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<br /> If thc�mouiui bdd by t.cadet for Escmw Iteuu eaceed ths urwuats permitted w ba heW by RESPA, l.eackr �
<br /> �tull aooautu w Borrowa for tbe excest titiads��equired�y RESPA. If the aauouru�of fuuda hct�by Lauie.e�r�ay -
<br /> cima in not sufficleut tu pay tLc�ccmw ltesus whta dta. l,eaaer nyY notltjr else 6orrow�r and requue Bonnwer co �
<br /> m�ice up tht s�iwrt�e a�pem�ittod by RESPA.
<br /> 'i�u Escrow Fuuds ue plod,qed aa dditioaal cecurl2y for �q sums secured by thia Seruriry lnstnuuent. If _
<br /> Borrowrr tsndets to La�der the ftill p�yc�at of dl wcb sums.Bortower':�cuount sh�ll 0e rxaiital with tbe balu�oo _
<br /> cem�ir►ia�for�ll iastalimeat items(�. (D).and(�)�od aay mong�e ic�swuycc Preauiuus instsllmeat thit leader haa
<br /> uot bxome obli��ted w p��+ w the SecrctarY. aad l.eodtt sha11 pmtnptly retiusd a�y e:oas tiu�ds w Botrower. _
<br /> Iawiedi�cclY Prior ta a foroclosure sale of tbe Proptrty or in aoquisirion by LRad�r� Bomowar's account shall be =
<br /> ctodited with�ny b�laox remaiain�for�11 iasWlmeats for items(�),(D).�ad(c)•
<br /> 3,Application ot P�ayassots.All p�ymeau utxkr pu�gnph+1 aad 2 sball be applied by Leader as foUuws: _
<br /> ElT3L.to th�aaort�age+*+�„�p�um to be paW by L,a�der to the Socrctu]►or to tbe maathlY c�ar��bY the
<br /> Sec�etary iasuod of the moothIy mort8�8��°=-"m P�i��
<br /> �.to aay tua.special assessmeats•�sauhald PzY�s°f 8�0d tmts� �od fire�flood aed otber t��rd
<br /> it�wame Pr�miums,as requirad:
<br /> �/.to iausest due uader the Note;
<br /> F�b.w amoiti�atlon of tne ptjncipnl of tbe Note:and
<br /> ��$,h,W late ch�rgcs due uader the Nou.
<br /> �1.I�l►'e.I�lood asd Otbrr Haard I�oraaee.Borrowa thall inwre�ll imp�ovemeats c�n tbe ProQerty.wbetber
<br /> c�ow in existeax or svbsc�9ueatlY erxted,�Salnst aay h�uzds.cau�ldes.�ed oontiaSeacin.includia8 fue,for whicb
<br /> l�eader raNira iasur�a. This ;^�,T,,,M= sh�U be msiac�iaod ia the amouats sad for the periods that l.eader
<br /> .roquires. Bomowa sbaU �iso insure a11 impmvemmt�on tbe Propaty. wh�tLer now in w�i:teaoe or�SO4�Y
<br /> e�ected,a8aiast lo:i hy floods to tLe c.�teat ieq�ired bry t1�SocmatY.Al!iawrmx�haU be catriod witb o�omQ�nies
<br /> �ppovad by Irarkr.Tbe insurmoe Policia�ad aay nxwsLs slvll be held by leackt a�d sh�ll include loss payable
<br /> clauses jn:svor a€�aad ia a form aooept:bl�w.l�eader. of Ioss if not
<br /> Ia tbe eveat aS loss,Bosrowu sh�ll Qive t�eader�����Y���ad dlrxtal w milce prymeot
<br /> m�de pmmptiy py Bomnwss.Facb iasuiynx co�p�Y
<br /> for such los� dinxtly to I,eades. iastead of to Borrower aad to I�eader jointly. All or my parc of the ins�uancx
<br /> p�oeedt m�y pe�ppiied by L,e:rfer,at its option,att�a(a)w t�e roductlon af tbe iadebt���NP�Y�
<br /> ' this S�oc�u'itY Ia�at. fust w mY drlin4umt��s�PPiied in the order in psra��apb-. ----.
<br /> - ._af priad�, er l�J�to the nenoration or r�ir ot tne a�gva'revpa�Y• .+nr +�+�+�+w t�:�_�•�•,•.•=t,^, s�- . ._...---. -
<br /> . prixipnl sha11 IDcx extwd or posi�ne the due dau of dye mootbly paymrsts wblch ue nfaYed to ia p�ra�r�2,or
<br /> : cba�e tbe amount of s�ch paysaeats. Any e�cess insur�aee procuds ovex m amoant required to pay a11 outatmdi46 ,
<br /> iadcbtedaess tceaer the rrou aaa this saa�rity rnsm�meat sbau be paia w�he earIcy legaUy eaedea thaao.
<br /> ' Ia the rveat ef foreclosune of this Sa�rity Insteumenc or otlxr traasfer of riBe w the Propaty tl�at extiagu�s�
<br /> the indebtodaas�ail right, dtle wd inte�u of Bon+owa ia am w iaturancc poLkies in focoe shall pa:s to tbe
<br /> Putrl�aur• ,
<br /> S.OocMpa�ry,Yr+esa�atioe.Maioteassc��sd Prutatio�ot t1�e Prupa'ty,Bon+ower's I,ow Appiiatio�
<br /> I,eneLoid�. BoiroaYr sh�11 o�euPY,ataWish, �d use the F�+oQaty as Borrower's priaciWl rtsideoce a+ithia si:t}'
<br /> drys atta tbe eza�tion of�his Saw�ity Insuumeat(or withia �tY days of a lata�ale or uaosfer of the Pc+ope�ty)
<br /> aad sh�ll ooatia�to oocupy the PropertY as Bortowa's principal rauieaoe for at latt oae yar aRa tLe d�te of
<br /> oca�p�ac,y,udas 3.eader detasniaes tLot requiremeat w�l cwse uadue L.r3sbip for Bormwa,or udess e�tmu�ttn�
<br /> - c,zca�aw�C# exisi whiCh aoe bryood Bomower's coaunl. BoTiower shall notily IreodCr of �1oy �*rr,n.tin�
<br /> cilr�tanoa.Barrowa sasl�cax cammit was�ar cauoy,dam�8e or su�:�t;rsalY�8���Y or allow tbe
<br /> property to daeric�catt.reasas'�ble wear aad tear excepced.I�ader m�y inspoct tbe PropatY if tLe Pc+opatY is vac�sti
<br /> or ab�uduoed or che loan is in defauIt. T.a�,der miy take trasooabk actioa w pmtcct�ad p�eserva wch vacaat or
<br /> F
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