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<br /> ' TOOE1'tlkiR Wi1'fl all the imprvvamea:s u�w or i�ea�eroctal cw t8e propertY,wd�11 eakaxacc,�wnca�ace�.wd
<br />- flxtu�es aow or de�u'ter a patt of nc� projxrty. AU r�l�euxuts aad additloo9 shill alsc� bo wverai by tnls Socurity
<br /> [asuument.All of thc farc�oin�is roferral to in thL Secutity Instrutqcai su tbee'Arop�zttY.•
<br /> BOR�OWER G'OVEIVANI'S th:t&urou•c:d.:kxfl�7ly r�sai af th�e�b�i�by uouv�yed�nd has tbe��st to�nat�xi
<br /> con�ey ttu Property and th��the Fro�tty i� uaeaau�rbd,excxpt for a�cumDaa�a of c+xord. Bon�iwcc warr�us sad will
<br />= defead Qen�rallY the NUe to tbe Property aQ�last�ll cl�and dermadr.suDject w wy a�cumbr�ccs of rocord.
<br /> i THIS SECURI"1'Y INSTRUMGNT wmbines uaifonn covemats fos oattoaa�use iutid aon-w�lf,um cavm�ncr wltn Iimited
<br />_� vuiuioa�by jurl;dktlot�to eoastituto a uaiform�ecuriry ia:uutneat cavcria,Q rc�l ptoperty.
<br />� UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Bnnawer�od Lmd�r coveaiat aad�e s�Follows:
<br />� l. Pnymeot ot Prladpal ond iot�re�tc �WY�� �ad I,Rts Cbs�e�. Borrower thall P�PUY P�Y w�a due tLe
<br />= principsl of and inurest oa tbe debt evi4eao�d by the Nou sad+w3�P�1Ymeat�arl lue chirga due under the Note.
<br />_ 2. F1�sd�fot Ta�ca aad Iaaraaoe.SUbject to applic�bla law or to a writtea waiver by La�der. Bor�uwer shill pay to
<br /> L.endtr oa the day moathly P�Ymeats ane due uader the Nott.uatil the Note is paid ia full,a tum('Fuads"?for:(a)y�uty ta�tes
<br /> aod assessmeaw which may utaia priorit3�ovu this SocurIty lnsirument as a liea oa We Property:(b)Yearly lw�Lold P+►Ya�eat+
<br /> or ground reat�oa tbe Propeny.if u�y;(c);e.arly haz�rd ar propacy•*+��•*�Prtmiur�:(d)Yariy flood i�uranoe pceaiiums,
<br /> if any; (e)Yw'1Y mortYaBe iasur�nce premium�.if aay:and(�aW'�+WYaDIe by Borrower w I.esdu. in a000ttilaooe witL
<br /> �e provisions of pirs�raph 8,in Iku of the paym�nt of martg�o iasur�oce preaoiums.'Ib.,-se iuss ar�callod'fiscrow Items.'
<br /> I.eadx m�p. at aay time. coUcct aad hold Fuadi in aa aawuat aot to excad the muimum amouat A leader for a faia�lly
<br /> reluod mort�sYe loan may req�ire for Borrower's escmw acooi�at uader the foderal Ral6atau Sectleroeat pc+ooe�;,�rp Act of
<br /> 1994 ai ammded from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Satioa 2601 u stq• f'RESPA').udas anotLer law tbat applia w tbe F�
<br /> sets i lrsser amouat. If so, L,eacber may, �t any time, ooilxi�od hold Fuods ia au amouat not to excmd tbe lasa�mout�t.
<br /> I.ender uo�y atInoite the amouat of Fuad�due on tbe buis of cun+eat data aod reaio�a�blo ostim�tes of ezpeadiwns of future
<br /> Fscrow Items or otberwise in a000rd�ace with applicable 1sw.
<br /> 7]se Fuads �hall be held in aa institutioo wbose daposiis ur iasured by a federa] �,gea�y. iasttumeataliry, er esuity
<br /> (includia8 Lmder,if I.ender is stuh�a irsuItutiou)or in aay Faler�&Eeme Loaa B�alc.I.eacier�11 apply tbe Fuods to pray tbe
<br /> Exxow Items.l.eader may not ch�e Borrower for bolciin�aod�,.�tne Fuad�.anawlly aaily�3qg tbe�cro�,acoouat.or
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items,ualas Irader prys Bornascer i.ntetrst oc�c�e F�ds�ad�pplicabk law pera�iu I�ler to m�ke wch
<br /> a cbuge.However,Ir.mr,�may require Bon+ower t��a one-time cbarge fvs�a independeat real estate tax reportia�cavioe
<br /> u�ed by l�eader in ooaaocdan with tLis 1om, ualw �pplic�Wc Ysw p�+ovidw othera+iu. Unlas aa agnameat i� made or
<br /> applicable!:w requira inteteit to be p�d,Leader s�ll not be re��,.itod w pay Borrowa any ia�ra�est or eanilog:oa tbe F�.
<br /> Borrow�a�acl Lea�ier mri ag�ee ia�r�i.n,g,boweva.thu irsenesa s'aall be psic�ca the P�a�s. Y,ca�ler s�all give to Bocrower,
<br /> witbout dwge, an aa�ouad aa�uatiag of the R�adsw s�owiqg�ts mcl de�i:s em the Fuads aad the pvs�sase fa•wt�iCla acb
<br /> debit to tLe Fuads waa mv8��e Fl�ads are pledged u additloml aecurity for a11 sum�ucurod by tbis Sa�r�ty Tastiummt.
<br />_ If tLe E�ads bcld�y I�ea�kt tueed tbe amouat�permittod ta i�e�eSd by applic�ble law,L�eader�all a000unt to Borrow�er
<br /> for tbe eaoess I�ads ia aciw:danoe witla the ra�eats of app►icrble law. If tlu�moant of tfie Fuads beid by l�etider a¢any
<br /> time i�noc su�cleat w pay the Esc.�aw Item�wbea due.I.eader m�y ao notify Borrewer ia wiitin�.a�1,in tu�csse Boem�we:
<br /> - - ----�:Mi;p�w i.,�u�r iae s�mi n�y iv�ioe up me aeacimcy. �o�r�wer s�J m�te up t�e c�e�icimcy ia no mooe d�o - _ -
<br /> , twrlve moothly paymeota.ai I.ender'�w�le di�cre600.
<br />- Upan prymeot ia full of a11 wms aecue+ed byr this Saauity Inuiumeat, I�eader ah�U promptly ceRuad to Bormwer�uy
<br />' '�1K�11C1d b}►�i.�,uLdCi�11T'Jgl"�21. I.�CB�G!i11i11 iCQU1PC Ot SCu t21C P1�Citi+.I.iWL�/:Sn u'NIOI t0 121C fCQll�Sit10Q C1 Si�C
<br /> of tbe Prope�ty.s�ll�pply�ay Faads held by l.eader at tLe time of acquiution ot sak a�a c�t�ain:t the wmt�aau�xi by
<br />; tLL Secw�ity instcumeat.
<br /> �' 3.App�latia�ot P�y�mts.Unlas appiicable law pc+nvides othawite.all paymeats received by iradkr uader par;gr� .
<br /> � 1 md 2 sL�ll be applied: first,w�nY PnWY��a due uader tbe IVoee; uaa�ud,w amonat:payabte cnder p�n�h 2;
<br /> . thisd,to iaoessst dne;fauth.to pdincipal due:aad la�,w�ay late c'�r�=s dve uacler the Note.
<br /> 4.C�a;Led. Bormw�er�all pay ali tata,aunsmeat��uga.fina aod ia�poaitims ate�ibutabk to tbe Pmpaty
<br /> w1�may attaia prlosity ova this Sac�u4ty Iasitummt.�ad kaseLold Paymeat=or W'ouod rmn, if mv. Borrawex rL�ll pay
<br /> tbae obiiyrtioac ia�e marmer provided ia paraar�2.a if not pafd in tI�t m�noer,Bo�c+owa�11 pay tbem an time directly
<br /> . W tLe per�on oaed paymmt.Bormwa:hall promptly fumish to I.mt3er all mtias of amounts to be psid under thi:parapapH.
<br /> . If Eomnwer m�tca tLae paymeat�direcxly,Eormwer sLau proa�tly ti�cnisb w Uada reaipcs eviaeaci�tye p,ymeat,,
<br /> � Bosmwez tball PE'�P�Y�e an}r liea wLie�h lns pziority ova th�Socuriry In�trumeat�mla�Bon+o�ra:(a)�ia
<br /> : writia�w the paymmt of tlse obli��tie�u tecurad by We lim ia��eaes aoceptaWe to l�eadei;(b)oaotats ia good fadh tbe liea
<br /> . bY, or def�ad: �aiau eaforceaoeat of the lica ia, k�l Prooeedin�s whicb in the l�eader's opinio�n apersce ta preveat tbe
<br /> � mfoer�t of:he liea;or(c)secura from tLe 6aTrcf�a of the liea m ag�emmt a�tisfactory to I,eader a�ati�tbe lim ta
<br /> t1�Seauity Inun�meat. If leader deuxmina t�t any pn�t of tLe Pc�operty is subjax to a liea w�may att�in priority ova
<br /> , thi:Sa�ritY Iauiummt. LmSer m�y give Borrower a nodce iAwtifyinig the liea.Bormwer a�tl aatist�tLe lien or taice oae or
<br /> ' maie of�Le actioos�a foath�bove within 10 days of t�Yivi�of notioe.
<br /> ' � Fa�w 302� 91l0
<br /> ' ��6Npiq tax��a� r.o.t a• �. '
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