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<br /> 7ruatN apainat �II snd �v�ry par�on or pwsona lawtuUy cialminp or to c!a!m ths whols or any part thsrsof. T�uata�
<br /> �hall end wUl vsrurant and iorever defend.
<br /> And the Trustor hereby represants end warranta to Banaficiary i�!that ths mon�sy�d pr�mis�a daes not have stored
<br /> or contaln�d on li any wasta, asbestos,oil or pstroteum hyd�ocabon�except e9 previoualy dlsGo�ed to Banofic�ory
<br /> in wrltinQ,pesticida�or coxic or hazardoua iub�tsncea o��ny�uch mate�iels,Including such meterials in undsr�round
<br /> storape titnke.othac than thuso pe9ticldes,herbiGdes and othar apricuitu�si chemicals,w produats cu�tomarily useti
<br /> In s�ricultutal enti commarcial opsratlons of ths type currentiy conductsd by Truator on the mortgaged prsmises;qi)
<br /> that Truator has never been and i�not now party ta any litipatlon or sdminiatrativ�proce�dlnys a�d none is p�essntiy
<br /> thraatana8, which assena or elleper thst Truato�viol�ted any fedoral, state or local enviranmanta! law, statuts, or
<br /> repulation or tha commo�law of any stato p4ndNnp to tt►�conditlon or uss of real property; lill)that nolther T�uator
<br /> nor the mortflayod peamises is or has been subjsct to any jud�ment,dacrea,order o►citatlon ratated to or ulatn�out
<br /> ot any federal,stete or tocal envi�onmentaf law,stetute,w�sflulatton;(iv1 ss Sp�U opesAtlo�►s,includlnp but�ot Ilmitsd
<br /> to ths use of ths pd�eticides, hsrblcidbs, othe� egrlcultu�al chemicab snd oi!o� petroleum hyd�ocarbnns so used in
<br /> •pricultu�al end commsrciel apsrations on the mortgaged premisss,Trustor represe�ts anrJ warrsnta that during ail
<br /> prsvious tlmas,and in ths future times whUs Bsneficiary haa a mongapa interest i�the mongeged p►amtsaa,Truatar
<br /> has been and will be in complianca with eal prssent and future fsde�al, atata and local environmental ststutaa,
<br /> rspufatlons, and ordinancea and have anzl will securo end hold all applicabta licsnsas and psrmits. Trustor shall, if
<br /> requirsd by Bsr�sficiary, have�n e�ginesr satlsfsctory to Beneficiary psrfani�n environm�ntal investlyation of the
<br /> mortpsped premisea inctudin�but not Umited to soil artd grour�d watsr anaiysis if deemsd nec�ssary by the s�inser.
<br /> to d�terinine tha exists�cs�nd tevels aE P�azardous substa�ces on the manpsgsd peemises, u�d��s�.s compUance
<br /> with ail apppcabls fedsral, stete and F�sl envi�orunental laws, stetutes a�d repufatbns. This Desd of Trust is
<br /> co�ditionsd o�ths e►ytrnor issuing a�eport prior to closin�csrtifyinp that his�saction disclosed no evids�cs that
<br /> ths mo�tgsged prsmisss ca�r�4�tns above surfa�ro. curtsce or subsurface conta�wminatioR by a�y haaardou� waats.
<br /> e�sbasioa,oil ar preuoleum hyrlrocarbons, pestlddsa or toxlc or hazudous substence�aa d�finsd in any tedsrd.staYs
<br /> or local envircmxs�ental law, statute or re�ulation and that the Trustor is otherwise in compilanc0 with tha sppiiea�b;a
<br /> laws,statuies�r�d rs�ulationa�eferrsd to heraln. Trwtor hereby f�uther represento er�d w�rrant9 to 8sawfictar��4Utiat
<br /> it has not cws�d or pwrnitt�d wx!Trustor wiQ not hsreafcer causs or psrmit q)ths use of ths mortpape�d�emises for
<br /> any ot(�)s sa�itsryr isn�fflll, (b) a dump,ar(c)dlsposal of wast�, oil or petroleum hydrocarbons,pcyticldes or toxlc
<br /> or hazardous svbstances u deflnsd in sny tsd�►al,ststs or lacsl�nvironms�tal law,statuta or rs�uladon oi any kind,
<br /> (�)the d�pos�t or tocatjon in.vnder or upan the rtwrtps�sd pnmises or any sdjac�t psrcets thaeto of any such wats,
<br /> _ oll,pssticides,substanoss or materiais in vbfatlo�of any appUcaW�fsdwal,sUte or locd sn�ironmental law,stawts
<br /> : or rsgut�tion,or(iil)ths can;aninatlon by any such wasts, oil o�p�trctown hydrocubons.p�stiddes,sub�tancss or
<br />_ m�csc�iais of any ps►t of tt�s mo�eped prsmises or sny ad}aosnt puc�is tha�ato, includin� yround watar located
<br /> thxeon. Atl toxic or haz�fiaus substances or meterlals,or oil or petroleum hydiocubons�s dsfin�d in any fsderal.
<br /> i_��� .c�.���.�.�i��... �rr.r ♦�1� {.3 L. L. �. �i w �ww �w��w�
<br /> -- —sii�vi�Vti�w�iuvtatwttt��ow��t�\Y��L'1��yYA�IS/A�MM�i��wivwwiiv:S:wj w'v".wtS�..St`y p��v..�iLS....T r�."�"vw------
<br /> ' upon ths mort�a�ed premisea havs bs�n �nd shsll bs uted or stored thsreon oNy in e safs, approv�d man�wr, fn
<br /> • accordance with dl industrlsl ataodsrds and �II laws,rs�uletions and rsquireme�ts for such stonge promulpatsd by
<br /> anV�ovanm�nial authority. The mortpapsd premisss has not been and witl nat Nereafter bs ussd for the purpose of
<br /> storinp such substsnaa fw any uss other than normal buskwss operattons and no such storpe or us�hss bMn or
<br /> % wiU hersafts►otherwi�bo dlow�d a�ths mortgaped prsmises or any sd jacs�t psrcNs thsreto t�such a mait�nK wMch
<br /> ! h�s caussd or wili csuae, or which has incrsassd or wiU increass ths likelihood of cawtng, ths rstease of wch
<br /> � wbstanc�s onto ths mortga�ed pr�rnis�s or sny adjaa�t psrcNs thasto. Trusto�sgrsss to provids the Bsnsfidary
<br /> .r oopi�s o9 ths followin0�Y�P���Pt of any corr�pondenc�.notjcs. piseding.citatiore,c�omplaint,order,
<br /> ; d�crM or oth�r documents f�otn eny soura (Publlc entity or prlvate actual or potential litipartt? asssciinp or allsDi+p
<br /> ,, a dreucnstanco or wnditio� in vblatio�of�ny fsdsral.stat�or local snvkonmental taw, statuts or n�ulatjon or ths
<br /> corturwn law of any stat�psrt�iNrp to the use or condition of resl propsrty. Trustor shMl protect,defsnd,tnd�nNfy
<br /> and hald B�e�iary harndsss from and a�ainst a11 to:s. cost(including attwneys' fes�l. �iabillh►. �smaps, ddm or
<br /> oWigatlon, wl�never asserted or brou�ht,icnown or unknown, (i) arisin0 in oonnsction with or resuttinp frort� a�y
<br /> f txfsch of wananty, misrepresentation or nonfulfUimsnt of any aqrsa+nent by Trustor h�rsin, (ii� bassd upon or
<br /> . otharwi�a rewtW�from an atie�ed or claimed viotation of any feder�l,state or bcal envko�rtisntal law, npulation or
<br /> { ordinance,or common iaw of�ny state,indudinp but n�t Umita►J to sny tort dsims,that psrtd�or rslate in any nspsct
<br /> .
<br /> a maru�e►to the monflsysd prsmtsas,incurrsd by Bensficlsry by�easa►of any viotation of eny applicable stawts or
<br /> ng�lation(whsther such 4abillty i�to a prlvate party or any povernmsnt urut,stats or fsderd),or(�+)by rosson of ths
<br /> � t�nposition of any povernmenUl Usn for ths r�avery of environmentai cleanup costs sxpendsd byr reaaon of sucfi
<br /> � violstion,wr'�thout regsrd w fautt on tM part of tf►�Trustor. This indsmnity shall survivs ths tarminatbn of Trust�r's
<br /> � indsbtsdness w 8ensfidary end shall continua thsreafter so loc�p as Boneficisry is subJsct to sny passibls daim or
<br /> ; tlueats�ed, P�di+W c► compieted sctlon,wit, or proceedi�p. whether civil, crim9nal or investigativ�. by a F�de►al.
<br />, State w other governments! body or privat�party or parWs.rs�ardinp tha hedih,induatrial hy�iens,occupational o0
<br /> th.°.erivlre�esr.s�:d ccs�d.=t�ioss.ws,und�Qs ahs�ui L� most�M presnise�.
<br /> And ths lYustor will psy all taxss and assessmsnts on said prert�ises immedistely whsn thsy bscome dus and payabls;
<br /> and at tF� rsqusst of the legal holder of said Osed of Trust Note wiq keep ol bulWings, fixtures and otlwr
<br /> improvemsnts,ir�ciuding,without limitation all irrigation equipment that may at any tims bs on said�premisss,durin�
<br /> th� contirusnc� of said indebtednass, insured apainst loss by �re, lightnlnp and windstorm, in such compsny w
<br /> companiss and for such amounts as the hcWe►of said Deed of Trust Note may from tims to tims d'uect, not to excesd
<br /> ths arnouot of said ind�bt�dness, excspt at ths option of Trustor, with tots, if any, psyaWe to the Behsficiary '
<br /> hsrsunder as it� inta�st may spp�u, a�d wip dNiver the poltcy or policies of insursnce, �ccompsnied by premium
<br /> receipu to ths Bensficiary herounder, as furth�►�curity fa the indebt�dness aforssald. And in cass of i.'te refusal
<br /> or nsqtect df Trustor to thus tnsure and d�iiver such policlea of insuranca or to pay such taxss or assessmsnts,thon
<br /> ttw holder of said Deed of Trwt Note may procure such insu►�,w pay wch texes w asssum�nts,and all money�
<br /> thus paid,with interest there�n ai 16.000 peresni per annum,shall b�oome so much additional indab2sdns»,sacured
<br />