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<br /> '.-�.�ir,�.v.�iei��
<br /> �2- 1060�'6
<br /> ot sralq�nd tbe sele.lucludin�Ihe swyment ot tbe 7lvstee'r ke��+�ly Incur ,nM to exceed �.0 `b�
<br /> the prtncipa!amount ot the ade at Ihe tlme ot the decluatloa o/defiulb oa�i ren�onabk Ntorneyp'fe�w�permitted
<br /> . by Iswi(b1 W MII wm��eairsd by thM SecurUy le�u�k Nad(c)�ay e�to If�e pe�coa or perroas le�lly eatitl�d
<br /> a u.
<br /> - 22. Reconveyaaa. Upon pnyment of all sums xecured by this Securiry Inxuumcnt, L.endcr Phall requast'Ituatec to
<br /> --�'� reconvey die Propeny�nd shall xumender this Secudty Inattumcnt and all notes evldencing debt scxured by thix Sccurity
<br /> � lnstrument to'Ihistoe. Tlustea shall rccunvcy the Propeny without wummly and wflhout charge to the person or perconA
<br /> y,;,,"'� ie��lly entiqed to it. Such pe�son or perscxis�hdl pay any reccxdation costs.
<br /> t,.i. &ub6ijtute 7t�usKr. Lcnder,At its opdan.may fmm time�o�imc remove 7Fustcc and appoint a successor tnrster,m �_
<br /> an�7tustee appointod hercundcr by:� ���r�� �nl�ucceed�toiull Ihecdtici8poweri�aynd du�lcs confern:d upon
<br /> Without comeyance of the Propetty
<br /> 'Iiustre 1►erein and byapplicable law.
<br /> - — 24. Request for N�tloes. Barrower roques�s Uwt copiea of tho notices of defauk end sAle 6e seet w Borrower's addrcss
<br /> which is U�e Property Address.
<br /> 25. Riderei to tbis Security lnstrumea� IF one a more ddcr�are executed by Borrower sind recorded togethcr with
<br /> -- ` - - — this Security Inslrument. 1he covenants und agreemcnts of each such rider shull Ne incorporuted into w�d shall umend and
<br /> supplement the covenants end agreements oi thir Security Instrument As if the rider(sl were a pert of this Security Insuument. ,
<br /> [Check applkable boa(ea)�
<br /> v �pdjustab�c R�te R�de� �Condominiu�n Rider �1-4 Family Rider
<br /> _ __ -- �Graduated Poyment Rider �Planned Unit Devalopment Ridcr �Biweekly H►yment Rider c
<br /> "—"'°�'°"—'r""-'-'�°�'"' �5���R�� �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> — ��Yi:ilLlY C=1iil�A
<br /> __°:���a�°.,'"�"'"`•r,e�ic7 X�Other(s)[apecify] ACKNOWLEOGIrIENT� ASSIGNI�ENT OF RENTS RIDER
<br /> -:��Nr
<br /> �s�' �`� ` BY SICiNING BELOW,Borrower stccepts nnd agrees to the terms and covensuNs conteined in this Securiry losuument
<br /> ` � und in any rider(s)eaecuted by Borrower and necorded with it•
<br /> ,,�:_.�,�,s�,.�;� _
<br /> . A �f16i.4�.4:_[
<br /> �.� //��
<br /> _ -- �c' 'i � �hICSSCS: �
<br /> ($C8�)
<br /> ��- HARLEY , SCHROFnFR 'BO"'DN'0f
<br /> -- - ivwwvlf,r��F.�.:
<br /> -_� ,..r• •.. � . � Social Secudty Number Sf1R_�i[1-QAf17 _
<br /> ,�.� �.,,�,,,_•--.... ,,�dl� /
<br /> _+�, _c:.;:�>�4�'� . /�, �� c ���,.���...�._.�Scall
<br /> : � HARON.K. SCHR EDE� -eoR°"'�� �
<br /> ,, . . . �.,
<br /> - �,,, � , Soci�l Security Number 508-60-0918
<br /> Yy�{�V
<br />-- ��� . ...�"".•' County ss:
<br />__ ,...,, 4�, STA7'E OF NEHRASKA, HALL
<br /> � • ��'�";.; �_
<br /> -�r*.� �-"�'-���L On this 10TH duy of JULY 1992 ,before mc,thc unde�igned.a Notary Public
<br /> A a::1: NM',t••
<br /> ,.�,� ��r?�,; ;�',� � duly commissioned and quulified for said counry,personally came HARLEY D. SCHROEOER AND SHARON K.
<br /> ��:, M-'.'�-: j • SCHROEDER, HUSBAND AND WIFE ,w me known to be the
<br /> ��'�"���� ide 'cal persons(s)whose name(s)nre subscribed to the foregoing insnument and acknowledged the execution thereof to
<br /> "�''� "' T• IR voluntury act and dced.
<br /> - '�� q hand and notarial seul at GRAND ISLAND, NE SKA Q in said county,ttie
<br /> .�: ,:�� . �.�-.
<br />� �.". .,�-A- � .�
<br />-.o�: , � ::1;�:%ryM., MY S � �2/9i2 NouryPu6lk
<br /> �...�:,.'::,�;� a -
<br /> �^,�. �,,: - -- ''`"a- ���,��Y�� REQUES'i'FORRECONVEYANCE
<br /> _-- ::•i i " �'�'�" ' TO TRUSTEE: e �7.�4'
<br /> - � '''•-�� � ` The undersisned is t�i�' der of the note or notes secured by this Qecd of 7tust. Snid note or notes,together with all
<br /> - Y� +4�: °•�� other indebtedness secured by"this Dced of 71ust,have been paid in full. You ure hercby dirccted to cnncel said note or notes
<br /> • � �� and this Deed of 7tust, which ure delivered hereby,und to reconvey,without wvRanty,all the estatc now held by you under
<br /> • • ' a � �,"''�� �` this Deed of 7ivst to the person or persons legally cntitled thereto.
<br /> '.:r� • .
<br /> " Date:
<br /> �,�-C� � Y•� Form 3Y78 9/90 (paRe 6 ajb pogrrl
<br />� -• �"""��;w" .
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