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<br /> pa�of Trwt =-
<br /> ��k.t �f'r' �Q�•3 =_.
<br /> Thls Tnwt Dwd,m�d�thla 1tt dW of Octob�, 1998, betw�an Jury R.Dibbsrn and Vsma F. Olbbarn,
<br /> r,usb+rld a,d �
<br /> wif�, whosa eddresi ls 16700 We�t Schimrt�D�iv�, Wood F1(var.NaEuask� 6Sog3, Y�ustar. s:�d B�u�e 1. Smith, _
<br /> Attorn�y�t Law. whosa addrass!s P.�. Box 78R,�+�d Island,NE �88��,Truatss, -__
<br /> yyftn�as�th: That Wheres�. Truator haa ax�cuted o�s certain Oesd af T►u�t Nota bauin�l evan date hsrewith and
<br /> drawn to tha ords►of�A�opolltan Uf�t�� ��P�y� ��^�h°��� S°^�f���'To�•ths p�inclPal�um ot
<br /> SEVEN HUNOREQ THOUSAND Oo��us(4700.000•001.p�Y����Wful monay of ths United Stst�s which shall bs
<br /> Ispa!t�ndsr in paym�t of aU d�bu and dues, publlc and Privats,�t tha tima o1 paymsnt. with�xcltonUs on the Ciry _
<br /> of Nsw York,payabis in instWma'�U,ths flnal inst�Ument due J�nuary 1. 2017, with tntsrat tF1�OD�1�fOR1 t11�dAtl1
<br /> thereof ea tCserain provided.
<br /> q,,u! Vyhersas, T�astor(s das(rous cf securirtQ tlscs prompt paymsnt of aaid Oeed of T�uat Nats and a11 i�texest an+d
<br /> charQes Macso��in whoso handa so�ve+'the santQ may bl�.
<br /> t�iow,ther�f�re,Trustor,in consid�'adon of tt�s aemises.�nd for the purpose afore�s�d,hath prantsd,bupalnsd.soid.
<br /> aod convoyvd,and h�rsbY�oss�rant.ba��a�n.s�tl end convey untn ths T�wtse.in uc►st,vrith power of sals.Pcuauant
<br /> to th�N�brstka Trust D�esds A o(H��S��of �NetKask�.,totwitfoUowinp d�scribec!rtsat aet�te� P��1s�s md
<br /> Qro�srty,situate in tTw CcuntY
<br /> iiaai estste as describsd on ettacb+�}:Exhibit l�,top�thsr with aU crops prown theraon.
<br /> '1�Note secured hsreby s�cprssslY Provides that the haider thereof maV at its cPtw�,chanae or adjust the intsrest
<br /> �r,�tM sat forth thKdn.
<br /> It b apreeci tibat dl inipatio�pumPS, motors. erp�nas�Pipss�sPrinklero,conuol panela and accesYOries,and all othx
<br /> i�t�o�e ec�ui�t+msnt'og�thsr with t1�watsr artid w�tering ri�hts of�very kind and dsscription,and ati imp�ovwments.
<br /> fuctuns �•u�pu�ns�css con�sctsd tfterswith now or l�after ptac�d ar instsYsd on s�id P►emlae� a�il ba
<br /> ,�nsuu�d as affixad tct,�rod a psrt of ths rsai sstate hwainabove descr�iuuL mad subjs�t to all of th�proviNon�ot this
<br /> p�d af Sc�ust. � . _ .,
<br /> -- .T�a f�lair�aatred bY this D�o�Thtst a tursi�sscureo iii►:��•�r�;S�'�z:�^.�����ey AQr�nsM of ewn-:,-
<br /> dat� hsrawith. covsrinp aQ i��waHcs�r.equipR�►t. improvert�ents. fixturss and epEu�rt�ancet as d�sr.rilxa in said
<br /> . F'u�anctnp Staiement and S�cudty A�reanMt.
<br /> S�rsaflciarl►sfiall havs tfw rqht�Paw�ur and auMaritY du�inp the continuancs of tt►is Deed of Trust ra�ollsat the renu.
<br /> iuuas an�+ixof:ta of ths ProperTl►arrct raf snY D���p��i�'tY�tsd therson with or w'ithcwt taf�inp Poussslon of
<br /> ths PropsrtY affeci�d hsnbl►. an�'flcostor h�sby absoluu� ac�d ureconditlonatly assi�ns dl �uch ra�U. ic's�ss and
<br /> profiti�o Bw�sfidarl►. B�ficiarl►.�owaver,f��b1►co�nts to Trustor's cofMction and reUntioo of wch rsnts,issu�s
<br /> end Profits as thsy aocxu��+�el breartw WY�•�� �Trustor is a►at, at such tims,in datautt with nsp�t u* ��
<br /> paym�nt of anY ir�d�bt�dness s�otsd t��bY,or in ths�erformanc�at anY aQreert��t heraurde►. ff an�►�t of
<br /> dsfautt dss�xi!»d hsnsftar in ��to this Dsed of Tnisa shal!have occ�undand without spu�d th�v�irae of th�
<br /> mattK of ripht and without n�doe to Trwtor or s�l►ons daorteir�undsr Trustor.
<br /> � wst�ststs or ths intw�st of ths Trustor th�rsin, shad hav�ths rWht to apptY to any c�urt havin�1���to
<br /> 'appoint a rsc�ivK of tha propM'�Y. k���°��in cas�of ds#wtt in th�paYmant of the ada p�indP�DMd
<br /> ,�'of Tnist Note or ir�tersst,or sny Psrt t�rsof.�s it sh�!�us,w in tM cass of failurs to k�ep+�'p�m any of th�
<br /> � covsrra��sor aD�me�ts c�nt�iMd in this Dwd of Trust.tCe�the Bsnsflciul►,its s�ssors or se�ipns.shaif bs and
<br /> is t�sf�if+��iz�d end sr►�powaed to taks irturwdiate P�ession of ths said Premi�s hersbY cawsYed and all craps
<br /> � tMrw�. or to callac�ths rents thersfrom, and W aPP�Y �Dr��s therwf to the paYmer►ts of th�debt hsret►y
<br /> s�cursd. �.
<br /> To�th�r with all and sinpular te�tacn�nts,he��dirtamenu.Cs+�9e�a�d sPP�Kena�►ca,now or hsreafte►tocsted h�t f
<br /> or bMorpinp to or in anywise aP{�artaininp to the above desc�ibed ProPxh►,or any D�thereof, indudinQ a�rY �
<br /> hortNSts�d and ev�ry canUnge�►t right«estete therein.
<br /> To I�aw and to itWd ttw�e.toCet�i�er wi�,y eSl s�-�r.};�ul::th.-ptdvileges and a�crt�an°�►�'tiarewtw be�w�W�
<br /> In Trust Nav�s,that in cass of defsult in ths WY��t of said D�sd of Trwt Nots or any Part t�ereof�or in ths
<br /> — pa�rm�nt ef tlte ln��!�i tMreo�, �fa^9 to ths tenor and sff�ct of said Deed of Tntst Nois. PrinciPat or iM�est,
<br /> �uri►.or in cae default sf�i!be madt in or in cs�s of vio!ation or txeach of any of th�terms,oondiiionu,�av�-i:nt�.
<br /> or aprwrnertits h�rein�ntalnod,tl�sn�11 sum�secursd I��by shall immsdlatelY bscome due and paYabt�at the optlon
<br /> of th�holder of tha L?pd of Trust Nats, and tik Trusto�ma1► p��e�to�ail the propertY i�ti accardsnc� with th�
<br /> N�basic�Yrust DMda Act(�n 76-1001 et.seq.1. Trustss shaU reeeivs s fee of One Peresni(196) of the entire
<br /> tndebtsdnsss th�n owinp to 8snsficlary as a fee in�xxccis��p ths Power of s�ls.
<br /> � And the Trustur cavanants and s9reas to and with th�Trustss,that st ths tims of the an�esiinp =and c!elivery of
<br />`' ��pr�nu,i�a is wdl seiz�d of ths:sid p�emises in f�s simpi��nd has 0�right,fuil power,end lawful authwity
<br /> .-� to pra���,barpain,sN!snd convsy tFw sam�In mannsr snd form es afor-said:and that th�s�ms�r�free�nd desr of
<br /> =+ dl IiMS snd�ncumbrences whaisver and tiw h�rein brr�a i n�d Prwn t s s s i n tho qu�iet snd p e s c e s b�s Po�+�wn of ths
<br /> .�
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