
<br /> or�y oH�er ad�+es: Bonv�wet dai�a�trs bY notioe to I.�oder. Aay noti�x to L��1es s1W1 be �vm by first cl�ss mail to
<br /> L�eada's addt+n�st�oed baeia or any ather addt�.0 I.eade�dai�n�tes bY mti,x w Boe�cvwer.Aay aotke ps�evidai 5or ia this
<br /> Seccuriry Imtcummt s�i16e deemed to have bem Qivea w Borcowra or L�ciet w�a givm 9t pt+�idod ia thi�pars�raph.
<br /> 15.Co�a�i■� Lw; Se*era6i�ity. Ttis Saauiry Iaunimmat sball be Yovecnal by foda�l la�v md the issr of tbe
<br /> juti�dictioa ia wbich the ProQerty is Iocated. ia tbe evau th�t aey pmvisiRm or ciaux of this S�ocurity Io�an:mmt or tUe Nute
<br /> 000flic,ts wid►�piic�ble Izw,auch ooaAict shall mt afFea otLer proviaiaau of shi�Savrity lnstn�meat or ttse Note wLicli can be
<br /> �ivm efYea rvitbcx�t tbe 000tlictiqg pmvision.To this ead the provisioas of tlus Sx�uity Ia�uuaaaot znd ti�e Note�ce declund
<br /> to be�evet�We.
<br /> Ii.l�erower's Ccpy.Boa+e�va shalt be Qivea aoe oeabormied copy of tbe I1ae md of tMs Sew:iry Lmt�t�mmt.
<br /> ��_ �-N4�IBua�».o� tirads
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