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<br /> perlcxl.r thu!Lcixier rcyui�es. Thc inKUrarue cuRicr pmviding tho inaurancc ahali be chusen by Borrowe�wbJect a Lendcr'x
<br /> '- appmval which slwll na bc um+cawnably wl�hheld. if Borrowcr failx to maimain covcruge dcscribed above.Lrnder may.Kt
<br /> ' Lender'x aplian,ubt�in coverage to protect Lender i+rights in the Pmperly in uccardnnce with parugrnph 7.
<br /> All incurAnce policiea nnd rcnewulR xlwll he uccaptublc to Lender und shull include u atandard mortgage cluuso. L.ender
<br /> . '�'a�, ehall huvc�I�e righ�to huld�he policieg and renewulK. If Lcnder n.�yuircs,Borrower xhuli promptly give ta Lender�11 r+eceipts
<br /> �° �' of paid premiuma und n:i�ewul ndiceg. In Uw evenl of laxx,Borrower Khell Qive promp�notice�o�he incurcu�ca cwrier ond
<br /> . � , I.tndcr. Lencler muy malcc p►a�f of lows if ix►t made pmmptly by Barnower.
<br /> ��•' ` • • �Inlewv Lender und Bortower rnhenvise asree in wri�ing, insurance pr��ceeds shull he applied lo restorutlon or repair of
<br /> the Propeny dumaged, if the�es�oraiion or repuir is ecanomicully feu�ible and Lender's secu�ity is na lessrned. (f the
<br /> .;:�s,. rextorwion or repuir fx not ecancxnically feasible ur Lender� security would be lessened, the insurunce praceeds shall be
<br /> - � �<` - applieJ ta�he nums secured by thia Secudly Instrument, whether or nw then duc, with uny excesg paid to Bortower. If
<br /> Borrower ubundona the Pr+operty,ar daes not unswar within 30 days n natice from Lender�het the in�urunce carrler has
<br /> , � offered ta retlle a alaim,then Lender may collect the inxurunce prcxeeds. Lender muy use the proceeds ta npair or restore
<br /> �`�'���=> the Propeny or to pay sums socured by thiw Securiry Inatrument.whether or not then due. Tbe 30-day per�od will 6egin when
<br /> —--— '�1��"�'` ^� �• Ihe noUce is given.
<br /> ,�ar,�.,_� " ,•
<br /> �, ,t� Unlesg Lender nnd Barrawer othenvise agrcc in writing.any application of praceeds to principAl xhall not extend or
<br /> ���,w ••�� paglpone�he due dute of�he monthly paymcntw referred�o in pamgruphs I und 2 or ch�nge�he umount of the pAymenta. If
<br /> under arn h 21 the Pm rt is ac uircd b I.ender. Bormwer'.s ri ht ta nn insurunce liciec ond raceeds rcsultin
<br /> �_r ; . P B�P Pe Y 4 Y 8 Y F� P B
<br /> fram dnmagc to the Property prior ta�he ucquisition ahull pasa to Lender to the ex�ent of the sums securcd by thir Secudty
<br /> ��.;:� lnstrument immediately prior to lhe acquisitiun.
<br /> —��'"'ti'�: "� b. Occu aac PreservAtlon. Mnintenance and Protection of the Pro rt Borrower's I.os�a A Ilcation;
<br /> rs'�..,.. . . P 9� P�' Yi
<br /> m �' • Leasedold�. Bormwer shull occupy,estAbliFh,und use the Property os Borrowerk princlpal residence within sixty days Afke�
<br /> ��_ d,:;=.>"-,°..:ti-.'._
<br /> • sr�,;� ��� a,4 j��� the execution af this Security Instrument+wd ahaU cuntinue Io a:cupy Ure Propeny ar Boirowerk principal residenec for ut
<br /> �� � IeuRt ane yesv after the dute of occupancy, unless Lender othenvise ngrces in writing, which consent shall not be
<br /> .... ° ,� .. , . u
<br /> �s�- '- • unreasonnbly withheld,or unless extenuating cireumstances exixt which sue 6eyond Bortower's control. Borrower shsill not
<br /> , '�- ' des�roy,dwnage or imppir the Propeny,allow�he PmpeAy lo deteriorote,ar commit wuste an the Property. Borrower shall
<br />, ' �. ' � • be in default if nny forfeiture nction or praceeding,whether civil or criminal,ix 6egun that in Lender's goad Faith judgment
<br /> could result in forfeiture of the Praperty ar otherwise muteriully impuir the lien crented by this Security Inshument or
<br /> � .. . •''. Lendcr's sccurity interest. Borrower may cure such a default und reinstute,u�provided in parngraph I S,hy cuusing the action
<br /> � or praceeding!o be dismissed with n tuling Ihat,in Lender ti goud fui�h de�erminution,precludes forfeiture of Ihe Borrower's
<br /> ." interest in tho Property or other muterial impnirment of the lien crented by this Security Instniment or Lender�s securfry
<br /> ' • interest. Borrower shnll also be in defuult if Borrower, during the loan applicn�ion process, gs►ve mAterially false or
<br /> � ' �� inaccurate informutton or stutements ta Lender(or fuiled to provide Lender wi�h uny materiul infamntion)in connection with
<br /> • •. ., the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, repretientutions conceming BoROwer g occupsmcy of the
<br />_� _ '��,���:..�..1=;:., Property ac a principal residence. If this Securiry Instrument is on u Ieasehold,Borrower shull comply wi�h s�ll the piuvisions
<br /> • - - - -�
<br /> _ --- =-- - --_—
<br /> • of the lease. If Borrowcr ucquires fee�itle ta Ihe Praperty,the leasehotd and the tee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees
<br /> � to the merger in writing.
<br /> . '�+,'!,k�, '' 7. Proteclbn of Lender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenams and ogrcements
<br /> �� '�?�" � contnined in this Securiry Instrumem, or there is a kgnl praceeding thnt may significantly nffect Lenderk rights in the
<br /> � � o �'. ••�,�! Propeny(such ns n proceeding in bunkruptcy,prabute,far candemnution or fort'eiture or ta enforca luws or regulAtions),then
<br /> . � L.ender muy do and pay for whatever ix nece�sary�o protect the value of the Propeny und Lender's righ�s in the Property.
<br /> Lender's uctions muy include paying any sums securcd by u lien which hns priori�y over this Security Insdument,appew�ng
<br /> _ .. „ „ �:�o� in court,puying reasonable ultomeys'fees und cntcring on the Pruperty to make repairs.Although Lender muy wke action
<br /> . '�� � ° ��• under this puragraph 7,Lender dces nw huve to do,o.
<br /> �,� „ ,,, � Any wnounts disbursed by Lender under this purugruph 7 shull become ndditional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> • �• ��• - "� � Security Instrument. Unlesti Borrower nnd Lender u@ree lo other termx��f puyment,these amounts shnll benr interesl from the
<br /> ...: .�-.rr-.�
<br /> '�_ •- date of disbursement ut �he Note rvte nnd shull be pnyable,with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower reyueating =
<br /> , n paymcnt. �
<br /> ,, '��� � � 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender reyuireJ mongagc intiurance u� u condition uf making the loan securcd by this
<br /> "�° Security Instrument. Bortower shnll pay the prcmiums reyuired to muintain�he mortgage insurc+nce in eff��ct. If, for any
<br /> � �'��. . "� reason, the mortguge insurunce coverage reyuired by Lender lupses or ceaties to Ue in effect, Borrower shnll pay the
<br /> �' „, premiums required to obtuin covemge substantiully eyuivalent to �he mongage inxurance pr+eviously in effect,ut u cost
<br /> . : substuntially eyuivulent to the cost to Borrower of�he monguge in�urunce previously in effect,from an altemate mortgage
<br /> insurer approved by Lender. If�ubtitantivlly eyuivulem munguge insuriuice coveruge is not uvuiloble,Borrower shull puy to
<br /> f � Lender each month u,um eyual lo one-twelfth of�he yearly muitFuge insuranre premium bring paid by Borrower when the _
<br /> . . ' � s insurnnce covernge lupsed or ceased t�hr in effect. Lender will uccept,use und reluin ihese puymentx as p lotis reserve in lieu
<br /> • ��,° of mort n e insurunce. l.os.r reserve a ments mu no lan er br re uircd,ot the o tion of Lender,if mon a e insurance
<br /> �or 6 8 P'Y Y R 4 P 8 8
<br /> , . •,��, � . � coverage(in the umount und for Ihe period th•rt Lrnder rrquires)provided by un intiumr approved by Lender again becomes
<br /> � . pvuiluble und is obtuined.Bormwer tihuH pay the prcmiums required w muintain mi��tguge insuranre in effect.or to pravide u
<br /> � •��°'� '` loss rexerve,until the requiremem for mongage insurnnce ends in uccordunce with uny written•rgreement between Borrower
<br /> � `: `' . - and Lender or applicable luw.
<br /> • ' , 9. Inspectlon. Lender or its ugent muy mukc muzonuhlc entric�upon und in+pectians of�he Property. Lcnder shull
<br /> c!` give Borrower notice at the lime of or prior tu an inspertion+�xcil'ying reasunable cause tiir the imprction. �
<br /> IU. Condemnation. The pnxecdti of any awurd or claim liir damages,Jircct�x romrquential,in rannection with:m}•
<br /> • �c � Singlc F:unily..Foanle Moe/FYeddle Moc UNIFOR�t INc7'1(IMF.NT••Unifonn c'uv.nam, 4IM1 qx�qr J u/�,�wer.�i
<br /> - �:fra�LurN Uuvucw Mmn+.lne.■
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