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<br /> by thl� DNd of Y�uat, �nd thall b�p�id out ot tha proca�da o4 tha ��t� of the land� und pre�nl:as atore��fd, If not �
<br /> othuwlas p�ld by tud Trustor.
<br /> Esch pt'itty to thla Tru�4 Derd r�quwt�thet a�apy o4 w�y notica of dsTautt and a copy of any notica of sN�h�reunder =
<br /> ba mai�ai ta�srh auch party�t th�addresa sot fotth h�r�In, a provWod by tt�t N�b►uka T�ust Owda Aci.
<br /> And t�i�e ave��oi t�►e fa�aGo.ura o4 thJr Dsa�o�Trus:.Trusta•coYa.�nate nnd eprNa to pay tM cost of�xtandi�nQ _
<br /> th�sbsu�ct of tltle or obtsinln�a cutificat�af tida irom th�dat�of r�cordinp thla Mrd of Truat ta th�dat�ot fi!!nQ
<br /> suit. u�d upon tallur�of said pNty to do ta,ul mon�y w advencsd by Truitu shail bau Int�r�at at the��ta of 10.(�00 _
<br /> pucsnt p�t annum and thaU bs tscurad by thts Indentura. In addit;on, Truitor agrsei to pay�r�sson�W��ttarr►�y'�
<br /> tN for th�p►osacutlon ot a torecloaun satlo�, which shall be eddsd ta th�princip�l batancs�t th�tim��tor�closw�
<br /> cl�cr�s la�ntw�d or shaU ba pdd by th�Trustw if Tru�te�oprees th�t ttw d�iwit may he cur�d aftW ths inatiwtion
<br /> of�forecio�u�e tult.
<br /> A�d tn th��vMt Trustes salis tM Propetty by�x�clas of pow�r ot sal�,Trustea shaU b�entltlad to�pply eny sak
<br /> procesds f�r�t to paymsnt of a!1 costs and axprnsea af axsrclsin� pow�r of sal�, i�cludlnp ol Trustsa's tMS, and
<br /> Le�der's sind Trust�s'a attomey's fa�s actustly ir�curr�d to ths sxt�nt p�mittsd by appUcabie taw. In the �vant _
<br /> Borrower o�T�ustor exerciss�ar.y rl�ht provWed by law to cun an Event of O�fautt.Lsndur shall F»entitlsd to recovrr
<br /> from Trustor ell oosu�nd expsnaea�ctually Incurred�s�rssult of Twstor's default,Includinp,without iimitstion, �U
<br /> Trusts�'s and attansy'r f�u, to tha sxtsnt pWmittsd by applicaWa law. Such cosu sha0 be sdded to tha principal
<br /> sum dus hsreundsr snd draw intsrest at the deteult rats of 18.000 percent per �nr►um.
<br /> Ths TrustM ahall have ths riyht to rNes�a with or without co�uideration w cr�dlt on tha ind�btsdnsss heroby s�curod,
<br /> ,any part of ths proputy herein dsscNb«! by sd�qu�te legal insuument without rspard to ths�xistsncs of�ny juNor
<br /> oocumbra�cs a�d withaut the consent of such Junior encumbru►csr,and such re(�ase shali havo�a fwthsr e�E�ct upon
<br /> ttw rank,lien or sstata conveyed hereby or agafnst the Trust�s thsn is therein expresssd•
<br /> Bsnsficiary may st any time snd from time to dm�eppolnt a wccessor Trustse by filinp far record in each county
<br /> whers ths tru�t proparty or part t�ceof�s located a nutir�of Subsiitutlon of Trustes.
<br /> In the eve�t that ths real proper�y herein desaribad,or any portlon thsrsof a any tntarest thece�t bs�ald.mortaspsd
<br /> or conv�yed, or bscomss subject to an a�rMme�t to seA, rrwrt�sps or conv�y. p�ior to the tama ti� indebtednsa .
<br /> s�cu�b hsnby shali havs b�+paid in futl,thsn the enti�a ind�btsdnsss sscun+d by tt�is Trust D�d shail at the option
<br /> of tha Ban�fic'�ary bscome due and payaW�.
<br /> ,- ---�'��,*r..r_�y,.,�,�..y�*tw.of: ba mnd�mn�d ued�r anv oow�r oi emineat domain.or acqutred�public -
<br /> uss, th� damapes� Procwd:, or�d tha can�ratbn far sucl� scqui:itlan, to the extenr aF LRe fu!! nnioimt of .:
<br /> indsbtedn�upon thls Tn�st Dwd and the Dead of Tr+ut Nots secur�d heraby remalninp unpatd ars hshby sstipnsc!
<br /> by Trustvr to th� hofder of said D�sd of Trust Not�ux!T�ust Ds�d and shaU bs paid torthwith to said holder to b� ,
<br /> applied by it fi►atfy to the paymdnt of sny sxpsn�ss ssid hotder may inciu In the condemnation proceedir�q. and
<br /> aacondfy oo ths Ind�btedn�s ucu�sd iwreby in wch manMr as it dscts, or tiw amount so �scxivsd or anY P�
<br /> thereof may b�rekassd by t?w said Sansttci�ry.
<br /> Bsnsficia�f may wiit�i'n tlxa moe�ths aftsr ths sd�of the proparty undK th�s Truat O�ed,sw Trustor in an action fa
<br /> ncoweY a4�ny batu�d�.inde�afin�intenst trotn the dats of ssl�,the co�ts a�5 exp�nses of sxKdsing ths powe►
<br /> of sai�,and of ths tat�,,upon tf�oWlpation wl�ch was not rstired and paid by ths�rrocwds of th�sal�a�E t�s tarn�.
<br /> My putLl nteass o� wbordination apresme�t shall oNy bs a�acutsd by ths Trustee on t� w�itt�n dinctton of
<br /> &rwsfidary.ovid�roced by his 3oinder tn such En�uum�nt.
<br /> Upon written notics�From the Bsneflciary that the debt s�curd hsrsby hss bssn psW in fu11,evidenced by joinder of
<br /> iha B�nsiiciery in ths futl rai�ase doc�neo�Trustes shall�econvoY.��t werranty,tM estab in ths pro�erty tt�sn
<br />- fwld by the Trustes.
<br /> VVhsnavar ths word hs,his oe him is ussd heretn,such wo�d shaU also mean��d 4xiud�ths words she,thaY.it,h�rs,
<br /> - thsirs or tMm.�nd ths singuisr ahW likewiae meu�u►d includ�the plural,�d th�words h�in shall atso rt�n personal
<br /> np�tnstiv�s snQ s�rs in iMweat by whaCever dyht,as th�cont�xt u�dicst�s.
<br /> : In IKrtrass Wt�ersof,the Trustor has sipn�d th�aprseme�t sffectiv�ths dats of t�e acknowlsd�ment h�r�aftK.
<br /> _ `
<br /> ry . Ibbern
<br /> �t�_��Q,�. �_.�.R�.6.��„�
<br /> � . V�+na F. Dibbern
<br /> . �
<br />