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<br /> , applic�ble I�w may spa;ffy fur rcinstwtcment)before sale of the Propcny pursuant tu uny powe�af sale contained in�hic
<br /> ' Socurity Inswment;or(6)entry of a judgment enforcin�thfs Sccurity Insuument. Thosc wnditions are that Born�wee (a)
<br /> '1 pays Lender all sums which then would 6e due under �hfs Security Ins�rumem end the Note as if no accelet�tion had
<br /> 'g° occumed;(b1 eures any default of Any dher wvenonts or agreemenls; (c)pays all eapenses incurred in enfbrcing this Secudty
<br /> �' :�'' •�• Instrument.inciuding, but not limited ta, rensoru►blc attomeys'feea; ond (d) takes xuch a�:tion or+L.ender muy reasonably
<br /> . ,;� �� rcquirc to assure Ihat the licn of this Secu�tity Instrumem,LendYr x righis in�hc Propcny und Borrowerk obligaiion to pay the
<br /> 6ums secu�ed by /tiia Secu�ity lnstrument ahall continue unchanged. Upon �einstatement by Borrower, this Securiry
<br /> Inurument end the obligalionc xecured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no accelemtian hod cecurted. However,Ihis �
<br /> Y ri�ht to reinstate shall not opply in the catie of acceleration under p�uagmph 17.
<br /> ��_,��:.:=�.3� 19. S�te ot Note;Chaaar oP I.oan Ssrvlcer. The Nae or u pertiul interest in the Nae(together wilh Ihis Security
<br /> �; :----:.,.s�,:�;�
<br /> �; � Inatrumenq may bc sold one or more times without pdor notice ta Horrower. A sale mAy rexult in n change in the entity
<br /> (icnown As the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly puyments due unde�the Note and thia Security Instrument. Th�re ulso
<br /> " ��L.,.:. � may be one or more changes of the Laan Servicer unrelated to a sule of the Note. If ther+e is a change of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> Bomower will be given written notice af the chnnge in uccordunce witb p�ragrnph 14 above wid applicnble luw. The notice
<br /> �`'=�T���� will stnte the name und addresq of�he new Laan Servicer and 1he aWress to which p+�yments should be made. The notia will
<br /> �--.-'�`-';:�'±�y-= also cantain any other informution reqaired by applicable law.
<br /> ���"�,F� 20. H�rdoua Subataacea Borrow•er shall not cause or pertnit the presence,use.disposul.storage,or release of any
<br /> Hazurdous Substonces on or in 1he Property. Bortower shall na do,nar ullow onyone else to do,anything aifecting the
<br /> ��.'�`,�:=r Property that is in viola�ion of any Environmenu►I Law. The preceding two sentences shall na apply to the presence.use.or
<br /> �;.,�h..���' , stomge on the Propeny uf smaU yuandties of Hnzurdous Substances that are genernily recognized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> �"3 re�idential uscs und to mnintenc�ncc of the Propeny.
<br /> •`'' � Borrower shall prompUy give Lender w�itten natice of any investfgution.claim,demand,lawsuit or oiher acdon by any
<br /> �.'_=�:::_; .
<br />- �� rt.,.;,3: -- .. governmental ur regula�ury ugency or private purty involving thc Property and any Hazatdous Substance or Environmental
<br /> ,.h, � Luw of which Bortower ba� actual knowledge. lf Bortower learns, or is notified by uny governmental or reguletory
<br /> �"�"�'' � uuthodty,that any removal or other remediation af uny Hozardous Subtilunce affecting�he Property is necessary,Borrower
<br /> ' � � �.�'� Rlwll promptly wke all necessnry nemedial uctions in uccordance wi�h Environmentul Law.
<br /> �� ° • '� As used in this parngn►ph 20,"Hazardaus Substances"�ue Ihou:substances detined as toaic or hsizzardous substames by
<br /> " ' � �`�'���� Environmental L.aw and the following substances: gasaline,kerosene,other flammAble or toxic petroleum praducts,toxic
<br /> __z— " ' • pes�icide.a and hefiicides, volat�le solvenis,mater�uls conlnioing asbestos or formaldehyde, und radioactive materials. As
<br /> '. ' ^ � used in this purngraph 20,"EnvironmentAl Lnw"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is lacated
<br /> tluu relate to he�lth,anfety or environmental protec�ion.
<br /> ty , . � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lender further covenant and ngree ac follows:
<br /> "'^�"'.'" . 21. Acceleratbn; Remedies. Lender shall gtve notice to Borrower prior to acceleration Pollowing Borrower's
<br /> '`� ° ��� brtACh of Any rnvenanl or agreemenl in this Security Instrument Ibut not prlor to Acceleration under puagrAph 17
<br /> —;+�iY!"�`'R��,;,�r�: unless applicable Iww provides otherwise). The nottce shWl specify: (a)Ihe defi�ult:lb1 the wction reyuired lo cure the
<br /> �- �-- S���° ''�" defAU�t;(c)A date.not less thAn 311 days from the date the notice is given to Sorruwer.by whiCB ii�e deiauii miist !32
<br />�— T � ��. cured;and Id)Ihat iwilure to cure the defAUit on or before the date specifled in the notice mAy result in Acceleration of
<br /> - - :�. '� �.�• t6e sums secured by thts Securltv lnstrument And isnnle af the Property. The notice shall iurther inform Borrower of
<br /> — t b e r i g h t t o r e i n s t A t e a R e r a c c e l e r a t i o n A n d t h e r i g h t t o b r i n g a c o u r t a c t i o n to a s c er t the non-existence of a default or
<br /> ° • any dher dei'ense oP Borrower to AccelerAtbn and sale. If the defpult is not cured un or before Ihe date specitied in
<br /> -;��.�' the notice,Lender At its oplian may require immediate peyment io full of all sums secu�ed by this Security Instrument
<br /> _—, - without Purther demand and may invoke the power oP swle�nd any other remedies permilted by appticable IAw
<br /> ��!' �w��., Ixnder siwli be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in purwing the remedies provided in this parA�raph 21.
<br /> �� .X � ���- including,but not Ifmited to�reASOnable ottorneys'iees and costs of litle evidence. _
<br /> „�.,_ _ .•N,.,-, 1P the puwer of sate is invoked�7lrustee sh�ll recurd a nutice of deFault in each county in which any part oP the �
<br /> Property Is loc�ted And shpll m�il copies of sucb notice in the manner prescribed by applicabte law to Borrower and to
<br />�� the other persons prescribed by applicable law ARer the time required by applicable law.'Irustee sholl give publk
<br /> 1��� � .,�'' aotice of snle to the persons and in the monner prescribed by appHcable luw. 7lrustee.without demAnd on Burrower. �
<br /> -- � ;��; • �• shalf sell the Property at public aucdon to the highest bidder at 16e time and pluce and under the terms design�ted in
<br /> � �� • the notke ot sale in one or more parcels and in any order'I�ustee determinec. 71�ustee may postpone sale oP all or any
<br /> �— �••� � t• pprcel of the Property by public announcement At the Iime and ploce of�ny previuusly scheduled snle. I.ender or Its
<br /> ° • designee may purchasc the Property at any sele.
<br /> =— �'` Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,'I�utitee shull deliver to the purchaser 7lrustee's deed conveying the
<br /> ,_�;; "'x� . Properly. The recilals in the'I�uatee's deed shall be prima Pacie evidence of'the truth uf the statements made therein. -_
<br /> o-- • 7Fustee shall epply the proceeds of Ihe�le in the foNowing urder: �a)to all costs upd expeases of exercLsing the power �..
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