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_ - —.. _...,..� - ..._,. .-'�=,- <br /> • '?sp� . . . -`--=° <br /> �•. �� r� •'`._.._ —- <br /> a � � <br /> .rev; �r.. �� �z.c�-* <br /> -ram�or <br /> • . - _ -- " �--- - - <br /> N� ' <br /> � 92.� 1o�o�s <br /> _ — ---_— condemnation or other tAking of i+ny pArt ot'thC Propeny.or far conveyuncc in lieu af comlemnuticNt.urn c�reby n�si�ncd and <br /> - rhall be paid to Lendcr. <br /> In the evenl of a latal leking of the Property, the proceeds shall be upplied to�he sumq �^cured by �his Sccurity <br /> - _ - Insttument, whether or na th¢n due,with uny exccsx p�►iJ!a earta�ver. In the event of u partiol tuking at'the Property in <br /> which the fsiir market vulue of Ihe Property immediateiy before the mking is eyuul t��ar gmuter�han thc amount of�he sumx <br /> recured by thia Security Inxtrument immediately before�he taking,unle,s Borrower and Lcndcr otherwixe ugree in writing. <br /> •?��. the Ruma secured by this Secu�ity Instrument xhull be reduced by the um�wnt of the pmcredw multiplied by ihe following <br /> :;;, fruction: (a)ihe totai amount of the sums�ecur+ed immedlutely befone the tat�ing,divided by�b)�he Pair markel vulue of Ihe <br /> - Property immediately Ix;forc �ix: �aking. Any b•rt:u�ce shall lx: puid to Rarruwcr. In Ihc evcnt of u paRial u►king of the � <br />-' Property in which the fnir market vulue c�f the Propeny immediately befom the talcing ix le�.� thon�he umount of the�ums — <br /> securcd immediutely before the toking, uoless Borrower and Lcnder otherwi�e ugree in writing ur unler. applicable luw <br /> — otherwise provides.ihe proceeds shall ba upplied ro the sums secured by this Security In�Irument whether or nat the aums are <br /> -- — then due. <br /> If the Propcity is nbandoned by garrowcr,nr if,ufter notice by Lender ta Borrower thul the ccxidemnor offen to mukc <br /> an award or settle u cluim for domages,Borrawer fails to respond lo Lender within i0 doyti afler thc dute the notice is given, <br /> _�_;� Lender is uuthorized to collect unJ apply the procerds,at its aption.either to�estoration or repair of tlx�Property or to the <br /> �tums secured by ihis Secutity Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> - ----= Unless Leader and Borrower aherwise ugree in wriling,any applicmiou of proceedx ia principal hholl not extend or <br /> -- postpone�he due date ot the monthly puyments rePemed to in paragrnphs 1 und 2 ar change thc a�m�unt of such payments. <br /> 11. Bonower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a WAiver. Extenxion of the time for payment or <br /> madificntioo of amoqization of the�ums secured by this Security Inswment gramed by Lender to uny successor in interest — <br /> of Borrower shull na operate lu releuse the liubility of the originnl Borrower or Borrowerg tiuccessors in interest.Lender <br /> a�,.� � shall not be required ta commence proceedings oguinst nny xuccessor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or <br /> � fa'�'+`.�:_�`�.".'�•`C otherwise madify nmortization of the tiums secured by this Security Instrument by reuson of uny demanJ made by thc original <br /> '�°=_�: Y � Borrower or Borrower'�successors in interest. An farbewsince b Lender in exercisin un ri ht or remed shall not be u <br /> ,�'. y w ne y 6 Y B Y <br /> br-,=�"°_"'�"f: waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> --r�.*,��,���-� ••� l2. Suceessors and Aisstgns Bound;Joint and Several Liability;Casigners. The covennnts und agreements of this <br /> - .rYb� l.y: - • <br /> ���L,� Security Instmment shull Wnd und beneflt the successors and u�signs of Lender and BoRawer,subject ta the provisions of <br /> �� .�,;+; palAgmph �7. Borrower c covennnts and agreements shall be joint nnd several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br /> .xh,•: -,- <br /> =---i;_ti•-.r.:x,:��c6, 6�strument but dces not cxccutc thc Notc: (a)is ca-signing this Securitp Ins�rument only to mortsuge,grnnt sutd convey thut <br /> �' �""''"� � Bortower's interest in�he Pro n under the tcrms of this Securit Instrument: (bl is not rsonnll obli ated ta a the sums <br /> .��...,�.•.•::- , . ;::�#' P� Y Y pe• Y 8 P Y <br /> '���"� . q• secured by this Securily Ins�rument:und(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may ugrce to extend,modify,forbeAr <br /> :�"t�,��ki• ' or make any uccommodations with r�gurd to the teitns of �his Security In��rument or the Nae without that Bomower's <br /> ,��.._ ..�..,. '`;' cunsent. <br /> - - �' � .?''',- 13. Loan CharyRes. If the lonn xecured by this Security Instrument iti subject to u luw which sets maximum loan <br /> �'—�"�'� charges,end lhat!aw is linally inte�+mte�1�that 1!�int�m��or nthPr Imm churae.�c coUected or eo he collected in connection <br /> � '�'�`�''�'' with the loan exceed�he permitted limi�s,then: (al uny tiuch loan churgc shall be reduced by Ihe amount neces4ary to reduce <br /> = ..:'�;a�' " the churge to the permitted limit; und(b1 uny sums ulready collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limita will be _ <br /> — '� ' refunded to 8orrower. Lender may chooxe ta make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making u <br /> � „ � ' __ direct payment to Borrower. If u refund rcduces prineipal,the reduction will be tre�ted us u partiul prepuyment without any <br /> •� ° prepayment chargc underthe Note. <br /> ,_� ::� � . " •• �ti= 14. Notices. Any notice to Burrower provided for in this Security Instrument shull 6e given by deliverin� it or by <br /> �:e'e�^r�� � ����''' mailing it by firsl cluss mnil unless upplicablc luw requir�s use of unother method.The notice shuU be directed to the Property <br /> �� "' �`�' Address or s�ny aher uddress Borrowrr de,ignntes by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender xhull be given by first class <br /> -- `' ' �• moil to Lender's uddress stuted her,ein or uny other uddrcs,Lcndcr designutex by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for <br /> :_.�� '"'�"" '•'��"' in this Security Ins�rument shall hc dcemed to huve Heen given to Borrower or Lender when given nx provided in thia <br /> '; �.r»,R.� nra rn h <br />_,,,,_— . ' P BIS Governing Law; SeverabUity. This Securiry Instrument shall bc gaverned by federul law und the luw of the � <br /> �+++ `� • " juriuliction in which�he Pmpeny is locuted. In the event ihut uny provision or cluuse of this Security Ins�niment or the Note - <br />°= �'', <br /> -- � "w `A'` � ' conflicts with upplirvblc luw,such ronflirt shall not uffcrt othcr pmvisions of thiti Sccurity Instrument or thc Notc which can <br /> �.� •-..�r�.�' '"`" ' be given effect without the contlicting pmvision. To thi.end�he pmvi,inns af�his Securily Instrument and the Note are <br /> — ' �`�'• "' declared to be�everuble. <br /> :;y�,��. ,zt�� 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr shull Ik givrn unr cuntormcd copy of thc Notc und of thix Security Instrument. <br /> --�.� 17. 'll�ansfer oi Ihe Property��r u Beneticlal Interest in Borrower. If ull nr uny part of the Property or uny iaterest in <br /> �� ' <br /> -=�-� it is xold or trunsferred (or if u hencliciul intcrest in Bormwer is�old or trnntifcrrcd and Borcowcr is not a noturul person) _ <br /> " ° without Lendcr's prior writtrn consent,Lcndcr muy,ul it+option,rrquire immediulr puymen� in full uf all sums,rcured by � <br /> �^'�4J . this Security Instn�ment. However,this op�ion,hull nw he exeni.ed by Lcnder if exerci�e i.prahibi�ed by federn)law ns of G <br /> � ��� ` the date of this Serurily Instrument, _ <br /> — �' ' If Lender cxcrciseti thi,option,L�ndcr xhull give Borcowcr notice uf ucc�lcration. Thc noticc.hall provide u perial of E <br /> ...s� �•:�� not Icss thun 30 duys fmm thc dute Ihc nntirc ix drlivemd or mailed wi�hin whirh Borrmvcr muu pay;dl wms,ecured by this <br /> ,�ii���`? _ <br /> , ,: ,�' �- Securiry Inxlrument. If Borrowrr f'uilx to puy �hc�r .um. prior to Ihe expiratiun uf thi� �xri��i, Lender muy invoke any — <br /> -- • , remedies permitteJ by this S�curity Instrumrnt withow funhrr na�icr ar Jemund�m Bnrr��wrr. <br /> � . 18. Borro�vcr'c Risht to Rcinxlutc. If B�irrowrr mectx rrnain c��ndi�ions, Barmarr sh�ll havr thr right to have � <br />_+� . �- °• enforcemem ol'this Securiry Inxcrument di.ronunucd u� :uiy lime priur t��the rarlirr ol': I:U S day�(or wch uther period us <br /> tiingk I�amfly-•N�nnle Mre/M�eddM D1wc U�iIF'/IR\11Nti7'RU�IF.NT-•Unili�rtn t'uvcnantti 9l90 (ruur J ujn p,i�esl <br /> „e.,, . — <br />--r� �.3 , _ <br />, . -^ r. <br />- �� i .. V .. i� <br /> .:�- �.. � `--. .--___' '_ " __' _ ' . . � . ,. ' . . � . _�- �.i-�F"''�"_""'�-�'—'_'_.'."''�._TaF�.'---�r—� <br /> .- . � A ., <br />� �Y ��-� .. . .. .�.. .. <br /> oY.�2�7tw�_.-.1�.i.. .!_ . . . . . . _ . _._ . ._ ____ _ _.._._..-.. <br /> - °- - - '---- <br /> — -4- ---- --- --__ `=-- �"'- • . '.:: . , <br /> s - ---�---- .. _ . , �. . _ . .. . .. .. . . . . .__ . . . ...— _ <br /> d ' ' <br /> 1 � � <br /> •�k .. .. � • .. <br /> ' .. ��,:. . . <br /> .. �`` , <br /> � ' , , tSY��.�' . .. ... � ' . .. .. <br /> � .. �, <br /> . <br /> ' �.. �1 ___'_'_ _."__ . . .._— _ . _ _-_._ _- . .__ . _.._ <br />